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This is a bunch of bull

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> @"Nimrud.5642" said:

> This reminded me of an old and unresolved dilemma of mine: Do Anet's virtual bulls actually poop kittens? If they conform to the forum rules, they should... Do they> @"Gaile Gray.6029" ?


Through the amazing power and grace of the Kittenizer V2.0™ yes, yes they do. ;)

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lol Whats the point of this thread? Why theres a dev actually responding to this? Come on, from the dozens of multiple threads from people that actually care for the game mode and offer legit suggestion on how to make it better, this is the one you decide to participate? Might as well give a statement that the Anet team have no will or desire to create a competitive and enjoyable pvp game.

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> @"Felipe.1807" said:

> lol Whats the point of this thread? Why theres a dev actually responding to this? Come on, from the dozens of multiple threads from people that actually care for the game mode and offer legit suggestion on how to make it better, this is the one you decide to participate? Might as well give a statement that the Anet team have no will or desire to create a competitive and enjoyable pvp game.


I agree. Many others in game and on discord are also wondering as to why important topics are ignored 99% of the time, but threads like this actually get developer interaction.


For one, if Mirage is already top tier, why did it receive buffs while Druid (already in a bad spot pre-patch) received EXTREMELY heavy nerfs? It's a bunch of bull imo. haHAA



Honestly, there are games where the developers actually listen to and implement what the player base wants. Companies like Epic Games and Hi-Rez are extremely quick to jump on issues plaguing their game, especially when players point them out. Bugs and mechanics that are being abused are patched within DAYS if not a week or two. In fact, they are praised for their speed and communication. You'll often hear people saying, "Wow they fixed this really fast. I love Epic/Hi-Rez!"


Balance patch notes for Smite are released every 2 weeks with detailed explanations for EVERY single change made. We just get a random list of percentile changes and have to deal with it.


Then of course, we have this game that takes months to slightly tweak gamebreaking balance issues, nerf the wrong things, buff the wrong things, and refuses to talk with their community about anything.



No one is happy with the lack of communication. The funny thing is, when we do get it, its on threads like this. But hey, let's give an AMA about the new living world season a few times and not for PvP/WvW because we like being ignored. :D

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> @"Felipe.1807" said:

> Dont get me wrong, i am all about having fun, I like having a couple of laughs here and there....but, this is the PVP section of the foruns...what does this thread have to do with the game mode? And really, considering the state of sPVP and how balance is been handled by the Anet "balance" team, I feel like humour is kind of lost on me, the game is so bad at this point...do we really need a joke?


I’m not sure why this thread is in the pvp forum. At least move it to the general discussion.


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  • ArenaNet Staff

Hey now. :) I respond to many threads on a regular basis, and there are many threads to which I would not be the logical responder (and therefore am unlikely to be missed). I like to engage in fun things, just like any other forum member, so don't worry about these few comments in a plethora of responses (more than 1,800 in 7 months). But if you have questions or concerns about a particular game-related format or situation, please voice them in the appropriate thread, where they will be seen by the team!


Edit: Moved to GW2 Discussion, upon logical request. Thanks.


Double Edit: If you have a beef with this thread, please just ignore and mooove along. :)

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> @"phokus.8934" said:



> I’m not sure why this thread is in the pvp forum. At least move it to the general discussion.


Yeah, perhaps it should be mooved, it would behoove us all to keep the official forums in good order and cownter any derailments.

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> @"Elva.6372" said:

> > @"phokus.8934" said:


> >

> > I’m not sure why this thread is in the pvp forum. At least move it to the general discussion.

> >

> Yeah, perhaps it should be mooved, it would behoove us all to keep the official forums in good order and cownter any derailments.


Apparently they chucked it into the general discussion board. Mooving it was probably a good call. I'd steak my reputation on it.

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