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Laurels acquisition Insanely Limited

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Laurels are such an important currency in GW2 and ridiculous to acquire. Numerous vendor items purchasable and many not cheaply also. 35 laurel's from logins spanning over 1 month and the expense of using your monthly chest for 20 laurel's as opposed to legendary shards/mats to total 55. Are they intended to be saved for 3 to 4 months at a time logging in daily to purchase one item costing 100 laurel's? Ascended recipes costing 5 laurel's each armor or weapon piece? Ascended Rings, Amulets and Accessories coating 30, 35 and 40 laurel's each. 180 laurels total cost for 5 trinkets, 30 laurel's for Armor recipe's, 10 to 20 laurels for weapon's. Ascended gear cost is around 6-7 months saving without using monthly chest for laurel's instead of other uses. Endless mystery cat tonic? There's 3 months. So basically better part of a year to purchase ascended gear/recipes and a random item or two for ONE character on your account when many of most players have multiple classes/alts like myself. I have 10 level 80's but only play my main because it's my only toon I have focused on end game gear out. I'm well aware of ascended gear drops etc but my point is the speed at which you attain such a valuable currency in game and the fact you can not really farm/grind even small amounts any other way. (Achievements chests arnt worth mentioning)

Please does anyone else share my view on how broken this is? I've been playing since prelaunch and GW1 prior but spending 10 years to End Game Gear out my alts is surely insane. I would play my alts as intended when created but I like to max gear up my characters and just end up straight back on my main every day.


Please Anet bust out the common sense on this one. 30-40 laurels for 1 item for 1 character per month isn't right. Thanks all. Roast away.....

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Hmm...I have hundred of Laurels saved up, as well as a dozen or more end-of-month chests. I think you'd probably be better off getting your Trinkets with Living World map currency. Again, thousands of UM in the wallet after all this time. (I don't even log in every day, anymore.)


Thus, I don't think anything needs be done about Laurel acquisition.


Good luck.

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There is literally 1 thing that cost 100 laurels. The cat tonic. I doubt you will find many people who will agree that it is a critical part of GW2. The next two are minis costing 75. All 3 are unique to the laurel vendor.


The next set of things are ascended trinkets but that has alternative methods of acquisition from open world, fractal, raids, pvp, and wvw which covers everything except dungeons.


A full set of armor and weapon recipes could cost up to 50 laurels but the amount of days to get the timegated materials is around the same.


That leaves the LS1 stuff in terms of pricey things but most of those are cosmetic or toys....


The price for rings and accessories were pretty much intentionally made horrible since their original intended acquisition methods are fractals for rings and guild missions for accessories. Both of these can be done significantly faster than before. It used to take 10 days for a ring, now you can get it in 1 with relics to spare. For accessories it used to take two weeks but now it is doable in one.

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Laurels are very much a lower choice way to get ascended. Ive done it myself and it provides an essentially free source to gear up on, but there are quicker and more efficient ways to do so. Ls3 is one, fractals is one and i believe guild commendations is a very good one too if memory serves me.


In short, the laurels route is a supplementary and bonus way of getting them, with zero work involved. For that reason, the costs are fine. Ascended acquistion is varied enough to not have to rely in a single source. If you do, then it will take time as expected.

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Honestly having done it both ways I'd much rather get ascended trinkets with laurels than S3 map currency. I hate farming, I find it extremely boring, especially when it's taking up time I could be using to have fun in the game. I did it for my thief because I really wanted a full set of Marauder's stats for him, but for all my other characters I'd rather use laurels.


And I assume Anet did intended laurels to take that long to get. It's not RNG or unpredictable in any way, I can't see that they wouldn't realise how many laurels people would typically get (for me, and I assume many other players, it's slightly less than 55 a month because I miss days). But on the other hand the _only_ barrier is time. You don't have to do anything at all to get them except for logging in. So if you're willing to be patient you can get ascended trinkets (or whatever else you buy with them) effectively free.


Most of my laurels do go on ascended trinkets because I have 11 characters and don't do Fractals or anything else that drops ascended items very often. But getting ascended gear is a long-term goal for me, so I don't mind waiting or even putting it on hold for other things, like now when I'm making a legendary so I need them for T6 materials.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> I can't believe someone can complain about a currency where the only requirement to get is log in .... ><


To be fair, it means that no matter how hard you try or how many hours you put in, there's a set limit on how much you can gain. It can be a bit frustrating when you're proactive enough to put in the time to work towards something but the game doesn't let you.

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> @"SmirkDog.3160" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > I can't believe someone can complain about a currency where the only requirement to get is log in .... ><


> To be fair, it means that no matter how hard you try or how many hours you put in, there's a set limit on how much you can gain. It can be a bit frustrating when you're proactive enough to put in the time to work towards something but the game doesn't let you.


Unless I'm forgetting something all the items sold by laurel merchants are either available by another method (meaning if you want them faster you can do that) or cosmetic/novelty items like the mini pets and Endless Cat Tonic which have no impact on gameplay so there's no harm in waiting to get them.


I'd say I understand the frustration because I always seem to be saving up my laurels for something or other. The first things I got were the mini pets, which cost 75 laurels each, then the 1-time purchase items just so I could stop thinking about whether I should get them, then I think it was ascended trinkets for my main character. But honestly waiting doesn't bother me. Unless it's like waiting for a bus (or this kitten Temple of Dwayna I'm waiting for in-game right now) where you can't really do anything else while you're waiting because you have to stay there in case it shows up. If it's something that's going to progress almost without me doing anything towards it then I'm happy to just wait until it's ready.

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> @"SmirkDog.3160" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > I can't believe someone can complain about a currency where the only requirement to get is log in .... ><


> To be fair, it means that no matter how hard you try or how many hours you put in, there's a set limit on how much you can gain. It can be a bit frustrating when you're proactive enough to put in the time to work towards something but the game doesn't let you.


By design. Laurels are a long-term login reward. That's why you can only acquire them this way. Expecting to acquire these items quickly by putting in "work"...doesn't work. I mean, what work are you putting in? Remembering to login every day? If you want ascended trinkets, you're better off actually playing the game. There are much quicker methods of getting the items you want than laurels.

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> @"SmirkDog.3160" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > I can't believe someone can complain about a currency where the only requirement to get is log in .... ><


> To be fair, it means that no matter how hard you try or how many hours you put in, there's a set limit on how much you can gain. It can be a bit frustrating when you're proactive enough to put in the time to work towards something but the game doesn't let you.


Don't get this comment. If you want to work for currency, there are TONS you can choose from. This is a currency you don't work for, so that argument doesn't apply. You can't be frustrated because of your own lack of patience for something simply handed to you when you log in. No work was required.

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> @"Brother.1504" said:

> I have 1800 laurels. What are they good for anyway?


I usually turn mine in for T3 mats then sell the mats on the market. I haven't done this in about a month or two, so check the market to see which level mats are selling for the most. Easy gold ;) good luck!

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> @"artemis.6781" said:

> Why are you spending laurels on trinkets? Get your ascended trinkets from LS3 with map currency.


> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> I can't believe someone can complain about a currency where the only requirement to get is log in .... ><


> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> Laurels are very much a lower choice way to get ascended. Ive done it myself and it provides an essentially free source to gear up on, but there are quicker and more efficient ways to do so. Ls3 is one, fractals is one and i believe guild commendations is a very good one too if memory serves me.


> In short, the laurels route is a supplementary and bonus way of getting them, with zero work involved. For that reason, the costs are fine. Ascended acquistion is varied enough to not have to rely in a single source. If you do, then it will take time as expected.


My point is nothing to do with not getting laurel's gasy enough to buy trinkets. It's the fact it is such a low income source regardless what your use or need is, I do get ascended gear and trinkets via raids and fractals but what good is a drop here and there when you run specific builds and it's a lottery as to what stat combinations you get, also non tradable which makes it an slow process to fit out one character let alone 10. There's a number of reasons for or against but regardless its still an excessively slow track. Don't state its complaining about not getting enough free currency for just logging in, give me an task to acquire them or create a vendor that sells every item for another currency so we have options. I'd like to buy/unlock every ascended recipe without a gated currency based on nothing but time now I've put massive time and resources into leveling all crafts in game to maximum level then have insane time restrictions stopping me using the crafts I work so hard on. Does any vendor sell all ascended recipes for another currency? If one does that's all I want at the end of the day.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> I'm confused. What ascended crafting recipes can you buy with Laurels? Ascended crafting recipes can be purchased from Master Crafters for Karma, not Laurels, or on the Trading Post. Only Trinkets can be acquired with Laurels.


> Here's a partial list: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Recipe:_Ascended_Insignia


Only vendors I know are laurel in LA etc. Trinkets and recipes. I left game around HoT launch and only came back 6 months ago so relearning xo much of the game. I'll check out the karma option. Do you mean the craft masters at each crafting stand?

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Again, Laurel vendors sell no recipes. Yes, I mean the Master Craftsmen at crafting stations.

> The Wiki (link above) will guide you through all manner of crafting Ascended gear.


> Good luck.


Go N/W of the LA crafting hub, talk to the Laurel vendor and look at each tab and you'll see the recipe's I'm talking about.

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> @"yakuza snowdragon.4639" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > Again, Laurel vendors sell no recipes. Yes, I mean the Master Craftsmen at crafting stations.

> > The Wiki (link above) will guide you through all manner of crafting Ascended gear.

> >

> > Good luck.


> Go N/W of the LA crafting hub, talk to the Laurel vendor and look at each tab and you'll see the recipe's I'm talking about.


Yep you need 5 laurels and 3gold per recipe.

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