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Might Return - Have Questions


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I bought GW2 about a year and half ago. It was fun and crowded, then after reaching about level 20+ I felt so bored from the PvE and the PvP arena felt confusing and the skills were overwhelming, then suddenly GW2 went free and 2 Expansions rolled out. I honestly felt robbed and equal to the free player because there was no real benefits that made me different from the player who get the game for free, I felt ashamed and quit the game after that. Now after playing BDO and other MMORPGS, and sensing the undeniable P2W growing more into those games, I am thinking of giving GW 2 a try, so can anyone answer the following questions ?


1- How did the developers make people who bought GW2 different from who got it for free ?

2- How active is the player base ( Concerning my PvP addiction)

3- How hard is it to get into PvP ?

4-Can this game be described as P2W?

5- Are the expansions important in anyway ? I don't like finding my self beaten up in PvP or whatever because of some dude paying extra bucks.

6- from the community point of view, is this game worth putting hours into ? Since I want to sink my self into a second life.

7- (Last) I won't play more than 1-2 H Per day since I would probably be busy, so would that be an issue ?


I am really excited to here everyone's point of view !

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1. Free to play is actually an unlimited trial version, u dont have acess to stuff like mailing iirc and the trading post.

2. The game isnt dead, its pretty active and considering we are nearing a content update it will spike. it wont really feel to you like a ded game.

3. PvP in general isnt easy to learn but if you are good at pvp in bdo u should find it less hard.

4. No.

5. Expansions bring elite specs which for alot of classes are seen as upgrade, theres pvp builds tho that dont relly on them and are just as much sucessful. Not all classes have such builds tho.

6. Gw2 isnt an mmo that u can easily make your main mmo (if you arent a casual) its much more of a periodic experience that ppl return to when new stuff are added(note lw is tied to expansions so u have to have those, but pvp content and balance updates are not tied to any content).

If you are a new player tho or havent played for years u will be able to treat this as main mmo material for a while, esp if u play pve as well as pvp and wvw.

7. With 1-2h per day u can treat this as a main mmo for a while so i think ur good. This mmo doesnt have infinite progression like in bdo so when u hit cap u are done with lvling.

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> @"rvvd.6548" said:

> 1- How did the developers make people who bought GW2 different from who got it for free ?

free accounts have limited bag space for loot, limitations on the trading post, limitations on chat features, limited character slots, base professions only.


> @"rvvd.6548" said:

> 2- How active is the player base ( Concerning my PvP addiction)

There's more PvE players than pvp/wvw players, but you'll always have someone to fight


> @"rvvd.6548" said:

> 3- How hard is it to get into PvP ?

8/10 maybe? Not as easy as Call of Duty to pick up and play, a lot more mechanics involved here. Will take time


> @"rvvd.6548" said:

> 4-Can this game be described as P2W?

Yes. Most of the elite spec professions will outperform base professions, but there's no cash shop item that will give you an edge and some are doable with base professions. Half/Half


> @"rvvd.6548" said:

> 5- Are the expansions important in anyway ? I don't like finding my self beaten up in PvP or whatever because of some dude paying extra bucks.

Some will do fine without the elite spec. Mesmer is not bad by itself iirc, but some really get a buff with the elite specs.


> @"rvvd.6548" said:

> 6- from the community point of view, is this game worth putting hours into ? Since I want to sink my self into a second life.

it's not perfect but it's not bad either.


> @"rvvd.6548" said:

> 7- (Last) I won't play more than 1-2 H Per day since I would probably be busy, so would that be an issue ?






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> @"TheBravery.9615" said:

> > @"rvvd.6548" said:

> > 1- How did the developers make people who bought GW2 different from who got it for free ?

> free accounts have limited bag space for loot, limitations on the trading post, limitations on chat features, limited character slots, base professions only.


> > @"rvvd.6548" said:

> > 2- How active is the player base ( Concerning my PvP addiction)

> There's more PvE players than pvp/wvw players, but you'll always have someone to fight


> > @"rvvd.6548" said:

> > 3- How hard is it to get into PvP ?

> 8/10 maybe? Not as easy as Call of Duty to pick up and play, a lot more mechanics involved here. Will take time


> > @"rvvd.6548" said:

> > 4-Can this game be described as P2W?

> Yes. Most of the elite spec professions will outperform base professions, but there's no cash shop item that will give you an edge and some are doable with base professions. Half/Half


> > @"rvvd.6548" said:

> > 5- Are the expansions important in anyway ? I don't like finding my self beaten up in PvP or whatever because of some dude paying extra bucks.

> Some will do fine without the elite spec. Mesmer is not bad by itself iirc, but some really get a buff with the elite specs.


> > @"rvvd.6548" said:

> > 6- from the community point of view, is this game worth putting hours into ? Since I want to sink my self into a second life.

> it's not perfect but it's not bad either.


> > @"rvvd.6548" said:

> > 7- (Last) I won't play more than 1-2 H Per day since I would probably be busy, so would that be an issue ?

> no






thank you !

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> @"rvvd.6548" said:

> **I bought GW2 about a year and half ago**. It was fun and crowded, then after reaching about level 20+ I felt so bored from the PvE and the PvP arena felt confusing and the skills were overwhelming, then suddenly GW2 went free and 2 Expansions rolled out. I honestly felt robbed and equal to the free player because there was no real benefits that made me different from the player who get the game for free, I felt ashamed and quit the game after that. Now after playing BDO and other MMORPGS, and sensing the undeniable P2W growing more into those games, I am thinking of giving GW 2 a try, so can anyone answer the following questions ?


> 1- How did the developers make people who bought GW2 different from who got it for free ?

> 2- How active is the player base ( Concerning my PvP addiction)

> 3- How hard is it to get into PvP ?

> 4-Can this game be described as P2W?

> 5- Are the expansions important in anyway ? I don't like finding my self beaten up in PvP or whatever because of some dude paying extra bucks.

> 6- from the community point of view, is this game worth putting hours into ? Since I want to sink my self into a second life.

> 7- (Last) I won't play more than 1-2 H Per day since I would probably be busy, so would that be an issue ?


> I am really excited to here everyone's point of view !


Just for clarity: free accounts were introduced three years ago in August 2015. There are restrictions on free accounts though, which are not in place for any account which had purchased a copy of the game (whether it is core, HoT or PoF). https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Account#Free_accounts


The player base remains active, but particularly for PvE. I'll defer on PvP to those who spend more time in the mode.


P2W, absolutely not. Once you have all your available skills and you have equipment up to at least exotic (not difficult at all, and not a problem if you're only interested in PvP), you're near enough on a level playing field with everyone else. Gem Store items are for cosmetic or quality of life only.


The expansions are a must buy if you want to get back to PvE. You will still be able to play PvP, but you will have fewer options to choose from. There has (had?) been a bit of power creep whereby the elite specialisations from the expansions introduced some dominant builds and play styles. You can still be competitive without them, but you will have to consider your options more carefully. For example, of the Conquest 'meta' builds on MetaBattle, all seven there require expansions. Of the 11 rated 'great', only three of them are builds from core GW2. MetaBattle is not the be-all and end-all, and it can be slow to update, but I'm just mentioning it for perspective/frame of reference.


Definitely worth putting hours into the game, and the amount of time you can commit is not an issue at all - GW2 is one of the better games in that respect.

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1. https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/230165307-Guild-Wars-2-Account-Types-Free-Core-HoT-PoF

2. spvp playerbase isn't that great RN/ wvw is server dependant

3. spvp is pretty easy, just get in/ wvw a bit harder and you probbably need to do some pve content to get in

4. you can but it wouldn't be accurate.

5. xpac owners get elite specs they're pretty powerfull but if you know what you're doing you can totally compete with core builds. (unless anet pupps up the balance)

6. i did and i don't reget it for the most part

7. that's not a problem at all


the game has 2 pvp modes. instanced spvp and large scale wvw

spvp is in a skum RN because anet is working on something (SWISS iirc) so pvp is pretty neglected RN outside of balance patches (no release window for it),


wvw is server dependant (there are plans to remove the dependance but also no release window) so activity/"culture" depends on the server

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If you bought the game a year and a half ago then it was already available free when you started and HoT was already released.


But to answer your questions:

1) There's a lot of small but important differences between free and paid core game accounts. There's a full list here: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Account#Free_accounts but the important points for me are that free accounts can only have 2 character slots, can't talk in map chat, can't buy or sell most items on the TP, can't buy gems with gold, don't get login rewards and can't enter Lion's Arch until level 35.


2) I see a lot of people whenever I'm in-game, certainly enough for whatever group content I want to do. But I never play PvP so I can't comment on that.


3) As above.


4) I don't think so. There's nothing you can buy in the gem store which gives you an actual advantage, especially in PvP. It's all cosmetic or convenience items. You can convert gems to gold and use that to buy equipment (or level up crafting and buy materials to craft equipment) but it will be identical to gear everyone else can get in other ways. And if you do that when you're new you can actually put yourself at a disadvantage because you won't know how you play your character, which makes a big difference.


I was reminded of this recently because I'm trying to get into raiding with my guild. I made a full set of ascended equipment with the best stats for my build, copied the skills and traits a website told me to use and went into the Training Area to check my DPS. At first I was doing about 10k DPS - the build guide said it should be 30 and I had all the right equipment so I should be doing 30k right?. I realised I'd forgotten to add the necessary buffs to my character and conditions to the golem (to simulate other people fighting alongside me) and that got it up to 18k. The remaining 12k had to come from practising using the build - actually using skills in the right order to get the best effect from them. And that was just standing still whacking away at a golem which didn't fight back. In a real fight there's even more to worry about - staying out of AoEs, dodging big attacks (and knowing which those are), positioning yourself to share boons etc.


So yes, in theory a new player could boost their character to 80, buy all the ascended equipment they like and head straight into a level 80 map...and they'll die quickly and repeatedly because they're expecting their gear to carry them and in this game it's just not going to happen.


5) For PvE yes they definitely are because they add a lot of new maps, stories and mechanics. For PvP I think the only thing they add is elite specialisations. These are useful because they give you more options but they're not intended to be more powerful. I know there's a lot of debate about that but I'd be very surprised if it's ever as simple as your opponent won just because they own an expansion and you don't.


6) I think so, but again opinions will vary. Some people love GW2 and spend as much time as possible playing it, some think it's a good 'second game' to another MMO, some I'm sure absolutely hate it and wish they'd never even heard of it. The same is true of pretty much any game and it's something you really need to decide for yourself.


7) That won't be an issue. That's what I do too and I've never found something I couldn't do in this game. It does take me longer - if someone says "you can farm that in a day" I have to remember they probably mean 6-8 hours so it will take me 4 days, but I'll get there.

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I'm just ganna answer the PvP specific parts, since there more than enough good answers for the rest:


> 2- How active is the player base ( Concerning my PvP addiction)

There are usually enough players in pvp to ensure okay(ish) queue times. BUT, I wouldn't describe most of these players as PvPer's. Judging from other topics I read and ingame discussions, most people who took pvp really seriously are either not active anymore or play only in static groups.


> 3- How hard is it to get into PvP ?

You can just jump into PvP and if you know your class and have general awareness for tactical games you should be doing fine. The main problem is that most of the other players lack this tactical awareness and without a team queue this can make PvP very annoying. Some might say this is a 'git gud' issue, but I've been playing for a long time and do consider myself a capabale PvP player, but with only limited time to play it's almost impossible to significantly increase my rank, because it's really hard to fully carry a bad team.


> 5- Are the expansions important in anyway ? I don't like finding my self beaten up in PvP or whatever because of some dude paying extra bucks.

I would say yes. While there are some viable builds that rely only on the core classes, almost all 'meta' builds (especially in pvp) do use specialisations, because they have more versatile or reliable skills sets. If you mostly care about being competitive in pvp I would recommend PoF over HoT, since most of the PoF specialisations are pretty good in pvp.


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> @"rvvd.6548" said:

> 1- How did the developers make people who bought GW2 different from who got it for free ?

I've been playing this game since Beta.. and Gw1 since it's launch too and I never understood this anger towards free accounts.

Free accounts have some restrictions but the whole point of them was to get more people playing gw2.. more players make the game better and more active so i've never felt cheated or scammed because I bought the game.. bought the collectors edition even, the most expensive version of Gw2.

Frankly I consider the hostility towards free accounts to be really selfish and silly.


> 2- How active is the player base ( Concerning my PvP addiction)

Can't speak for PvP but the PvE world at least for me feels a lot more active since the change to megaservers and the addition of free accounts.


> 3- How hard is it to get into PvP ?

Doubt it's that hard.. but I don't personally care for PvP.


> 4-Can this game be described as P2W?

Absolutely not, there are great benefits to owning and playing expansions such as mount/gliding access and the elite specs and mastery system but Gw2's gemstore has always been about cosmetics and not pay2win.


> 5- Are the expansions important in anyway ? I don't like finding my self beaten up in PvP or whatever because of some dude paying extra bucks.

The expansions are great adding a lot to the game such as mounts and elite specs and you probably will get frustrated at not being able to play the elite specs in pvp without them but it doesn't guarantee a loss.

I don't play PvP but I have ventured there with non elite spec'd characters and still manged to win games so while other players will have builds, skills and traits that you can't use due to lacking the elite spec it won't prevent you from winning or enjoying the game mode.


> 6- from the community point of view, is this game worth putting hours into ? Since I want to sink my self into a second life.

I'm bias with thousands of hours invested so I'd say yes.. but it's entirely upto you.


> 7- (Last) I won't play more than 1-2 H Per day since I would probably be busy, so would that be an issue ?

Nope.. that's the best thing about Gw2, no sub fees and no penalty for not playing.

This game is hoensly one of the most consumer friendly games i've ever played.. and I consider that high praise considering how greedy this industry has become in recent years.




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I cannot imagine playing without the expansions, personally just for living world chapters mounts gliding elite specs new maps new currencies.


The grind for ascended trinkets would be horrific without lw3.


That said if you are not into pve AT ALL you probably won't like this. You said you didn't even get past level 20 before so I just don't know. I mean there ARE people who primarily spvp and wvw but pve gets the most attention.

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> @"rvvd.6548" said:

> 1- How did the developers make people who bought GW2 different from who got it for free ?

People who bought the game had full access without restrictions of a while. Now people who buy the game outright also get an expansion with it, not just the core game. Free to Play players have a lot of restrictions on their accounts, and probably always will.


> 2- How active is the player base ( Concerning my PvP addiction)

Sufficiently active that there is always activity in every zone. Not necessarily every area of every zone, but there are still always people. PvP is always active and I've never had to wait excessively to enter queue.


> 3- How hard is it to get into PvP ?

As hard as you're willing to put into it. I was not willing to put much into it, but it still didn't take me long to grasp my build and my capabilities.


> 4-Can this game be described as P2W?

Some people think so, but almost universally those people have no idea what it actually means to be pay to win. There is nothing that you can pay for in the Gem store to give you a legitimate advantage over anyone. Most things that give you something extra can't even pay for themselves in a reasonable time frame. The rest of QoL, but don't have a reasonable impact beyond that.


> 5- Are the expansions important in anyway ? I don't like finding my self beaten up in PvP or whatever because of some dude paying extra bucks.

The expansions give you access to Elite Specializations. Some of those Elite Specializations will probably beat you up in PvP. If you're good, you might beat them up back. Hard to say.


> 6- from the community point of view, is this game worth putting hours into ? Since I want to sink my self into a second life.

I have never stopped. I've been playing since early access. I even bought a second account with the whole set of expansions to do it all again from scratch.


> 7- (Last) I won't play more than 1-2 H Per day since I would probably be busy, so would that be an issue ?

You can do most things that you would want to do in 1-2 hours a day. However, depending on when those 1-2 hours are, some other things may become very difficult to accomplish.

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My usual recommendation to a returning player is: don't ask, just return. It's free for you to come back. However, for this poster, I have some caveats (below, after addressing the specific concerns).


> @"rvvd.6548" said:

> 1- How did the developers make people who bought GW2 different from who got it for free ?

No one gets the game fully unlocked for free. People who have the core game (like yourself) have full access to chat, to the TP, fewer restrictions on mobility, and have 5 character slots, among other differences.


> 2- How active is the player base ( Concerning my PvP addiction)

Less active than you remember. Active enough for some.


> 3- How hard is it to get into PvP ?

Easy enough.


> 4-Can this game be described as P2W?

No, not unless you stretch the meaning to include "buying expansions."


> 5- Are the expansions important in anyway ? I don't like finding my self beaten up in PvP or whatever because of some dude paying extra bucks.

You will have to play better mostly than folks who have the expansions and there will be fewer options for builds.


> 6- from the community point of view, is this game worth putting hours into ? Since I want to sink my self into a second life.

Obviously, yes, otherwise it wouldn't still be around and releasing more content. But it's an individual decision: not everyone loves the game, including some veterans who have left, some new players, and even rebound players.


> 7- (Last) I won't play more than 1-2 H Per day since I would probably be busy, so would that be an issue ?

No. Game is designed to make that easy, even (maybe especially) for PvP


> I bought GW2 about a year and half ago. It was fun and crowded, then after reaching about level 20+ I felt so bored from the PvE and the PvP arena felt confusing and the skills were overwhelming, then suddenly GW2 went free and 2 Expansions rolled out. I honestly felt robbed and equal to the free player because there was no real benefits that made me different from the player who get the game for free, I felt ashamed and quit the game after that. Now after playing BDO and other MMORPGS, and sensing the undeniable P2W growing more into those games, I am thinking of giving GW 2 a try, so can anyone answer the following questions ?


As I said at the start, my usual recommendation is to not spend time asking and reading answers; just play, since it's free to return. However, in this case, I think you're going to have trouble enjoying the game because your expectations are an awkward match for how the game is designed and monetized.


I don't mean to say that you shouldn't have felt robbed or equal to the free player (there are all sort of threads here and on reddit discussing that). I mean, if you still feel strongly enough to make a point of mentioning it today, I think it's going to color everything you see in the game, and leave a bad taste in your mouth about it. If you feel that you want GW2 to "grow more into" other MMOs (especially BDO), I don't think this is the ~~droid~~ game you are seeking. And let me be clear: there's nothing wrong with that: your preferences are your own; we all like what we like. I just think MMOs are such a big time sink that they are best enjoyed when we accept them for what they are, with their own pros and cons, their own warts and blemishes.


tl;dr I recommend that you try other games and only come back when you are ready to play GW2 as its own game, not as the game you think it ought to be.

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> @"TheBravery.9615" said:

> > @"rvvd.6548" said:

> > 4-Can this game be described as P2W?

> Yes. Most of the elite spec professions will outperform base professions, but there's no cash shop item that will give you an edge and some are doable with base professions. Half/Half


"Pay to Win" is a term that refers to being unable to play end game content unless purchasing from the cash shop. It hasn't historically included the purchase of expansions, since those are the actual game. What's different with GW2 is that you can actually compete in WvW and PvP without an expansion. Your gear will still work, you'll just be limited in build; that generally means you need more skill than those who own.


Stretching the term to include expansions undermines the concept the term is trying to illustrate: that in certain games, players are forced to keep paying to play. In GW2, you will find it easier if you own the expansions, but it's not a gate preventing play.


On the other hand, the OP's phrasing suggests that they might, too, stretch the definition. So your answer might be more helpful to them, because it addresses the underlying concern rather than the technical truth.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Guild Wars 2 is not Pay to Win. Please see most player comments within this thread to understand why that is true.


I'm very proud that we do *not* force someone to continue to open their wallet in order to play the game. Gem Store purchases and expansion pack purchases are **optional.** Depending on your personal preferences, such purchases may enhance your experience, but they are not necessary for you to successfully play in any game mode.


For example, I like miniatures and have purchased quite a few. I also like mount skins, and buy those from time to time. But in both cases, or even in the purchase of full armor sets, *I gain no advantage over any other player*. My minis don't make me more powerful; my purchased armor does not make me less vulnerable. I succeed based on skill, using the components available as drops or as purchases.


Likewise, owning Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire give players access to more things, but they am not more likely to succeed because they own it.


I hope these details are helpful.

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> @"rvvd.6548" said:

> 6- from the community point of view, is this game worth putting hours into ? Since I want to sink my self into a second life.


if u like lore stuff, history mode the core game+expansions is actually very very big, if u do it watching all cutscenes and dialogues it will need months.


I did Pof without cut anything in 12 hours straight.


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> @"Etria.3642" said:

> The grind for ascended trinkets would be horrific without lw3.


Before LW3 people mostly just used ascended trinkets from the laurel vendor. They don't include the 4-stat combinations from HoT but I don't think it was possible to get a full set of 4-stat trinkets when HoT launched. There's a few from achievements, but I think the only other source is raids.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"TheBravery.9615" said:

> > > @"rvvd.6548" said:

> > > 4-Can this game be described as P2W?

> > Yes. Most of the elite spec professions will outperform base professions, but there's no cash shop item that will give you an edge and some are doable with base professions. Half/Half


> "Pay to Win" is a term that refers to being unable to play end game content unless purchasing from the cash shop. It hasn't historically included the purchase of expansions, since those are the actual game. What's different with GW2 is that you can actually compete in WvW and PvP without an expansion. Your gear will still work, you'll just be limited in build; that generally means you need more skill than those who own.


> Stretching the term to include expansions undermines the concept the term is trying to illustrate: that in certain games, players are forced to keep paying to play. In GW2, you will find it easier if you own the expansions, but it's not a gate preventing play.


> On the other hand, the OP's phrasing suggests that they might, too, stretch the definition. So your answer might be more helpful to them, because it addresses the underlying concern rather than the technical truth.


If buying an expansion counts as pay to win then we may as well say all games which aren't free to play are pay to win, because you can't win them without buying the game.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > I like miniatures and have purchased quite a few. I also like mount skins, and buy those from time to time.


> You and me both.. but boy do you guys love adding so many it makes even my future wallets hurt XD


I hear you. On the other hand, when I saw the Shrine Guardian skin go into the store, I pounced so quickly I nearly broke a finger. :D I'm not "gotta have them all" but any means, but some... I gotta have. ;)

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GW2 is a shareware game, a business model that used to be popular but got replaced with free2play. Now that few true shareware games exist people make the mistake of comparing GW2 to free2play models which results in people scratching their heads trying to figure out if it's "pay 2 win". It's not a pay2win game it's a buy2play game with a large portion of the game set to "try before you buy".

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> @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> GW2 is a shareware game, a business model that used to be popular but got replaced with free2play. Now that few true shareware games exist people make the mistake of comparing GW2 to free2play models which results in people scratching their heads trying to figure out if it's "pay 2 win". It's not a pay2win game it's a buy2play game with a large portion of the game set to "try before you buy".


I miss the term shareware. And the idea. There were so many great games I discovered that way. Of course the sharing part was a lot less practical back in the day because you had to get a floppy disk (or several floppy disks if it was a 'big' game) from someone who had it, but it still worked well enough.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > > I like miniatures and have purchased quite a few. I also like mount skins, and buy those from time to time.

> >

> > You and me both.. but boy do you guys love adding so many it makes even my future wallets hurt XD

> >

> I hear you. On the other hand, when I saw the Shrine Guardian skin go into the store, I pounced so quickly I nearly broke a finger. :D I'm not "gotta have them all" but any means, but some... I gotta have. ;)


I did a lot of keyfarming for that one but I remain on poor terms with the chest RNG XD

Putting that 2000 gem skin in the black lion chest was a huge motivator to go for it though ^^ I haven't keyfarmed like that in a long time.


I'll never get all the minipets but i'd by lying if I said that one day i'll learn not to waste all my gold on minipets in the trading post XD

After 6 years it's pretty much a given that I'll do that more or less every time i've got more gold than sense lol

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