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Which profession are players most hostile towards?


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Just curious and I want to know how things have changed over the years.

(In terms of kicking people because they play a certain class or bashing them for it)


Well, I see myself getting very toxic towards rangers because they're annoying and useless. Even the druid is bad because there are classes who can outperform a druid in healing. Still don't know why it's still meta. Also it's a noob class. Every time i see a ranger I block them.

(This goes for mostly WvW as I'm more active in this game mode but currently I'm taking a break from it since the community on my server has been split up and arguing over something. And yes, this also goes for PvE since every damn ranger doesn't know what pet on passive is, nearly everyone uses the ugly bear and I see them mostly running this useless longbow which only causes more annoyance due to only have 2 useful skills and the rest being absolute s.hit. Is this class not hated by everysone anymore? I remember everyone hating it and labeling players of this class as noobs)

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1. You didnt mention game mode, type of content in such game mode and type of group in such content.

2. Druid was never really taken for its healing, it just has the most dps buffs to offer among all supports (buffs which are better than all other healers have together) on top of decent healing, which is enough to heal (and overheal) full group/raid squad. That's also why most good groups use only 1 druid in raids.



> All these poles giving Anet some decent information. It sure is useful to see what people feel.


This poll wont give any useful information. For start mesmer has 3 votes and it's a class that currently (and for the past few years) has not just viable builds, but the optimal builds in every single game mode and every type of content in it. You dont want to kick mesmers, you want them in your party. People will just vote for the classes they hate because they get 1-shotted by them, classes that got buffed to above-their-main-class' dps, classes that they have no idea about but they heard that other people hate them etc. but none of those have anything to do with groups and kicking, which is the point of this thread.

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In what mode?


In WvW its no doubt thieves and mesmers.


Just a couple of days ago a duel specced spellbreaker complained about me being a mirage in whispers. And a single autoattack from him would at one point literally have downed me while he was still 50%+ hp. I am not good at fighting warriors to begin with. When I pointed out he could have won that pretty close fight it was just nope. You are a mirage, hence you suck.


Of course sometime later we went 2 mirages vs 1 sb (not the one above) and 1 vanilla warrior and they just roflstomped us both.


But nope. Mirages are worst and he only lost because I was a mirage and mirages are OP, not because he could in any way possibly have been a worse player.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> In what mode?


> In WvW its no doubt thieves and mesmers.


> Just a couple of days ago a duel specced spellbreaker complained about me being a mirage in whispers. And a single autoattack from him would at one point literally have downed me while he was still 50%+ hp. I am not good at fighting warriors to begin with. When I pointed out he could have won that pretty close fight it was just nope. You are a mirage, hence you suck.


> Of course sometime later we went 2 mirages vs 1 sb (not the one above) and 1 vanilla warrior and they just roflstomped us both.


> But nope. Mirages are worst and he only lost because I was a mirage and mirages are OP, not because he could in any way possibly have been a worse player.


I think it's a war issue. Most of the time when you lose to a spellbreaker, it's because you suck, you're a noob, or whatever. When they lose to you, it's because you run a cheesy build/spec. Many wars seem to think they're entitled to be the strongest. Getting killed by a light armor class seems unbearable.

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I think overall and historically, Thief.

Possibly Mesmer...

That's for sPvP and WvW though. People just love complaining about the Stealth and Mobility these classes have and always use it as a reason to shout for nerfs...


In PvE... No clue.

Think anything really goes there..?

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I would have to say necro, and I don't even have a necro lol. I see them being harassed more than anyone though. In PvP it's for not being on the right points at the right time (due to their lack of mobility) along with people complaining the loudest when a necro kills them and everyone always shouting "focus the necro" before the match starts. In pve they still get harassed for not switching to something else in group content and excluded from some groups entirely. In wvw they're usually fine if they stick to the blob. I primarily PvP though, so that's where my opinion comes from.

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op you block every ranger you see? even when he doesnt say anything?




> @"Kako.1930" said:

> I would have to say necro, and I don't even have a necro lol. I see them being harassed more than anyone though. In PvP it's for not being on the right points at the right time (due to their lack of mobility) along with people complaining the loudest when a necro kills them and everyone always shouting "focus the necro" before the match starts. In pve they still get harassed for not switching to something else in group content and excluded from some groups entirely. In wvw they're usually fine if they stick to the blob. I primarily PvP though, so that's where my opinion comes from.


necros are the first target because they are easy to pressure down since they lack defensive stuff and a freecasting necro is deadly, so yea kill him first obviously

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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> op you block every ranger you see? even when he doesnt say anything?




> > @"Kako.1930" said:

> > I would have to say necro, and I don't even have a necro lol. I see them being harassed more than anyone though. In PvP it's for not being on the right points at the right time (due to their lack of mobility) along with people complaining the loudest when a necro kills them and everyone always shouting "focus the necro" before the match starts. In pve they still get harassed for not switching to something else in group content and excluded from some groups entirely. In wvw they're usually fine if they stick to the blob. I primarily PvP though, so that's where my opinion comes from.


> necros are the first target because they are easy to pressure down since they lack defensive stuff and a freecasting necro is deadly, so yea kill him first obviously


Yeah, my post was worded badly because I'm on my phone so it looks like a bunch of garbled nonsense but that's basically what I meant lol. I didn't elaborate on common strategy because that's not the topic though. I was more referencing the verbal abuse they often get after they're focused down, from both their own team and the opposing team.

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thieves in pvp. Haven't played my thief regularly in a year or more, but when I did it was terrible. I'd have good games, bad games, I was mostly mediocre. But according to every team I was soley responsible for winning or losing every game. People expect you to be everywhere at once as a thief and teammates don't understand if a thief is being countered or shut down. These days I've dropped my thief and ele and mainly only play my two rev's, but I still see people on my pvp teams just throwing a constant barrage of insults at thieves even in quickplay.


Other than that I never really see any other specific professions get targeted for hate. Rev used to all the time because of all the internet hate, but it has died down and no one complains about me playing it anymore.

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Don't forget condi is still a major salt magnet. I got way more salt on my condi trapper no stealth thief build when I killed someone than I do on my deadeye, and I'm hitting people for up to 29k currently. But it's ok, because that's power and therefore skill (sarcasm, there's virtually no skill in a one shot build on any class).

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People don't even know what the thief weapon skills do and still rage about things you aren't even doing while playing the class.


Whenever I do play my thief, I routinely get salty PM's about how overpowered my permastealth is, how resetting is overpowered despite the fact I run D/D + S/D core on all-offense traitlines and never OOC, and don't even play with Shadowstep, Roll for Initiative, or Signet of Agility. People just absolutely cannot accept the fact they get totally out-played when they do and are quick to blame things that are exclusive only to a few builds.


Mesmer is up there, but it's also currently overpowered in the PvP modes, so there's that.


For PvE, though, it's probably necro or ranger, just because no matter what you do, people are going to be salty you're not playing another class for more DPS.


> @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> Don't forget condi is still a major salt magnet. I got way more salt on my condi trapper no stealth thief build when I killed someone than I do on my deadeye, and I'm hitting people for up to 29k currently. But it's ok, because that's power and therefore skill (sarcasm, there's virtually no skill in a one shot build on any class).


It's not really skilled play to play Dire/TB anything to be honest, so that could be why.

SA DE is definitely cheese, but it's way more killable.

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> @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:

> > Don't forget condi is still a major salt magnet. I got way more salt on my condi trapper no stealth thief build when I killed someone than I do on my deadeye, and I'm hitting people for up to 29k currently. But it's ok, because that's power and therefore skill (sarcasm, there's virtually no skill in a one shot build on any class).


> It's not really skilled play to play Dire/TB anything to be honest, so that could be why.

> SA DE is definitely cheese, but it's way more killable.


Of course, that's kinda my point. When you think about which professions people hate, the professions that are usually condi are probably gonna be higher on the list just for that.


To be honest I don't care how skilled a build is considered to be, if I'm solo roaming and repeatedly running into things that counter my main power build I'll swap to condi if it gets better results, and vice versa. If the other guy is dead and I'm not I call that a win.

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For me it's ranger.

Every profession can be played good and I would never kick someone for their profession before giving them a chance.

However every profession can also be played bad and while it's easy to ignore most badly played professions and just silently carry them, a bad ranger can really ruin your day. A bad ranger is actually worse than leaving the spot free.

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Alright, to clear things up a bit:

I did play ranger (mostly druid) in the time of return after a year long break (from a previous account from 2012 to 2014 which isn't existing anymore due to contact adress loss and more) in 2015 but I've seen the hate for this class still persisted and so I just tried to go with the flow and get into the toxic elitism squad too because I'm too afraid people will think badly of me if I don't do it. It's sad to see that you can't play how you feel like anymore without everyone thinking you're a bad player. It's sad to be judged by choice of class, skins (choosing a decent and realistic style rather than legendary over the top flashy weeb anime s.hit), weapons, races, if you're a RPer or anything else. And since I became a very anxious and paranoid person this affects me a lot. Yes, I know my stuff and I play meta builds if they're required for content such as raids, dungeons or WvW (Even if we have our own community created and concepted build for our server). I don't mean to spread anything. I actually just wanted to share my thoughts on how sad I find it how the game has become compared to the good old days and now. I also wanted to share my thoughts on this because I feel uncomfortable playing certain characters of mine even though I really want to because of the fear of getting judged from everywhere. I just want to enjoy the game again like I used to earlier, that's all. <3

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In PvE at least, I despise playing with Necro's - usually to the point where I audably groan when I see one join the party. More often than not, people who play Necro play it because of the sheer tankyness, so you often have to play around them and the minions they set loose on every mob.

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