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Does anyone know what is stopping Anet from adding build templates or saving builds?

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im not a server expert but im assuming build saving would make lag but what exactly would be wrong with build templates? if they can release trading post api then surely there is a similar route for build templates? I mean, they did it in GW1, is it because they want it nicer?


are there even any actual answers?

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PvP lobby already has the ability to have preset builds available on a drop down menu that even equip the proper weapons necessary. Seems like the code has already been written. *shrug*


Granted this is their preset builds to help someone dive into PvP matches quickly, but still.


Would be nice if they adapted it for use throughout all game modes.

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It is, if i remember rightly from a comment hey made 4 years ago, an issue surrounding the ui and how inflexible it is to change without a scary amount of work. They did at one time ask for ideas on what to include in these build templates and whether it should be solely trait and skill or includes items and social etc. It didnt lead anywhere though.


Ultimately it sounded like a massive amount of work they couldnt justify at the time. PersonallyI think it is absolutely necessary, but id be surprised now if we ever see it implemented

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What is stopping Arenanet from developing build templates? Multiple reasons:

a) The developer that made the post about it so many years ago no longer works for Arenanet

b) They want it to be "complete" and include items too, items are really problematic

c) It's a lot of UI work and for some reason we know that UI takes a long time to make in the game

d) security reasons, saving the templates on your hard drive has potential security risks

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> It is, if i remember rightly from a comment hey made 4 years ago, an issue surrounding the ui and how inflexible it is to change without a scary amount of work. They did at one time ask for ideas on what to include in these build templates and whether it should be solely trait and skill or includes items and social etc. It didnt lead anywhere though.


> Ultimately it sounded like a massive amount of work they couldnt justify at the time. PersonallyI think it is absolutely necessary, but id be surprised now if we ever see it implemented


agreed, absolutely necessary, if they can make a whole new map they can not make a map and prioritize builds, i can't remember all the builds i use, i have to switch from attacking build to running build all the time and end up just having to make it up and it takes about 20 minutes a time, enough time for me to not bother and end up taking 5 minutes to kill a veteran with my running build rather than the 30 seconds it could have taken -.-

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> What is stopping Arenanet from developing build templates? Multiple reasons:

> a) The developer that made the post about it so many years ago no longer works for Arenanet

> b) They want it to be "complete" and include items too, items are really problematic

> c) It's a lot of UI work and for some reason we know that UI takes a long time to make in the game

> d) security reasons, saving the templates on your hard drive has potential security risks


i know it's probably just me because i want it NOW but why not just give it to us without items, i just can't remember my builds, my armour is already there ready to be switched into

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I play this game, mainly for the story and for exploration. This means that I hardly ever need this feature. Yet, Personally I think they should quit living story and expansion until this feature is finished. Sure take a year. I'll wait for story if that'll give us this one feature. If you're making it and charging an expansion's worth of gems for it, I will get it, for all my 3 accounts. Just. Get. On. With. It. :love:

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It likely has something to do with the UI and all talents and buttons not having a shortcut name that is light on server space load to reference to. Imagine each talent having a simple number and then the whole build is saved in as few as 16 numbers that it can switch to with the push of a button. Now imagine that they want to incorporate it so gear is saved too.


Think about how much work it is to go over every loot table in the game and why they don't update old content because of it (unidentified gear). Now think about that on every individual item. The big reason why they haven't implemented this? They never considered to program all those lists to have easy, placeholder reference numbers to add new stuff without going through all the lists.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"Mighty MJ.9850" said:

> > Does anyone know what is stopping Anet from adding build templates or saving builds?


> The intention to sell character slots in the gem store, I guess.


You make a new character so you don't have to switch builds?

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > @"Mighty MJ.9850" said:

> > > Does anyone know what is stopping Anet from adding build templates or saving builds?

> >

> > The intention to sell character slots in the gem store, I guess.


> You make a new character so you don't have to switch builds?


Personally? No, I use the build template addon for ArcDPS. But some people do.

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > @"Mighty MJ.9850" said:

> > Does anyone know what is stopping Anet from adding build templates or saving builds?


> The intention to sell character slots in the gem store, I guess.


This is what I think also.


> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"Feanor.2358" said:

> > > @"Mighty MJ.9850" said:

> > > Does anyone know what is stopping Anet from adding build templates or saving builds?

> >

> > The intention to sell character slots in the gem store, I guess.


> You make a new character so you don't have to switch builds?



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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> d) security reasons, saving the templates on your hard drive has potential security risks


LOL! And what would those "risks" be? Seriously, are you telling me that GW1 poses a security risk because it uses build templates? (Nonsense.) Or is this about people tweaking their templates to load something into the game to breach the servers? (I am certain the latter can easily be avoided by proper programming.)

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > d) security reasons, saving the templates on your hard drive has potential security risks


> LOL! And what would those "risks" be? Seriously, are you telling me that GW1 poses a security risk because it uses build templates? (Nonsense.) Or is this about people tweaking their templates to load something into the game to breach the servers? (I am certain the latter can easily be avoided by proper programming.)


Hacks, obviously. But the templates do not have to be stored locally. Look at Diablo 3 - they have the system in place and everything is server-side.

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If they ever get around to this, they'll probably use the tab method, allowing you to equip and swap between other sets of equipment with their own builds, skins, dyes and whatever else they wanted to include. While they're at it, change skins to be something you apply to a slot, rather than the equipment, and this can double as wardrobe tabs / custom outfits. At least this way they have a reason to implement it, since they can sell the tabs.

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On a player level, by NOT saving/sharing builds it forces each player to individualize their character for themselves instead of relying on what "X" professional raider says is the best way to set up YOUR character. They aren't playing my character, I am. They may have key-binding that assists them that isn't talked about,


For every professional that says their build is the best way to run an elite spec there's more right around the corner saying theirs is the best.


This was a "problem" in GW1, people getting kicked from PUGs for not having a certain build; "Play MY way or you can't play in our sandbox!"

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> @"Mighty MJ.9850" said:

> im not a server expert but im assuming build saving would make lag but what exactly would be wrong with build templates? if they can release trading post api then surely there is a similar route for build templates? I mean, they did it in GW1, is it because they want it nicer?


> are there even any actual answers?


GW1 builds are actually stored locally ln Guild Wars\Templates. Any errors would set a default build. If I remember correctly, builds could only be changed while in a safe noncombat area. Bandwidth wouldn't be an issue.

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My guess:

lack of man power (see delay and unfinished feel of last living world, lack of support for pvp/wvw, lack of raid releases, [and a post that said that creating something as an in game news letter will have the cost of content](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/38248/the-holo-news-krewe "and a post that said that creating something as an in game news letter will have the cost of content"))

the existence of an add-on that they allow that already does so

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When the game launched, ANet was against having build templates. I didn't agree with the rationale then, but let's stipulate that they weren't completely silly. Just short-sighted. At the time, there were a variety of reasons why it didn't matter much, too.


At some point, ANet started commenting on the idea, saying that they, too would like to see the templates. But, like most things, it's more complicated to implement than it sounds. Among the issues raised:

* In what format are they stored? Are they shareable among players?

* Does a single template include traits, skills, and gear?

* If gear, where do you put the previously one-hand weapons if swapping to a double-hand one? What if the character doesn't have the right gear

* How do you handle legendary gear? Without a sigil|rune swapping system, how do you handle that if the character has the correct prefix, but wrong suffix?

* How does the game handle a corrupted template file?

* What does the UI look like?


That last is probably among the aspects that prevent them from moving forward. ArcDPS has build templates and you can see, due to its primitive implementation, that there's a ton of ways to get things wrong.


Regardless, despite all this, it boggles my mind that ANet has found time to do things like bring back SAB (enjoyed intensely by a small niche of players), but hasn't managed the wherewithal to make any visible progress on templates/loadouts (something that would be used multiple times per day for a large plurality). At the very least, why can't the game simply display builds, the way that gw2skills.net does?

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> @"Feanor.2358" said:

> Hacks, obviously.


Templates don't contain code that could be abused for hacking. They are simple text files that look like this: OwYT043AZKuajoB83BZQi4jANCA

That can't function as a hack.


Also, regarding templates, I just saw that we had separate ones for skills and for equipment in GW1. I suggest ANet starts with the skill templates and later extends it, if the item part poses such an issue.

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