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Why do we move much slower in combat?


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_Direction_ Out of combat **In combat**

_Forward_ 294 **210**

_Strafing_ 180 **180**

_Backpedaling_ 105 **105**


It's exactly 40% slower (well to be exact, it's 28% slower while out of combat movement speed is 40% faster, but you get what I mean). The reason is quite obvious, to make speed enhancements more important and not allow people to as easily disengage forcing them to deal with the threat.

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> It's exactly 40% slower (well to be exact, it's 28% slower while out of combat movement speed is 40% faster, but you get what I mean). The reason is quite obvious, to make speed enhancements more important and not allow people to as easily disengage forcing them to deal with the threat.


Yeah - if you could get into trouble and find yourself mobbed by a dozen opponents, and simply run away? That would be lame. An attack on your person should certainly demand your attention and not be something you can just walk away from easily.

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> @"ALF.2576" said:

> > @"Kirin.7306" said:

> > Its like below 50% of normal run speed. Am I the only one who hates this?


> Most, if not all the MMOs I've played do this. I believe it's for balance and also to make it harder to exit combat.


The games i played mostly dont slow you in combat, unless the player or mob uses a slow of some type on you. Its a pet peeve of mine but i dont care much for the slowdown mechanic, im used to strafing and moving fast around and opponent in combat, otherwise it feels like sluggish and unresponsive gameplay.

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Its for when you get hit and slowed down in combat everyone's buddies can catch you and slaughter you for a bag. Otherwise in a 1v1 scenario why would slow down in combat matter? Your both then going the same speed. I'd rather only skills be used to slow players down tbh. Ouch he hit me and is trying to kill me I think i will run slower! :)

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> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> It annoys me that running sideways is slower for pretty much no reason. Considering that you can change a setting to have your character face whatever direction you push, which makes you go full speed.


Strafing is good in combat because you can move at nearly foward speed while also protecting yourself from any skills, traits and runes that give enemies bonuses to flanking attacks. Also since you are facing them still while strafing you can continue attacking them.

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Realistically, it makes no sense to run slower in combat. If someone attacks you in real life you either run away as fast as you can or you stop to fight back, you don't start running like a snail. Video games make no sense because forcing me to run slower won't make me stop to fight if I don't want to fight, it's just annoying, lol.

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> @"Mea.5491" said:

> Realistically, it makes no sense to run slower in combat.


Then dont. Anet already added speed runes for those that think they are too slow. With them you are running at almost max out combat speed while in combat (350, max being 400). Normal swiftness in combat is 280 for comparison.

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> @"Mea.5491" said:

> Realistically, it makes no sense to run slower in combat. If someone attacks you in real life you either run away as fast as you can or you stop to fight back, you don't start running like a snail. Video games make no sense because forcing me to run slower won't make me stop to fight if I don't want to fight, it's just annoying, lol.


Well, the design decision was already mentioned, so "realism" doesn't factor in. Though it'd make sense if you understand it as "you aren't running at full speed while in combat because as a character they need to keep their focus on the enemy and just can't be as careless as they'd be if they would focus their attention on running". Which would sort of thematically make sense for actual combat, but not when when the player decides to run away.


If for some reason they could change the design so one could run away from combat at full speed, I imagine some sort of drawback would be added to balance it out. Something like "while running away the character is susceptible to critical hits and attacks do more damage". This was doable in other games because it had a sprint button (so every attack taken while sprinting would be a critical), so it was easy to separate in-combat running from running away.

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> @"Mea.5491" said:

> Realistically, it makes no sense to run slower in combat. If someone attacks you in real life you either run away as fast as you can or you stop to fight back, you don't start running like a snail. Video games make no sense because forcing me to run slower won't make me stop to fight if I don't want to fight, it's just annoying, lol.

Realistically we should all walk and not be constantly running. We should also have to sleep, eat, drink, and go to the bathroom. These are simple game design decisions.


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> @"phokus.8934" said:

> > @"Mea.5491" said:

> > Realistically, it makes no sense to run slower in combat. If someone attacks you in real life you either run away as fast as you can or you stop to fight back, you don't start running like a snail. Video games make no sense because forcing me to run slower won't make me stop to fight if I don't want to fight, it's just annoying, lol.

> Realistically we should all walk and not be constantly running. **We should also have to sleep, eat, drink, and go to the bathroom.** These are simple game design decisions.



This made me imagine gem store and other offerings for fashionable silk pillows, illustrious duvets, toxic bathroom fixtures (legendary bidet anyone?), ascended silverware, glittering tupperware, luminescent refrigerators, etc. Hehe.


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