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Balance patch?

rev in love.8439

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> Gonna be like a whole new game lol



Balance will not fix anything The root of Gw2 problems is buried so deep-(since Gw2 beta-years of dealing with the symptoms instead of the root>> it's beyond repair)


= **Without Risks, There Can Not Be Growth**


--' ' **Lack of Risks....keeps me away from the game** '



Pack Up And Start Over

-If i were Anet: i would leave Guild Wars 2 in its state and start over with a new game> GW3


(all signs to drop and move on since Gw2 beta are here, so why not??)


take care -

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > Gonna be like a whole new game lol


> +1

> Balance will not fix anything The root of Gw2 problems is buried so deep-(since Gw2 beta-years of dealing with the symptoms instead of the root>> it's beyond repair)


> = **Without Risks, There Can Not Be Growth**


> --' ' **Lack of Risks....keeps me away from the game** '




> Pack Up And Start Over

> -If i were Anet: i would leave Guild Wars 2 in its state and start over with a new game> GW3


> (all signs to drop and move on since Gw2 beta are here, so why not??)


> take care -


I wouldnt play another game made by the same guys. The art is amazing, but they dont know how to design their way out of a hole. Sweeping number changes is all they know how to do.


Not incriments either, LARGE numbers, in an already low TTK game.


I dont know about anyone else, but being killed in under a second with no reaction time possible is not good in a game.

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> @"Kahrgan.7401" said:

> > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > Gonna be like a whole new game lol

> >

> > +1

> > Balance will not fix anything The root of Gw2 problems is buried so deep-(since Gw2 beta-years of dealing with the symptoms instead of the root>> it's beyond repair)

> >

> > = **Without Risks, There Can Not Be Growth**

> >

> > --' ' **Lack of Risks....keeps me away from the game** '

> >

> > [youtube video]

> >

> > Pack Up And Start Over

> > -If i were Anet: i would leave Guild Wars 2 in its state and start over with a new game> GW3

> >

> > (all signs to drop and move on since Gw2 beta are here, so why not??)

> >

> > take care -


> I wouldnt play another game made by the same guys. The art is amazing, but they dont know how to design their way out of a hole. Sweeping number changes is all they know how to do.


> Not incriments either, LARGE numbers, in an already low TTK game.


> I dont know about anyone else, but being killed in under a second with no reaction time possible is not good in a game.


Yes but, let us remember that GW1 devs **DOES NOT =** GW2 devs. It seems like gw1 guys made base game and then left to other projects. I could do more research, but I already know one Dev who had major influence in GW1 and packed once GW2 vanilla shipped. Plus, the video and balance shows for itself.


I'm definitely stopping at PoF. The only reason I even bought PoF was for more condi specs like FireBrand and Mirage, and FB rlly needs to be refined in both PvP and PvE. At the moment, in PvP, it's better to do vanilla burning Guard than burning FB. In PvE FB has only the axe to do condi, and you lose so much damage if switching away from it. Also, the waste of time of using F2 and F3 if you are a burning FB (more specifically for PvE, but also PvP) versus the utility of Vanilla-Guard's and Dragon Hunter's F2 and F3.


I did not like the power creep from vanilla to HoT, and I did not like it from HoT to PoF. Sure, elite specs brought us some variation to gameplay, but the root problems are getting out of hand. I will not be buying another ex-pack nor a 'GW3' which seems like a fable at this point. GW2 seems to be solely focused on PvE and how PvE people spend money on Gems. GW2 and all who 'own it' are practically riding the coat-tails of GW1 for both PvE and PvP work. PvP was moot after the three year drought which was for both PvE and PvP, then I got a glimmer of hope for League Season 1-3. That faded quick, and I can't go back to PvE, since raids and raid-influenced fractals took over there. GG

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For me, the reason I rarely play gw2 is because I find myself disinterested in doing just WVW SPVP and fractals.


In everquest, there is a whole new level of stuff, and there are so many cool things to do. You can even craft spells for folks if you want to. Fractals for me is interesting for a bit, but I get burned out in doing just fractals, but with eq I don't get burned out so easily because there are many ways to play, many places to quest and many raids to do.



Second: I dislike the lack of trinity system, I will admit that. There are some cool stuff, but the game has serious balance issues. Some classes are so meta that you cant help fotm towards it. In wow, if you want to main something, you can, same as in everquest. Those games give you incentive to main something and give you enough content to love it. In fact: in everquest, its not really as encouraged to play that many alts, as you should focus on improving your skills with one class, so you can play it to its fullest. Also, because of the trinity system, each class has a role. Bards? They might be the jack of all trades master of none, but they are still good buffers, and also really good pullers that are super desired. Druids? they have decent heals and good support buffs and some decent offensive tools. On top of that, they can also teleport you around and evac out. Having a evac is awesome, and they get regen abilities as strong as shamans, and so on and so on.


I know in eq also that you are forced to be a specific role, but at the very least those defined roles are effective.


In guild wars 2:


Necromancer barely has a role. He is deemed to overpowered to be buffed in dps, but he is outdpsed by most classes, and his support is actually ok as a healer, but he was pidgeon holed in the past.


Then we got classes like Mesmer and druid who in the past dominated support and healing, meaning being a support was not as desired. Why bring ele support if basically druid could do healing and support? why bring any other offensive defensive support if mesmers dominate? hence why nerfs were needed, and still some changes are still needed to improve ele, even though they can heal, such as possibly improving the auras so that eles can offer something.


Its just a huge mess. Granted everquest has plenty of flaws too. Its ui is outdated and gw2 ui is certainly a million times better, with better customization of the chat program. Lack of map and a overall just some stuff are completely outdated, but it is a 20 year old game.


Also in everquest, if you play a progression server from vanilla era to modern era, you will see why the newer expansions are needed to very much make some classes more viable, Such as the very flawed rogue design, which posseses little to no support unlike thieves in gw2. Rogues depend on its dmg and lockpicking and trap detection, but that is quickly abandoned, because future expansions possess few to no doors to unlock, Also bards too can detect traps and open doors. You will notice monks are also stronger dps classes.


Or the flawed design of wizards who lack enough mana and are so costly for the damage they do, that warriors and enchanters are more desired for charming enemies and outdamaging other classes. In fact, its such a problem, that you could simply stack a few enchanters for mezz and charm effects, and completely opt out any rogue early on.


If you take these things i told you about eq, you can see that design wise, its very flawed.


Now as for my opinion on worth of playing or not: I think what the guy in that video said is true, it depends on the kinda player you are. If you love fashion and collecting clothes and stuff, then yeah its your kind of game. For mee, that isn't enough to really keep my interest.



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> @"Khalisto.5780" said:

> > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > No balance patch today. Confirmed by Ben P.

> >

> > They seem to be following their previous cadence of "mid season balance patches".


> still wondering why they don't do it on off season



They used to but a lot of people complained "why do much time between seasons","no ranked so I quit" etc etc so the time frame between seasons got shifted but there time when the patches Halle ed really didn't.

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > Gonna be like a whole new game lol


> +1

> Balance will not fix anything The root of Gw2 problems is buried so deep-(since Gw2 beta-years of dealing with the symptoms instead of the root>> it's beyond repair)


> = **Without Risks, There Can Not Be Growth**


> --' ' **Lack of Risks....keeps me away from the game** '




> Pack Up And Start Over

> -If i were Anet: i would leave Guild Wars 2 in its state and start over with a new game> GW3


> (all signs to drop and move on since Gw2 beta are here, so why not??)


> take care -


Who takes 20 minutes to say "I don't like conquest, and I didn't have to play conquest in gw1"?

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> @"Mammoth.1975" said:

> > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > Gonna be like a whole new game lol

> >

> > +1

> > Balance will not fix anything The root of Gw2 problems is buried so deep-(since Gw2 beta-years of dealing with the symptoms instead of the root>> it's beyond repair)

> >

> > = **Without Risks, There Can Not Be Growth**

> >

> > --' ' **Lack of Risks....keeps me away from the game** '

> >

> >

> >

> > Pack Up And Start Over

> > -If i were Anet: i would leave Guild Wars 2 in its state and start over with a new game> GW3

> >

> > (all signs to drop and move on since Gw2 beta are here, so why not??)

> >

> > take care -


> Who takes 20 minutes to say "I don't like conquest, and I didn't have to play conquest in gw1"?


a player

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PvP/WvW is the reason I bought GW2 to begin with, and its held me over until PoF dropped. Literally everything changed, and not necessarily for the better.

I watched well over 50 of my good friends I made on this game quit. I'm one of the only ones left, and when your core game modes are starting to die its a wonder I've lasted this long.


I truly love this game. It has so much potential and promise in the WvW front, and some of the PvP matches get super intense, and I thrive off of that aspect of competitive play.


Its not like that anymore.

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> @"Vancho.8750" said:

> Isn't this guy banking on clicks from negativity. I could honestly say the game lost a lot of support because of twats like that. If you try introduce someone to game he will quote this kitten, who probably didn't play the game much.


Yes, instead we should listen to people like you who say words like 'kitten'... /sarcasm

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> @"Tormod the Fox.2368" said:

> > @"Vancho.8750" said:

> > Isn't this guy banking on clicks from negativity. I could honestly say the game lost a lot of support because of twats like that. If you try introduce someone to game he will quote this kitten, who probably didn't play the game much.


> Yes, instead we should listen to people like you who say words like 'kitten'... /sarcasm


He isn't wrong. The youtube video shown is from a channel that is exclusively about bashing games.

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> @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > @"Tormod the Fox.2368" said:

> > > @"Vancho.8750" said:

> > > Isn't this guy banking on clicks from negativity. I could honestly say the game lost a lot of support because of twats like that. If you try introduce someone to game he will quote this kitten, who probably didn't play the game much.

> >

> > Yes, instead we should listen to people like you who say words like 'kitten'... /sarcasm


> He isn't wrong. The youtube video shown is from a channel that is exclusively about bashing games.


Yet, how is he wrong? If you want to say he is 'just' bashing the game fine, but it does not mean he is wrong with his list of cons and facts. Yes, he admits at the very start of the video that his channel focuses on dying games, but this should really just state how this game is dying too. After all, it's getting old for a game, and most people don't comeback here. I have so many vets on my friend list who come from vanilla or even pre-PoF that very sparingly or do not log in at all. Guilds are dying faster, and there are fewer guilds than ever posting recruitment. Dungeons are dead. PvP has powercreep, trolls, and is plainly stale. PvP balance patches are coming in slower and slower.

Anet has always struggled to juggle all of these different game modes, but it is just getting worse.

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Debbie Downers all of you. Cycle of negativity. Every point he makes is taken from the most negative post from the forum or reddit. I like a little drama from time to time but that's just baiting for clicks from a MMO Nomad at best. And every time "was" GW1 is better than GW2 , why "was" it still exists why aren't you playing it.

Also kittens.

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > Gonna be like a whole new game lol


> +1

> Balance will not fix anything The root of Gw2 problems is buried so deep-(since Gw2 beta-years of dealing with the symptoms instead of the root>> it's beyond repair)


> = **Without Risks, There Can Not Be Growth**


> --' ' **Lack of Risks....keeps me away from the game** '




> Pack Up And Start Over

> -If i were Anet: i would leave Guild Wars 2 in its state and start over with a new game> GW3


> (all signs to drop and move on since Gw2 beta are here, so why not??)


> take care -


Havent you been saying GW2 is dead for like a year ( or more) ?

And didn't this guy leave or quit GW like 3 times?

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> @"Solori.6025" said:

> > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > Gonna be like a whole new game lol

> >

> > +1

> > Balance will not fix anything The root of Gw2 problems is buried so deep-(since Gw2 beta-years of dealing with the symptoms instead of the root>> it's beyond repair)

> >

> > = **Without Risks, There Can Not Be Growth**

> >

> > --' ' **Lack of Risks....keeps me away from the game** '

> >

> >

> >

> > Pack Up And Start Over

> > -If i were Anet: i would leave Guild Wars 2 in its state and start over with a new game> GW3

> >

> > (all signs to drop and move on since Gw2 beta are here, so why not??)

> >

> > take care -


> Havent you been saying GW2 is dead for like a year ( or more) ?

> And didn't this guy leave or quit GW like 3 times?


People are saying Gw2 is dying since beginning 2013. Gw2 long ago reached the point to: "what is dead may never die".

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