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Should Rezzing/Downstate get nerfed?

X T D.6458

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Do you think this would improve or worsen your preferred style of gameplay? Roam/Zerg etc. With the state of balance as is, do you think it is a good idea to change rezzing and downstate or keep as is?


Some possible ideas-

Nerf some downstate skills, in particular Ele's Vapor Form and Ranger's Lick Wounds skills.

Increase downed state penalty so it is easier to go to the defeated state when downed.

Nerfing rez traits like transfusion and protective reviver.



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> @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > add,

> > 7 seconds of downed state then dead if not rezzed/rallied.


> Or something like: bleeding dmg grows over time, which makes u harder to res later


That would be strictly in favor of zergs and punishing to less numerous groups wouldn't it?

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> @"Safandula.8723" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > add,

> > 7 seconds of downed state then dead if not rezzed/rallied.


> Or something like: bleeding dmg grows over time, which makes u harder to res later

Why do people keep trying to reinvent the wheel by coming up with the idea to just make a new wheel identical to the previous? Poisoned is already the effect that does this on the downed.


Could downstate be nerfed? Well, yes. I do believe so. And thats me saying it as a defender of keeping downed state itself, I find all the cries to remove it ridiculous. But I'm in favor of simple fixes instead of diffuse "nerf" for nothing other than the sake of nerf rage. The ele vapor form for example, it doesnt need a "nerf", strictly speaking. Dont allow it to go through portals. Done deal. Fix it.


And ressing downed state itself? Oh thats real simple. Simpler than many think. Anet already applied 1:1 principle which was a great change. 1 downed, 1 rally. Now apply 1:1 to ressing. 1 downed, 1 res.


Amazingly simple, isnt it? It doesnt change smallscale/roaming by much - use tactics and skills to res/down people like normal, knock enemies back, stab heal/stomp, make the best healer res etc. Group/zerg fights? They can no longer blindly power res through damage.

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There is a bit of a creep in %res type of skills, especially on stackable classes that I would rather see as plain healing skills with a lower downstate coefficient. The rally effect can also be discussed. I have no issues with typical ressing, the dynamics it adds by creating cleaving opportunities etc., is quite nice. These are no major issues overall either so while some tweaks like that could be nice for balance, size-balance and meta concerns there are other more pressing issues to deal with in WvW.

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I think death malus should be more punishing. atm you have 4 Levels (no malus,gray,yellow,red), so you can get revived 3 times. especially in roaming it is impossible to down someone often enough to kill him by high death malus because malus is decaying too fast.


there should be only 2 Levels (no malus, red malus) if you get downed 1 time you get red malus for 5 minutes. if you get down with red malus you are insta death. if you where dead or if you port back in spawn your malus get reseted instantly.


while reviving no one can cast skills or other stuff like FB Mantras or Mirage dodges.



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> @"Zero.3871" said:

> I think death malus should be more punishing. atm you have 4 Levels (no malus,gray,yellow,red), so you can get revived 3 times. especially in roaming it is impossible to down someone often enough to kill him by high death malus because malus is decaying too fast.


> there should be only 2 Levels (no malus, red malus) if you get downed 1 time you get red malus for 5 minutes. if you get down with red malus you are insta death. if you where dead or if you port back in spawn your malus get reseted instantly.


> while reviving no one can cast skills or other stuff like FB Mantras or Mirage dodges.


Additionally, they could tie these changes to how unbalanced a match is. Groups which are outnumbered could retain more lax downed penalties.


Though I really think they should remove rallying in WvW, downed players should rely on their team making an effort to help them, not just "do more damage to help the fallen". D:

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> I would add to remove all downed state skills lol. they really aren't needed.

Yes, they really are. Imagine how boring 1v1 fights would be when both go down. You're just gonna lie there for 30 secs contemplating how the kitten you ended up there. As long as that situation is possible - which it will always be due to condition damage existing - we need some way to do... something. It not like downed skills matter much in zerging anyway. Some can be strong true, but they are part of a class fighting mechanics and you should adapt to that. Even downing someone shouldnt just be "lawl I won".

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > I would add to remove all downed state skills lol. they really aren't needed.

> Yes, they really are. Imagine how boring 1v1 fights would be when both go down. You're just gonna lie there for 30 secs contemplating how the kitten you ended up there. As long as that situation is possible - which it will always be due to condition damage existing - we need some way to do... something. It not like downed skills matter much in zerging anyway. Some can be strong true, but they are part of a class fighting mechanics and you should adapt to that. Even downing someone shouldnt just be "lawl I won".


hmm what if just the auto attack and heal were there then? 90% of the time the other skills do nothing other then stall the stomp/kill for another 3 secs.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > I would add to remove all downed state skills lol. they really aren't needed.

> > Yes, they really are. Imagine how boring 1v1 fights would be when both go down. You're just gonna lie there for 30 secs contemplating how the kitten you ended up there. As long as that situation is possible - which it will always be due to condition damage existing - we need some way to do... something. It not like downed skills matter much in zerging anyway. Some can be strong true, but they are part of a class fighting mechanics and you should adapt to that. Even downing someone shouldnt just be "lawl I won".


> hmm what if just the auto attack and heal were there then? 90% of the time the other skills do nothing other then stall the stomp/kill for another 3 secs.

Well thats just *boring* isnt it?


Also all additional downed skills has use in smallscale, to the point they can be reason you're ressed by an ally before the enemy stomp. They matter **alot** and add much deeper combat than just stabbing your foe to death. Stuns, stealth, fears, teleports, etc. The more outmanned you are, the more skill and tactics you need. It doesnt matter much for 1v1 or 50v50 though , but just because it doesnt matter then that crowd doesnt really need to care about it.

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> @"X T D.6458" said:

> Do you think this would improve or worsen your preferred style of gameplay? Roam/Zerg etc. With the state of balance as is, do you think it is a good idea to change rezzing and downstate or keep as is?


> Some possible ideas-

> Nerf some downstate skills, in particular Ele's Vapor Form and Ranger's Lick Wounds skills.

> Increase downed state penalty so it is easier to go to the defeated state when downed.

> Nerfing rez traits like transfusion and protective reviver.




I've played many MMOs and man this downstate and rezzing system make the game so interesting to me. It adds so much variety in a very fair way. I'd hate to see it go, PvP would be alot more boring without epic and hilarious comebacks.

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> @"ALF.2576" said:

> > @"X T D.6458" said:

> > Do you think this would improve or worsen your preferred style of gameplay? Roam/Zerg etc. With the state of balance as is, do you think it is a good idea to change rezzing and downstate or keep as is?

> >

> > Some possible ideas-

> > Nerf some downstate skills, in particular Ele's Vapor Form and Ranger's Lick Wounds skills.

> > Increase downed state penalty so it is easier to go to the defeated state when downed.

> > Nerfing rez traits like transfusion and protective reviver.

> >

> >


> I've played many MMOs and man this downstate and rezzing system make the game so interesting to me. It adds so much variety in a very fair way. I'd hate to see it go, PvP would be alot more boring without epic and hilarious comebacks.


I actually do like the rez/rally system in GW2, at least in concept. There is the issue of balancing that makes it frustrating at times, especially when you get in those big fights and watch a bunch of people drop and constantly rallying. I personally would like to see some changes made. I would like players to get a debuff when they rally after getting downed so that if they get downed again while the debuff is active they will immediately go to the defeated state thus eliminating the constant rallybot effect.

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The rally mechanic is hostile to new/casual players. The down state is horribly imbalanced (Rangers in water ring a bell). The entire system rewards numbers over skill and tactics.


Rally needs to be completely removed. There should be no downstate skills effectively making it so that a friendly has to bring another player up or they die. Or... remove the entire system in WvW. If a player is forced to port on down/death, it is a small hindrance for the player with significant tactical impact on groups allowing for some great tactical play from outmanned groups. The further a large group is from their WP, the more exposed they become. Unlike today where a large zerg reconstitutes almost immediately.


If the system remains as it is, quickness needs to impact stomp speed again so small groups can take on larger ones with a strategy for a stomp beyond burn precious teleports.



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Rezzing and downstate feel fine mostly as it is on either side of the fight. If I'd change anything I'd bake rallying into a downed grab or tether skill to hit a specific target with who would likely be who you were fighting anyway. I like rallying, but it should be a call I make with my team and something that can be denied by a more alert team or by not communicating or using in game targeting commands with my fellow pubs. I like Elite professions and their skills and traits but all of the residual and passive junk that still collects around them makes it hard to have fights that are won or lost on clutch calls like that though, otherwise I think the downed system mostly works out and I'd have more fun with it than without it.

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