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Please get rid of transmute charges and add a proper wardrobe system

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I want to make this short, but I have a feeling it won't go that way. Anyways.


Transmutation charges are a currency required for changing the looks of your gears. You can buy them from the gem shop, earn them from map completion, get them as rewards in the daily logins, get them as rewards for PvP/WvW reward tracks, blah blah blah blah blah.


I want them to go away. I want to be able to change the appearance of my gear on a whim, for whatever reason I feel like, without having to use charges. More then that, I want to be able to store "looks" in a convenient UI window so that I can switch how I'm looking to a template I made on the fly, similar to how we can now do it in FFXIV.


I understand the only real Ray D. Tier to be referenced to here is "But how is ANet going to make money off of you buying transmutation charges from the gem shop!?" Well, for starters - I don't buy transmutation charges from the gem shop. I get them in game via the "F2P methods", but they are tedious and not really where I desire to spend my time. I actually have never met anyone that paid for transmutation charges. I bet most people do it the F2P way. I'd be genuinely curious as to how much money ANet makes off of selling them.


But okay I'll bite. Maybe ANet needs to make up for the lost money from transmutation charges some other way. So I propose that the "Wardrobe System" which I've sort of described in this post - is a method by which they can make money. Perhaps every player gets by default, 1 Wardrobe slot per character. That means they can save a template for one set of armor/weapons, and their accompanying dyes. To unlock another account-wide slot for each character, you have to spend like, idk 600 gems? Yeah that might be a good amount. Who knows?


Any way, bottom line - my point is that I don't like the restriction of having to have transmute charge currency in order to make my character look the way I want to. I get tired of how my character looks (let alone when I replace gear on them), but that doesn't mean I want to discard the charges spent for the last transmute set so that I can do it all over again.


Thanks for reading.

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Well I can't resist so: Yeah, make it cost *1* Gem instead of a transmutation charge!


But more seriously, this isn't a large problem for most players, since most probably stick with a look for at least long enough that they can get a few new charges through daily rewards. So I don't really think it is something ANet would (or should) put resources into.


If anything, since we can already buy Transmo Charges with Gems, and convert gold for Gems, a simple option to buy Transmo charges for gold directly ? It would obviously need to follow the current gem/gold prices though, so would constantly change.


I think my largest problem is mostly the ways we get transmo charges, I'm getting a bit tired of making new characters and map explore the 6 cities over and over :p

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> @"LoreChief.8391" said:

> So I propose that the "Wardrobe System" which I've sort of described in this post - is a method by which they can make money. Perhaps every player gets by default, 1 Wardrobe slot per character. That means they can save a template for one set of armor/weapons, and their accompanying dyes. To unlock another account-wide slot for each character, you have to spend like, idk 600 gems?


I like the idea. :+1:


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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> Do I get to turn my 1000+ Transmutation charges into Gems if they go this route? I presume that most people have more Transmutation charges than they know what to do with...you also forgot they drop from BLT Chests.




Anybody playing WvW or PvP is swimming in charges. They are very easy to come by and it's not every day that you use them by the dozens

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+1 from me.


To get around constantly using transmutation charges I often keep multiple sets of armor for different looks. However I rarely use them in combat so I place them on low level white/blue items so that they remain account-bound and I can use/store them on alts as needed. While I am mostly content with the current wardrobe system, it would be very useful to be able to combine an armor set into a pseudo-outfit. I'd also very very very much like to see outfits save dyes individually - what works for one doesn't often work for others.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > Do I get to turn my 1000+ Transmutation charges into Gems if they go this route? I presume that most people have more Transmutation charges than they know what to do with...you also forgot they drop from BLT Chests.


> This.


> Anybody playing WvW or PvP is swimming in charges. They are very easy to come by and it's not every day that you use them by the dozens


I think this is the crux of the issue:


Too hard to get enough in PvE, too friggin' easy to swim in them in PvP/WvW.


Could just some balancing.

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I completely agree with OP. I've been rooting for an infinite transmutation stone for 1000 gems in the gem store or some similar system like that, such as being able to buy them from a vendor for small amounts of some currency.


Fashion wars being one of the most important end-game aspects, the transmutation charge system feels outdated and unfair in general. Hardcore PvP and WvW players may have thousands of them stacked up, while PvE players have to grind map completion or spend their hard-earned gold/money to be able to change their skins. The system definitely needs some kind of a revamp.


There's always the question of Anet needing income, but I too suspect the revenue from TM charges isn't very high. A thousand-gem infinite stone could be a solution for that, but honestly I feel like changing skins for free should be everyone's right in a game like this.

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > > Do I get to turn my 1000+ Transmutation charges into Gems if they go this route? I presume that most people have more Transmutation charges than they know what to do with...you also forgot they drop from BLT Chests.

> >

> > This.

> >

> > Anybody playing WvW or PvP is swimming in charges. They are very easy to come by and it's not every day that you use them by the dozens


> I think this is the crux of the issue:


> Too hard to get enough in PvE, too friggin' easy to swim in them in PvP/WvW.


> Could just some balancing.


I don't do PvP or WvW...and I still have over 1000 of them. I also almost NEVER use them, once I find an armor combination I like...that's it, I might change the colors every so often, but more often than not I find the armor I like and then pick a color scheme for that particular character(and it's mounts now), then that will be it.

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Is it strictly necessary? Probably not. The current system works. On the other hand, for a game that makes its money largely off of skins, it might not be a bad idea to make changing those skins feel a bit less costly. Players might be more willing to dive into "Fashion Wars" if they didn't feel like they were being nickel-and-dimed by transmute charges.


I can tell you I don't really worry about transmute charges, but that's mostly because my behavior has been shaped by them. They are inconvenient, therefore I tend to stick with a look for some time when I come up with it. Yet, when I do change looks gemshop and BLTC skins are usually on the menu. So, perhaps they'd do better to free that system up a bit?

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Stick on an outfit, don't worry about transmute. :trollface:

Before the wardrobe transmuting required two piece of equipment and a special transmutation item, and probably discouraged most from using them, and if you wanted to transmute level 80 gear it required a special more expensive transmutation items. And then you would have to select stats, skin, and sigil from the two base equipment :lol: It was just outright hostile.


Well if they actually see value in transmutation charges, can I at least convert bound skins to charges? I might have a hoarding problem, precious/useless transmutation charges. can't waste them :confounded:

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I like the current transmutation charges system within the game so I am opposed to changing it.

It is easy to understand, to use and I don’t see why it needs to overhauled again after so many years.


The thing is, I don’t think the devs are sticking to it due to crazy gem stores purchases. Fashion wars is the most notorious end goal of this game and frankly there is no reason for them to make an end game goal the most convenient and cheapest system to come by. If you want a large amount of transmutation charges, you will need to play a bit more than only open world.


Mind you, in comparison to early 2012, they have already set the bar quite low when it comes to changing skins because back then, the system was so much confusing, obnoxious and costly.

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Transmutation charges are easy to get in the game. I do wish I had the ability save skin combos into a fixed set. Something like an Outfit. I really wish they would get rid of the armor weight system rather than killing charges. I'd love to be able to mix different weight class armor. It would vastly increase the diversity in styles.

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> @"LoreChief.8391" said:

> I want to make this short, but I have a feeling it won't go that way. Anyways.

> ...

> Thanks for reading.


If they did that, what'll probably happen is you can buy a slot contract for 2000 gems and it'll unlock a single slot on a random character. ;)



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> @"Warscythes.9307" said:

> Nah, I'd rather I can sell these things. Most people I know that dabble in WvW or PvP are swimming in transmutation charges. I will be glad to sell them off for a couple gold each.


I will always advocate for a special trading post that deals only in gem store items. Some folks swimming in charges can sell to those fashionistas that change frequently, and similarly, those with permanent contracts can sell their unnecessary items to those who would use them.

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