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Rev's Phase Traversal...REALLY!

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I've got hit with this skill in PvP. What kind of BS skill is this:


- Step through the Mists to your target. Your next few attacks can't be blocked and deal increased damage.

- Unblockable (5s): Your attacks can't be blocked.

- Quickness (3s): Skills and actions are faster.

- Range: 1,200


What it doesn't say is it also doesn't require any line-of-sight. In the mid cap on Foefire map (raise platform) a Rev could teleport from the opposite side of the cap to me. We were both below the cap's level, with zero line of sight. A bit OP considering the attacks are unblockable with increase damage for 5 secs + 1200 range.

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> @"Vague Memory.2817" said:

> What you guys are saying makes no sense, how do you counter it, if no line of sight is required? The guy was on the opposite side of a wall, I didn't see any tell at all.


There is a tell, and a cast time. Watch for what legend they are in and observe their movement patterns. Usually it is pretty obvious when they are about to use it, kinda similar to how you can oftentimes read when one is about to use Staff 5. Try to get a feel for what 1200 range is because oftentimes they will use it beyond that, which means that if you stay past 1200, it'll be easier for you to counter them. Chances are they will still try their burst on you regardless, which means they will be more vulnerable if you properly avoid it. Time your dodges, your CCs, stealth, nukes, etc. It is an effective skill but it also costs a lot of energy and has counterplay to it. Save your blocks for when they are in Glint or for after the unblockable period ends. Track their active weapon and cooldowns, as well as weaponswap CDs. Are they in swords? Chances are they will try to sword 2 or 4 you. Are they in staff? Get ready for a staff 5. There are of course times when they can +1 you out of nowhere but I'd say that is more an issue of map awareness. Other classes have teleports that don't require LoS, most of which are instant.


Just my two cents. Revs are one of the easier classes to fight. On occasion I will absolutely get demolished by them, but I can't help but have respect for those players because they beat me on a class that I have the massive upper hand on (Soulbeast). A good rev is scary, but rightfully so.

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> @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> > @"Vague Memory.2817" said:

> > What you guys are saying makes no sense, how do you counter it, if no line of sight is required? The guy was on the opposite side of a wall, I didn't see any tell at all.


> There is a tell, and a cast time. Watch for what legend they are in and observe their movement patterns. Usually it is pretty obvious when they are about to use it, kinda similar to how you can oftentimes read when one is about to use Staff 5. Try to get a feel for what 1200 range is because oftentimes they will use it beyond that, which means that if you stay past 1200, it'll be easier for you to counter them. Chances are they will still try their burst on you regardless, which means they will be more vulnerable if you properly avoid it. Time your dodges, your CCs, stealth, nukes, etc. It is an effective skill but it also costs a lot of energy and has counterplay to it. Save your blocks for when they are in Glint or for after the unblockable period ends. Track their active weapon and cooldowns, as well as weaponswap CDs. Are they in swords? Chances are they will try to sword 2 or 4 you. Are they in staff? Get ready for a staff 5. There are of course times when they can +1 you out of nowhere but I'd say that is more an issue of map awareness. Other classes have teleports that don't require LoS, most of which are instant.


> Just my two cents. Revs are one of the easier classes to fight. On occasion I will absolutely get demolished by them, but I can't help but have respect for those players because they beat me on a class that I have the massive upper hand on (Soulbeast). A good rev is scary, but rightfully so.


you have read the part about a complete obstructed LOS of the ops complain? complete obstructed LOS = No visible tell, no visible legend, no visible shit

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> @"Vague Memory.2817" said:

> What you guys are saying makes no sense, how do you counter it, if no line of sight is required? The guy was on the opposite side of a wall, I didn't see any tell at all.


If you have rev targeted, Phase Traversal is one of those shadowsteps that fortunately have a both visual and status-bar tell slightly before the port happens. Animation-wise, it looks like start of Bull's Charge, on status bar the unblockable charges show up. You don't have such luxury with other similar shadowsteps, like Steal. In addition, you don't necessarily have to dodge PT itself, but the follow-up after it.


If you don't see a rev, check your minimap. If the enemy Thief/Rev/Mesmer/Core guard is missing, there's a high chance they will try to jump you. In that case, you can use spots shadowsteps can't get to (someone's already linked a guide to them above, from godsofpvp site). Every map has a bunch.


Have fun!

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Something to note is that phase traversal has a 35 energy cost while riposting shadows has a 30 energy cost, and revs only start with 50 energy. What this means is in a typical scenario rev is running around in glint pre-stacking boons and sees a target off in the distance. They swap to shiro and use phase traversal to close the gap, at which point they only have 15 energy and can't afford their stun-break so bursty builds with quick casting cc like mesmer, holo, soulbeast, even freshair ele can stun and 100-0 them before they can do anything. The way smart revs get around this is once they swap to shiro if they think their target is capable of counter bursting wait the 10 seconds until legend swap is back off cool down so they can stun-break after port which gives the target a long time to prepare, they can also try to dodge the cc which may or may not be reliable (see thief with basi up or confounding suggestions mesmer).

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> @"Vague Memory.2817" said:

> What you guys are saying makes no sense, how do you counter it, if no line of sight is required? The guy was on the opposite side of a wall, I didn't see any tell at all.


If you did not see the rev, he successfully opened on you, seeing as how he had line of sight long enough to get target.

Dodge the followup.

Treat it like you would a basi-touched steal that you just stunbroke.

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i once used it at the middle point of Coliseum on a ranger's pet but the ranger was already well on his way running to one of the side nodes,

he got so far away that the pet instantly teleported to him and i was carried along for the ride too XD

![](https://i.imgur.com/5ay8ggY.gif "")

but yeah, rev sucks i can't see this quirk changing anything :P

if anything it was detrimental for me because i could have capped the point!

i could imagine this being used to enemy advantage, imagine a mesmer with a portal placed to the middle of nowhere,

he's fighting a rev on a point, rev uses sword 3, mesmer uses portal to go to useless location,

when the rev skill ends the mesmer can simply hop back through the portal and capture the point.

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> @"Liewec.2896" said:

> i could imagine this being used to enemy advantage, imagine a mesmer with a portal placed to the middle of nowhere,

> he's fighting a rev on a point, rev uses sword 3, mesmer uses portal to go to useless location,

> when the rev skill ends the mesmer can simply hop back through the portal and capture the point.


You mean this?


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You dont have any idea how Anet loves to nerf rev and really taking serious this kind of complaint.

I'm god da mn sure they will change it again in next balance patch while mesmer will get no changes.


"I believe in mesmer supremacy. A mesmer should always be stronger than a rev."

-Anet Chief PvP Designer.

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> @"Vague Memory.2817" said:

> I've got hit with this skill in PvP. What kind of BS skill is this:


> - Step through the Mists to your target. Your next few attacks can't be blocked and deal increased damage.

> - Unblockable (5s): Your attacks can't be blocked.

> - Quickness (3s): Skills and actions are faster.

> - Range: 1,200


> What it doesn't say is it also doesn't require any line-of-sight. In the mid cap on Foefire map (raise platform) a Rev could teleport from the opposite side of the cap to me. We were both below the cap's level, with zero line of sight. A bit OP considering the attacks are unblockable with increase damage for 5 secs + 1200 range.


Most targeted teleports don't require LoS. This includes things like Steal (thief) and Judge's Intervention (guard)


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What are you on about?


Name one other port skill in this game that has a cast time other than Infiltrator Arrow which is spammable.


If you can't deal with someone casting Phase Traversal from around the corner, why aren't you complaining about Steal, Judges Intervention, Infiltrator Strike? "I can't see it there's no counter cuz line of sight" and just how do you deal with stealth? If a class without stealth manages to sneak up on you...it's not the, class it's you...


You should make a rev and see how "great" opening with Phase Traversal is. Starting with no energy and no stunbreak/disengage if legend swap is on CD, if whatever you attack knows a single thing about playing vs rev it's GG usually, either the rev dies or has to rotate. The only time it's a good option is +1, which thief does a ton better with Infiltrator Strike + Steal porting for 2100 range in an instant AND doing more damage than Phase Traversal AND stealing boons AND quick disengage with Infiltrator Return...tell me rev is OP again lol

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