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Please add the Dragon Emblem Outfit

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> @"Tekoneiric.6817" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > The Dragon Emblem shirt was an item only given out to people who managed to get them right around launch. They’re fairly exclusive and I’m not sure that ANet would like to hand them out again and anger the people who got the shirts back then. However possibly they could make a one similar to the original dragon shirt but not identical. That way people can have a Dragon shirt in game and the people who have the 2012 ingame shirt still have an exclusive item.


This would be like something that SWTOR did. At some point early in the life of the game, they released a toy-like thing called the Party Jawa. The details aren't important, except that it enabled access to a few achievements on the planet Tatooine, and without it, you could not get 100% achievement completion on that planet.


As you might expect, this generated a trickle of complaints over the years, and about 18 months ago, if memory serves, they issued a new item called the Celebration Jawa. It looks different from the Party Jawa, but it allows access to those achievements. So people who have the Party Jawa can pull it out and show it off *and* still do the achievements, and people who have the Celebration Jawa can pull *it* out and do the achievements (and because it, too, was a time-locked exclusive whose time is over, they can show it off as well).


> Even if it did make a few of them angry the game is 6 years old. Having an item for the first 6 years of the game is exclusive enough. Is any of them even playing the game anymore. I've never seen a single player with it.


I have seen people wearing it, and recently, too (in the last few weeks).


> Bringing out new versions would be nice also but still I can't see any valid reason to keep the original locked away from the general player base.


Depends, I guess, on how you define "valid". I have seen the codes listed on some dubious auction site (not eBay!), but of course at a substantial price that I'm in no way willing to pay just for that. (Especially since it's then necessary to trust that the seller has not already used it and/or sold it to seventeen other people...)

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > @"Tekoneiric.6817" said:

> > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > > The Dragon Emblem shirt was an item only given out to people who managed to get them right around launch. They’re fairly exclusive and I’m not sure that ANet would like to hand them out again and anger the people who got the shirts back then. However possibly they could make a one similar to the original dragon shirt but not identical. That way people can have a Dragon shirt in game and the people who have the 2012 ingame shirt still have an exclusive item.

> > >

> > > Even if it did make a few of them angry the game is 6 years old. Having an item for the first 6 years of the game is exclusive enough. Is any of them even playing the game anymore. I've never seen a single player with it.

> > >

> > > Bringing out new versions would be nice also but still I can't see any valid reason to keep the original locked away from the general player base.

> >

> > Generally businesses don’t reissue time sensitive exclusive items As far as I know they didn’t reissue exclusive minipets in Guild Wars 1 and minipets were a big deal in that game. So I’m not expecting them to do it in this case, no matter how few people who have the Dragon shirt and still play. I think it would be far better and more likely to get results if players ask for a similar item as reissuing time sensitive exclusive items can make a company look like it’s going back on a promise to those people that this item was only for this time.


> But all mini pets in GW1 were tradable (even after they were dedicated in the Hall of Monuments, you just couldn't dedicate them if someone else had done it). I have numerous event exclusive GW1 mini pets from events I never attended, including some which happened before I got the game. Several of them were also added to the 7th year birthday gifts.


> It's kind of the same with the dragon t-shirt because they were given out as a code to add to your account and there was absolutely nothing stopping people from selling or giving away those codes. There were quite a few on ebay, for months after release, although they're much less common now. So a lot of those shirts are already in the hands of people who didn't attend the events they were given out at, as I understand it that means any idea of exclusivity is long gone, or never existed.


> It's not directly relevant for me since I don't have it and don't want it, but if the reason for not re-releasing it is because only people who attended the events where it was given out should have it then the system has been flawed since the start and I don't see how making them available again would do any more harm.


You’re confusing two separate things, the release of an item and what happens to the released item later on. It’s the side that releases the item that’s makes the claim of exclusivity (due to restricted numbers, restricted time of release, or it’s specific to an event). The people who get the item are not the ones making the claim and unless they’ve also made promises they can do what they want with the item after they get it.



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> @"Raizel.8175" said:

> > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > > @"Tekoneiric.6817" said:

> > > It puts nearly every player at a disadvantage because we have no way to acquire it.

> > If you believe that this cosmetic-only tshirt constitutes an advantage you are going to have a very rough ride in this game.

> >


> Well, it actually does for your personal gameplay and towards the community. This game isn't also called fashion wars without reason. There's no kind of progression-system besides fashion. So yeah, cosmetics are an advantage in a game which is mostly about cosmetics.


This "Fashion is the endgame" meme is just that, a meme that you have bought into. It does a tremendous disservice to the hard work the developers do to keep us engaged and entertained in the product. It completely invalidates the work of multiple branches of the people who do some of the best work in the industry.

It's a tired, played out line that gets trotted out during arguments like this or when people don't like the pricing of (again optional and completely cosmetic) gemstore items.


Put simply... if fashion is the endgame, then GW2 is the biggest pay to win game going.

But it isn't... and it isn't.


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This outfit is the one thing on my account that is special that stands apart from everyone else... I kinda want it to stay that way. Call me selfish. It's just an outfit. You guys are probably all running around with queen bee infusions and 75 legendary weapons that I could never hope to get because of my limited play time.

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Whether it be this outfit handed out at an event, minis only obtainable by playing another game (GW1), or anniversary gift rewards based on character creation date, the issue with all these exclusive rewards is that they're not rewarded for actually playing this game.


For that reason, it would be nice if they were at least obtainable some other way. Or if that's unpalatable, maybe just make the unobtainable not viewable at all? Because it's always been annoying to see something you can't get. Why do I even have a Hall of Monuments stone? It's completely useless to me.


Now, I'm not begrudging those who were there at the right time and then actually played this game. People should be rewarded for supporting the game! But consider someone who was merely around at launch, played GW1, and then left for five years. They could have all of the above today, despite never really playing GW2 at all.


Whereas I cannot, even though I've averaged six hours a day, every day, since 2015. That doesn't really seem right. I'd like to see some rewards based on hours-played milestones. That's a lot more fair in my opinion.


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> @"Tekoneiric.6817" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > The Dragon Emblem shirt was an item only given out to people who managed to get them right around launch. They’re fairly exclusive and I’m not sure that ANet would like to hand them out again and anger the people who got the shirts back then. However possibly they could make a one similar to the original dragon shirt but not identical. That way people can have a Dragon shirt in game and the people who have the 2012 ingame shirt still have an exclusive item.


> Even if it did make a few of them angry the game is 6 years old. Having an item for the first 6 years of the game is exclusive enough. Is any of them even playing the game anymore. I've never seen a single player with it.


> Bringing out new versions would be nice also but still I can't see any valid reason to keep the original locked away from the general player base.


If no one can be seen to have it, and no one can acquire it, there is no disadvantage, right?

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> @"Tekoneiric.6817" said:

> Please add the Dragon Emblem Outfit to the Black Lion Statuettes. Besides the limited codes given out to very few people I don't think there is any other way to get the outfit in the game. It puts nearly every player at a disadvantage because we have no way to acquire it.


As of today (30 August), there's no way to get this.

(And it won't be the first time ANet provided a perk available to some of us, but not everyone. They have had contests and giveaways before, especially during GW1.)

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Tekoneiric.6817" said:

> > Please add the Dragon Emblem Outfit to the Black Lion Statuettes. Besides the limited codes given out to very few people I don't think there is any other way to get the outfit in the game. It puts nearly every player at a disadvantage because we have no way to acquire it.


> As of today (30 August), there's no way to get this.

> (And it won't be the first time ANet provided a perk available to some of us, but not everyone. They have had contests and giveaways before, especially during GW1.)


So other people have said multiple times in slightly different ways as to avoid plagiarizing the first person who said it. =)

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > this is as exclusive as the collector edition sparks in GW1, i never got the sparks but it would be unfair for the ppl who do if they all of a sudden sell them to anyone.


> Erm..you can buy the codes for these online, right now.


but not officially from Anet, that's the entire point here.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > this is as exclusive as the collector edition sparks in GW1, i never got the sparks but it would be unfair for the ppl who do if they all of a sudden sell them to anyone.

> >

> > Erm..you can buy the codes for these online, right now.


> but not officially from Anet, that's the entire point here.


Ah, gotcha.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > this is as exclusive as the collector edition sparks in GW1, i never got the sparks but it would be unfair for the ppl who do if they all of a sudden sell them to anyone.

> >

> > Erm..you can buy the codes for these online, right now.


> but not officially from Anet, that's the entire point here.


I would think that since free codes are being sold by people other than ANet they should invalidate the whole exclusive thing. ANet should devalue them by making them available in the game.

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> You can also get it through this thing https://www.kungfutea.com/blog/2018/8/31/guildwars2sweepstakes


Connect the app to my social media accounts? No thanks. I keep that mess disabled for security. I've already dealt with an app spam everyone I was connected to before. ANet won't even let us post images directly on the forum for security reasons but their ad partner wants access to our social media accounts. That isn't happening to my accounts.

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> @"Tekoneiric.6817" said:

> > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > You can also get it through this thing https://www.kungfutea.com/blog/2018/8/31/guildwars2sweepstakes


> Connect the app to my social media accounts? No thanks. I keep that mess disabled for security. I've already dealt with an app spam everyone I was connected to before. ANet won't even let us post images directly on the forum for security reasons but their ad partner wants access to our social media accounts. That isn't happening to my accounts.


Make a new account, link it, get the codes, delete the app and the account.


Although if you're in an EU country it's now illegal for them to sell your data or use it for any purpose except the reason you give it to them, so unless you agree to marketing they can't send any. (And yes it applies to companies based outside the EU, it's where the customer is that's important.)

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> @"Tekoneiric.6817" said:

> > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > > @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > > > this is as exclusive as the collector edition sparks in GW1, i never got the sparks but it would be unfair for the ppl who do if they all of a sudden sell them to anyone.

> > >

> > > Erm..you can buy the codes for these online, right now.

> >

> > but not officially from Anet, that's the entire point here.


> I would think that since free codes are being sold by people other than ANet they should invalidate the whole exclusive thing. ANet should devalue them by making them available in the game.


no, what about just block all the codes from now on, that way the exclusive part stays exclusive.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:


> > I would think that since free codes are being sold by people other than ANet they should invalidate the whole exclusive thing. ANet should devalue them by making them available in the game.


> no, what about just block all the codes from now on, that way the exclusive part stays exclusive.


Now that's exclusive... It would need a code with a expiration date to avoid code resellers.

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