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About our Policy on RMT

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  • ArenaNet Staff

In recent days, a few players have expressed confusion or concern about our RMT policy, especially about how we handle cases where someone receives items or currency from a real-money trader. To help everyone best understand where we stand on this subject, we’ve clarified our position in our Knowledge Base article, [Policy: Purchasing Gold from Real Money Traders (RMT)](https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011560933 "Policy: Purchasing Gold from Real Money Traders (RMT)"). This expanded version is currently undergoing localization and will be posted in French, German, and Spanish as soon as possible.


Please take a look at that document, and if you have any questions after you have done so, let us know.


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While the document with the policy tells players what to do, it gives no assurance that they won't get punished if they follow those instructions.


All I want to see is a clear and concise assurance that no one will receive a punishment if they do not actually receive the items in their account, so people can finally lay their fears to rest.

If someone asks "Will I get banned if some unknown third party buys RMT goods in my name even if I do not accept them and send them back?" if the answer to that is simple "No, you will not get banned", people will finally rest easy.


As far as I can see, that assurance has not been given yet, and that gives some people an uneasy feeling of uncertainty.

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Hi @"Gaile Gray.6029", thanks for posting this.


The concern right now is that sometimes people will use RMT and buy gold for somebody else's account in attempts to try and get them banned. How does the ANet support team plan to address this issue so that the uninformed are not targeted or penalized by this kind of behavior as well? What assurances do we have from the support team?




Context for those who are unaware of what has been happening: https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/9d7orp/how_to_get_someone_banned_for_less_than_3/?st=jnxsx4dd&sh=df055dc4

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I read from the policy that action will not be taken against account if deemed to be on the receivership to such a scenario and that action will only be taken if deemed to be linked beyond just receiving. They do mention mistakes happen their end and they will work to undo any errors caused.


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> If you suspect you’ve received items or gold from a gold seller or RMT account, the best action is to report the message, return it if it still contains the items, and contact support if you are concerned that further action may be taken. We will work with you to secure your account and track the items back to the RMT account(s).


Okay, but what if you don't know? What if you are just a random new player and someone gift you 50gold in a mail and you may think that it's a cool gift from a random stranger? What happens if you accept money from RMT without knowing where it came from? What if this is your first game and you are just exploring and you know nothing about RMT because you don't lurk the forums, the reddit or even the internet?

Result: You get banned for just happily accepting a random mail with no knowledge about RMT.


That's the current fuzz about, Anet. **RMT buyers are actively using Anet customer support to BAN people**. That's what needs to stop. Anet shouldn't be a tool for hackers, RMT sellers/buyers/etc. No player should be able to ban another player by any means. It's happening already, so please do something about it.


I'd even suggest to change the mail system as it's so old and clunky that a good quality of life change would serve the double purpose of dealing with RMT stuff + fixing annoying situations like "you can't mail to 3 different friends at the same time" (which is insanely frustrating for a guild leader).



> You may be contacted by a support agent to remove / destroy the items collected from the RMT seller.


You should **always** be contacted for that. Only ban after a contact if the user doesn't want to return the items. Otherwise we got this mess of people being banned without knowing that you did something bad because they just accepted a mail.

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> @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> Hi @"Gaile Gray.6029", thanks for posting this.


> The concern right now is that sometimes people will use RMT and buy gold for somebody else's account in attempts to try and get them banned. How does the ANet support team plan to address this issue so that the uninformed are not targeted or penalized by this kind of behavior as well? What assurances do we have from the support team?


> -----


> Context for those who are unaware of what has been happening: https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/9d7orp/how_to_get_someone_banned_for_less_than_3/?st=jnxsx4dd&sh=df055dc4


They wrote about it in the updated policy.


>If you suspect you’ve received items or gold from a gold seller or RMT account, the best action is to report the message, return it if it still contains the items, and contact support if you are concerned that further action may be taken. We will work with you to secure your account and track the items back to the RMT account(s).



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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> All I want to see is a clear and concise assurance that no one will receive a punishment if they do not actually receive the items in their account, ...


Here's what I see in the article that relates to that question:

> If you suspect you’ve received items or gold from a gold seller or RMT account, the best action is to report the message, return it if it still contains the items, and contact support if you are concerned that further action may be taken. We will work with you to secure your account and track the items back to the RMT account(s).


> When the Support Team detects that RMT gold has been **sent** to an account,

> * If possible, support will try to remove or recover any funds or items sent by an RMT account and **collected** by the buyer.

> * If the gold or items are **collected** from the in-game message, it may be subtracted from the user’s wallet or manually removed by a support agent.


Or in other words, (a) block the sender then (b) report them and then © return the mail. There's nothing remotely suggesting that a recipient who _refuses_ unwanted coin/goods is at risk of any action by ANet on their account.



Unfortunately, that's not as explicit as the language used above by @"MithranArkanere.8957".



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> @"Karaha.3290" said:

> > @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> > Hi @"Gaile Gray.6029", thanks for posting this.

> >

> > The concern right now is that sometimes people will use RMT and buy gold for somebody else's account in attempts to try and get them banned. How does the ANet support team plan to address this issue so that the uninformed are not targeted or penalized by this kind of behavior as well? What assurances do we have from the support team?

> >

> > -----

> >

> > Context for those who are unaware of what has been happening: https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/9d7orp/how_to_get_someone_banned_for_less_than_3/?st=jnxsx4dd&sh=df055dc4


> They wrote about it in the updated policy.


> >If you suspect you’ve received items or gold from a gold seller or RMT account, the best action is to report the message, return it if it still contains the items, and contact support if you are concerned that further action may be taken. We will work with you to secure your account and track the items back to the RMT account(s).




But let's say you're an average GW2 user who doesn't read either this forum or the Reddit. How are you to know it isn't one of your guildies or friends paying you back for something? Most people get money in the mail and they'll happily take it without a second thought.


Some users on reddit have reported receiving bans before even checking their mail, let alone accepting the money.

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@"Gaile Gray.6029" I regularly port other players in open world. Many of them send me tips ranging from a few copper to double digits in gold.


I am now afraid a malicious actor will send me RMT gold and cause my account to get flagged/banned.


Could I accept all the tips I get, and in the event of malicious gold will Anet contact me and ask/take the malicious gold back?


Do I need to start tracking everyone I port and everyone that sends me gold to rule out "legitimate" tips? This seems like a lot of hassle and punishment for many good actors due to a small population of bad actors.

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It looks like the document addresses the receiver as the buyer in any case. It looks like it does not cover malicious intents by third parties especially if the receiver doesn't know about the origin of such gold/items ( this is especially true for Commanders ). I think that a surefire policy should be to **always** have a human support contact first before any flagging.

Also it doesn't cover cases where the gold is sent multiple times and there's no way to stop that for us. Can we be assured that, even if a specific user gets sent multiple times such items, they're not accountable for that if they never get those contents? Still, the problem persists for Commanders, which cannot in any way trace every source.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> In recent days, a few players have expressed confusion or concern about our RMT policy, especially about how we handle cases where someone receives items or currency from a real-money trader. To help everyone best understand where we stand on this subject, we’ve clarified our position in our Knowledge Base article, [Policy: Purchasing Gold from Real Money Traders (RMT)](https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011560933 "Policy: Purchasing Gold from Real Money Traders (RMT)"). This expanded version is currently undergoing localization and will be posted in French, German, and Spanish as soon as possible.


> Please take a look at that document, and if you have any questions after you have done so, let us know.



Hi, thanks for posting this :)


One short question, we have seen several times that the gold got subtracted before the ig mail was opened. Does that mean that one can take the gold from the ig mail or do we have to let the ig mail sit unopened there or destroy the gold ourselves then?


Thanks again ;)

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People making up these scenarios is just hilarious to me. Guys, you WILL know if its RMT gold or not. No friend would randomly do this without leaving a message as well. If it's a stranger without message, don't accept it. If it's a friend randomly doing it, it's a bit suspicious at the least.

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@"Gaile Gray.6029"


I'm the victim of this RMT scam. A person asked a RMT gold seller to send the RMT gold to my account to actually achieve his goal to get me banned.

Ticket ID: 7123881 and 7124085


More details of what happened: https://i.imgur.com/Ke76Y3W.jpg


Can you please take a look into this issue and tell me if the red flag of RMT purchase is going to be removed from my account? I never did RMT and I never will. I'm a GW1 player for over 11 years and a GW2 player for over 6,5 years since the very first beta. I paid thousands of EUR over the past 6 years on gems/gemstore but I never did RMT.

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> @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> > @"Karaha.3290" said:

> > > @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> > > Hi @"Gaile Gray.6029", thanks for posting this.

> > >

> > > The concern right now is that sometimes people will use RMT and buy gold for somebody else's account in attempts to try and get them banned. How does the ANet support team plan to address this issue so that the uninformed are not targeted or penalized by this kind of behavior as well? What assurances do we have from the support team?

> > >

> > > -----

> > >

> > > Context for those who are unaware of what has been happening: https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/9d7orp/how_to_get_someone_banned_for_less_than_3/?st=jnxsx4dd&sh=df055dc4

> >

> > They wrote about it in the updated policy.

> >

> > >If you suspect you’ve received items or gold from a gold seller or RMT account, the best action is to report the message, return it if it still contains the items, and contact support if you are concerned that further action may be taken. We will work with you to secure your account and track the items back to the RMT account(s).

> >

> >


> But let's say you're an average GW2 user who doesn't read either this forum or the Reddit. How are you to know it isn't one of your guildies or friends paying you back for something? Most people get money in the mail and they'll happily take it without a second thought.


> Some users on reddit have reported receiving bans before even checking their mail, let alone accepting the money.


That is one of the things that has always annoyed me about the mail system. It uses the character name of the sender. How likely are you to know all the names of all your friends' characters? From just two of my friends they have a combined total of at least 40 characters.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"insanemaniac.2456" said:

> > more than this must happen on this front, gaile.


> Really? Just to satisfy the fearmongering? People need to calm down and get real.


yeah, really. bring it to mo if gaile doesnt want / have authority to comment and tell us this stupid loophole in their process is closed.

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> @"insanemaniac.2456" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > @"insanemaniac.2456" said:

> > > more than this must happen on this front, gaile.

> >

> > Really? Just to satisfy the fearmongering? People need to calm down and get real.


> yeah, really. bring it to mo if gaile doesnt want / have authority to comment and tell us this stupid loophole in their process is closed.


It's pretty obvious if you read it. There isn't any ambiguous wording there.

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> @"Xaina.5418" said:

> @"Gaile Gray.6029"


> I'm the victim of this RMT scam. A person asked a RMT gold seller to send the RMT gold to my account to actually achieve his goal to get me banned.

> Ticket ID: 7123881 and 7124085


> More details of what happened: https://i.imgur.com/Ke76Y3W.jpg


> Can you please take a look into this issue and tell me if the red flag of RMT purchase is going to be removed from my account? I never did RMT and I never will. I'm a GW1 player for over 11 years and a GW2 player for over 6,5 years since the very first beta. I paid thousands of EUR over the past 6 years on gems/gemstore but I never did RMT.


You accepted the gold. That's an instant flag. Doesn't matter if you're going to "send it back" you are not innocent in this situation. There was no reason to respond to that account; They were just following a money order from someone who put in your account/character name.

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I'm sure the idea has reached the dev team, but in case it has not - have you all considered making it so that you can opt out of random mail? Perhaps a function to limit mail received to only those in your friends list? While this won't catch all cases, it would prevent the vast majority. But, if this new policy is followed dutifully, perhaps it is unnecessary.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> In recent days, a few players have expressed confusion or concern about our RMT policy, especially about how we handle cases where someone receives items or currency from a real-money trader. To help everyone best understand where we stand on this subject, we’ve clarified our position in our Knowledge Base article, [Policy: Purchasing Gold from Real Money Traders (RMT)](https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011560933 "Policy: Purchasing Gold from Real Money Traders (RMT)"). This expanded version is currently undergoing localization and will be posted in French, German, and Spanish as soon as possible.


> Please take a look at that document, and if you have any questions after you have done so, let us know.



I read the article, but I did not see any mention on what to do when someone else spends real money to buy gold from an illegal source, but has the gold seller send it to your account. This is the major problem. Us as players fully understand that buying gold from RMT warrants a ban in doing so, but when someone else buys gold and has that sent to your account and you get punished because you were unaware it was happening. This is not right.


I'm assuming you guys keep logs of items and gold traded back & forth via in game mail. Why not just make a simple rule. If the receiver presses "Take All" Then continue with the suspension, but if the receiver presses "Return To Sender" Then only ban the sender as that is obviously one of the gold seller's accounts. You guys could even track where the gold came from before that if it was traded from a 3rd source and possibly stumbleupon a bigger operation of gold sellers.

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This is tone deaf. Players want to know that a salty player/troll can't just send RMT gold to them to get them banned. Instead of linking to a large page why don't you just answer that question?


Also your page says, "If you suspect you’ve received items or gold from a gold seller or RMT account, the best action is to report the message, return it if it still contains the items, and contact support if you are concerned that further action may be taken. We will work with you to secure your account and track the items back to the RMT account(s)."


In the reddit thread that is causing this controversy (https://old.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/9sxn5y/support_replied_to_200g_stranger_who_tried_to_ban/), the OP returned the gold, but you also took the gold off their account (https://i.imgur.com/Ke76Y3W.jpg). So now that player lost 200 gold due to your mistakes.

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