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Please add limitions or selfprotection for "Ekto gambling"


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Dear folks,

I need to talk about gambling in this game. My friend is addicted to gambling and lost regulary all her gold and items. To prevent being bankrupt she buys from her real money gold. How can a game with a rating for children (12+) enter this kind of gambling, which nearly no rewards in the end. The producers must rethink the strategy to gain money from the ppl, otherwise some region (Florida,Begium) disband Guild Wars 2 in total and EU in total can follow soon. I get really upset, that ppl, like my friend, dont get protected this kind of gambling. Remove the possibility to ekto gambling at all!






I hate lootboxes with random items , but this shouldnt be the topic in this thread. So pls, dont combine these topics. Thx


// Edit Title // I dont change my original Post. You can follow my thoughts later on.

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and if she didnt bankrupt, the gamgling in this game would be okay? Doesnt matter if it's a 12+ game, a child is not gambling real money in this game, only gold. And how is a child able to buy gold for real money? Do his parents give him a real credit card? In italy you can have a credit card and do transaction with it only if you are 18+.

If you consider ecto gamling as a real money gamble, then also any flipper in any video game room is a money gamble game.


Your friend has to learn that in the real world, and in videogames too, no one gives away anything for nothing. And this is coming from someone who lost 4k gold in ecto gamble.


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Part of the problem in society is that people demand that everyone accommodates or "protects" the vast vast minority of people.


There are two vendors in the game with the ecto gambling, one is really hard to find unless you know it's there, and the other is tied to an expansion. It's also a totally optional part of the game.


I can download 9001 slot machine apps on my phone in next hour, I'll pass your post along to Google and Apple so they can also take action.

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This is ridiculous. What about personal accountability, let's start there for a change.


Using Americas population, its something like 2.6% of people who are gambling addicts. Should ANet be basing their decisions around such a minority? People need to take responsibility for their own actions.


How about you help your friend, take your misplaced outrage and qq and place it where it belongs.

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I ecto gamble a lot in this game (never buy gold with cash, though). I've lost thousands, but also made thousands (I got a back-to-back 2k jackpot one time). At this point... I'm not really sure if I'm up or down. But when I do lose - it's fine. I can handle that.


I would advise you ecto gamble as an "end game", in terms of gold. So, when you more or less have everything you already truly wanted to buy. That way you can keep using your gold for some fun (and occasionally disappointing) RNG.

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> @"Hesacon.8735" said:

> Part of the problem in society is that people demand that everyone accommodates or "protects" the vast vast minority of people.


Have to agree with Hesacon here.. it's not society or corporations responsibility to protect people from themselves..

If your friend has a problem she should seek help.


Guildwars 2 has some gambling like features.. any game with RNG elements does but these features are in no way harmful to the player base unless that individual develops an unhealthy obsession with them.

That is not the fault of the game but the fault of the individual and there are millions of us playing this game daily who prove the features are neither addictive or dangerous to the vast majority of players.


Removing a harmless element of the game to protect a handful of individuals with low levels of self control is a really bad idea.. and it can lead to other things that will overall hurt the game in the long run.


It sucks your friend has a problem but it is her problem and she should seek help for it, removing ecto gambling from the game would upset many players.. and it wouldn't fix your friends gambling problem either so it's really a no win scenario for anyone.

You friend will be far happier and much better off if she confronts her problem and overcomes it.. and I wish her all the best with that.

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Your friend she will never escape this issue in life until she learns to act right by who she is.

I'd understand more if the game was set up to make you waste irl money on gold to gamble, but i really really don't get that feeling myself so doubt they did that.


However, you are not the first person i hear saying this. Not the first person telling me of their gambling problems and how they had to deal with ecto gambling. So, maybe it would make sense to have certain elements possibly account blocked so she could contact support and get that done.




But in any case regardless, she has got to learn to conduct herself in the world one way or the other, not that that should be an excuse, but i just don't see it as a harmful element even if it can trigger some people's compulsive gambling. Next level care for costumers if they enabled that possible block for certain content.

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> @"Shala.8352" said:

> and if she didnt bankrupt, the gamgling in this game would be okay? Doesnt matter if it's a 12+ game, a child is not gambling real money in this game, only gold. And how is a child able to buy gold for real money? Do his parents give him a real credit card? In italy you can have a credit card and do transaction with it only if you are 18+.

> If you consider ecto gamling as a real money gamble, then also any flipper in any video game room is a money gamble game.


> Your friend has to learn that in the real world, and in videogames too, no one gives away anything for nothing. And this is coming from someone who lost 4k gold in ecto gamble.



Your missing the point.. the child might only be gambling in game gold but it implants the desire to gamble and that then bleeds outside of the game.. that is the issue surrounding gambling activities within games and why some countries are beginning to take it very seriously.

Gambling addiction does not just happen all of a sudden it starts from the smallest seed and grows.

If this child is left to undertake such activities then parents must shoulder the blame for sure, but implementing the ability to gamble lies firmly at the feet of ANET and other companies that are keen to profit from it. Business is business, but when such in game systems are expose those underage and at risk then there is a problem and it seems countries like Belgium have taken a stand to out such activities that promote the risk, it won't be too long before others take the same decisions imo. The UK is already looking at it, gambling companies are now being pushed to do away with all forms of in event advertising whilst events are active and rightly so.

Loot boxes, especially in the way ANET implements them, does however offer some half way house solution, same as the random mount boxes by offering other ways to obtain some of shinnies without the need to gamble.. it's not perfect imo, but it's a step in the right direction.

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_What about personal accountability_

Then explain me, what do you gain from gambling at all as an user? Makes Ektoambling fun? It is very fast and you play continuesly you loose in total. The bank (anet) allways wins, because they set the invisible rules and aint controlled by anybody.

I have a big problem with that, because this problem can get so big, she start to think, to avoid the game at all. And when you she leaves, you lost me too.

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> @"yoni.7015" said:

> > @"sokeenoppa.5384" said:

> > > @"Madjoh.6054" said:

> > > _What about personal accountability_

> > > Then explain me, what do you gain from gambling at all as an user? Makes Ektoambling fun? It is very fast and you play continuesly you loose in total. The bank (anet) allways wins, because they set the invisible rules and aint controlled by anybody.

> > > I have a big problem with that, because this problem can get so big, she start to think, to avoid the game at all. And when you she leaves, you lost me too.

> >

> > Can i get your gold when you leave? :3


> but don’t gamble with it!


I won't as anet always wins, because they set the invisible rules and aint controlled by anybody. ^^

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> @"Madjoh.6054" said:

> _What about personal accountability_

> Then explain me, what do you gain from gambling at all as an user? Makes Ektoambling fun? It is very fast and you play continuesly you loose in total. The bank (anet) allways wins, because they set the invisible rules and aint controlled by anybody.

> I have a big problem with that, because this problem can get so big, she start to think, to avoid the game at all. And when you she leaves, you lost me too.


I'm wondering how many players will be lost if Ecto gambling is removed. Or, how about the slippery slope that removing such content leads to? I mean, there's always something in-game that 1 or a few players object to.

I'm also wondering about all the other gambling games/apps/etc. available on the internet/through games/etc. Does the friend abstain from them? If so, there must be some kind of self-control in play; perhaps said self-control could be applied to Guild Wars 2, as well. And, if the friend gambles elsewhere online, it won't make any difference if it is removed from Guild Wars 2; the friend should seek some professional help.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > @"Madjoh.6054" said:

> > _What about personal accountability_

> I'm wondering how many players will be lost if Ecto gambling is removed. Or, how about the slippery slope that removing such content leads to? I mean, there's always something in-game that 1 or a few players object to.

> I'm also wondering about all the other gambling games/apps/etc. available on the internet/through games/etc. Does the friend abstain from them? If so, there must be some kind of self-control in play; perhaps said self-control could be applied to Guild Wars 2, as well. And, if the friend gambles elsewhere online, it won't make any difference if it is removed from Guild Wars 2; the friend should seek some professional help.


Thanks for the advice, but she is old enough and she knows about her addiction.


To the rest, prove me wrong or answer my question: What do you gain from ekto gambling at all as an user?

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I think that if someone is addicted to gambling they should avoid any mmo out there. They always have some form of "gambling" in the style of rng. Be it something like ecto, lootbox content or in other games gear upgrade jewels that can fail. Even if she uses real life money, I am sure there may be ways to prevent her from overspending. Like supervision on her finance (so she has to ask permission to buy something in the 1st place). Or perhaps there can be some arrangement with Anet to have a lock on her purchases if it exceeds x amount per month (if this is even possible).


As for what you gain from ecto gambling, I believe you can only get gold and ecto's back (but I rarely do it so)

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> @"Madjoh.6054" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > @"Madjoh.6054" said:

> > > _What about personal accountability_

> > I'm wondering how many players will be lost if Ecto gambling is removed. Or, how about the slippery slope that removing such content leads to? I mean, there's always something in-game that 1 or a few players object to.

> > I'm also wondering about all the other gambling games/apps/etc. available on the internet/through games/etc. Does the friend abstain from them? If so, there must be some kind of self-control in play; perhaps said self-control could be applied to Guild Wars 2, as well. And, if the friend gambles elsewhere online, it won't make any difference if it is removed from Guild Wars 2; the friend should seek some professional help.


> Thanks for the advice, but she is old enough and she knows about her addiction.


> To the rest, prove me wrong or answer my question: What do you gain from ekto gambling at all as an user?




And if she is old enough and knows about her addiction she should seek help and not expose herself to these stimuli. If she has to stop playing the game for this then it would be I. Her best interest to do so. Until she dealt with her issues and maybe even forever.


If you care for her this is the primary cause you should be taking.

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> @"Madjoh.6054" said:

> Then explain me, what do you gain from gambling at all as an user?


The reason non-addicts gamble is that there's a thrill of anticipation right before rolling the dice, spinning the wheel, or double-clicking an item. That is worth paying for, in the same way amateurs will go bungee jumping or jump out of an airplane (with a parachute).


As with anything that offers an endorphin rush, people get addicted to that feeling and want it all the time. After a while, addicts stop noticing the thrill; they just feel empty when it's not present. Otherwise unaffected folks (the vast majority) can take it or leave it.


Removing Ecto gambling from the game means that everyone who enjoys the occasion roll suffers so that those who are incapable of stopping themselves are shielded from their inability to choose differently. My friend has a subscription to GW2 in that he buys US$50 of BL keys whenever he's in the mood. He really enjoys it and it allows him to support the game in his own way, at his own pace.


I'm sorry that the OP's friend has a problem; I'm sorry that they have to see them suffer. I'm not convinced by the arguments made here that the OP's friend is best served by removing all forms of in-game gambling; I'm definitely not convinced that it's best for the entire community.


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Anyone can complain and create a "valid" concern and issue about an aspect of the game ,that doesn't make it less their issue than the game issue.Ecto gambling and any form of gambling that doesn't require direct money is ok and should be ok,if your friend has an issue with that ,it's your friend's issue and you should actively work on helping her directly,gambling is bad for her and guess what,you can't remove gambling at all from the world,you better start changing the gambler.

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> @"Hesacon.8735" said:

> Part of the problem in society is that people demand that everyone accommodates or "protects" the vast vast minority of people.


> There are two vendors in the game with the ecto gambling, one is really hard to find unless you know it's there, and the other is tied to an expansion. It's also a totally optional part of the game.


> I can download 9001 slot machine apps on my phone in next hour, I'll pass your post along to Google and Apple so they can also take action.


Did you ever heared of psychology? Gambling is based on predatory tactics and people absolutely need to be protected from such garbage, because free will does not exist.

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