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Time gating is NOT fun!!

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> @"Sorlis.9238" said:

> There is already 0 "value" in them now other than looking awesome. You can already buy the whole item for real world money so what are you on about.


And most of them don't even look awesome. They're mostly all gaudy, immersion-breaking slabs of neon trash and shimmering paint splashes.


> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > > There's a solution to make time-gated items way less boring without removing the time-gating:

> > >

> > > #Daily Crafting Recipe Quotas

> > >

> > > Instead being able to craft this items only once a day, each time-gated recipe would get a 'quota', a value tied to each of these recipes that indicates how many you can craft of it.

> > > Then, every daily login would add 1 unit to the 'quota' of each of these recipes for an account. Up to a cap of 28.

> > >

> > > This way you are no longer forced to craft them every single day if you don't want to lose that day's crafting.

> > > If one day you need to join your friends on something that takes more time, you can still do so without fear of losing progress.

> > >

> > > The low cap of 28 on each quota keeps the server storage needed for them low, and still pushes people to craft if they don't want to miss craftings. Daily logins would still be needed, and one would still need to the materials.

> > > But with quotas there's at least a leeway that frees people to have more fun with their time.

> > >

> > > Such a system could be extended with items that can add +1 to the quota of any of your time-gated recipes, that could be used as new BL chest items, or bonus rare rewards dropping from world bosses or fractal lockboxes and the like.

> > >

> >

> > That's a infinitely better system than what Arena Net has.

> > OP is correct, time-gating adds nothing, improves nothing. It's just the laziest option they could implement. It was wrong the first time they used it (with Charged Quartz) and it's just sad that it kept being implemented in new items.

> >

> > Adding time-gated craft recipes was, without a doubt Arena Net's lowest creative point.


> While you can disagree and dislike time-gating.


> You are factually wrong if you argue that it adds nothing. To be clear, time-gating:


> - adds value to the end product. This is were the daily crafting of ascended materials gets its added value. Unlike the phenomenon in many other MMOs were the ingredients usually are more expensive than the crafted item (which here can be seen for example in wood dowls which are worth less than the wood used to create them)

> - increases trade of both ingredients and finished product on the trading post. Both so people can use their daily crafting cool downs as well as people who want/need to circumvent them

> - the increased trade on the trading post removes gold from the game economy


> That's just some of the beneficial effects of time-gating as far as the game economy is concerned.


The point that OP is probably trying to make is that time-gating adds artificial value through the most hamfisted and no-fun-allowed mechanism possible. It's lazy, it's trashy and it ultimately turns the playerbase into a huge joke when people readily defend how it takes "skill" or "commitment" to build a legendary or ascended set of armor. There is no skill or commitment in any crafting process within the entirety of GW2: it's all just fetch quests and waiting. That's all it has ever been. At least if one wanted to get a certain armor or weapon skin prior to ascended's introduction, one could just burn through the crafting levels up to the point at which he or she acquired that skin. The only limitation was gold which could be collected in a natural, player-driven fashion (even though there were always limits since GW2 was so devoid of content that Anet made sure to force players to play the game at their own pre-determined speed). Point being that time-gates are a cheap and tasteless means of controlling the trading post prices by forcing players to wait in order to receive content which requires no true personal investment and which involves nothing more than "Press [F]" as its highest threshold of player-mechanical skill.


If Anet wanted people to play their game, they wouldn't have time-gates, but since Anet knows that there is so little to do in GW2, they throw up loads of roadblocks to the pinnacle of stats and skin options (despite the latter still looking very tawdry) so that the average player hopefully doesn't realize that all of that waiting is just the illusion of content rather than true, fulfilling gameplay.


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First, I'm very sorry that the OP is disappointed at hitting an unexpected delay in their long term goal. (If I had a silver for every time I thought I had finished everything I needed on a GW2 project... wow.) I'm sure they must be frustrated beyond words, even though they have tried their best to express themselves.


On the other hand, one person's bad, temporary experience is never a good basis to make a fundamental change to a mechanic that is intertwined with all sorts of code and economic effects. Yes, it's bad that anyone _could_ run into this sort of issue, but it doesn't happen often and it especially doesn't happen for folks who conserve resources, anticipating that they might have missed something along the way.


While time gating is annoying in the best of circumstances, there are good reasons for its presence in so many games, economic and gameplay. Without a way to address those issues in some other way, it's not likely that ANet will simply remove or convert the gating system here.


tl;dr I'm very sorry that the OP ran into a roadblock. I don't think their experience is sufficient to justify such a fundamental change to the game.

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > @"Vayne.8563" said:

> > > @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> > > The Wiki confuses me. So whats the daily crafting needed to make for Legendary Greatsword?

> >

> > Depends on the sword. For core legendaries, unless you're crafting a precursor, rather than buying it, there is no daily crafting. The OP is referring to waiting to get laurels to get T6 mats without buying them from the TP or farming them.

> >

> > HoT legendaries will need ascended materials which have a daily component to their crafting. For example if your specific legendary requires deldrimor steel ingots, it'll require lumps of mithrillium which can only be made once a day.


> well I brought Dusk. Now what?


Hit me up in game, I'll talk you through the whole process.

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> @"Swagg.9236" said:

> > @"Sorlis.9238" said:

> > There is already 0 "value" in them now other than looking awesome. You can already buy the whole item for real world money so what are you on about.


> And most of them don't even look awesome. They're mostly all gaudy, immersion-breaking slabs of neon trash and shimmering paint splashes.


> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > > > There's a solution to make time-gated items way less boring without removing the time-gating:

> > > >

> > > > #Daily Crafting Recipe Quotas

> > > >

> > > > Instead being able to craft this items only once a day, each time-gated recipe would get a 'quota', a value tied to each of these recipes that indicates how many you can craft of it.

> > > > Then, every daily login would add 1 unit to the 'quota' of each of these recipes for an account. Up to a cap of 28.

> > > >

> > > > This way you are no longer forced to craft them every single day if you don't want to lose that day's crafting.

> > > > If one day you need to join your friends on something that takes more time, you can still do so without fear of losing progress.

> > > >

> > > > The low cap of 28 on each quota keeps the server storage needed for them low, and still pushes people to craft if they don't want to miss craftings. Daily logins would still be needed, and one would still need to the materials.

> > > > But with quotas there's at least a leeway that frees people to have more fun with their time.

> > > >

> > > > Such a system could be extended with items that can add +1 to the quota of any of your time-gated recipes, that could be used as new BL chest items, or bonus rare rewards dropping from world bosses or fractal lockboxes and the like.

> > > >

> > >

> > > That's a infinitely better system than what Arena Net has.

> > > OP is correct, time-gating adds nothing, improves nothing. It's just the laziest option they could implement. It was wrong the first time they used it (with Charged Quartz) and it's just sad that it kept being implemented in new items.

> > >

> > > Adding time-gated craft recipes was, without a doubt Arena Net's lowest creative point.

> >

> > While you can disagree and dislike time-gating.

> >

> > You are factually wrong if you argue that it adds nothing. To be clear, time-gating:

> >

> > - adds value to the end product. This is were the daily crafting of ascended materials gets its added value. Unlike the phenomenon in many other MMOs were the ingredients usually are more expensive than the crafted item (which here can be seen for example in wood dowls which are worth less than the wood used to create them)

> > - increases trade of both ingredients and finished product on the trading post. Both so people can use their daily crafting cool downs as well as people who want/need to circumvent them

> > - the increased trade on the trading post removes gold from the game economy

> >

> > That's just some of the beneficial effects of time-gating as far as the game economy is concerned.


> The point that OP is probably trying to make is that time-gating adds artificial value through the most hamfisted and no-fun-allowed mechanism possible. It's lazy, it's trashy and it ultimately turns the playerbase into a huge joke when people readily defend how it takes "skill" or "commitment" to build a legendary or ascended set of armor.


Please define commitment, I can agree on the skill part but from my perspective legendarys do take quite a lot of commitment minimum time wise.


> @"Swagg.9236" said:

> There is no skill or commitment in any crafting process within the entirety of GW2: it's all just fetch quests and waiting. That's all it has ever been. At least if one wanted to get a certain armor or weapon skin prior to ascended's introduction, one could just burn through the crafting levels up to the point at which he or she acquired that skin. The only limitation was gold which could be collected in a natural, player-driven fashion (even though there were always limits since GW2 was so devoid of content that Anet made sure to force players to play the game at their own pre-determined speed). Point being that time-gates are a cheap and tasteless means of controlling the trading post prices by forcing players to wait in order to receive content which requires no true personal investment and which involves nothing more than "Press [F]" as its highest threshold of player-mechanical skill.


I've already agreed that it's not a fun mechanic. It serves a purpose though and other methods of acquiring the same results could be way more intrusive or unfun.


> @"Swagg.9236" said:


> If Anet wanted people to play their game, they wouldn't have time-gates, but since Anet knows that there is so little to do in GW2, they throw up loads of roadblocks to the pinnacle of stats and skin options (despite the latter still looking very tawdry) so that the average player hopefully doesn't realize that all of that waiting is just the illusion of content rather than true, fulfilling gameplay.



Legendarys are not the pinnacle of stats, ascended are. Getting ascended gear is not as bad as you make it out to be, even more so when you consider there has not been any gear tier progression for over 3 years. If you value gear progression as in other games and consider that content, you are playing the wrong game.

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> @"Yamazuki.6073" said:


> **You can always sell your materials and just buy the time-gated materials** used for legendaries/ascended. The issue here isn't that people don't like time-gated crafting, its that some people are anti-trading/anti-market. A lot of games there's some people complaining they can't get everything quickly without trading.


You literally can not. That's the whole point of this thread. Mystic Binding Agents used for Dimensional Destabilizer are LAUREL ONLY and that is not signaled or warned about anywhere in the game. And even with peoples best efforts they miss it.


**It's not about daily crafting. It's not about T6 mats, it's about final step of the way being locked behind laurels.**

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> @"Sorlis.9238" said:

> > @"Yamazuki.6073" said:


> > **You can always sell your materials and just buy the time-gated materials** used for legendaries/ascended. The issue here isn't that people don't like time-gated crafting, its that some people are anti-trading/anti-market. A lot of games there's some people complaining they can't get everything quickly without trading.


> You literally can not. That's the whole point of this thread. Mystic Binding Agents used for Dimensional Destabilizer are LAUREL ONLY and that is not signaled or warned about anywhere in the game. And even with peoples best efforts they miss it.


> **It's not about daily crafting. It's not about T6 mats, it's about final step of the way being locked behind laurels.**


No, it's about doing research. You failed at that stage and try to put blame on the game.

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> @"Sorlis.9238" said:

> > @"Yamazuki.6073" said:


> > **You can always sell your materials and just buy the time-gated materials** used for legendaries/ascended. The issue here isn't that people don't like time-gated crafting, its that some people are anti-trading/anti-market. A lot of games there's some people complaining they can't get everything quickly without trading.


> You literally can not. That's the whole point of this thread. Mystic Binding Agents used for Dimensional Destabilizer are LAUREL ONLY and that is not signaled or warned about anywhere in the game. And even with peoples best efforts they miss it.


> **It's not about daily crafting. It's not about T6 mats, it's about final step of the way being locked behind laurels.**


Except youre the one that used up your laurels for T6 materials, which you can buy with gold, with other currencies, can farm or, if you will upgrade lower tiers into.


Hence, never use up all your laurels for non timegated materials.


Its like using up all your gold and then complaining you forgot you need 100 gold for runestones..

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> @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:


> Its like using up all your gold and then complaining you forgot you need 100 gold for runestones..


Not really because gold you can farm, and laurels not. That is what I'm trying to say. If I knew not to do it, I wouldn't have done it.

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You know what? OP might be right, but we still have time gating. I don't know the reason; I could speculate them and I'm sure they are based on how it impacts the economy. We could all argue about it but it wouldn't matter. It's here, everyone encounters it, we deal with it. It's not going away. This thread has no value; Anet has decided, for whatever reason, certain items get time gated. If you don't like that, don't craft items that have it.

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tl;dr It might be true that time-gating is inherently annoying and it's absolutely true that it serves many important purposes. But that's entirely moot in this particular situation, because the problem here wasn't gating; **the specific issue described in the original post is that the OP chose to spend time-gated currency on un-gated materials.**


It's never a good idea to spend a limited resource on a limitless one.




> @"Sorlis.9238" said:

> > @"Yamazuki.6073" said:


> > **You can always sell your materials and just buy the time-gated materials** used for legendaries/ascended. The issue here isn't that people don't like time-gated crafting, its that some people are anti-trading/anti-market. A lot of games there's some people complaining they can't get everything quickly without trading.


> You literally can not. That's the whole point of this thread. Mystic Binding Agents used for Dimensional Destabilizer are LAUREL ONLY and that is not signaled or warned about anywhere in the game. And even with peoples best efforts they miss it.


> **It's not about daily crafting. It's not about T6 mats, it's about final step of the way being locked behind laurels.**


As it turns out, just about everyone replying gets that it's not about daily crafting or T6 mats. The only one who seems not to get that is, unfortunately ... the OP.

The OP chose to buy T6 mats with laurels, knowing that laurels are a time-gated currency and knowing that T6 mats are available through all sorts of other sources.



> @"Sorlis.9238" said:

> Not really because gold you can farm, and laurels not. That is what I'm trying to say. If I knew not to do it, I wouldn't have done it.

All the information one needs to "know not to do it" was available. Why choose to spend **all** available laurels instead of farming gold, for something that can be bought with gold (or for that matter, has other, also farmable sources)? The fact that someone ended up stuck for 10 days isn't a problem with the game, it's a planning issue.



Again, I'm completely sympathetic with the OP's frustration, because I have gotten stuck in much the same way (albeit with something other than laurels), despite having read everything I could find on the topic. The difference is: I didn't blame the game for my mistake. I acknowledged my part in creating the situation (and I might have shouted to the heavens with some words that can't be repeated here). And then I got on with finishing off what I could, waiting for the last piece of the puzzle to be available.



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> @"OrbitalButt.5708" said:

> "Actually, artificially dragging out the process of acquiring stuff through the laziest way possible is extremely good" - this thread

This guy gets it. To me it looks like a bunch of people in this thread came just to pick a fight while simultaneously trying to make themselves look righteous for whatever reason.

It is blatantly obvious that this is a case of terrible design. But that's an opinion, don't get mad if you don't agree. Give it time it may happen to you too, then you'll empathize.

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This is a situation which is unfortunate for the OP. They did a lot of research and thought everything was in order. At the very end just as they were about to cross the finish line one tiny little string was overlooked and is now holding them back. I don't blame the game's design for this. At its core it's a user error, but a small one that anyone could make even while doing significant research on the items they are crafting.


It might be nice if you could acquire Laurels in some way other than daily log-ins (though not farmable in large quantities as that would defeat the point). It might be nice if the Mystic Binding Agent were obtainable through the Mystic forge NPC for gold. It's unlikely either of these would happen before the OP can get enough Laurels to complete the sword so it's not much help to them. On the plus side, you'll know the next time (if there is a next time) to save a few Laurels for the binding agent. And so will anyone who read this thread and may have glossed over the laurel requirement themselves.


Actually, what I find most strange about this is that (according to the wiki) you can only buy Mystic binding agents in sets of 10 (for 10 laurels) while the Dimensional Destabilizer requires 5 and all other recipes just 1. Adding a 1:1 option may make sense.

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> Well, for what it's worth (According to gw2efficiency) you could have bought Dawn from tp, as the cost of crafting is only 8g cheaper than buying it straight away.


Less than 3g when I was checking but if you consider the time needed for stuff like geodes and bandit crests(also the value of bandit crests) crafting is probably more expensive. The geodes are worth at least an hour or two of time.


> @"Glacial.9516" said:

> Actually, what I find most strange about this is that (according to the wiki) you can only buy Mystic binding agents in sets of 10 (for 10 laurels) while the Dimensional Destabilizer requires 5 and all other recipes just 1. Adding a 1:1 option may make sense.


That is true for everything sold as bundles now that merchants have the quantity selector.


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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > @"Glacial.9516" said:

> > Actually, what I find most strange about this is that (according to the wiki) you can only buy Mystic binding agents in sets of 10 (for 10 laurels) while the Dimensional Destabilizer requires 5 and all other recipes just 1. Adding a 1:1 option may make sense.


> That is true for everything sold as bundles now that merchants have the quantity selector.


Are you certain? I just went to the Laurel vendor and the quantity increases in increments of 10.

ie. Quantity of 2 lists 20 Mystic binding agents for 20 Laurels.

or Quantity of 2 Obsidian shards x3 lists 6 shards for 6 Laurels.

Is there some way to reduce the bundle size that I don't know of?


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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > There would be exactly 0 value in any of those items if the timegate didn't exist.


> For you perhaps.


Yeah, brilliant idea to have items limited to 1 a day to be crafted by the hundreds. Genius. Totally doesn't destroy any semblance of economy

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> @"Glacial.9516" said:

> > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > > @"Glacial.9516" said:

> > > Actually, what I find most strange about this is that (according to the wiki) you can only buy Mystic binding agents in sets of 10 (for 10 laurels) while the Dimensional Destabilizer requires 5 and all other recipes just 1. Adding a 1:1 option may make sense.

> >

> > That is true for everything sold as bundles now that merchants have the quantity selector.

> >

> Are you certain? I just went to the Laurel vendor and the quantity increases in increments of 10.

> ie. Quantity of 2 lists 20 Mystic binding agents for 20 Laurels.

> or Quantity of 2 Obsidian shards x3 lists 6 shards for 6 Laurels.

> Is there some way to reduce the bundle size that I don't know of?



I meant that change should be done for everything that is sold as a bundle not that it is like that already. Ideally that change should have happened when the merchant change happened but that is the problem with ideals versus reality.


> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > There would be exactly 0 value in any of those items if the timegate didn't exist.

> >

> > For you perhaps.


> Yeah, brilliant idea to have items limited to 1 a day to be crafted by the hundreds. Genius. Totally doesn't destroy any semblance of economy


It's irrelevant to this thread anyway.


Ultimately OP's problem is an accident in planning. As with most accidents there is no way to predict them. I've done similar but less drastic things like using up all my bloodstone dust the day before I needed them for Bifrost's collection. Then I did something similar with empyreal fragments more recently while doing the caladbolg quests on all characters and forgetting about the vision crystals.

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > @"Glacial.9516" said:

> > > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > > > @"Glacial.9516" said:

> > > > Actually, what I find most strange about this is that (according to the wiki) you can only buy Mystic binding agents in sets of 10 (for 10 laurels) while the Dimensional Destabilizer requires 5 and all other recipes just 1. Adding a 1:1 option may make sense.

> > >

> > > That is true for everything sold as bundles now that merchants have the quantity selector.

> > >

> > Are you certain? I just went to the Laurel vendor and the quantity increases in increments of 10.

> > ie. Quantity of 2 lists 20 Mystic binding agents for 20 Laurels.

> > or Quantity of 2 Obsidian shards x3 lists 6 shards for 6 Laurels.

> > Is there some way to reduce the bundle size that I don't know of?

> >


> I meant that change should be done for everything that is sold as a bundle not that it is like that already. Ideally that change should have happened when the merchant change happened but that is the problem with ideals versus reality.

Ohhh. My bad. When I misread your post I really had hoped it was already implemented and I was just missing it.

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