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Race Change vs. New Race

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> @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> That Dominion of Winds area sandwiched between Maguuma and Kryta suggests area for both Largos and Tengu. That would be a nice place to launch a personal story for either but starting directly at L80.


> Largos can be an under-water people with +25% natural movement speed in water but poorer gliding stamina.


> Tengu can have infinite gliding stamina but a lower base toughness.


> Their personal story can be stand-alone, skipping forging the pact and assaulting Orr. Then, splice in at the next ex-pac.


That goes against Anet's stand on the races being base stat equals.


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> @"starhunter.6015" said:

> > @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> > That Dominion of Winds area sandwiched between Maguuma and Kryta suggests area for both Largos and Tengu. That would be a nice place to launch a personal story for either but starting directly at L80.

> >

> > Largos can be an under-water people with +25% natural movement speed in water but poorer gliding stamina.

> >

> > Tengu can have infinite gliding stamina but a lower base toughness.

> >

> > Their personal story can be stand-alone, skipping forging the pact and assaulting Orr. Then, splice in at the next ex-pac.


> That goes against Anet's stand on the races being base stat equals.



Arenanet reserves the right to change their mind at any time, without notice, and has done so. Also, "equal stat's" can be interpreted as equivalent stat's without contradicting previous statements.

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agreed on changing their minds, but no equivalent stats do not now or ever equal stats. Specially since it is Equal "BASE" stats not equivalent base stats. Anet never wanted nor do they want Race to be a factor in choosing a race to play. A part of the reason Anet has made racial skills nearly worthless to use.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Or...they want the Devs to understand that a portion of the playerbase would prefer they work on something other than those 2 choices, however unlikely the choices are.


Not everything has to be an affront to appeal for developer attention.


If anything, I'd have hoped posters that want a race change (the obvious unpopular option in the poll) would explain some reasons why they'd prefer it over a new race and maybe a discussion about problems with work-arounds could be had.

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> @"Leo G.4501"


I'm personally a fan of both ideas but with more realistic approach I think that the **race change** would more likely to be added since the biggest issue is the personal story - not the entire sets of armors. I'd love to be able to race-swap.

I really hope we can have something like this in the future because as people already mentioned - **new race** doesn't have to share the personal story of already playable ones. It can come with something of their own. About the armors and equipment - I see it this way - Add a **new race** with mix of its own set of armors - let's say 10 (for a starter) + 10 remade existing armors so they would fit. Succesively enlarge the amount of existing armors for new race and keep up with the new equipment.



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> @"DonArkanio.6419" said:

> > @"Leo G.4501"


> I'm personally a fan of both ideas but with more realistic approach I think that the **race change** would more likely to be added since the biggest issue is the personal story - not the entire sets of armors. I'd love to be able to race-swap.

> I really hope we can have something like this in the future because as people already mentioned - **new race** doesn't have to share the personal story of already playable ones. It can come with something of their own. About the armors and equipment - I see it this way - Add a **new race** with mix of its own set of armors - let's say 10 (for a starter) + 10 remade existing armors so they would fit. Succesively enlarge the amount of existing armors for new race and keep up with the new equipment.




But then you have the outfits, and Gem store armors/skins that players will want to use on their new race..... so right back to the issue of armor's fitting. Anything humanoid isn't much of a problem, it is creatures like Tengu and Hylek that are major issues.


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I would love to be able to change races. I acknowledge the personal story as an issue, but I would be perfectly fine with resetting and replaying my personal story, because that's really a major driver behind the race change. My human ranger main has become a bit boring with time; had I known more of the lore six years ago, he likely would be a Norn or Charr. Plus all these Hylek clogging up his home instance are getting to be a serious drag. I would love to be able to replay the core part of the personal story as a new race and change some of my choices if I could.


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I voted race change. Why?

Because I'd like to get both, but not new race without race change.

I am a "main" kind of person. I play 1 profession 95% of time (different builds and roles though) . I created sylvari at launch and then they stopped getting new hairstyles, faces etc. as humans and there was almost no new leaf armor, so I decided I want to switch to human to have more options. I was so mad when I had to level 0-80 again on the same profession. That was so boring and time consuming.

As I am the "main" type of person I also would hate to give up my map completion etc. that are bound to my character.

Just reset personal story progress when you switch races.


**Right now, without race change, I am simply afraid to make anything else than human.**


Asura and sylvari and charr, they all seem fun, but I am afraid I level one and then start having problems with little customization - like on my main, clipping etc. and I'll have to do everything from beggining once again.

So I just go with humans all the time and feel a little regret. But this little regret is still better than the ultimate frustration on leveling and map exploring again with the same profession.

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> @""Kas.3509"


I totally understand you. I am a main guy myself and I really hate the feeling of having this kind of empty character without PS and Map Comp. Not much time to do this stuff anymore and I'd love to be able to just swap race instead of making a whole new character with the same profession.

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  • 1 year later...

Why would anyone care about someone else wanting to change race? They wouldn't even know they did it, except for maybe guild mates. But then again, you can already change your sex, isn't that as immersion breaking?

If a person buys a race change, they are obviously totally fine with it.

Also it would sell a lot in the gemstore, this has ben requested a lot, so it's not like it would be wasted man hours.

I really hope Arena Net changes their stance on this, but at this point it seems like it would already had happened , if so.

I would really like to change my main characters race :(

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I vote Race Change. Despite having no inclination to actually use said feature.




For one, it's a relatively easy way for ANet to earn more money. Sell Race Change tokens on gem store = easy profit. Which they can (Hopefully) utilize in order to work on more features I do care about. Such as Armour Skins and Balance changes (...Putting dye channels on older back items).


It doesn't even need to be particularly complicated either. Just make it so you can choose your starter options like when making a new character and your PS is complete up to the point you had it before race change. Not people's preferred option since they'd like to do the race specific PS's but ehh... Leveling a new character up to level 30 in order to see that stuff isn't too hard for those interested...


Only issue could be Cultural armour which is race locked and thus could cause someone to no longer be able to equip an item. Which could be solved by reverting item skins (Maybe even just specifically ones using Cultural skins) to their original state given that the game remembers them since it states on them what they were before applying the skin.


The second reason for me picking Race Change, is that a New Race would be very resource intensive, which likely would mean other areas would end up getting less attention while they worked on implementing the new race. I also don't see how it would end up fitting into the game, as it would need to have its own unique personal story from 1-80 and even then, a new race still won't make sense throughout LW1-IBS without the Pact stuff from OG PS 60-80...


Though, it could be cool if they *could* get away with implementing a new race, especially a complete implementation, giving them their own home city, several zones to match other races central Tyria zones, ability to wear all existing skins and seamless introduction into the existing world. However, I very much doubt that it's possible, especially if "Armour Skins" is too much work...

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I wouldn't race change any of my characters. When I'm making characters I like to make up a backstory and personality for them at the same time and tie their profession, story choices etc. into that. Changing their race would have huge impacts for all of that, they would effectively be an entirely different character, so I'd actually prefer to delete and re-make them.


On the other hand I do like the idea of new races. I know it would be a lot of work and I'm not sure how the personal story could be handled, but I like the idea of having more options for characters. Tengu or kodan would be my first choice, I think they both have potential in that they're similar enough in shape to playable races to use the same equipment, both have interesting and detailed lore I'd love to explore more and both have home territories on the border of currently accessible areas which could be the location of cities and starter maps.

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> @"White Kitsunee.4620" said:

> What does race change mean in this context? I appear to be late sorry

It means changing your race. I'm not sure how to further elaborate on it.


Anyway, since either option is basicly 0% likelyhood - changing race is in direct opposition of the entire GW2 monetization system of alts and a new race is practically impossible given that there are like 4000+ armor pieces that would have to be realigned and maybe even recreated - I choose... neither.


Because we need neither. We need QoL things - engine improvements, PvP improvements, WvW improvements and hell maybe, just maybe, even *PvE improvements* since Anet has *obviously* completely *ignored* that aspect of the game for years.


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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"White Kitsunee.4620" said:

> > What does race change mean in this context? I appear to be late sorry

> It means changing your race. I'm not sure how to further elaborate on it.


> Anyway, since either option is basicly 0% likelyhood - changing race is in direct opposition of the entire GW2 monetization system of alts and a new race is practically impossible given that there are like 4000+ armor pieces that would have to be realigned and maybe even recreated - I choose... neither.


> Because we need neither. We need QoL things - engine improvements, PvP improvements, WvW improvements and hell maybe, just maybe, even *PvE improvements* since Anet has *obviously* completely *ignored* that aspect of the game for years.




We are pitting up a Qol feature that would likely be monetized up against a box feature that would be included to sell expac's?


Seems like a miss match to me but okay.

Thanks for the explanation.

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