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For the people who wants Gw3. Are you kidding me?

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Reasons I, personally, don't want Guild Wars 3 yet:

1. My computer might not have the specs for a new game, and I don't have the budget to buy a new one just for GW3.

2. How long will it even take them to put out a viable Mac version? (If they bother!) They just got GW2 working decently!

3. I am not tired of Guild Wars 2 yet. Content comes out faster than I deal with it, if you count all the side quests and collections and things.

4. I am attached to my characters and don't want to leave them behind.

5. I have invested in a lot of cool stuff and don't want to leave it behind.

6. I'm afraid I will end up sitting in my creaky rocking chair on the GW3 forums insisting that GW3 is sooooo much not as good as GW2 was.

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> @"Jski.6180" said:

> Can you blame them the balancing feels like a comply mess updates are come out slower and slower. New content is getting less and less.


> That and there are going to be new mmorpg (one day lol) and gw2 will no longer be the only mmorpg out there that is fun to play.


> I like to see an expansion to gw2 with some though to a gw3. 2019 maybe a good year for over all mmorpgs (or the worst yet we are not sure if the new batch are going to be good or if they are even coming out in 2019) and gw2 is going to be the mmorpg of the past.


You or anyone else really think the balance will get any better with the same team (more or less)? This is a delusional view on things along with thinking we'll get content quicker with GW3 as well.

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> @"Arzurag.7506" said:

> Never touch a running system, until someone creates a better system.



> I do would like to have a new gw3, with up to date graphics, modern combat system, better effort/reward ratio and the like, though the current devs simply lack the competence to create such mmo. This is what happens when devs lose the vision they had at the beginning. Well, if there are even any original devs left.


There are plenty of original Devs left, even Devs that worked on the original GW...and the vision is not from every Dev, but a select few...as for your other wants...that's personal opinion.

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> @"Frozenize.9603" said:

> So I just read an article on mmorpg.com and there was an article about Guild Wars. After I read it I ask myself a question: "why do people want to have another Guildwars MMO? Why do you want to divide the player population into 3 games? Guild Wars 2 is still a very potential MMORPG. Anet can remaster it when the right time comes with or without expansion and I believe there will be more than 1 expansion which will release every 2 years or so. Look at WoW, the game has been there for more than a decade. There were some good expansions and there were some that not even good like Catalysm or World of Draenor. But, after all there is always one game and one player base. In my opinion, I really want that because I am not young anymore and I want to stick with a game that I have invested my time and money on.


All I want is a new engine with improved graphics. But in terms of gameplay, Gw2 is the best MMO out there, and I find it better than most ARPGs and many character action oriented games.

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I believe people are too caught up in mainstream games. AAA games. The gaming industry is extremely fast paced. Companies are expected to crap out content constantly. Guild Wars 2 is fine as it is, and should not be ditched for a Guild Wars 3. If they were to upgrade to a third game, chances are this third game would end up being unplayable for a good chunk of existing fans, due to newer games having higher demands. Anyway, there's still plenty of story to be told with GW2.


People should stop expecting long run MMOs to be the same as other games. New versions of MMOs are made when they feel like they've exhausted everything they can from the previous one.

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My big wants are improved options for partial effects and more balancing and dealing with imbalanced and old skills.


It appears they are dealing with balance.


The question is can they keep the game running with a new expat based on the engine. And can they also us to reduce particle effect and things that make gameplay worse. I don't know how much work the engine needs, but it is clear that it needs some.


The artwork and assets are so good I do not think they need gw3 unless they need to redo the engine and start a fresh, larger story arc and more sales to keep things afloat/profitable. They will hopefully be done with elder dragons shortly.I


Regardless, I am a fan and will probably play whatever they release.

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The wish for GW3 is probably a symptome of more and more ppl giving up on GW2. "Well, we can't fix it at this point, let's shoot it in the backyard and buy a new one." People who wish for GW3 like or even love GW2 i think and they'd love to love it more, but 2018 felt dissapointing to many, communication between ANet and the community seems sterile and some players have adopted the "burn it down and start anew" mentality when it comes to the game.

I would not start a new game, I've sunk thousands of hours into my account and I won't go there again for a new game. I'd rather have ANet work and imrpove on GW2 instead of releasing GW3. I also never got the notion, how a GW3 made today by the same people would fix anything besides maybe better visuals. Should the same people make a GW3, why should there be a change in developement philosophy or anything? Why would a GW3 developped by the same team be better than GW2, if GW2 is considered or perceived as broken beyond repair?

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> @"Maikimaik.1974" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > Remastering gw2 would be more effort for them than making a new game.

> If you try to think about it for a second you would notice that your statement doesn't make any sense whatsoever.



Want to ask around here about gw2 going dx12? Try it.

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What would be the point?, graphically there aint much to improve that can not be added to the existing engine, mechanically wise, the leap was given with the action camera mode.


The only real upgrade they could introduce is non instanced world wide maps like wow, and honestly it does not make much of a difference.


Also there is the reality that MMOs in general are going the way of the Dodo.

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I was also a bit surprised by this article. The absolutely only thing is that their engine is totally ancient and DX9 is over a fucking decade old. They really must do something here. It's unbearable.


I don't care about balancing, i don't give a shit on it and I don't get why people are so mad about it. Who cares, it's a game.

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> @"Aryan Arlande.6184" said:

> GW2 today is a smoothly running cash-machine, and there's no need to change something, as long as the machine runs.


The revenue stream of the Gem Store is the key, no doubt. Look at Team Fortress 2. I'm amazed that game is still running, and still releasing new content, but given the rumours of just how much $$$ their micros transactions have earned, it makes sense.


I remember when people thought that WoW had 1-2 expansions left, and then they would release WoW 2. Clearly that hasn't happened, yet Blizzard has managed to keep upgrading the game itself - there was a big jump in min. requirements from Legion to BFA. Current WoW for instance runs on DX12, while GW2 still runs DX9.


The age of the engine, and the inability or unwillingness to upgrade it (as has been commented on many times by ANET) is the only reason why a GW3 makes sense - it gives them a chance to build a new game from scratch, and hopefully, create a modular / buildable platform that they can grow a decade after.


Now while it would suck to lose all your in game wealth, etc, remember that GW1 achievements did carry over into GW2, and I would expect nothing less for any upcoming sequel.


For me, so long as they maintain the foundation of this game: level scaling, open tagging of mobs, hearts, lack of gear treadmill, etc, I would welcome a 3rd edition. That said, I still have tons of content to experience in GW2 so no need to rush.


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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Aryan Arlande.6184" said:

> > GW2 today is a smoothly running cash-machine, and there's no need to change something, as long as the machine runs.


> The revenue stream of the Gem Store is the key, no doubt. Look at Team Fortress 2. I'm amazed that game is still running, and still releasing new content, but given the rumours of just how much $$$ their micros transactions have earned, it makes sense.


> I remember when people thought that WoW had 1-2 expansions left, and then they would release WoW 2. Clearly that hasn't happened, yet Blizzard has managed to keep upgrading the game itself - there was a big jump in min. requirements from Legion to BFA. Current WoW for instance runs on DX12, while GW2 still runs DX9.


> The age of the engine, and the inability or unwillingness to upgrade it (as has been commented on many times by ANET) is the only reason why a GW3 makes sense - it gives them a chance to build a new game from scratch, and hopefully, create a modular / buildable platform that they can grow a decade after.


> Now while it would suck to lose all your in game wealth, etc, remember that GW1 achievements did carry over into GW2, and I would expect nothing less for any upcoming sequel.


> For me, so long as they maintain the foundation of this game: level scaling, open tagging of mobs, hearts, lack of gear treadmill, etc, I would welcome a 3rd edition. That said, I still have tons of content to experience in GW2 so no need to rush.



It also allows them to rivisit systems and features, how they work and how they could improve them further (nothing that alone warrants a new game, but they pile over the years)


As for wow they recently introduce multithreading support/ optimisations for dx12 machines.




Also yes, as you said wow before its latest expansion also added dx12 support.



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> @"Jski.6180" said:

> Can you blame them the balancing feels like a comply mess updates are come out slower and slower. New content is getting less and less.



How can you even say this with a straight face?


"Slower and slower", what? With the one release delay they had? Everything else has been 3 months. Raid took longer than planned this time, but the release was made of entirely new assets and mechanics it might be understandable given the size of the team and that they also work on fractals. Every content release was bigger than just a year prior for sure too, though they certainly are of varying quality due to their different teams.

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> @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> From business perspective GW3 would be shooting their own foot. GW2 is not that outdated and has still large enough playerbase (as well as potential). Right now GW3 would not be succeeding GW2, it would be competing with it. And that's not a good choice especially with huge investments needed to make said sequel.


PoF was a very successful expansion to the game, got few milions more dollars than HoT. And now when we have a very lively release cadence and Season 5 coming soon, it prospers really well that GW2 will have still 2+ expansions more.

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People say it, but for me it would take a huge overhaul to bring the game from being this stale, casual MMORPG.

We need new builds to play with, not current builds being nerfed to the ground without something to be excited about.

We need story content that feels more personal,

More focus around New Character customization.

Improved PvP because right now PvP is and has been a joke. Just reaper or Scourge with the rune changes and you can go all the way to the top.

WvW most of all- many of the good wvw guilds are leaving because there are no new standards being met in this game mode and seeing as PvE is the top priority, it's disheartening and cause to move on to something else. Servers stack against one another every other month, they hop to a new server and zerg train.

This game constantly punishes skilled and talented PvP/ WvW players.


GW2 would have to become more like GW1-- Actual Guild Battles and not tower hopping. Expansions that took more than a few hours to complete, story parts that aren't stretched for content over a year. Class balance changes that actually make sense and not 1 Dev being in charge of it all who only plays PvE but makes changes for WvW and PvP as well.

Gw2 has lost the identity it once had, it was like a magical steam-punk victorian dark fantasy with mages and flower people but now the identity seems like a korean MMO with who has the best fashion or the craziest looking character.


We don't need a GW3, but we do need a big change.

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I play GW2 in a casual way because it's fun enough for me. But I play mostly solo and just join in open world events and such. There is a lack of good MMOs in the market and that's what makes GW2 shine more than anything. It's a serviceable game with some good points, but I'm not attached to it. So it would be easy to jump ship for me. A GW3 might be able to redo some of the things that I don't like at the core of this game namely character models and the skill system. Still not a big fan of how they handled all that. Doesn't mean the game is bad at all but to me it's also not that great. It keeps me busy. I enjoy it to a point and when I find something better that's me.


Then again, I'm not sure if they should go for a GW3 or something completely different. I'd like to see them do a Sci-Fi game for example. The only thing I wonder about is how long they think that GW2 will keep them going because ArenaNet basically does have all their eggs in one basket and that can't last forever.

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the options are there and with how they rather wanna keep GW2, they have 3 options

1. make a GW3 and barely have anything in GW2 till release

2. make a huge overhaul so the game becomes stable and allows more with less time

3. keep it how it is and end up hitting a wall


so choose, the choices are there, it's up to them to choose the right way.

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I'd like a Guild Wars 3 eventually, but not for now and a few years. I do not have a clue how Guild Wars 3 would be like and what could make it stand out of the crowd. I remember didn't knowing that either when playing Guild Wars 1 and they announced Guild Wars 2. But boy was I happily surprised. For now we're good I think and hope, hopefully with 1 or 2 more expansions. I do hope for a Guild Wars 3 after that, "when it's ready" (Yes Anet, it's a trauma from 10 years ago, please do not tell us that for 5 years again, just announce it later then xD)

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> @"Gaberen.4325" said:

> Would rather have the original Guild Wars remastered




Releasing GW3 would be the last nail in ANet's coffin.

Maybe another new game would succeed but not something with Guild Wars attached to it, exception being the first game remastered - a better game combatwise with a lot of e-sport potential.


Regarding the balance being the reason for a new game, while I agree balance is awful (it's more like the skill and trait design is awful in the first place, that's what you get when you dumb down the game so much that a skill does 5 things+ on their own), it's not something a new game would solve, remember one of the reasons to move to GW2 was that GW was turning a hell to balance and we all know how that turned out.

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