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There a way to skip playing as Caith?

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I truly hate this thing in gaming where you go back in flashbacks to play as other characters.

Hate is sooooo very much.


Is there a way to bug it out so I get to play as MY character with the skills I selected in order to defeat enemies in battle?


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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> You can party up with another player who is the instance owner and let them take the role of Caithe. That’s about it.


Heh unless you happen to be playing an engi using kits. In which case it will screw with you in other ways unless they've actually gone back and fixed that.

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> @"Danny.8596" said:

> I truly hate this thing in gaming where you go back in flashbacks to play as other characters.

> Hate is sooooo very much.


> Is there a way to bug it out so I get to play as MY character with the skills I selected in order to defeat enemies in battle?





Particularly as this required me to act in a manner I found immoral.


A flashback scene showing Caithe engaged in her horrible behavior is one thing, having my character do it is another. Ultimately Caithe is absolved of her guilt because she was not in control of her body at the time. We were Quantum Leaping into her body acting in her stead.


This chapter ruined the entire season for me and left me with a reduced connection to my main character.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> A flashback scene showing Caithe engaged in her horrible behavior is one thing, having my character do it is another. Ultimately Caithe is absolved of her guilt because she was not in control of her body at the time. We were Quantum Leaping into her body acting in her stead.


We didn't go back in time and take over her body; we witnessed the flashback dream sequence from her point of view (from the memory seeds). So, she's definitely not absolved of her guilt.

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> @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > A flashback scene showing Caithe engaged in her horrible behavior is one thing, having my character do it is another. Ultimately Caithe is absolved of her guilt because she was not in control of her body at the time. We were Quantum Leaping into her body acting in her stead.


> We didn't go back in time and take over her body; we witnessed the flashback dream sequence from her point of view (from the memory seeds). So, she's definitely not absolved of her guilt.


I disagree.


My armor took damage during this process. This would not be the case if I was merely remotely viewing a flashback sequence IMO.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> > > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > A flashback scene showing Caithe engaged in her horrible behavior is one thing, having my character do it is another. Ultimately Caithe is absolved of her guilt because she was not in control of her body at the time. We were Quantum Leaping into her body acting in her stead.

> >

> > We didn't go back in time and take over her body; we witnessed the flashback dream sequence from her point of view (from the memory seeds). So, she's definitely not absolved of her guilt.


> I disagree.


> My armor took damage during this process. This would not be the case if I was merely remotely viewing a flashback sequence IMO.


It was all memories and flash backs, no time travel. The armor taking damage is simply just the game mechanics following normal rules of combat and damage.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> > > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > A flashback scene showing Caithe engaged in her horrible behavior is one thing, having my character do it is another. Ultimately Caithe is absolved of her guilt because she was not in control of her body at the time. We were Quantum Leaping into her body acting in her stead.

> >

> > We didn't go back in time and take over her body; we witnessed the flashback dream sequence from her point of view (from the memory seeds). So, she's definitely not absolved of her guilt.


> I disagree.


> My armor took damage during this process. This would not be the case if I was merely remotely viewing a flashback sequence IMO.


We didn't time travel, and we didn't jump into her body during that point of her timeline. We used memory seeds to access her memories via the Dream.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> > > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > A flashback scene showing Caithe engaged in her horrible behavior is one thing, having my character do it is another. Ultimately Caithe is absolved of her guilt because she was not in control of her body at the time. We were Quantum Leaping into her body acting in her stead.

> >

> > We didn't go back in time and take over her body; we witnessed the flashback dream sequence from her point of view (from the memory seeds). So, she's definitely not absolved of her guilt.


> I disagree.


> My armor took damage during this process. This would not be the case if I was merely remotely viewing a flashback sequence IMO.




> Maybe if you knew...more about her past. I can give you memory seeds. **They will...allow you to search her memories for places that are significant...to her**


> You'll view one of Caithe's memories through her eyes. You will feel in control, but you will be Caithe. Important events will play out as they did in days gone by.


I suggest playing that episode over again.

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> @"Danny.8596" said:

> I truly hate this thing in gaming where you go back in flashbacks to play as other characters.

> Hate is sooooo very much.


I actually really like that kind of mechanic.


Overused it can get annoying, sure, like anything else. But it allows the developers to be creative and add something different to the game once in a while.


The original Guild Wars had the Bonus Mission Pack - a group of missions in which we played as other characters through the story of the world. During all those missions, we had the skills of those characters, and it was a nice and innovative way of playing.


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I don't mind a brief flashback. But I dislike when every character going through the story has to play exactly the same way. The game has 9 professions with vary different styles; part of the fun in replaying is utilizing those differences.


But it's what the devs wanted for that episode (and a couple of others where there's no choice of skills).

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I play mmos because I get to make my character. I get to choose my class. Being steamrolled into playing some character I hate with a playstyle I hate is bad game design. If they want people to play as Caith they can sell a single player stealth game with her as the main character. Don't shove it in the mmo experience which is about building and leveling a player made character.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> > > > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > > A flashback scene showing Caithe engaged in her horrible behavior is one thing, having my character do it is another. Ultimately Caithe is absolved of her guilt because she was not in control of her body at the time. We were Quantum Leaping into her body acting in her stead.

> > >

> > > We didn't go back in time and take over her body; we witnessed the flashback dream sequence from her point of view (from the memory seeds). So, she's definitely not absolved of her guilt.

> >

> > I disagree.

> >

> > My armor took damage during this process. This would not be the case if I was merely remotely viewing a flashback sequence IMO.


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Newly_Awakened#In_the_instance


> > Maybe if you knew...more about her past. I can give you memory seeds. **They will...allow you to search her memories for places that are significant...to her**


> > You'll view one of Caithe's memories through her eyes. You will feel in control, but you will be Caithe. Important events will play out as they did in days gone by.


> I suggest playing that episode over again.


How does a memory seed damage my armor?


How is it me observing her memories if I am in control of my actions during the process?

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> @"Danny.8596" said:

> I play mmos because I get to make my character. I get to choose my class. Being steamrolled into playing some character I hate with a playstyle I hate is bad game design. If they want people to play as Caith they can sell a single player stealth game with her as the main character. Don't shove it in the mmo experience which is about building and leveling a player made character.


"I have to do something differently for 10 minutes this is awful"




They even make sure that whenever they do anything like that you are super broken OP. 8 second stealth while you are super fast and ATTACKS DONT REVEAL?


Besides the centaur spamming instance there isn't much actual combat. I just did the achievements + challenge yesterday and it took my friend and me around 15 attempts. Takes some getting used to, but when 5 out of your 10 skills are dodges or ways to avoid damage there really isnt much to complain about in light combat instances

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> I just happened to replayed chapters last night for the achievements, I still feel it's the best story instances in living world, and I find her skills are OP compared to base thief


Just out of curiosity, and to confirm, the best instances are those where you do not play your own character's build/etc?

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > I just happened to replayed chapters last night for the achievements, I still feel it's the best story instances in living world, and I find her skills are OP compared to base thief


> Just out of curiosity, and to confirm, the best instances are those where you do not play your own character's build/etc?


from story perspective, yes, i thoroughly enjoyed it last night

perma stealth and bashed those asura head inside their body, and blade dancing around centaurs to shave them naked

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This was hands down the worst story step in all of GW2. I dislike being forced to use Caithes skills, OP though they may be, but I HATED the story with all the passion I can summon for something that is ultimately fictional nonsense. This storyline has left me with a deep and abiding distrust for the story team that has not lightened over the intervening years. Morally repugnant things happen, and that is bad enough, but being forced to participate in morally repugnant acts, even as a “passive observer” disgusts me beyond description. I love the game overall, and in general support and respect the developers, but this story in particular has marred the GW2 brand.

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