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Dragon ball frustration

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I wrote about this last year, and the year before as a complaint against people leaving the arena on a losing team, and causing winning teams to forfeit players. Please relook at the way it works, and bind people to the game, or penalise them an hour "time-out" if they leave the game before it ends. I also see people seeing good players in another team, and they leave seconds before the game starts, also causing imbalance as the game starts simply because they think they going to lose. I have also seen inactive players getting killed in order to allow the opposition to win, and they happily die, re-spawn and die again. This is supposedly a fun activity, and I enjoy the dynamics, but their are a lot of players spoiling it.

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Dragon ball is just the worst thing in GW2 imo…. small spaces with poor camera, further exacerbated by terrabd targeting mechanics (I can fire 10 times at a stationery player and miss times as the shots go all the place) and dragons gaze is still as garbage as it ever was.

As for players leaving groups when loosing, I cant blame them, but if ANET introduce a penalty or a looser reward then all that would happen is players would simply go afk a few mins so that they respawn up top and die repeatedly to get it over with as quick as possible.

There is no substitute for quality which Dragonball definitely does not have imo.

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I wonder if they fixed the healing bug which made Guardians immortal with certain trait, like Dragon Ball was not frustrated enough.


I never liked Dragon Ball since it was introduced because of unbalanced gameplay. And in the end you just waste your time when you end up in the wrong team most of the time. I tried last year and I will just skip the whole event, I will just do daily activities and buy daily envelopes which is enough for me. The worst in-game content in Guild Wars 2 period.

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> @"Westenev.5289" said:

> Question: What is the point of sticking around in a game you know you can't win in a game mode that only supports winning?


So you're saying you support the OP's suggestion of introducing a consequence for leaving, creating the point for sticking around that you note is missing at present . . ?

> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> As for players leaving groups when loosing, I cant blame them, but if ANET introduce a penalty or a looser reward then all that would happen is players would simply go afk a few mins so that they respawn up top and die repeatedly to get it over with as quick as possible.

That would still be better since at least it wouldn't penalize the winning players for the losing player quitting. Other options discussed in previous years would be shortening games, eliminating transfers or giving players who voluntarily transfer from a winning team win credit regardless of outcome . . .


> @"demitel.1340" said:

> I wonder if they fixed the healing bug which made Guardians immortal with certain trait, like Dragon Ball was not frustrated enough.

They fixed that almost immediately after it was introduced. I'm not even sure it lasted a full day . . .

> I never liked Dragon Ball since it was introduced because of unbalanced gameplay.

This struck me funny so I was curious if I misunderstood. You can't enter the game as a party and everyone has access to exactly the same skills and structure. How could it possibly be any more balanced . . ?

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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> They fixed that almost immediately after it was introduced. I'm not even sure it lasted a full day . . .


I wasn't sure since I just stopped playing Dragon Ball after that.


> @"Gop.8713" said:

> > I never liked Dragon Ball since it was introduced because of unbalanced gameplay.

> This struck me funny so I was curious if I misunderstood. You can't enter the game as a party and everyone has access to exactly the same skills and structure. How could it possibly be any more balanced . . ?


I meant how teams are working. If the opposite team has some good players then people from the own team who are too casual are just leaving and you don't have any chances to win. One extra player (not to mention two) does a lot in this game mode, because you can't defend and heal yourself that well. You just have to wish to get in the good team. Also there is a high chance to get auto balanced and lose in the end. It's even frustrating to get 10 wins, which is not that high to begin with.


Even getting wrecked by thieves and mesmers in WvW is more fun.

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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> > @"Westenev.5289" said:

> > Question: What is the point of sticking around in a game you know you can't win in a game mode that only supports winning?


> So you're saying you support the OP's suggestion of introducing a consequence for leaving, creating the point for sticking around that you note is missing at present . . ?


I don't think forcing "good players" to play through a game they don't want to play would be the best idea, especially if they join halfway through on the losing side. It's okay if you find the game fun, but it's clear these sorts of people are only doing it for rewards/achievements/dailies (and even if they weren't, it's no fun after everyone's given up). If you're looking for a solution, I think Achievements or Rewards would be the best place to start - not by encouraging ANET to add arbitrary rules.

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> @"Westenev.5289" said:


> If you're looking for a solution, I think Achievements or Rewards would be the best place to start - not by encouraging ANET to add arbitrary rules.


You're so right ! 10 victory for one token, it's not really worth... Maybe you'll give one token for one winning, and a special token for the chest ?And the achievements may giving some point ?



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> @"Gop.8713" said:

>or giving players who voluntarily transfer from a winning team win credit regardless of outcome . . .

It's _supposed_ to do that by default (like it does in custom arenas in PVP), it's just never worked properly in activities.


> @"DaFishBob.6518" said:

> Hmm, even Snowball Mayhem gives everyone a Wintersday present at the end, and a repeatable achievement for participating in 30 games

Snowball Mayhem's got the same problem, though, in that the Wintersdaily for it needs you to _win_ a round, not _play_ one (unlike the equivalent achievements at Halloween, or the normal activity daily, because reasons).

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > @"Gop.8713" said:

> >or giving players who voluntarily transfer from a winning team win credit regardless of outcome . . .

> It's _supposed_ to do that by default (like it does in custom arenas in PVP), it's just never worked properly in activities.


> > @"DaFishBob.6518" said:

> > Hmm, even Snowball Mayhem gives everyone a Wintersday present at the end, and a repeatable achievement for participating in 30 games

> Snowball Mayhem's got the same problem, though, in that the Wintersdaily for it needs you to _win_ a round, not _play_ one (unlike the equivalent achievements at Halloween, or the normal activity daily, because reasons).


Yeah, but I don't ever bother with the win dailies. That's to say I'd rather do the other activities to get gifts or envelopes than go into an unrewarding activity over and over to try and get a daily gift/envelope. Only time I bother going for Dragonball Boss daily is if my first two daily games are wins. Then I'll go one more game.

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> @"Westenev.5289" said:

> Question: What is the point of sticking around in a game you know you can't win in a game mode that only supports winning?


I mean we are talking about a game mode that demands all the skill and strategy of "2 players focusing 1 player = win".


Same issue with the Snowball fight at Wintersday; most people are just looking to complete the daily, and when they zone in the score is 0 | 200 against, so why wouldn't they just log off? What about when you start a new game and within a few seconds the score is again 0 | 200 against? The other team all happened to have 'gud' players on it?


After half an hour on patch day I decided to buy the 88 fireworks I needed for the dog mini and that's all the time I will waste on this pitiful event.

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> @"Westenev.5289" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > @"Westenev.5289" said:

> > > Question: What is the point of sticking around in a game you know you can't win in a game mode that only supports winning?

> >

> > Sportsmanship, doing your best, and having fun with the act of competition.


> Great, now what can I buy with those?


A better personality? I dunno.... Maybe I took that comment too seriously. _Runs out the door._

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I am sorry, but I do not find Dragon Ball to be a fun or enjoyable activity. It is boring, painful, exhausting, and on top of that unrewarding.


Therefore, I am one of those players who prefer to be killed as fast as possible if I see that my team is losing badly. I would rather get my daily in 5 min and move on than keep struggling. There are much more fun ways to spend my time.



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> @"Westenev.5289" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > @"Westenev.5289" said:

> > > Question: What is the point of sticking around in a game you know you can't win in a game mode that only supports winning?

> >

> > Sportsmanship, doing your best, and having fun with the act of competition.


> Great, now what can I buy with those?


Hopefully you are joking.


What can you buy with any of the intangibles in life?

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I have only been playing GW2 a month, so this was my first experience with a special/holiday type event. As a new payer, I found it underwhelming-so I have quit doing it.


I don't have a mount and lack familiarity with the city, so it is hard to do the speed type events. I did manage a bronze price for the fire cracker race, but just barely.

I lost the Dragon Ball thing; I thought I got a small ticket for participation, but not sure. I do have a few tickets (3) in my bank.

I put some luck into that ice block thing and got nothing back. Same with those pigs that ate the food prize I got from my tickets, giving nothing back.


There didn't seem to be any worthwhile prizes to go for. No awesome weapon or cool ring to spend saved tickets on.


Maybe I'm missing something about this event, but as a new player, there are other things I'd rather be doing in this excellent game.

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> @"Blindefender.9834" said:

> I have only been playing GW2 a month, so this was my first experience with a special/holiday type event. As a new payer, I found it underwhelming-so I have quit doing it.


> I don't have a mount and lack familiarity with the city, so it is hard to do the speed type events. I did manage a bronze price for the fire cracker race, but just barely.

> I lost the Dragon Ball thing; I thought I got a small ticket for participation, but not sure. I do have a few tickets (3) in my bank.

> I put some luck into that ice block thing and got nothing back. Same with those pigs that ate the food prize I got from my tickets, giving nothing back.


> There didn't seem to be any worthwhile prizes to go for. No awesome weapon or cool ring to spend saved tickets on.


> Maybe I'm missing something about this event, but as a new player, there are other things I'd rather be doing in this excellent game.


This is probably the only useful post here, since it clearly outlines some actual problems with the festival.


To help clarify, this is a "minor" festival - probably the smallest annually recurring event in terms of things to do and rewards to get. Its primary offering for players is the envelopes, which are basically a chance to gamble your gold (if you like gambling) or make a bit on the trading post (if you don't). There isn't a meta achievement the way there is for Wintersday or Halloween - new this year is a way to get 50 AP for doing enough of the annual achievements, but there isn't a daily meta. There's one-time set of achievements to get a mini, but basically this festival is just envelopes and a few achievement points. There's also a back item themed to that year's Zodiac animal to get and some other things like minis and decorations you can go for. The luck sink (Drooburt in the ice block) gets you a few AP but is mostly there for those few players who have saved tons of extra luck, and likewise the food sink (the pigs) gives a few AP but mostly exists to modulate supply.


If you like Dragon Ball (as I do) it also offers that activity. I agree that there are some occasional issues - it sucks when a game is too one-sided and you get the attrition vortex as people bail, others get autobalanced and then bail, and so on until you're left waiting out the timer. But honestly when the games are full they go very fast, and if people stuck around even in blowouts they could help reroll a new game faster that will be more competitive. I just don't think there's a good way to control that. The only things I could see that might help would be preventing team swapping (to stop teamstacking), fixing the Volunteer bonus, and maybe some kind of reverse mechanism that would remember a player who leaves and comes back and automatically remove win credit if they happen to reroll the winning side (which seems like overengineering the problem).


I see plenty of games that are competitive and some each day that are very close. And unlike regular PvP you don't have to spend 20 minutes to get that frustrating blowout loss - the games go fast. If you like the activity, just be patient and you'll get some good games. And if you don't, a couple of envelopes a day aren't worth the frustration I'd guess.

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