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Share your feelings on the current state of the game ?☕️

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My game is farming and crafting then moaning cos nerfs so i need to farm more to make another gear set then moaning about how boring istan meta gets after about 200 times then moaning I can't get into a meta group cos the meta was nerfed and now I need another gear set.

And then I moan about it on a forum.

Time gated mats I love you.

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> @"Dravyn.4671" said:

> Still lots to do, however....after having played ESO rvr for the last couple years, GW2 wvw felt....old and crappy. Feels like it needs an overhaul or something.


I don't like the boring combat and ugly animations in ESO but I must admit that they do fashion wars better. Mix-n-match heavy/medium/light armor and dye weapons. Man, I wish we could do that in GW2. :( Our fashion wars need an overhaul too.

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When I like to describe the current state, I compare it to the other most competitive title, WoW so here it is. In terms of end game content both are pretty much the same. Wow has been boring, from spending weeks doing the same raid mind you each difficulty just having fake versions of each boss, and when you are not raiding all you have left to do is pvp or grind the ever living daylight out of reputation. Guild wars 2 fills out the blanks wow has in which it brings only one difficulty to a raid, and they're really fun to do. The thing gw2 lacks compared to wow is just the armor sets, in terms of styles and armor sets wow is just the clear winner.


In terms of pvp I'd say they're about the same with some classes having clear advantages over others. In this case for Gw2 the only class that's broken is the meteor ele, but beyond that everything else is good and balanced. Overall the better of the two MMOs is Gw2 hands down.

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> @"Aridon.8362" said:

> [...] In this case for Gw2 the only class that's broken is the meteor ele, but beyond that everything else is good and balanced. Overall the better of the two MMOs is Gw2 hands down.


Weaver is broken in its own regard - true, but what's even worse is the support-unbalance. Chrono is the most atrocious specialization in the game. WoW handles balance far better than GW2. You don't really feel worthless in content there for playing the class you like to play.



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> @"Raizel.8175" said:

> > @"Aridon.8362" said:

> > [...] In this case for Gw2 the only class that's broken is the meteor ele, but beyond that everything else is good and balanced. Overall the better of the two MMOs is Gw2 hands down.


> Weaver is broken in its own regard - true, but what's even worse is the support-unbalance. Chrono is the most atrocious specialization in the game. WoW handles balance far better than GW2. You don't really feel worthless in content there for playing the class you like to play.




Right now the death knight, warlock, hunter, and monk classes are extremely overpowered. Paladins and priests have multi bubble protection galore, and you will never kill a healer...ever 1v1. Yep blizz definitely handles it way better.

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It's not perfect, but GW2 is still the best game I've found. Despite trying other games since it released, I continue to play GW2 daily, usually for at least on hour on week nights and for a few hours on weekend days.


Things that make me keep coming back:

- Smooth game play which aside from some hiccups during certain patches is usually bug-free

- An enjoyable combat system

- Diverse mix of content (maps, foes, etc)

- Continual content updates (LS)

- Being in an active guild that does weekly missions and other events


Things I'd like to see changed or improved:

- Need to improve armor diversity.

- Stop adding so many currencies. There are already too many, several of which have limited use. Each new chapter seems to add yet another 1 to 2 new currencies which just exacerbates the currency bloat.

- Stop adding grindy achievements (example Turret achievements in new LS chapter seems like a pure exercise in grind.)

- Balance updates are still needed for many classes and skills.

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Keeping it real. Was having a talk with a guildie last night on TS. They took a break from GW2 to play the incoming WoW expansion and were airing some grievances about GW2. They are almost full pvp type player and complaining there was nothing to do in GW2. I can see their point.


I am in a WvW guild and at heart a PvX player. I do everything. Current AP is 29.5k. Dragon PvP Rank. 2100 WvW Rank. I took a few years off gaming and am back with a lot of enthusiasm. I’m enjoying the 2018 GW2. Lots to catch up on. Focused on WvW(everyone complaining about Meteors). Just finished the Druid stone back piece. AP grinding old half finished achieves. Did the dry top and silver wastes badges, coins, and gold coins the other night. Jump on the world boss train everyday here and there. Finished my WvW legendary backpack 3 weeks ago. AND SO ON. In my experience there is SO much to do for the PvX hardcore casual player like me.


I work 60 hour weeks irl. GW2 offers me a great immersive gaming experience in bite size chunks. It’s my game of choice right now and I’m looking forward to where we end up going in the future. Bring on Alliances.

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> @"Sombra.3246" said:

> Fellow players, please feel free to share your honest opinions on the current state of the game ?


Random thoughts:

* Story-telling and quality of dialogue have improved immensely lately. :+1: (let's hope the recent loss of two employees won't impact this negatively)

* The programming still allows for too many new bugs to enter the game upon each new patch release. Also, many QoL updates seem still far away.

* An old beloved festival will return soon! <3

* Masteries need to find a way back to the roots. Invent more generic, practical ones like those you can level in core Tyria.

* Elite specs can never replace new professions. New professions and races are a _huge_ player favorite and also would lure quitters back into the game.

* Would appreciate communication on things that are of an immediate nature, like e.g. that certain player wishes will be implemented soon (see Festival of the Four Winds).

* AR needs separate infusion slots so that you can use your other +4 or +5 attribute infusions in addition to them and don't have to grind _for months per character_ to be able to equip +5 attr/+AR in all slots (if you won't change that, then make attribute infusions available in all +AR versions, not just +5, +7 and +9).

* AR infusions limit the number of characters with whom you can play Fractals. In that way (and others, see previous point), dungeons were a better game design.

* We need more, frequent bonus weekends in generic PvE!

* Implement a few more things from GW1 that were extremely well designed and are dearly missed (for instance, build templates, frequent bonus weekends).

* The current character selection screen is plain awful with its anti-neutral lighting and unnecessary layers that cover the feet. Character size display needs to finally be fixed, too.

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> @"Aridon.8362" said:

> > @"Raizel.8175" said:

> > > @"Aridon.8362" said:

> > > [...] In this case for Gw2 the only class that's broken is the meteor ele, but beyond that everything else is good and balanced. Overall the better of the two MMOs is Gw2 hands down.

> >

> > Weaver is broken in its own regard - true, but what's even worse is the support-unbalance. Chrono is the most atrocious specialization in the game. WoW handles balance far better than GW2. You don't really feel worthless in content there for playing the class you like to play.

> >

> >


> Right now the death knight, warlock, hunter, and monk classes are extremely overpowered. Paladins and priests have multi bubble protection galore, and you will never kill a healer...ever 1v1. Yep blizz definitely handles it way better.


I'm talking about PvE and GW2 mainly is a PvE-game, yet the balance is one factor which just screws accessibility to PvE-endgame-content.

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I love GW2, yesterday I finished LWS2 and I was just left without words, I only wish I could have played this at release so I could be more impressed at seeing The Sealed Cavern (says someone who previously entered Heart of Maguuma to get hero points).

I love the immersion of the story, it makes me feel like i'm the pact comander himself (from a point of view of someone who does'nt do RP) I feel so attached to my own character that I could consider him like my own 'me' inside the game. This is why I love GW2.



But there are things that I have to admit I slighty dislike about the game. one of them would be the lack of (gameplaywise) endgame. The only options for a true endgame I have beside it beign a collectaton of pretty much endlessly things/archivements are Fractals, Raids, WvW and PVP. If I were to recommend this game to a friend I would only recommend it for the story (that I consider its a better Skyrim), because playing one of these activities needs you to spend a lot of time learning (in the case of WvW/PvP/Raids) and a lot of grinding/crafting (Ascended equip for Fractals T4).

Take note that I'm referring to endgame content to actually enjoy instead of content you feel like grinding because you want gold/mats for fashion wars. World Bosses for example are fun the first 5-10 times you fight them, but after that the only reason you would like fight them again is just for loot. In my case I find Fractals so fun that I'm currently doing them just for sport, but if i'm still doing Tequatl it's just because I like to grind Karma for the sake of it.


Another thing I subjectively dislike are Mounts, I know that for a player that has been playing this game for longer that 5 years mounts are a godsend that helps you withstand the enormous worldmap you need to explore/travel, but for someone that just arrived I feel like the immersion of traveling on foot is not there, its just that, and I feel guilty because I use mounts too, its sad that I prefer to just use springer to climb a hill instead of just explore and search around said hill. I could just not use mounts but they are just like an amenity that I can't ignore despite the fact that I dont want them Nonetheless, Anet did a very great work on implementing Mounts.

Take this last one with a grain of sand because its just how I feel; mounts are great and I know everyone loves them, I'm just sad that I was not there when mounts didn't exist.

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> @"Raizel.8175" said:

> > @"Aridon.8362" said:

> > > @"Raizel.8175" said:

> > > > @"Aridon.8362" said:

> > > > [...] In this case for Gw2 the only class that's broken is the meteor ele, but beyond that everything else is good and balanced. Overall the better of the two MMOs is Gw2 hands down.

> > >

> > > Weaver is broken in its own regard - true, but what's even worse is the support-unbalance. Chrono is the most atrocious specialization in the game. WoW handles balance far better than GW2. You don't really feel worthless in content there for playing the class you like to play.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Right now the death knight, warlock, hunter, and monk classes are extremely overpowered. Paladins and priests have multi bubble protection galore, and you will never kill a healer...ever 1v1. Yep blizz definitely handles it way better.


> I'm talking about PvE and GW2 mainly is a PvE-game, yet the balance is one factor which just screws accessibility to PvE-endgame-content.


WoW PvE "balanced" the game by making it fundamentally boring through having all unique aspects of all the classes completely gutted.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > @"Raizel.8175" said:

> > > @"Aridon.8362" said:

> > > > @"Raizel.8175" said:

> > > > > @"Aridon.8362" said:

> > > > > [...] In this case for Gw2 the only class that's broken is the meteor ele, but beyond that everything else is good and balanced. Overall the better of the two MMOs is Gw2 hands down.

> > > >

> > > > Weaver is broken in its own regard - true, but what's even worse is the support-unbalance. Chrono is the most atrocious specialization in the game. WoW handles balance far better than GW2. You don't really feel worthless in content there for playing the class you like to play.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > Right now the death knight, warlock, hunter, and monk classes are extremely overpowered. Paladins and priests have multi bubble protection galore, and you will never kill a healer...ever 1v1. Yep blizz definitely handles it way better.

> >

> > I'm talking about PvE and GW2 mainly is a PvE-game, yet the balance is one factor which just screws accessibility to PvE-endgame-content.


> WoW PvE "balanced" the game by making it fundamentally boring through having all unique aspects of all the classes completely gutted.


You can have unique gameplay while having a balanced game. Even if not, I'd rather prefer equalized gameplay rather than being locked out of content because of the class I play and that's certainly a huge problem with GW2.

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> @"Raizel.8175" said:

> > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > @"Raizel.8175" said:

> > > > @"Aridon.8362" said:

> > > > > @"Raizel.8175" said:

> > > > > > @"Aridon.8362" said:

> > > > > > [...] In this case for Gw2 the only class that's broken is the meteor ele, but beyond that everything else is good and balanced. Overall the better of the two MMOs is Gw2 hands down.

> > > > >

> > > > > Weaver is broken in its own regard - true, but what's even worse is the support-unbalance. Chrono is the most atrocious specialization in the game. WoW handles balance far better than GW2. You don't really feel worthless in content there for playing the class you like to play.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > Right now the death knight, warlock, hunter, and monk classes are extremely overpowered. Paladins and priests have multi bubble protection galore, and you will never kill a healer...ever 1v1. Yep blizz definitely handles it way better.

> > >

> > > I'm talking about PvE and GW2 mainly is a PvE-game, yet the balance is one factor which just screws accessibility to PvE-endgame-content.

> >

> > WoW PvE "balanced" the game by making it fundamentally boring through having all unique aspects of all the classes completely gutted.


> You can have unique gameplay while having a balanced game. Even if not, I'd rather prefer equalized gameplay rather than being locked out of content because of the class I play and that's certainly a huge problem with GW2.


Nah. WoW jumped the shark hard with Cataclysm. Not worth playing.

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While the game is plenty value for the price you pay for it it has not doing many long time players justice compared to the early days. So far I feel like the good outweighs the bad. However, that does not mean that Anet couldn't be doing better.


First the positive....


I find the story much better and in many instances making enemies and mechanics more interesting than vanilla GW1 and Living Story 1. Granted the story isnt a triple A story it is a vast improvement over Scarlett Briar in Season 1. Not all enemies are not mindless mobs that are non threatening that you just face tank. The have major attacks, some do more damage while flanking, and some even have counter attacks. The maps are very much alive with things happening at various times to the NPCs that inhabit them. I think even the living story maps do a good job in setting the environment of the story at that particular point in time.


The quality of life improvements that seem to be constantly happening are outstanding and second to none. No other MMO does it like Guild Wars 2 does in terms of gear customization, inventory management, minimizing repetitiveness, and lowering the conflicts you would encounter with other players merely being present and doing the same things you are doing in the open world. They are constantly building on this to make sure that time is spend playing the game, not the UI or your inventory. They make it very reasonable to make sure that you can make your character your own.


The game still maintains the hand crafted beauty it has promised since day 1. You have to stop and look up every once in awhile and realize that you are playing in a work of art. All the maps are visually stunning, exploring every corner of these maps is always captivating and truly a unique experience every time. You can go through the content multiple times an find something you didn't see the first time every single time.


The criticisms...


Living story 3 and 4 have been a recycle of the same content format and lacks creativity. You add a new map, make a new consumable, add a few story instances, sprinkle in a few random events that have little relation to each other, add an AP list, then ship it. This has been the format since LS3, its a stale format that does not offer players very many hours of play time given we are now at a 3 month wait time for these. Not only that these maps are totally disconnected from the rest of the game, abilities and mastery in many of these maps are locked to only that map. As there is very little reason to go back it makes those thing seem like a waste. We need maps like Silverwaste and Dry Top that are still relevant today. They have captivating events and event mechanics and reasons beyond going back to snag a collection item and getting out. The present maps don't seem to add much to the Guild Wars 2 Universe. Even if it means only a new map every 2 releases and you have to piece it out like in LS2, I think it is worth the time to put out a more quality experience on these maps. If you give people a reason to be in these maps, you would also sell more Living Story Episodes.


The slow release of end game content is pretty painful. We are still seeing not going to see another raid for 7-9 months between the last one. Fractals released every 6 months the last two without challenge motes. This is not enough to maintain an active community of end game players. Right now if you are not a new player, many of you are playing the game 6-12 weeks out of the year. That is not good for communities that are founded on end game content and I am sure that is not good for gem store sales either. Right now we are seeing a ever widening gap of people coming into this content and people that clear this content in a effective manner on a regular basis. It is shrinking on both ends.


The last thing and probably the most important one impacting the game right now is rewards. Rewards are probably the most important aspect in a MMO as they drive people into content, give them a common goal to rally behind, and keep people engaged in the game. This is something Anet has seriously dropped the ball on since PoF. There is good reason why many agree that there isn't a reason to go back, nearly all the PoF unique materials are worth almost nothing. The most glaring example is "Eyes of Kormir" which is a expansion wide reward for events that you cant even instant sell on the trade post the vast majority of the time. PoF needs some serious high end/high investment rewards that use these materials, we need a loot fest at the end of one, very desirable and very rare items dropped from metas, and items that are nearly elusive for them that are needed in bulk for collections and achievements. This is something HoT did right and why the metas still fill to this day.


All that being said as a player in the franchise for over 13 years. This is a very good game that I have casually enjoyed over the years. I look forward to seeing it improve via interactions between developers and players.

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Hard to say.


I am a veteran who has played since launch and so much of the game's content is a bit stale for me. I love the aesthetics of the desert maps, but dont care for the LS4 story or rewards. Even so I can take a step back and say that the game has a lot of content for a newer player. I guess I should say that its not that the game is stale so much as eating even a favorite and tasty dish every day can lead to burnout.


The sad thing, for me at least, is that I find the story and rewards to be horrid on some of my favorite maps. This makes it difficult to motivate myself to revisit them with the kind of frequency that is called for in the MMO model.

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> @"Mireles Lore.5942" said:

> The last thing and probably the most important one impacting the game right now is rewards. Rewards are probably the most important aspect in a MMO as they drive people into content, give them a common goal to rally behind, and keep people engaged in the game. This is something Anet has seriously dropped the ball on since PoF. There is good reason why many agree that there isn't a reason to go back, nearly all the PoF unique materials are worth almost nothing. The most glaring example is "Eyes of Kormir" which is a expansion wide reward for events that you cant even instant sell on the trade post the vast majority of the time. PoF needs some serious high end/high investment rewards that use these materials, we need a loot fest at the end of one, very desirable and very rare items dropped from metas, and items that are nearly elusive for them that are needed in bulk for collections and achievements. This is something HoT did right and why the metas still fill to this day.


While I understand why they made the 20+ bags such a gold sink, it boggles my mind that they didn't also make them a PoF materials sink. That alone would probably be a reason to play. The runes are already a massive gold sink, if the thread was earned by playing PoF maps somehow...


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Honestly it is the gem store, but only because of the design choices around it. In WoW I loved unlocking different mounts etc through the game, I think they totally missed potential here to add content and meaningfulness to do things, kind of like what the rollerbeetle unlock did. Masteries gave us reason to do things like hey now I can do this and go back here to try that thing etc. Also Every area released during LW seems to lack something, a disconnected reason to stay. How many new areas were released this past couple years, and how many do you go back to? It feels like one time use content, only a place where the story progresses in LW, not an addition to the world. Wooden potatoes talked about this where he didn't like the feel of continuity, where these areas were always only accessible through the LW and you couldn't just zone into it. I think this has made it all feel so loose and unwelcoming to want to go there. Lake Doric was a great addition to the other side of Divinities Reach! But it followed the same problem... it fell short of what it could have been.


I love when I play a game and wander into an area where monsters wreck me, it shows WOAH I want to go there when I'm a higher level, I wonder what drops there! Or what items I could get. Letting players feel the world being connected piece by piece shows them exactly what a living world is like, which is exactly what "Living World" does not do. Living World has an identity crisis, one the original guild wars 2 used to have at launch, a living breathing world, but now it is disconnected... separated by design choice. I think heart of thorns got it right by making that part of the world feel alive, a different branch off of the story we were already working on. Dry top and Silverwastes were a great connection to this part of the story. Let me be clear, I love the narrative of the story overall, but it is the map design choices I think that are harming the game. Path of Fire did this too, where you took an airship to an uncharted area, it felt great entering Elona!


I think we need an airship dock, or something that connects these parts of the Living World, even if there are locks. I notice many people always asking "what part of the LW unlocks this area etc", I think that is where the problem is. No one knows what unlocks what anyone with all the random areas added to the game, and once the area is done in LW, the game moves on. Overall, we need to reconnect the world! Make it feel like a real living world!


EDIT** On that note of gem store, we seriously need ways to unlock weapon skins from black lion, either make it easier or cheaper. I would spend hundreds of hours doing this if I could, but farming gold isn't one of them. I remember doing the auric weapon set, and it was fun to craft and unlock the sets for the backpacks. But there are so many artistic weapon set that we will never see because no one is going to invest that much real money into black lion chests, it is just never worth it, gems to gold is more worth it than gems to keys.


How many sets of weapons do you think have been released into the black lion ticket system?

48!!!! give or take a few sets being smaller, that is about 750 weapon skins! THAT IS A HUGE NUMBER!!! And many you can only get with gold now, a ridiculous amount at that. 750 weapon skins behind gem items, or if you have lots of gold, behind the gem to gold price margins. Fashion wars is what makes this game awesome, but these types of unlocks in such vast quantities makes the game unappealing... Even armor sets have followed suit, but they are costumes now which I guess makes it a little better.

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> @"Raizel.8175" said:

> I gave up on hoping that ArenaNet is sufficiently competent to do some proper balancing. I'm getting more and more fed up with game modes where performance does matter. I started raiding 4 months ago and it was really fun at the beginning. I finished my first legendary armor-set this week and now I'm properly fed up with raiding because the class I play is considered trash-tier due to horrible balancing. I haven't even seen stuff like Dhuum yet but then I'm just too demotivated to really care anymore. That also includes stuff like 99 and 100 CM which I won't ever see anyway if I want to continue to play the class I like to play. I have no idea why ArenaNet created condition damage in the first place since its pretty useless apart from a few select raid-bosses. It's also quite disheartening that GW2 is un- if not asocial. Sure, you have some banter during open-world-events, but that doesn't really carry over to other content. Even raiding feels more or less like playing a single-player-game with sometimes more, but often rather less competent NPC-allies due to the strict class-system which is a lot more strict than trinity-based games.


> I really hope that at least the open-world-content will improve again. Some aspects in Episode 2 were nice. I enjoyed the Magnetics Lab. But Episode 3 was so very useless in its own regard. Maybe ArenaNet really should revise their current LW-formula. Creating more and more maps that will die rather fast anyway doesn't seem that useful. I really miss large-scale meta-events. They could also just create some new world bosses again. Maybe not something as complex as Triple Trouble, but at least something more complex than your typical zergfests. I'd also love to see some new large-scale JPs again, even though it's probably weird to ban mounts from certain areals of new maps.


What class do you play thats considered trash?

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> @"Wolfb.7025" said:

> I love GW2, yesterday I finished LWS2 and I was just left without words, I only wish I could have played this at release so I could be more impressed at seeing The Sealed Cavern (says someone who previously entered Heart of Maguuma to get hero points).

> I love the immersion of the story, it makes me feel like i'm the pact comander himself (from a point of view of someone who does'nt do RP) I feel so attached to my own character that I could consider him like my own 'me' inside the game. This is why I love GW2.



> But there are things that I have to admit I slighty dislike about the game. one of them would be the lack of (gameplaywise) endgame. The only options for a true endgame I have beside it beign a collectaton of pretty much endlessly things/archivements are Fractals, Raids, WvW and PVP. If I were to recommend this game to a friend I would only recommend it for the story (that I consider its a better Skyrim), because playing one of these activities needs you to spend a lot of time learning (in the case of WvW/PvP/Raids) and a lot of grinding/crafting (Ascended equip for Fractals T4).

> Take note that I'm referring to endgame content to actually enjoy instead of content you feel like grinding because you want gold/mats for fashion wars. World Bosses for example are fun the first 5-10 times you fight them, but after that the only reason you would like fight them again is just for loot. In my case I find Fractals so fun that I'm currently doing them just for sport, but if i'm still doing Tequatl it's just because I like to grind Karma for the sake of it.


> Another thing I subjectively dislike are Mounts, I know that for a player that has been playing this game for longer that 5 years mounts are a godsend that helps you withstand the enormous worldmap you need to explore/travel, but for someone that just arrived I feel like the immersion of traveling on foot is not there, its just that, and I feel guilty because I use mounts too, its sad that I prefer to just use springer to climb a hill instead of just explore and search around said hill. I could just not use mounts but they are just like an amenity that I can't ignore despite the fact that I dont want them Nonetheless, Anet did a very great work on implementing Mounts.

> Take this last one with a grain of sand because its just how I feel; mounts are great and I know everyone loves them, I'm just sad that I was not there when mounts didn't exist.


I agree with you 100% regarding the mounts. Sure, they have advantages, but I think they inhabit content and maps skipping. Devs spent much time putting map content together, for the players to completely skip them. I think this was a factor in PoF maps being generally disliked (though not the only factor by any means). It is hard to get interested in something you barely know.


Also, I was hoping that mounts add more than just movement speed and/or direction. Which did not happen.

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> Boring

> Nothing to do other than grinding atrocious pvp


Pvp grinding is bad because the game mode is atrocious, but grinding achievements and collections is EVEN worse. A mess, really.


Their expansions offer no replayability, and no replayability leads to no longevity. That's why everyone abandons their expansions in under a week... which is unseen in any mmo.

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I have been playing this franchise religiously since 2005 and I have always found things, do I get lethargic with the game? Sometimes, but I always come back for more. Being a Gw1 player, seeing all these areas 250 years makes these places extra special and I have enjoyed the franchise for well over a decade. I am excited for the future.

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