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Devs lets talk WxP

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Or the lack of,


Why is it in WvW I am punished for fighting enemies when it comes to WxP and heavily rewarded for PvD and killing NPCs


Tonight we spent an hour in SMC fighting 2 enemy zergs, it worked out around a few hundred kills in that hour, but the WxP gain I got was shocking, I have 10% WxP gain from the infusion, and the guild hall buff, amongst all the other boosters etc, yet I only received close to 6000 WxP when you take the number of NPC's we killed on respawn in SMC, the WxP gain from enemies was even less,


Had I left and went to a BL and K-trained a few camps and a tower or 2 with no defence I would have been rewarded more, than the hour I spent in SMC,


I don't care about physical loot drops, ( ive played WvW since the start and loot has always sucked ) but im getting fed up with getting more WxP from an NPC or undefended dolyak, than killing 300 enemies,


Why it is that enemies give me 3 WxP and a Dolyak gives me 100, when the player is harder to kill technically, make it that all players in the game are worth a minimum of 50 WxP, and scale it from there.



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> @"Ok I Did It.2854" said:

> Or the lack of,


> Why is it in WvW I am punished for fighting enemies when it comes to WxP and heavily rewarded for PvD and killing NPCs


> Tonight we spent an hour in SMC fighting 2 enemy zergs, it worked out around a few hundred kills in that hour, but the WxP gain I got was shocking, I have 10% WxP gain from the infusion, and the guild hall buff, amongst all the other boosters etc, yet I only received close to 6000 WxP when you take the number of NPC's we killed on respawn in SMC, the WxP gain from enemies was even less,


> Had I left and went to a BL and K-trained a few camps and a tower or 2 with no defence I would have been rewarded more, than the hour I spent in SMC,


> I don't care about physical loot drops, ( ive played WvW since the start and loot has always sucked ) but im getting fed up with getting more WxP from an NPC or undefended dolyak, than killing 300 enemies,


> Why it is that enemies give me 3 WxP and a Dolyak gives me 100, when the player is harder to kill technically, make it that all players in the game are worth a minimum of 50 WxP, and scale it from there.


> Thanks


Because enemy xp is proportional to how long each enemy has been alive. You know, to keep a bandwagon server from farming pugs at their spawns

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > @"Ok I Did It.2854" said:

> > Or the lack of,

> >

> > Why is it in WvW I am punished for fighting enemies when it comes to WxP and heavily rewarded for PvD and killing NPCs

> >

> > Tonight we spent an hour in SMC fighting 2 enemy zergs, it worked out around a few hundred kills in that hour, but the WxP gain I got was shocking, I have 10% WxP gain from the infusion, and the guild hall buff, amongst all the other boosters etc, yet I only received close to 6000 WxP when you take the number of NPC's we killed on respawn in SMC, the WxP gain from enemies was even less,

> >

> > Had I left and went to a BL and K-trained a few camps and a tower or 2 with no defence I would have been rewarded more, than the hour I spent in SMC,

> >

> > I don't care about physical loot drops, ( ive played WvW since the start and loot has always sucked ) but im getting fed up with getting more WxP from an NPC or undefended dolyak, than killing 300 enemies,

> >

> > Why it is that enemies give me 3 WxP and a Dolyak gives me 100, when the player is harder to kill technically, make it that all players in the game are worth a minimum of 50 WxP, and scale it from there.

> >

> > Thanks


> Because enemy xp is proportional to how long each enemy has been alive. You know, to keep a bandwagon server from farming pugs at their spawns


Which is a poor solution. It should be relative to the last time you killed that player, because 99% of wvw players die often enough that theyll rarely be worth anything wxp wise.

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> @"Ok I Did It.2854" said:


> Why it is that enemies give me 3 WxP


You are not taking into account that enemys drop thimbles, swigs, jugs, kegs of WxP experience, which actually adds up to a lot of WxP gained most big fights, it is very easy to gain a lot of ranks through zerging alone and killing nothing but enemy players, you have clearly not done your calculations correctly.


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Why do you care about rewards in WvW at all? I've played since beta and literally don't give a hoot. I don't even know how most of it works. All I know is that once in a while I get an ascended drop and now I get these grandmaster mark things (whatever those are) and these reward track things give me a bunch of garbage to fill up my bag in hopes to make me buy gems. #baseglider #basemounts


**FUN** is your reward.

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> @"Zefrost.3425" said:

> Why do you care about rewards in WvW at all? I've played since beta and literally don't give a hoot. I don't even know how most of it works. All I know is that once in a while I get an ascended drop and now I get these grandmaster mark things (whatever those are) and these reward track things give me a bunch of garbage to fill up my bag in hopes to make me buy gems. #baseglider #basemounts


> **FUN** is your reward.


How do ascended materials and clovers try to make you buy gems?



That aside I do wish xp was a bit higher than it currently is, or at the very least scale up faster or whatever

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I always seem to get more wxp ranks with a fighting zerg defending objectives then a full karma train. I think profitability of a raid depends on the commander keeping the pips rolling teir 6 for the entire time. Idk about how other servers organize but on BG there are commanders that are known to bring raiders fights and fortune if you join them.

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> @"Gwaihir.1745" said:

> > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > > @"Ok I Did It.2854" said:

> > > Or the lack of,

> > >

> > > Why is it in WvW I am punished for fighting enemies when it comes to WxP and heavily rewarded for PvD and killing NPCs

> > >

> > > Tonight we spent an hour in SMC fighting 2 enemy zergs, it worked out around a few hundred kills in that hour, but the WxP gain I got was shocking, I have 10% WxP gain from the infusion, and the guild hall buff, amongst all the other boosters etc, yet I only received close to 6000 WxP when you take the number of NPC's we killed on respawn in SMC, the WxP gain from enemies was even less,

> > >

> > > Had I left and went to a BL and K-trained a few camps and a tower or 2 with no defence I would have been rewarded more, than the hour I spent in SMC,

> > >

> > > I don't care about physical loot drops, ( ive played WvW since the start and loot has always sucked ) but im getting fed up with getting more WxP from an NPC or undefended dolyak, than killing 300 enemies,

> > >

> > > Why it is that enemies give me 3 WxP and a Dolyak gives me 100, when the player is harder to kill technically, make it that all players in the game are worth a minimum of 50 WxP, and scale it from there.

> > >

> > > Thanks

> >

> > Because enemy xp is proportional to how long each enemy has been alive. You know, to keep a bandwagon server from farming pugs at their spawns


> Which is a poor solution. It should be relative to the last time you killed that player, because **99% of wvw players die often enough that theyll rarely be worth anything wxp wise.**


Well, now we know how low tiers have such high activity. 2-3 deaths in 3 hours is average for my guild, and we're maybe only middle-high skill level.


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WxP should be proportional to how difficult a target is. Paper targets should be near worthless. Outnumbered players, same. Taking T3 defended objectives, very rewarding. The current system is designed so that the top two servers are actively rewarded for avoiding each other and hammering the less populated server.

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> @"Ok I Did It.2854" said:

> Or the lack of,


> Why is it in WvW I am punished for fighting enemies when it comes to WxP and heavily rewarded for PvD and killing NPCs


> Tonight we spent an hour in SMC fighting 2 enemy zergs, it worked out around a few hundred kills in that hour, but the WxP gain I got was shocking, I have 10% WxP gain from the infusion, and the guild hall buff, amongst all the other boosters etc, yet I only received close to 6000 WxP when you take the number of NPC's we killed on respawn in SMC, the WxP gain from enemies was even less,


> Had I left and went to a BL and K-trained a few camps and a tower or 2 with no defence I would have been rewarded more, than the hour I spent in SMC,


> I don't care about physical loot drops, ( ive played WvW since the start and loot has always sucked ) but im getting fed up with getting more WxP from an NPC or undefended dolyak, than killing 300 enemies,


> Why it is that enemies give me 3 WxP and a Dolyak gives me 100, when the player is harder to kill technically, make it that all players in the game are worth a minimum of 50 WxP, and scale it from there.


> Thanks




I don't believe you when you say you've played from the start. If you had, you'd know the answer to your own question.


It used to be that you didn't get any Wxp from kills. Then, they introduced it. Awesome. Then they adjusted it so that an enemies WXP needs to build up over time, to a total of 60. This is to prevent Wxp farming from co-ordinated servers. So, if an enemy dies, then runs back into a fight, they are worth only 2 if they got back in immediately. But you'd know all that, right, cause you've played from the start. Also, if you've been playing that long, then WxP isn't doing much for you other than a rank up chest every now and then. You get lots more from participation. But you say you don't care about loot. Or is it a new title you want? What is it you're complaining about? I don't understand.


But really, I can't stand whiny posts like this. It's so passive aggressive. If you really just care about WxP, then go KTrain. Weren't you having fun during that hour in that smc fight? Isn't that the point?

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> @"Spurnshadow.3678" said:

> I don't believe you when you say you've played from the start. If you had, you'd know the answer to your own question.


I have witnessed a lot of comments saying "have been playing since launch, have been playing since since gw1, have been playing since the dawn of time also witnessed the big bang" to try to make their statement more credible.

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Make is so players accumulate points.


Whether you take towers, flip camps, siege keeps, or just roam around and kill other players. They start to "Tally up" your own score. Score Resets on Death.

Encourages zergs to fight rather then "ring-around-the-rosie" on tower/keep flipping. Spawn camping isn't that worth it because they'll be worth nothing after re spawning.

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> @"Spurnshadow.3678" said:


> Sigh.


> I don't believe you when you say you've played from the start. If you had, you'd know the answer to your own question.


> It used to be that you didn't get any Wxp from kills. Then, they introduced it. Awesome. Then they adjusted it so that an enemies WXP needs to build up over time, to a total of 60. This is to prevent Wxp farming from co-ordinated servers. So, if an enemy dies, then runs back into a fight, they are worth only 2 if they got back in immediately. But you'd know all that, right, cause you've played from the start. Also, if you've been playing that long, then WxP isn't doing much for you other than a rank up chest every now and then. You get lots more from participation. But you say you don't care about loot. Or is it a new title you want? What is it you're complaining about? I don't understand.


> But really, I can't stand whiny posts like this. It's so passive aggressive. **If you really just care about WxP, then go KTrain**. Weren't you having fun during that hour in that smc fight? Isn't that the point?


I have played since Beta in GW2 thanks, the way your statement is wrote makes it sound like I never played, the no WxP from kills before was because there was no WxP in game at all, the same way we had no title tracks, the same way sPvP had no title tracks etc,


Anet added them to try and make the game more rewarding/challenging who knows, but as the game develops and changes so must the rewards,


My "complaining" as you put it, is that there is NO absolutely NO incentive to actually go and fight someone, why take 15-30 mins to go 20v20 or 50v50 or whatever to get next to nothing in terms of WxP when I can go kill a camp and get 700WxP or a tower and get 1k+, you are completely rewarded in World Vs World for avoiding the enemy and punished for engaging in them, it needs to change, the double wxp week people actually fought each other, and now its back to actively avoiding each other again.


WxP is linked to the main rewards in WvW.


The part I highlighted is the exact problem with WvW and if that is your reply to the problem then you are part of the problem, and most likely part of a server/group who actively avoids fights for easy WxP.


We have access to thousands of unused points from ranks in WvW after you max out, why are Anet not using these like the used essence of luck, put tracks in that take 20 levels per 1% and you can use them to boost WxP, it would take 2000 levels to get that 100% extra WxP boost, they could do the same with Karma, Magic Find, reward track gain, but instead they sit there unused.

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