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New playable race


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I was only joking before by saying skritt.

But if there is a chance at all of a new playable race, I'd prefer it was something completely new.

Such as a vampiric kind.

Though they are part of myth and legend, I hardly see any playable vampire races.

It's almost always elves, dwarves, orcs, and of course humans.

GW did a good job in coming up with unique new races, and I know vampires aren't exactly unique, but they could do a variant of vampire; should there be new races, that is.

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> @"Xar.1387" said:

> I wont write too much...


> **DWARVES!**


> Fantasy universe isnt complete without these little, bearded guys.

> New playable race like that could bring alot of new players to the game. And also veterans.

> There's also alot of mmorpg players that identify with dwarves and its really hard to find another race for them in gw2.

> So many of them cant fit into this universe. Adding them to the game would bring many benefits with a relatively small amount of work.


> _(And yes: I know lore pretty well. There's alot of options for dwarves to make epic comeback)_


Dwarves on Tyria are extinct. They sacrificed themselves in the age of GW1 to be turned into an army of stone dwarves and fight the Great Destroyer. There still might be some left of them, as we have seen, but they are ultra rare and can't procreate. So, you won't find a living dwarf on Tyria, unless ANet shows mercy and alters the lore to add some distant relatives of the dwarves. I don't see it happen, though, as there have been tons of "New playable race, please!" threads throughout these past 7.5 years - and so far, nothing's happened in that regard. Shame.

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I have no hope any new races will be added into the game.

They didn't bother finishing the Domain of Winds and Tengu playable race 7 years ago. They're not going to bother now. Heck, when they brought out a new profession, even that was half baked.


Only way I can see them adding another race into the game is if its Tengu and it takes place in Cantha, but I also have zero hope that they'll add any new continents into the game either.


It is a nice dream, but it will only just be that.

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I do think new races can breathe a lot of life into an MMO, there's something exciting about it that just entices people to "give it another spin" so to speak. Other MMO's recognize this, and add new races when and where they can, or when it makes sense.


That being said, I also think we have to acknowledge the difficulty of adding something like a new race in GW2. It's not like adding mounts, which I think are relatively easy by comparison. Any new character model being implemented would also mean ensuring that every single weapon and armor set fits their frame as well, which could also mean complete reworks to most armor sets or outfits in the case where the new race model is drastically different from any of the current races. This would not only be the case for current sets, but any future sets or outfits added as well. Animations would also have to be taken into account, and if you consider the potential work it would take, both to create a race and then maintain its place in the game once implemented, there's a lot to it.


With that in mind, I think there are some race prospects that might be more realistically plausible to ask for than others, if we look at the current races we know about. The largos, for example, might be relatively easy to add compared to other prospects. Their model is mostly human-like, aside from their wings, so it wouldn't be hard to imagine that most armor sets would fit them fairly easily with little work done to them. Animations also wouldn't have to change too much unless they wanted to add some unique flavor to them. Tengu, on the other hand, would be a much more complicated affair, and while I think they would be a cool and interesting race to have added to the game, I reckon it would be much more difficult to achieve. Dwarfs (the race you requested) probably sit somewhere in the middle of those two.


The question for ArenaNet would be "how much time/resources can we expect to expend on this kind of project and what will we gain from that effort?" If the gain justifies the effort involved, then the chances of a new race being added are much more probable. But you don't want a situation where a new race is added, and then after the novelty wears off, most people go back to playing humans anyway. Sometimes the more "funky" or "unique" races also end up being the least popular, and that might be the biggest deterrent for ArenaNet, where they simply cannot foresee an effort of this scale being justified or rewarded from a business perspective.

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A "new" race still will never happen unless it's identical to the skin setup and skeletons of one of the existing races - which would be pretty pointless. There's just too many skins they would have to remodel or re-rig.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> Or they could just **MAKE THE GOD kitten TRANSFORMS WORK WITH MOUNTS**.


> A "new" race still will never happen unless it's identical to the skin setup and skeletons of one of the existing races - which would be pretty pointless. There's just too many skins they would have to remodel or re-rig.


id be okay with that, give me a tengu one too and be 100% fine.


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> @"Magek.4718" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > @"Magek.4718" said:

> > > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > > New races won't happen in the near future, this has been established and explained ad nauceum.

> > > > Also ppl (including devs) don't want generic fantasy tropes in the game (why do you think the dwarves went extinct)

> > >

> > > Just like mounts

> >

> > Not comparable. Mounts had design issues to not be implemented, new races have development issues.


> Other games do it, I don't see why we're considering Anet to be less capable

It's not "less capable". It's the voice acting and armor. Both cause a situation where adding a new race would not only require adding/redoig a lot of already existing assets, but also significantly increase workload (and costs) on all future stuff.


They already mentioned several times in the game history, that they consider adding a new race an extremely costly endeavour that doesn;t offer enough to be worth that price.


By the way, did you notice how Square Enix mentioned, that the Shadownbringers' Viera and Hrothgar are likely the last races added to FF XIV, for exactly the same reason (and that they are gender-locked because they had resources for only one more race, so they decided to split them that way)? And remember, that they have only the gear assets to deal with, because the protagonist character _isn't_ voiced.

Hint: Anet doesn't have even a sliver of the resources and money FF XIV gets.


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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> It's the voice acting and armor.


Hoo boy, that's a lot. Male and female VAs * 5 or 6 languages GW2 goes out to * all the content that's voiced by the PC. Even if they pass over vanilla with a different story, there's still Season 2, HoT, Season 3, PoF, Season 4, etc. And then armors, so many armors.

And that would all *increase* production costs moving forward. Forever.


> By the way, did you notice how Square Enix mentioned, that the Shadownbringers' Viera and Hrothgar are likely the last races added to FF XIV, for exactly the same reason (and that they are gender-locked because they had resources for only one more race, so they decided to split them that way)? And remember, that they have only the gear assets to deal with, because the protagonist character _isn't_ voiced.

> Hint: Anet doesn't have even a sliver of the resources and money FF XIV gets.


I swapped to Hrothgar in XIV, and it still makes me sad I don't get hats. And I'm stuck with Head Hair due to a technical limitation on the customization options. The implementation for both races was not a good compromise.



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1. Three skritt fighting together, in tandem. I'd fork over gems for that.

2. Dredge. To convey their blindness, have the default view for dredge players be an inverted color scheme.

3. Something truly Lovecraftian. No other MMO or RPG of this size has gone that route, as far as I know.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > How would you justify werewolves through existing lore?


> Some would say the mists can add anything, it added skyscales for example.


True, but they're not a playable race that would require storylines that go all of the way back to the beginning.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> True, but they're not a playable race that would require storylines that go all of the way back to the beginning.


To be fair, humans were just plopped into Tyria by the gods. Same could happen with another race. Even the sylvari are only a few generations old.

Could even be a possible hook for integrating a new race into the story: new race shows up having to deal with Zhaitan, joins the Pact, and works up to Commander. Wouldn't even have to be strictly the same storyline as far as voiceovers go, buuut, Season 2 onward would still need voicing. Ah well.

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Instead of add new playable race I wish they will update what we already have with something like Race Specialize trait, or simply new cultural armor... And IMO those Tengu close their border long enough already maybe it's time to visit their land and learn what really happen?

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I'm still hoping for Tengu, Largos (perhaps but I highly doubt that) and Kodan to be playable. I even have some concepts for possible Tengu and Kodan characters. Or maybe we'll get surprised with an entirely new race that was never seen before. A portion of Thyria (the planet not the continent "tyria") is still undocumented and was never seen before and it's possible that there are races we've never seen before. There were for example concepts of a pig themed race as I remember but they were scrapped with Utopia alltogether. As much as I'd love to return to cantha I'd much more like to see the never before seen parts of this world such as "Dawn", "Arid", "Wetland", "Gwen", "Yeh" or "Olympus".

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