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This game is not dead, but it sure feels like it.

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Did everyone forgot how to write? Map chat or even local chat seems so silent. Even LA is silent despite being full of players.

I spent few hours in few starting maps, meet a lot of players but none utered a word, even when I rezed them or helped them wining a fight that would have killed them otherwise.

This is also the case with high level map, no one have any will to talk.

In the first 2-3 years chats were full of life, now it feels like playing single player game full of NPCs, tho even NPC are more talcative these days.


I guess ArenaNet in their pursuit of making GW2 convininet for players they completly removed any need to comunicate.


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> @"Cold Hearted Person.6154" said:

> Did everyone forgot how to write? Map chat or even local chat seems so silent. Even LA is silent despite being full of players.

> I spent few hours in few starting maps, meet a lot of players but none utered a word, even when I rezed them or helped them wining a fight that would have killed them otherwise.


Very strange. I routinely have people talk to me in the same position. Perhaps, if your character names are similar to your account name, people don't feel like you are someone they want to engage in communication with?


> This is also the case with high level map, no one have any will to talk.


Most high level maps I'm on have people talking, core, HoT, or PoF. Heck, if I wished for anything it would be less map chat, sometimes. :)


> I guess ArenaNet in their pursuit of making GW2 convininet for players they completly removed any need to comunicate.


Not at all. Aside from the interactions on maps, I also chat with folks in my guild a whole bunch. That experience is, as a rule, more fulfilling and interesting than the random collection of people on a map, most of whom I will never run into again. Continuity of experience is, as it always has been, important to building relationships, and relationships are what drive communication.


I mean, what the heck am I gonna talk to you about? I'd say thanks if you help me out, sure, but ... doesn't incline me to natter about the weather, or the local sports team, or whatever, and I sure as kitten am not gonna be sharing my life story with some random stranger.


Anyway, point being: your experience is clearly different to mine, and I have no idea why, but I'd suggest you start with the assumption that there is a key difference between us, rather than that the game "is dead", even just dead quiet.

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Dumb question, but did you accidentally turn off the chat channels in your chatbox settings?


I know I've had moments when I was wondering why guild chat seemed dead only to realize that I had turned it off earlier because it was distracting me trying to follow the npc chatter in a story chapter, or turned off map chat because of especially toxic chats going on on another map I was on the day before.


Personally I still encounter a good bit of chat in all chat channels no matter where I go. I have to admit though that I prefer chat in moderation, and don't care for maps where map or say chat scrolls by so quickly that I hardly find the time to read it at all.

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> @"gateless gate.8406" said:

> Personally I always see people chatting in map. As others have said, Discord has become trendy and so a certain segment of players feel the need to open up an external program instead of just hitting the enter key while in game.


Well always easier to speak then to type while your in combat anyway, never seen anyone alt tab out of game to type in discord threads while playing tbh like you seem to indicate that for sure is more of a hassle then just pressing enter and replying to said person or guildie in ingame channels.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"gateless gate.8406" said:

> > Personally I always see people chatting in map. As others have said, Discord has become trendy and so a certain segment of players feel the need to open up an external program instead of just hitting the enter key while in game.


> Well always easier to speak then to type while your in combat anyway, never seen anyone alt tab out of game to type in discord threads while playing tbh like you seem to indicate that for sure is more of a hassle then just pressing enter and replying to said person or guildie in ingame channels.


Unless we're talking about real-life friends or high-end content that requires coordination, IMO it's weird to use voice chat. Never in a million years would I want to voice chat with strangers while I play, and certainly not if it requires opening up and clicking around in a third-party program.

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> @"Cold Hearted Person.6154" said:

> Try to revisit some core, or even HoT masp with guild/pary chat turned off, try it and you will see what i mean.

> Players hardly ever speak to one another, they hardly have any reason too.


> I remember the times when chat was so full of people that you had to constantly scroll up to not miss the coversation.


Interesting that this is your experience. Mine's been completely different. I've done world completion again a week or two ago and most if not all maps had chatter going on, or if I posted a random comment it would start chatter. Maybe try being the person to start it going if it's quiet?

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My experience is different. There's no lack of speaking in chat on most maps, unless the population is so low it's about to be closed out. And frankly, I wouldn't want more. Chat concerning the game is fine, but as a platform for every moron's political theories, an MMO map chat is not a good venue. Other than LA, most maps (thankfully) have discussion focused on events, newbies asking advice - things like that, which are suitable and welcome.

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I'm in the process of finishing a World Map Completion and I've seen the gamut. Sometimes, there's nothing. Sometimes, it's non stop. During this time, LS3 maps were the most active, Istan was sometimes quiet, meta events were always noisy, and some of the lowbie maps were noisier than some of the L80 maps.


So the question for the OP (besides: did they accidentally turn off chat?) is: are you frequenting the less popular maps? And if so, what are you up to that you aren't working on the same things as the masses? (It's neither good nor bad to dodge-jump to the beat of a different drummer; it's just different.)

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> @"Cold Hearted Person.6154" said:

> Did everyone forgot how to write? Map chat or even local chat seems so silent. Even LA is silent despite being full of players.

> I spent few hours in few starting maps, meet a lot of players but none utered a word, even when I rezed them or helped them wining a fight that would have killed them otherwise.

> This is also the case with high level map, no one have any will to talk.

> In the first 2-3 years chats were full of life, now it feels like playing single player game full of NPCs, tho even NPC are more talcative these days.


> I guess ArenaNet in their pursuit of making GW2 convininet for players they completly removed any need to comunicate.



They're probably just waiting for someone else to talk.

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Last night, I traveled all over the place to help my wife toward Aurora. Farmed platinum like mad in Spark Fen. Even did the jumping puzzle again in Draconis Mons. And every, single map and area was packed. There was even a crowd at the end of the puzzle. Raid on the swamp dragon. And, I'll admit, this surprised me to see players in quantity still doing maps from years past.


As far as chat? I don't know. Have it turned off due to _too much_ chatter and nonsense about nonsense.


But I can tell you with authority the game is hardly dead. Chat or no, last night was eye-opening. Again, every map I traveled to was packed. And to me? The game feels more alive than I ever expected. ☺

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Weird... I just came back after being gone since HoT and the world is still packed full of people, chat is full of kids talking crap to each other as always... not sure why you feel the game is dead. But I will say that I always notice an uptick in negative comments, posts etc when there is a new game close to release...


Just some food for thought but I noticed this type of "game is dead/bad" negativity in Lion's Arch chat more than a few times in just the few short days I've been back. And it just so happens a new game is about to be released in a few days. Now, I'm not saying these people are paid shills but.. aliens.

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> @"Cold Hearted Person.6154" said:

> Did everyone forgot how to write? Map chat or even local chat seems so silent. Even LA is silent despite being full of players.

> I spent few hours in few starting maps, meet a lot of players but none utered a word, even when I rezed them or helped them wining a fight that would have killed them otherwise.

> This is also the case with high level map, no one have any will to talk.

> In the first 2-3 years chats were full of life, now it feels like playing single player game full of NPCs, tho even NPC are more talcative these days.


> I guess ArenaNet in their pursuit of making GW2 convininet for players they completly removed any need to comunicate.



I got banned twice for talking in map chat. It were just jokes because as you say LA is as silent as graveyard but problem is that ppl will get offended and will report you for just saying jokes even if few ppl laugh the majority will hate you for it dont try to talk to ppl do not interact it is easier that way


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