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What is the reasoning behind story fights?

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LWS 3, "Frozen Out". A ton of veteran wolves attacking Braham and the player. Mostly the player. So, die over and over and over again. What's the point?


LWS 3, "Confessor's End". Two Veteran Jade Bows. The moment you're detected there's a ton of debuffs on you and your health evaporates. You can't get up because you're bombarded with CCs and other stuff so you die again immediately. You can't skip them if you're detected and there's no stealth mechanic on the map, i.e. nothing that gives you stealth and no vision indicators on the enemies. So what's the mechanic? You don't expect people to completely change (i.e., buy new exotic items) their meta gear and build just for a single *step* in a story episode do you? Edit: And it's bugged too, great. I've used a stealth skill to get past the jades (had to restart the mission) yet Demmi says "They saw us!" but enemies didn't aggro! Shit, Anet, can you fix your stuff please?


LWS 4, "A Kindness Repaid". Mark II Beta Exterminator Golem. Cool mechanic, *except* for the part where aoe constantly spawns under your feet. You know you can only dodge 2 times unless you've an exceptional dodge build like maybe Daredevil's or Mirage's, right? And you do realise that the aoe spawns much more frequently than the player is able to dodge? You cannot just walk out of it. I know you can't die in that battle, that's besides the point.


The common theme across these fights (and many others, these are just fresh that I remember) is you're getting endlessly screwed and there's nothing you can do except go through it. Here's a great idea for designing story fights though:


- Players shouldn't be expected to gear specifically for your story mission because that's not the primary thing they're doing in the game. They're doing events, fractals, wvw. That usually means having a damage build.

- Any profession and spec should be able to complete your story mission.

- Survival should be based on knowing enemy mechanics and giving players a chance to avoid taking damage at all, *not* through having healing gear/build. If they lack skills to avoid damage then let them take damage, it's their own mistake, but it should be possible to avoid taking it in the first place.


I think most of the time players don't care to criticise these fights because oh, it's just once and I'm through this misdesigned content. Doesn't mean it shouldn't be fixed. People pay for those story missions you know. Whatever good stuff they have is getting severely smeared by those battles.

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May I ask what build/profession you are using?


> Players shouldn't be expected to gear specifically for your story mission because that's not the primary thing they're doing in the game. They're doing events, fractals, wvw. That usually means having a damage build.


In most cases you don't have to gear your character differently to play story missions. Of course this depends on your profession of choice, for example using the full meta condi DPS Soulbeast should make it rather easy to beat all those encounters you mentioned. Using the meta DPS build for Weaver on the other hand is probably impossible...


> Any profession and spec should be able to complete your story mission.

The game is balanced around how much damage specs do in Raids and on stationary, not-responding golems. There is very little thought or consideration how bad or good a profession is at playing story missions. Also, they are balanced around having others to heal you, buff you and tank for you with little regard to the solo viability of different professions. Otherwise, this huge difference between specs wouldn't exist.


> Survival should be based on knowing enemy mechanics and giving players a chance to avoid taking damage at all, not through having healing gear/build. If they lack skills to avoid damage then let them take damage, it's their own mistake, but it should be possible to avoid taking it in the first place.


You don't need healing gear/build, as I said the meta DPS builds of many professions are perfectly capable of finishing all the story content due to their versatility. Others are having a much harder time because they lack the solo versatility to survive and deal damage at the same time.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> DPS builds of many professions are perfectly capable of finishing all the story content due to their versatility


So what would you recommend in these cases:


How do you avoid aoe on Golem Exterminator with any profession?


How do you kill all veteran wolves without dying in Frozen Out?


How do you avoid getting killed in a later fight with the champ, where you have to direct his charges at other mobs, while all those mobs hit you with ranged attacks and you can't do anything about it?


How do you reliably kill a single Veteran Jade Bow with any profession without getting downed?

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> @"wilem.9635" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > DPS builds of many professions are perfectly capable of finishing all the story content due to their versatility


> So what would you recommend in these cases:


> How do you avoid aoe on Golem Exterminator with any profession?


> How do you kill all veteran wolves without dying in Frozen Out?


> How do you avoid getting killed in a later fight with the champ, where you have to direct his charges at other mobs, while all those mobs hit you with ranged attacks and you can't do anything about it?


> How do you reliably kill a single Veteran Jade Bow with any profession without getting downed?


Stay close to the golem, its easier to move out of its AOES that way much like Liadra, at least it was for me.


Cant help you with the wolves, i killed most of them before they got to me and the ones that did died shortly after, cripple and nonstop movement helps alot.


The champion in the same instance i tended to stay behind one of the rocks in that room and let him charge that until he killed all the minions, it stops the other minions from hitting you with the exception of one or two.


You kill it before it kills you, FYI it should pop up a thing that allows you to send its spectral agony back to it, but im unsure if thats a mastery or not.


All the missions in this game ive done on a Guardian, Ranger(SB), and an Ele(Weaver) with full zerker so i had no survivability, especially the ele.

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> @"wilem.9635" said:

> LWS 3, "Frozen Out". A ton of veteran wolves attacking Braham and the player. Mostly the player. So, die over and over and over again. What's the point?




> LWS 3, "Confessor's End". Two Veteran Jade Bows. The moment you're detected there's a ton of debuffs on you and your health evaporates.


You don't engage them at once but separately. Also, you only have to for an achievement. Otherwise, it's easy to sneak past them.


> I've used a stealth skill to get past the jades (had to restart the mission) yet Demmi says "They saw us!" but enemies didn't aggro! kitten, Anet, can you fix your stuff please?


As long as they don't engage _you_ it doesn't matter what Demi says. Just keep running until you reach the door and all is fine.


> LWS 4, "A Kindness Repaid". Mark II Beta Exterminator Golem. Cool mechanic, *except* for the part where aoe constantly spawns under your feet.


WASD? It's all a question of coordination and not of how many times you can dodge.


> The common theme across these fights (and many others, these are just fresh that I remember) is you're getting endlessly screwed and there's nothing you can do except go through it.


Actually, once you get the mechanics, the missions become a lot easier because you know what to do.


> - Players shouldn't be expected to gear specifically for your story mission


Decent gear should be expected at some point at level 80, no? The content no longer supports low-end blue or green gear with random stats. You don't have to gear up differently for those missions than you have for open world content. You should have specific gear that supports your profession throughout the whole game by dealing adequate damage. The faster you defeat a foe the less a fight drags on, and that goes for open world content as much as it goes for any other content. Everything beyond LWS1 is already end game (especially with the expansions which start at highest difficulty and expect you to be geared up for it), and thus should be your equipment and playstyle.


But, apart from that, the most difficult part of the examples you gave is getting to know the mechanics of a mission. The first time will always be the toughest because it's new and you don't know what to expect, but the next time you will know and know how to counter any dangers the mission poses.


> - Any profession and spec should be able to complete your story mission.


Well, that is a question of philosophy. I wouldn't mind if there was an "easy" mode for those who only care about the story, but this would involve twice the work (and double the release times).


> - Survival should be based on knowing enemy mechanics and giving players a chance to avoid taking damage at all, *not* through having healing gear/build.


**But it is.** _No one_ requires "healing gear" for any of the missions, including the examples you listed.


> If they lack skills to avoid damage [...]


It isn't as much a question of skills as it is of player skill. You have to react in time (repeating myself: WASD) to avoid damage, your skills (alone) won't help you there. It mainly a question of movement, secondly of knowing a fight's mechanics, and gear as well as skills come last.


> I think most of the time players don't care to criticise these fights


Yes, they do.

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> @"wilem.9635" said:

> So what would you recommend in these cases:

> How do you avoid aoe on Golem Exterminator with any profession?


WASD. You see the damage markers on the ground long before the damage is dealt. You have enough time to react by stepping into the gaps. Your main goal is to kill the small golems and collect enough energy globes to throw at the big guy to trigger its source of energy to spawn (another small golem that you must kill in order to defeat the Exterminator).


> How do you kill all veteran wolves without dying in Frozen Out?


You stand behind your NPC comrades so you won't get targetted alone. You apply good damage so they die quickly.


> How do you avoid getting killed in a later fight with the champ, where you have to direct his charges at other mobs


Speed skill and, as always WASD to stand in between the AoE fields.


> while all those mobs hit you with ranged attacks and you can't do anything about it?


Yes, you can: don't stand still, be mobile, your healing skill will recharge eventually.


> How do you reliably kill a single Veteran Jade Bow with any profession without getting downed?


Avoid its most damaging attack, avoid melee range if you can't protect yourself, deal good damage, don't engage them both at once, use disabling/interrupting skills (like daze, for instance), reflect the Spectral Agony with your special skill.

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If I'm remembering correctly, the exterminator golem has wide enough gaps in its AoE pattern that you can step between them while it attacks.


For the wolves, I just hit them with my best AoE stuff. Then again, I was on my dragonhunter, I can see certain classes having trouble with grouped enemies, but there are tools to deal with it. I actually had more problems dealing with the initial svanir ambush than the wolves, since they're much more spread out and harder to pull to melee.


> @"Dante.1763" said:

> You kill it before it kills you, FYI it should pop up a thing that allows you to send its spectral agony back to it, but im unsure if thats a mastery or not.



There is a mastery for it, the first one in the ancient magics line. Most things in LS3 need it at some point and you're in trouble if you don't have it or forget to use it.


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> @"wilem.9635" said:

> How do you avoid aoe on Golem Exterminator with any profession?


Its basic attack shoots to your sides, so you can actually stand still and not get hit when halfway between it and the outer ring. It can't even hit you in melee range, however it occasionally sounds an alarm and does an anti-melee AoE to force you out. Whenever it stops attacking to do a charged attack, or if you bait the anti-melee AoE, you have several seconds to kill the adds safely. You can also move safely by predicting where it'll shoot, since it's always from one arm then the other. For the final phase, you basically just stay in melee and circle / step through it to avoid everything.









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Seems OP just isn't well aware of mechanics and doesn't know how to gear properly. I didn't have any issues with any of those encounters. As most said: DPS is the best way. Most enemies go down within seconds, so no survival needed.


While the visual clutter may be some sort of an issue the mechanics are no different than you typical single player action game. But it seems we have now a generation of casual players who don't know anything about games of yonder...

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> @"wilem.9635" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > DPS builds of many professions are perfectly capable of finishing all the story content due to their versatility


> So what would you recommend in these cases:


> How do you avoid aoe on Golem Exterminator with any profession?


> How do you kill all veteran wolves without dying in Frozen Out?


> How do you avoid getting killed in a later fight with the champ, where you have to direct his charges at other mobs, while all those mobs hit you with ranged attacks and you can't do anything about it?


> How do you reliably kill a single Veteran Jade Bow with any profession without getting downed?


I cannot tell you that. I just did, without much consideration or changing gear/traits. I know, that is a personal experience just like yours - but it is as viable to consider as yours. And I am certainly not the kind of player that facerolls Liadri. As for the constant criticism of these fights you bring up: It seems it is countered by just as many people saying difficulty is fine. And people who do swimmingly in these fights rarely hit the forum, opening a thread "hey, just did great in fight x".

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My main character is a support firebrand built for WvW. And these end story fights take forever to complete cause my damage is poo on that character.


Sure I can finish them easy with my other characters, but I like having all maps 100% and story missions complete on my 'main'.


The joko fight took about 37 minutes on that character. Not because I was dieing (I never dropped below 75% health), but because it's a fight designed around an HP sponge boss.

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> @"wilem.9635" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > All the missions in this game ive done


> Again, missing my point. It's not about getting done. It's about not getting down on a generic build.


Generic meaning: Build i threw together without bothering to make sure traits, equipment and skills work together?


Or Generic meaning: Build where all the equipment and skills and traits work together to make a functional build?


Or even: Build that somebody who doesnt understand the game made because play how you want?


Generic for me is the second one i listed, it might not be a meta build, then again it might i dont really check, i just make sure all my skills and traits line up and i almost always run some kind of DPS equipment because its open world PVE.

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> @"wilem.9635" said:

> LWS 3, "Frozen Out". A ton of veteran wolves attacking Braham and the player. Mostly the player. So, die over and over and over again. What's the point?

Wolves do not retarget with their attacks. As long as you keep moving and dodge when the largest ones pounce on you, you will get minimal damage. Control like AoE stuns, chilled, weakness and blind also help.


> LWS 3, "Confessor's End". Two Veteran Jade Bows. The moment you're detected there's a ton of debuffs on you and your health evaporates.

They are countered with blocks, stability and evades. Everyone has some of that. Veteran jade bows can spam knockbacks, but they are very slow attackers, so you can just go ranged and avoid their arrows with quick alternating side-strafing left and right. You can train against young karka and their spit. If you can time your left-right movement right, you can avoid every single water projectile from a young karka spit attack just by moving.


> LWS 4, "A Kindness Repaid". Mark II Beta Exterminator Golem. Cool mechanic, *except* for the part where aoe constantly spawns under your feet.

This is another case of movement required. The exterminator golem fires under your feet, but its attack has a minimum range of about 300 units. So it won't hit you if you stay melee, and since it's also extremely slow and can't re-adjust once fired, as long as you do not keep a constant movement speed, sudden starts and stop will make it miss the mark all the time.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> You don't engage them at once but separately. Also, you only have to for an achievement. Otherwise, it's easy to sneak past them.


No, it's not easy. Stealth doesn't work (see bug) and one jade sees you from above. And after they saw you once you can't retry, game mission says kill all. If it says so in error that's another issue, again, fix the mission and don't confuse the player.


> As long as they don't engage _you_ it doesn't matter what Demi says. Just keep running until you reach the door and all is fine.


I reached the door, nothing happened. Mission step said kill all and Demi said they saw us, so kill them all.


> > LWS 4, "A Kindness Repaid". Mark II Beta Exterminator Golem. Cool mechanic, *except* for the part where aoe constantly spawns under your feet.


> WASD? It's all a question of coordination and not of how many times you can dodge.


I think if you move all the time you step out of it just in time, but something constantly debuffs you for slow movement, Chill if I recall correctly.


> > The common theme across these fights (and many others, these are just fresh that I remember) is you're getting endlessly screwed and there's nothing you can do except go through it.


> Actually, once you get the mechanics, the missions become a lot easier because you know what to do.


So what's the mechanic of 5 veteran mobs focusing you in a tight space? Same Frozen Out mission, before the wolves - they are multiple Veteran Svanir and some lesser ones all fighting Braham, you engage and they vaporise you.



> > - Players shouldn't be expected to gear specifically for your story mission


> Decent gear should be expected at some point at level 80, no?


I'm already in decent endgame gear, giving 10k dps solo. Doing great in t1/t2 fractals without external healing. Yes, I have dodge and 1 heal, but they're finite, whereas in story fights the game often goes crazy and assumes I have 100 dodges, 100 heals and 40k hp and remove 3 conditions each second just as passive.


> But, apart from that, the most difficult part of the examples you gave is getting to know the mechanics of a mission. The first time will always be the toughest because it's new and you don't know what to expect, but the next time you will know and know how to counter any dangers the mission poses.


It's not new, I've done all those story mission 3-4 times on different characters.


> Well, that is a question of philosophy. I wouldn't mind if there was an "easy" mode for those who only care about the story, but this would involve twice the work (and double the release times).


Bah, it's hopeless. It's like nobody bothers to actually read what I'm writing. It's not about easy. It's about there being a mechanic that has nothing to do with your gear and build, that if you follow that mechanic you get rewarded for that knowledge and skill by not being hit. Do mechanics right = get rewarded. Do it wrong = get punished. What's the mechanic of doing it right with Golem Exterminator? I'll repeat, aoe blobs get spawned under your feet all the time and you get debuffed for speed movement and your dodge energy is finite.


> **But it is.** _No one_ requires "healing gear" for any of the missions, including the examples you listed.


No it isn't, see my examples.


> It isn't as much a question of skills as it is of player skill. You have to react in time (repeating myself: WASD) to avoid damage, your skills (alone) won't help you there. It mainly a question of movement, secondly of knowing a fight's mechanics, and gear as well as skills come last.


See above.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> WASD. You see the damage markers on the ground long before the damage is dealt. You have enough time to react by stepping into the gaps.


What gaps are you talking about? It's a golden circle under your feet, you can step off it. There are no "gaps". But you often get debuffed for movement speed and dodge energy is finite.


> You stand behind your NPC comrades so you won't get targetted alone. You apply good damage so they die quickly.


How do you do that with a melee build?


> > How do you avoid getting killed in a later fight with the champ, where you have to direct his charges at other mobs


> Speed skill and, as always WASD to stand in between the AoE fields.


Have you actually read my post? Or do you perhaps confuse that fight with something else? It's a cavern full of stationary mobs. They don't move. But they throw ranged attacks at you. You can't hurt them. There is nothing you can do but tank the ranged damage. You need to move across the room (while they throw ranged attacks at you) to position yourself properly so that the champ charges those mobs and kills them for you. There's a lot of movement and nothing you can do about those ranged attacks thrown at you.


> > while all those mobs hit you with ranged attacks and you can't do anything about it?


> Yes, you can: don't stand still, be mobile, your healing skill will recharge eventually.


How is moving going to save you from ranged attacks that hit you no matter what? There's also a lot of aoe spawned on the ground, so sometimes you have to stand still in a tiny patch of good ground, i.e. you can't even dodge because you'll dodge into aoe.


> > How do you reliably kill a single Veteran Jade Bow with any profession without getting downed?


> Avoid its most damaging attack,


What do you mean - avoid?


> avoid melee range if you can't protect yourself,


I can't avoid melee range, I'm a melee fighter. What do you mean by protecting myself?


> deal good damage, don't engage them both at once, use disabling/interrupting skills (like daze, for instance),


I have 3 interrupts skills, they're not enough to break the bar.


> reflect the Spectral Agony with your special skill.


Still not enough.

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> @"Overlord RainyDay.2084" said:

> If I'm remembering correctly, the exterminator golem has wide enough gaps in its AoE pattern that you can step between them while it attacks.


It spawns centered on you, you have time to move away if you move immediately, but not if you're debuffed for movement, which they debuff you a lot.


> For the wolves, I just hit them with my best AoE stuff.


Me too, but there's a lot of them so when they hit me, I'm dead. Lots of veteran attacks at once = dead. Why isn't it one veteran with lots of lesser minions, like it is in open world encounters? Why does the story have to go apeshit on players? Actually that makes no sense. In open world it should be lots of veterans because there are often players around to help you. There is noone to help you in instanced story however, so making it more difficult than open world makes no sense at all.


> There is a mastery for it, the first one in the ancient magics line. Most things in LS3 need it at some point and you're in trouble if you don't have it or forget to use it.


That's true, I figured it out later, but it wasn't enough.

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I agree with the OP and see no reason why some of these fights *in a story* are such a pain. Save that stuff for more repeatable PvE instances - raids, fractals, whatever. I want to play through the story and enjoy it, not dread it and have no desire to take more than one character through it.

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> @"wilem.9635" said:

> LWS 3, "Frozen Out". A ton of veteran wolves attacking Braham and the player. Mostly the player. So, die over and over and over again. What's the point?


> LWS 3, "Confessor's End". Two Veteran Jade Bows. The moment you're detected there's a ton of debuffs on you and your health evaporates. You can't get up because you're bombarded with CCs and other stuff so you die again immediately. You can't skip them if you're detected and there's no stealth mechanic on the map, i.e. nothing that gives you stealth and no vision indicators on the enemies. So what's the mechanic? You don't expect people to completely change (i.e., buy new exotic items) their meta gear and build just for a single *step* in a story episode do you? Edit: And it's bugged too, great. I've used a stealth skill to get past the jades (had to restart the mission) yet Demmi says "They saw us!" but enemies didn't aggro! kitten, Anet, can you fix your stuff please?


> LWS 4, "A Kindness Repaid". Mark II Beta Exterminator Golem. Cool mechanic, *except* for the part where aoe constantly spawns under your feet. You know you can only dodge 2 times unless you've an exceptional dodge build like maybe Daredevil's or Mirage's, right? And you do realise that the aoe spawns much more frequently than the player is able to dodge? You cannot just walk out of it. I know you can't die in that battle, that's besides the point.


> The common theme across these fights (and many others, these are just fresh that I remember) is you're getting endlessly screwed and there's nothing you can do except go through it. Here's a great idea for designing story fights though:


> - Players shouldn't be expected to gear specifically for your story mission because that's not the primary thing they're doing in the game. They're doing events, fractals, wvw. That usually means having a damage build.

> - Any profession and spec should be able to complete your story mission.

> - Survival should be based on knowing enemy mechanics and giving players a chance to avoid taking damage at all, *not* through having healing gear/build. If they lack skills to avoid damage then let them take damage, it's their own mistake, but it should be possible to avoid taking it in the first place.


> I think most of the time players don't care to criticise these fights because oh, it's just once and I'm through this misdesigned content. Doesn't mean it shouldn't be fixed. People pay for those story missions you know. Whatever good stuff they have is getting severely smeared by those battles.


It's good that you use a high-damage build and expect to fail when you don't understand the mechanics. But had you considered that you might not understand the mechanics?


Let's take the easiest example you've provided: Jade Constructs. These are pretty typical of enemies that reward high damage builds. After they've taken enough damage, they'll apply a damage shield with a breakbar. With sufficient DPS, you can force them to cast this shield after only making one move. Then you just break their bar and finish them before they recover from the stun. The idea is that you only have to evade their initial attack before you're able to push them into the shield phase and finish them. As with so many other enemies in GW2, your best defense is a strong offense!


In fact, the jade bows are so flimsy it's possible to kill them before they finish casting the shield! And lest you think this requires a specific class with a perfect rotation and some sort of meme build, I just tested using Trailblazer Mirage (That's right, full condi with no power/precision!) and was still (just barely!) able to kill the jade bow before it could shield. The construct was more resilient, so I just CC'd it and finished it off before it could shake the stun. Again, that's with full Trailblazer gear. So a power zerker build should be able to pull this off without even trying.


One more thing it sounds like you missed regarding jade constructs. They have a special action attack. That's where the load of conditions comes from. Listen for the "beep-boop" sound effect and watch for the special action button to appear (located just above your health/endurance display). You want to be quick on this.


Knowing this, you should find jade constructs a breeze to handle. Do you suppose there might be some things you missed on the other encounters you struggled with?



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> @"wilem.9635" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > DPS builds of many professions are perfectly capable of finishing all the story content due to their versatility


> So what would you recommend in these cases:


> How do you avoid aoe on Golem Exterminator with any profession?


> How do you kill all veteran wolves without dying in Frozen Out?


> How do you avoid getting killed in a later fight with the champ, where you have to direct his charges at other mobs, while all those mobs hit you with ranged attacks and you can't do anything about it?


> How do you reliably kill a single Veteran Jade Bow with any profession without getting downed?


Dodge? I mean, that's usually the answer to how do you avoid, you hit your dodge key. Mine is bound to the bottom row second column on my naga trinity for the 12 button plate. The problem with the Exterminator isn't killing it without dying, that's easy enough, it's killing it fast enough to get the achievement. I suspect that might take a team.

A bunch of veteran wolves, I don't recall that being an issue. For one I was attacking them long before they got near the Braham. Move around and dodge. AoE as much as you can, if you can. Not really sure what to tell you here.

Again, dodge, don't stand in his path. The idea is to get him to aim at the ice then get out of the way.

Um, keep hitting it until it's dead? Dodge.


Just dodge more, really.

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> @"wilem.9635" said:

> Bah, it's hopeless. It's like nobody bothers to actually read what I'm writing. It's not about easy. It's about there being a mechanic that has nothing to do with your gear and build, that if you follow that mechanic you get rewarded for that knowledge and skill by not being hit. Do mechanics right = get rewarded. Do it wrong = get punished. What's the mechanic of doing it right with Golem Exterminator? I'll repeat, aoe blobs get spawned under your feet all the time and you get debuffed for speed movement and your dodge energy is finite.


But that's exactly what the Exterminator is; everything it does can be avoided (scroll up).


> @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

> The problem with the Exterminator isn't killing it without dying, that's easy enough, it's killing it fast enough to get the achievement. I suspect that might take a team.


Killing it within 3 minutes should be easy for a zerker build. See the above spoiler for what a standard run looks like.


If you want to make it easier, on your way to the boss, kill a power golem to get a charge, then kill the shielded golem, which causes the rest of the group to despawn. When you do this, the power golems regularly respawn, allowing you to not only gain max stacks prior to the boss, but to also start with as many as you want in the room. This allows you to immediately pull out its core, and if you have strong DPS, you can push the final phase in one go, taking only about a minute or two total.


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Some of the problem seems to be an unwillingness to embrace a core element of the game's design. The ability and expectation that one can/will modify builds to meet the specifics of a given challenge. There is no such thing as being only a melee build, just being a melee build right now

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> Some of the problem seems to be an unwillingness to embrace a core element of the game's design. The ability and expectation that one can/will modify builds to meet the specifics of a given challenge. There is no such thing as being only a melee build, just being a melee build right now


the game was actually sold with the promise " we dont wanna tell you how to play your class"

how can you explain that?

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> @"battledrone.8315" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > Some of the problem seems to be an unwillingness to embrace a core element of the game's design. The ability and expectation that one can/will modify builds to meet the specifics of a given challenge. There is no such thing as being only a melee build, just being a melee build right now


> the game was actually sold with the promise " we dont wanna tell you how to play your class"

> how can you explain that?


I think that meant more of "Each class has many playable builds and can fill more than one role" not "literally any build will work in every situation."

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