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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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> @"Jay.5128" said:

> Just noticed this forum after I made a post.

> but cant seem to edit or remove post I made so yeah.


> **Ability to see in other characters inventory when open inventory or crafting**


> Don't know if been stated before having the ability to see in other characters inventory from like a small drop down menu pretty much a glass window you cant open basically shared inventory slots but you cant touch with a search function. I just feel it be QoL when looking to see what you got and haven't out side of bank tabs and Crafting storage. saves you having to log in out like 40 characters to find what your looking for.


> Am guessing the tech might be there as of the shared inventory's why I am kind of putting it forward as something that maybe can be done.


You can use GW2 Efficiency (https://gw2efficiency.com/) to see what's in other character's inventory. It's a great resource for that and many other things.

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Revamp and rebalance instanced pve content and put it all in one place. Would be nice to have a unified portal object for all 5 man content and another unified portal object for all 10 man content. 5 man portal and 10 man portal should have a nice menu and each content type have it's own tab like what fractal scales have. Then put both portals everywhere that the scatterbrained portals we have now are. And rebalance all of it with 4 difficulty modes and modifiers on all the higher difficulties for all content. There's so much content just rotting away because nothing is done with it and it is not accessible for a spectrum of reasons. The instanced PVE content is some of the most amazing technical and artistic work that was done on GW2, but work was stopped short where it mattered most, letting us play the stuff and making it rewarding and fun to farm.

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I searched for a solution to this and unfortunately I haven't found one other than using texmod which is TOS-questionable. As someone who prefers using the action camera in many situations, such as when mounted, platforming, or in mobile fights, the crosshair at the middle of the is really obtrusive, especially with the way it flares up near a target. I really feel there be an option to turn it off or tone it down. I've seen multiple threads on this years old which doesn't fill me with hope for a toggle being added, but here's hoping.


While we're on the topic, the way the crosshair moves when adjusting your zoom feels unintuitive, and that too deserves an option to toggle.

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Could we have either

1. the guild arena permanently set so that WvW restrictions apply to skills, etc, or

2. the ability to flick a switch or something to set the guild arena to this format.


It is difficult to test various WvW builds when a WvW stats-restricted test area for examining guild builds isn't available.

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S O L O option for D R M S. Make it for players it is able to do all the Dragon Responses Missions SOLO even with all challenges active!!! MAKE IT SO THE PLAYER CAN SOLO ALL CHALLENGES DRMS. Make all the achievements doable SOLO. And add others way to get emote!!! Sold for tokens, anything if you ain't gonna do anything!

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I agree it would be helpful if they had different icons. It's annoying having to check each time if it's bloodstone or mithril, or having to go and gather both when some of them are awkward to get to (even with all gliding masteries, griffon and skyscale).


Only thing is I'd really like that icon to not be red, because I think that would be difficult to make out on the background. Or maybe red with a different coloured (maybe white?) outline around it.

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Since you have been having bad ideas, which are supported by most people who spend a good part of their free time here on the forum. Why don't you bring a good change to the entire game's competitiveness by removing the "snap ground target to current target"? Remove from all game modes or, if you prefer, remove only from PvP and WvW as this is a cane for beginners and a powerful tool for bots.

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I would like to see the "Captain's Airship Pass" ship moved to Claw Island. If its not going to move around it would be nice if it had its own map and most of us haven't gotten to go back to Claw Island in years. It's a perfect use of existing resources in my opinion.

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I would like to see some options added to clean up the User Interface a bit like the "Immersive Combat Mode" mod offers. The gradient watercoloring surrounding the main HUD can be kind of jarring at times, and I don't see why the EXP bar needs to be present when I'm not training any masteries. Because the mod isn't compatible with the dx12 mod, it's sadly not a viable option for a lot of players who need the performance boost of the latter. When there's less in the way, the game feels more immersive and it's easier to focus on what's in front of you.


Another suggestion I have is the option to set a keybind for deselecting your currently selected target. Currently, the only way to deselect a target is by clicking on the ground.


Also, an option to adjust the font size of the chat box would be nice. Playing on 1440p it feels a little small sometimes.


Lastly, I feel that the Post-Processing effects need to be split up. Bloom does not have it's own option, and a lot of people including myself use Reshade so that we can still enjoy Post-Processing without bloom.

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**My Guild Wars 2 Wishlist for 2021:**


• Dyeable underwear

• New hairstyles

• Tattoos for all races

• Remove the furniture piece limit for small areas

• Increase the furniture limit of all guild halls

• A beautiful canthan guild hall

• Increase the guild level and add more customization with it

• Normal furniture for guild halls (stairs, sinks, walls, doors etc.)

• A long and rugged cape/mantle with rogue-like hood (think of ithilien rangers from lord of the rings)

• Housing

• Customizable cursor

• Being able to change sitting animation in chairs

• New guild missions

• Fix mapping issue in guild halls where it creates a new instance when there are more than 5 people inside

• Rework dungeons and make them more rewarding

• Further roleplay and customization content (things like dyable backpieces, chairs, emotes and meta rewards)

• Untangle the mixed raid content (strikes, DRMs, raids) and merge it together with playability for casuals and hardcore gamers

• Less glittery and blingy outfits, more clothes and armors that are down to earth

• Toggle button for infusions (activate and deactivate)

• Mount with two seats for two players

• Charr-bike

• Make-up options for all races and genders

• Button to hide infusions from other players

• Step away from telling stories the same, repetitive way (new map, new meta rewards, meta is party of storytelling)

• Make all living stories available to play

• More cutscenes

• Being able to lean against objects or sit down on edges

• Screenshot/Camera mode

• Resizable hero panel

• Make future masteries actually useful

• More communication from A-Net

• Queueing system for LFG-tool

• Being able to add notes to people on your friendslist

• Integrate d912pxy into the game

• Integrate mount radial into the game

• Jewelry (earrings, rings etc.)

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Just change "Top Dragon Responder" achievs or remove them. Either make it so a DRM is counted if you complete it with at least 1 Challenge active, or make it validated with only one DRM with all challenges one. It is impossible currently, timers too shorts, and you are making elitism and requiring raid like group composition in group content an even bigger issue. Annoying to see more and more Li, Kp , hfb, dps and other kitten more and more in lfg description.



You want to make achievs only for raiders? Go for it, but then make a solo option to get same number of achievs for casual too. Not everyone playing a metabatlle role. CM DRM are the contrary of fun content, and the contrary of everyone welcome content. Release raids, butdon't annoy everyone with achiev required to get the new emote resquiring to play you like a raid, this isn't how you ganna get more players in raid, it's pushing players away.




0 % of gw2 efficiency complete the new emote achiev. Less than 1% (0.057 % of their playerbase) completed Top Dragon Responder (All cm drm) do you think this is normal? For me no, and those stats are the proofs.



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Guys this thing is unuable if you sharpen with for example reshade - with already a medium-low level of sharpening you can see it's all small dots - if you sharpen a lot you can distinctively see it's separated dots all over. Very ruining, can't even admire my character with dots all over it.


I believe it's called dithering or something when the effect like that is made of dots, and you can increase the quality so it's not visible that it's made of dots but since you developed the game around mega blurry you normally don't notice it. As soon as you peel the blurry away however...


Please please do something about that, give an option or something if you wanna make the game look good it sticks out like a sore thumb as soon as you improve your own graphics with reshade. I literally can't admire my character with those dots all over. There are other shaders to give similar effects but they are disabled for gw2 or something depth buffer multiplayer sumthing sumthing. But anyway in those the dither setting can be increased so it looks good and not like dots all over. So you could do the same.

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Dunno if it is intended or a bug but, when my first character did all its birthdays, he always got all the goodies (thinking of level scrolls). But somehow all the characters created after, once reaching tje birthdays didn t received any level scrolls. They do get the lvl 20 one, but none get the lvl 30, 40, 50 ones.... so if is normal I ask you to make those level scrolls rewarded for every birthday for every character.

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I am a big fan of the mandatory (I mean free) Black Lion Mastery Boxes currently included in Black Lion Chests, as well as all of the Dye Canisters that were previously added. I would love to see more of these types of items in the Black Lion Chests. For example "Black Lion Waypoint Box" could unlock a random waypoint across Tyria. Or maybe the boxes could contain 'shards' of gear, and for example 37 shards would result in a white quality gear and over 100 shards would yield a fine piece of gear. I think it would be amazing.

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**TLDR: Buff the LFG and add a queue to it.**


One constant that I've seen over the years with MMO's is the casual/hardcore/elitist banter that ensues over endgame/group content. Developers (and the elitists) always look at it as if it's an issue with skill or commitment, when in truth it's just a simple social problem. If you fix that, you will have people FLOODING the content. Ya'll forgive me for not educating myself over the 60 pages of suggestions already and I'm assuming that more than a few people have suggested this already but


1) Enhance the LFG tool and

2) Avoid tailoring high end content around rigid, player-driven, meta game, theory crafting, cookie cutting. FULL DISCLAIMER: I don't actually know if the endgame is tailored this way. I won't suffer the player toxicity to validate it. My son says it is.


My son (I'm an old gamer...like 38 years of gaming if you count Pong lol) leveled up through the game with me and his siblings and we ran all of the 5 man content. He eventually branched off into raiding and initially he didn't understand why I didn't raid with him. I explained it and told him he'd understand it completely and sooner rather than later. It didn't take long. lol He started keeping an elitist log and he took screenshots of his encounters with all the **_wonderful_** people that he met. Like these guys (his chat and someone @'ing him red):


![](https://i.imgur.com/KR3HDip.png "")


They completed the raid BTW and he finished top DPS.


So yeah, he's casual and he *gasp* raids. I'm super casual and I taught that boy everything there is to know about games. "Casual" doesn't mean we don't take the game seriously or that we want EZ mode phat L00TZ. **It means just that we want to play the game without mandatory, auxiliary, player-driven hoopla**. Casual gamers want to play the game WHEN they want to play it and HOW they want to play it. The irony here is that this was your original pitch to us when you launched the game 8 years ago. "Play your way" and "This is YOUR story" and "No more waiting for eons LF Heals".


The simple solution is to understand that there are different personality types that play the game - and not all of these types have the time or patience to play the game one static way or the other. You should leverage the LFG tool to pool people together based upon their preferred play style and temperament. My suggestion is to **add a queue to the LFG and create a automated matchmaking system based upon gear, experience, and options for desired group profile**.


LFG Group preference options:

* Meta tolerance - strict, moderate, none (casual)

* Skill tolerance - expert, advanced, beginner, N/A (doesn't matter)

* Failure tolerance - Low/None, medium, high

* Speed - Quick run, full clear, as requested/needed


LFG Social options:

* Looking Training/Mentor

* Willing to train/mentor

* Looking for guild

* Recruiting for guild

* Role Playing


Dungeon options (with applicable rewards):

Story Mode, Heroic Mode, Insane Mode


You can see how some of those preferences will likely make a bad mix or the how the right combination might introduce players to people they would otherwise have never met. Instead of...well...whatever you're doing to force players to find these niche, minmax group/skill/stat combos... If you balance the PVE game around build diversity and the idea that you can play your class, with the weapon/skill/rotation combos intended for how the class is designed, this system would work. Is this so hard? As it were, the only place that you can play how you want is in the open world, solo content, and 5 man - which is why people keep asking for that stuff.


You also know that there are a lot of introverts on the interwebs right? Many of these people are gamers. So what do you get when you cross the anonymity offered by the internet with the escape from reality that an RPG provides? You get the perfect place for people who want to chill and avoid drama. lol


It's not the difficulty that drives people away from the content, it's the **people**

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Hey! I've got a suggestion that would make the life of fashion wars players such as myself a little better in gw2.


The Mystic Chromatic Ooze which is an achievement item for the collection of precursor weapon The Colossus is very often used by communities that focus on fashion wars.

The main issue is that this effect only lasts 5 minutes.

My suggestion is that you either make it last 1h or permanent until double clicked again or teleporting to new location. This is a minor quality of life change but me including many others would appreciate this a lot! :)


Kind regards.

Fashion folks

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