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What are your petty grievances in GW2?


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> @"Urud.4925" said:

> Just lol for the #9 and you're right on the #4, I also noticed it.


Well to be honest, he was not the only necromancer with a greatsword predating Reaper - Marjory did it too.


And if you made sylvari necromancer there is a chance you did it before he did :P


I don't remember what skills marjory was using when she was wielding belinda's sword, but trehearne was using a preset skills tied to the sword itself - basically necromancer with enviromental GS ;)


and since I spoke up I suppose I should slap in my petty grievances with a game.....

*thinking intensifies*



Inability to put certain NPCs as decorations in guild halls - I wanna make a stronghold out of it as I am supposed to! but how can I make it so without even basic sentries on the gates?!

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> @"DiabolicalHamSandwich.8756" said:

> For starters, the fact that majority of NPC's can't fight mobs for longer then a couple seconds before having a heart attack and dying. It is just such a "eh" moment to look at the mini map, and see nothing but a bunch of dead symbols littered throughout. Is there any wonder why the world is in the state it's in? These are the people patrolling the roads and the world. These are our soldiers, warriors, and special units that are suppose to hold the line. Hold back the enemies and/or corruption for all our sake. Yet they die to the most mundane things. Hell, even when they outnumber enemies, they still mostly get kitten. Where are they getting these soldiers from? How the world hasn't collapsed is beyond me.


That one heart vendor in Plains of Ashford. She sits too close to the wildlife, gets punked by a devourer, making you rez her to get access to the vendor point. Minor nuisance, but *c'mon, Blood Legion*, you're better than this!


> @"Cormac.3871" said:

> In PvE , when your enemy breaks combat because you have move too far from its spawn, but you are still in combat.


And then they reach their tether point and *come back to finish you off!*

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Not being able to move skills around but its more to do with minor thing like,


engi rifle burst skill is 3 but underwater the burst skill is 2 and since i dont play underwater enough i just tend to use the pull abillity QQ, similar with how blind in bomb kit is 4 but 3 in grenade kit etc normally if a game does that to me i try to place em so abilites either are sorted by cooldowns or what they do but being fixed in gw 2 ( which is ok ) there are just times i wish i could move a few of em around.

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The fact there are many Maps but you can only taxi to them. GW allowed you to go to the open maps or districts via a drop down menu.

The sell limit on TP.

The fact I can't 'clear down' the chat log.

people who beg for gold.

The fact that I can't see foes on the mini map, be it Pve or WvW. I miss my red dots!

Not being able to mark a place on the map with an X or the like to show people where you are heading.

No notepad in game to store things such a way points, builds or items you need.

Doing the guild treks and it takes ages to update.

Nerfs. All the piggin time.





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My very biggest petty rage-inducer:


My character is in a fight. HP is almost bottomed out, so I hit 'Heal.' **HP goes up, the red level goes up** I say, "Yay, just in time!" --and then I drop dead anyway because I was actually a fraction of a second too late and the heal animations I saw were just there to psyche me out and irritate me >:O


Okay, here's another one: There are heart quests on the map where you have to fight enemies that are REALLY hard to find. One especially comes to mind, I think it's in Snowden Drifts, you have to help the Seraph fight centaurs on one side and Sons of Svanir on the other, and even f you're lucky and there's not other people trying to do the heart quest so that you have to wait for the...(6 or 7?) targets to respawn, the Seraph NPCs frequently kill off the targets before you can get to them. Queensdale is the worst place for this sort of heart quest, like the monastery that takes FOREVER unless you are lucky enough to be there when the centaur attack event is happening, or trying to find portals and ghosts in the swamp, or trying to find centaurs to fight in that one area where the seraph are killing them off as fast as they appear and burning their houses.

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> @"Majosea.2487" said:

> > @"Tyger.1637" said:

> > In the personal story...

> >

> > "Quay".... IT'S PRONOUNCED 'KEY'


> Also with a certain character that needs not be named to be known...it is Claw like with an awwww at the end not Cloor, for example, as in Claw Island.


Many British English accents do that (and some other accents as well) - it's called "[intrusive R](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linking_and_intrusive_R "intrusive R")" (or sometimes "epenthetic R"). If Trahearne didn't do that, his "British" accent would actually sound less convincing - at least to me, as a British English speaker.

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water droplets thrown at the fourth wall when we exit water

are they for me or someone else able to throw water droplets at the fourth wall

pretty petty pretentious helps explain how to pronounce pretty I guess


edit: if the center of the screen was kept free from droplets, droplets would focus on the movement from water to land without being experienced as braking

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"particlepinata.9865" said:

> > Controller support. Believe me, i was all about the pc masterace with mouse when playing shooters and rts-es in the past, even with gw 1 and core gw 2. Now 42 (yes im old) its not so nice anymore on the wrist, hand, arm and neck to the right. Hot is the most demanding in that part. Thats why i like the action games on steam for example that have controller support. Many people who swear by mouse only forget (or are to young to know) that there was a time when pc games where all about having different input support (joysticks, flightsticks, stearing wheels/peddals etc). That is the power of the pc, customability.


> Um. I'm older than you(1), and I swear by mouse/keyboard. And I cut my video-gaming teeth, so to speak, on Atari 2600, Intellivision, and the like.


> (1) 42 is not old. I'm 52, and I don't consider myself old.


I am 41. Felt old when I turned 12. Didn't improve since then. Had an Atari2600. Love mouse&keyboard, hate all controllers. Really hate.

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> @"Urud.4925" said:

> Mine (not really a grievance) is that Caithe must die, since she killed a dear sister to spare a crazy lover (thus letting big E. and big T. die). Though I'm aware that love makes you blind.


That misrepresents the story in that part of LS2.


She killed a dear sister to prevent a crazy lover from learning a monstrous secret that would destroy (one way or another) their entire people (including the said dear sister, the said crazy lover, and the said Caithe herself) if the said crazy lover found out about it. I'd say that in this case, love managed to be not at all blind, for once.


Caithe does *essential* things, but goes about them in the most inexplicably tortuous and indirect manner imaginable, always managing to leave the impression that she's busy betraying you even as she is acting in almost exactly your totally best interest (even though you didn't know it yourself). Her story and the Commander-Outlander's reactions to it are a masterpiece.

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Oh, yes, one other thing. My own personal petty grievance, or at least disconcerting element.


In SWTOR's "4.0" expansion story, Knights of the Fallen Empire, your character becomes the Commander of an Alliance while simultaneously being forced into the position of a foreigner acting in what to him is a foreign environment, so you are simultaneously Commander and Outlander.


And of course the player character in GW2 becomes the Pact Commander, commonly called just "Commander", and thereafter you go to Elona (in PoF) and everyone there calls you "Outlander". That was ... disconcerting, because I am surrounded by people who have neither blasters nor lightsabres, and who are not Zakuulans either, and yet there they all are, calling me "Outlander".

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> @"Weindrasi.3805" said:

> Getting endless stacks of Bloodstone Dust, Dragonite Ore, and such which I will NEVER use because I hate crafting, I hate the mystic forge, and I have no interest in legendaries. The eaters can only consume a limited amount per day, which is annoying and more trouble than it's worth, so I don't use them. I just delete.... have probably deleted hundreds of thousands of these materials.


^ This, increase the amount the eaters can eat daily at least.

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"Urud.4925" said:

> > Mine (not really a grievance) is that Caithe must die, since she killed a dear sister to spare a crazy lover (thus letting big E. and big T. die). Though I'm aware that love makes you blind.


> That misrepresents the story in that part of LS2.


> She killed a dear sister to prevent a crazy lover from learning a monstrous secret that would destroy (one way or another) their entire people (including the said dear sister, the said crazy lover, and the said Caithe herself) if the said crazy lover found out about it. I'd say that in this case, love managed to be not at all blind, for once.

Yeah but, she could have accomplished the same (keep the secret a secret) if she killed the other one present at that moment. And Mordremoth wouldn't have taken the control of big F. that slowed us down in our rescue mission (thus sparing the life of big E. and probably also big T. - though this is not sure).

I only justify her because she was in love. But I think she did the wrong thing.


Hmm, another grievance since it's a new post... When I accidentally hit a mob, then the mob goes away and I remain forever in combat, unable to mount, without knowing who I have to kill. So I must go to the character selection and relog in.

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my grievances (no i am not serious) part deux: HOT spoiler edition

1. we get into the Magumma Jungle, get all hyped up with crazy gear and weapons for days... then Faren shows up in his pretty pink panties with a sword. Thanks Faren.

2. "my name is Ruka... I live on the second floor(of tarir)" is not a song by the time i reach Ruka. also, Taimi's attention span is shorter than short fused felix.

3. in the "escape big bad Faolain" stage, not a single time do you get to tell Faolain her vines(shoes) are tangled(tied).

4. "you have to try! do you have a glider?" Ruka, how the heck do you think i GOT this far? i flapped my arms? and no, i am not a tengu(anet make tengu happen)

5. in the fight stage of the challenges, salt water appears for the first time in the entire game, and yet we have been swimming in every lake and river and ocean with not a single salt water effect before that. also? a golden city cannot produce salt out of golden floors and golden ceilings.

6. mordrem snipers and pocket raptors should be married, both placed in a pine box, and shipped off to timbuktu!

7. so lemme get this right. I, the reluctant hero of shaemoor who had to put up with a friend who got himself into trouble for realsies, then get refused to play batman, then befriend a one-armed Charr that's funnier when he is drunk on apple cider(apple cider!) but lose him in a fight, forced to follow the commands of an absentee landlord of a Pact marshall, all the while getting Destiny's edge to play nice nice, kill an elder dragon with a friggin airship canon.... i get stuck with the B-team version of the guild i want having my back but they keep disappearing on me aand having rando emotional problems except for Rytlok who apparently refuses to reveal his OP status as a revnant, only to now have to face another elder dragon with no pact marshall, no destiny's edge, no friggin airship canon, and the best possible offence i have against this dragon is sitting inside the brain of the ONE DUDE i would not blink for a second seeing dead? Friggin Trahearne!!!!!!!!

8. Plain and simple. Eir did not need to die. i looked at the cut scene a hundred times. there is no legit way that Eir needed to get impaled by the Vinetooth. she had plenty of room to run, had Faolain down for the count, and the wound she had received from faolain was clearly not fatal and could heal. meanwhile? no one even thinks of pulling her out of harms way?

9. Tonn's wife remembers better than pepperidge farm. and she scares me. Tonn's wife would be excellent at Jeopardy.

10. all of tangled depths.

11. the pact is all but destroyed at the beginning of the story, but in Dragon's Stand, the pact is alive and well and taking the fight to Mordy. also, How can the commander of the Pact be fighting the mind of mordremoth and the mouth of mordremoth at the same time(shaddup mesmers)? if you are inside the mind, you cannot be outside the mind and attacking the mouth. the commander breaks the laws of physics here, and i do believe the pact fighting the mouth of mordremoth are in fact zombies. shoot em in the head.

12. the voice of blighted Faolain is not waking me up or greeting me when i come home from work. please fix that.

13. we kill mordy. awesome. his power stretches everywhere. even more awesome... as it powers up the egg. wait... wait a darn minute. it "powers up" the egg???? HOW? Glint's scion is encased in a crystalline egg. crystals do not absorb energy, they either refract or reflect(shiny mirror like surface tends to do that) so... unless that egg has hatched already or is cracked in any spot... there is no legit way mordy's energy could have powered up the egg. also... and i am sorry to my sylvari friends... if daddy mordremoth dies in the mind and physically, and he's been controlling all sylvari including mamma tree, then.... well that's it. all sylvari controlled by mordy should go poof. brains shut off, that's it. and if that's the case? the only sylvari that should remain alive are caithe, canach, Laranthir, and you, if you play the sylvari commander. everyone else? lobotomized.

14. this might be a legitimate grievance... all 9 classes get a taste of their new elite specs... each one doing something different and something they never could before. and yes i get shouts and a warhorn... but tempest.... um.... you are making an elementalist be more of an elementalist. all they do is scream and overload what they already have! poor blokes... at least you eventually get a sword(but that's for another story)

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Can't really think of anything else right now but I'm sure there's a lot more I could list. But this one here is the first thing that came into my mind:

That damn tengu wall and a bunch of other "locked" areas. I just hate to see the world being so incomplete whenever I look at the map. I mean C'mon, not even core maps like for example Kryta seems to be extended to its full as there are certain missing maps like the Alessio Seaboard or Sanctum Cay (the location that is locked behind the tengu wall). I do hope we get to see a lot more of the wotld in the future and I hope that it won't be all locked behind raids as coming back to raids for me (and several others) seems to be like hell with all the ongoing elitism. Unfortunately the group I was doing it with long ago became disinterested in anything game related as we all had something to deal with in real life and so we became more and more inactive with the release of wing 3. I'd really like to see some of its story content though as there are interesting things like the White Mantle arc and the truth about who this "Ragged White Mantle Figurehead" truly is. (I was pretty shocked to see how much people interested in the lore are missing out on elitists who care s.hit about it at all because it's locked behind stupid raids after I've seen some sort of recap video somewhere.) Listen, I'm not bad or anything, I can adapt and I know my stuff but I can't be perfect 100% all the time just so you can rush through everything. I'd rather have some fun with a group that needs longer and doesn't use any of the meta but instead working as a team and thinking own tactics through than someone who yells at me for every wrong step to the right or the left I take. It's hard to find likeminded people these days and this applies to any game in general as there are always people who think it's a competition rather than fun. Plus I have a kind of disfunction which makes hand coordination a problem which most likely lead into cramp attacks and motion sickness so excuse me for not being a machine who can do everything at any time without any sign of human flaw.

(Yes, I guess these are two things I can actually list here)

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"Just wait until you give SWTOR a try, and end up in Knights of the Eternal Throne Chapter VIII. The entire time you're moving through the map, you'll find your character involuntarily targeting friendly mobs. *That* is annoying."


I gave up on SWTOR when it became 'effortless story time'. Used to be a great MMO imo. Instantly unplayable due to a bad expansion.

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Auto-target refusing to select the GIANT CHAMPION standing right in front of me, and instead cycling through every incidental mob in the vicinity before it will allow me to 'find' the most obvious target.

And the fact this dynamic is reversed for Hab, who is suddenly the only thing target-able when his adds appear.

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> @"blackheartgary.8605" said:

> my grievances (no i am not serious) part deux: HOT spoiler edition

> 13. ...blah blah blah... *if daddy mordremoth dies in the mind and physically, and he's been controlling all sylvari including mamma tree, then.... well that's it. all sylvari controlled by mordy should go poof.*


I'm sorry. That is such an over-used trope and I'm very glad Anet didn't choose that path.


Pretty much all of my petty grievances have been named. One that I think hasn't been mentioned happens fairly rarely, but is annoying when it does: Travel to a new destination where you wish to park your character before exiting. Start up again to find them somewhere they had been previously, like that last 5 minutes didn't happen.

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> @"Linebreaker.7904" said:



> And while we are on the subject of autotarget, please target the mob in front of me, not the thing I ran past 10 seconds ago, or the thing I can't even see on screen.



Also, trying to target the thing that's actively pummeling me instead of every other kitten thing in the room.

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