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To Anet : what the community REALLY wants.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > @"Aodlop.1907" said:

> > > What the community really wants is people, regardless of affiliation, to stop making assumptions about what the community wants.

> >

> > Pretty sure that's what you just did though.


> Twice.

> Thus, I'm confused about the purpose of the opening post and thread.


To wind up the forum community. Think they succeeded given the number who took the op seriously

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Well, new features for 1. Things that aren't as heavily abandoned as Guild Halls.


A few examples:

1. Obviously elite specs.

2. A new race/new races

3. An entire continent to explore with a story that you can play at once, instead of waiting 4 months

4. Player Housing - Guild Hall systems being reworked and expanded

5. A new Guild Hall in general

6. A bulk injection of new fractals - with fractals that actually give us a way to connect to a non-abstract moment in time like most of them, i.e. more fractals like the one with Joko that gives us a bit more history about current living story or things that we can see in game, like one themed around the gods and the exodus, or a pre-cataclysm Arah.

7. A new wvw map, which will now factor in the addition of the mount system

8. Dungeons reimagined and maps for said dungeons actually appearing on the core game map instead of being blotched out painted splotches of undiscovered land - dungeons that also incorporate the addition of mounts and are perhaps a bit more grandiose in size such as Arah explorable. Dungeons that have better loot and specific items to those particular dungeons. I think the Indiana Jones trap style dungeon mechanics are fun, and I wouldn't want to see them taken out completely, but I think it deters a lot of people from really getting into them. As does the fact that some of the trash mobs hit as hard as the bosses, leading people to just skip them all together knowing that they drop nothing but trash anyway.

9. New raids with essentially story mode versions that allow you to feel as though you're participating in the raid, or a much more simplified version of them. These raids would could also be used as a way to fill up the parts of the unexplored map that aren't large enough to logically fit an entire living story map.. and ways to visit content and plots that aren't completely related to the living story. Honestly, this and number 8 could be tossed into the same feature with the only thing preventing that being the cosmetic rewards you would receive creating exclusivity issues.

10. More content that could allow expansion of guilds and guild missions, that gives people incentive to play together or opportunity to bond through gameplay.


This is just a brief list of things I'd love to see, and nowhere near what they could actually do. They're always very innovative in what they do, but I think expansions really allow them to take that innovation to the next level that can't be done within the scope of a living story, outside of features like Sun's Refuge which was seemingly a one-time gig and may never see another iteration. And even at that, seemed like more of a greater understanding of how to culminate existing tech into one feature than a completely built-from-scrap feature that's entirely unique, i.e. a lot of guild hall tech and phasing tech reused or enhanced.

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> @"Aodlop.1907" said:

> Is a battle royale mode. I think that's something that we can ALL agree upon.


That event/activity they had in the beta SHOULD have been in the game, they are ridiculous to have not put it in. That was probably the most fun i've had with the game.



r.i.p. total biscuit



this should have been the wvwvw

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > @"yoni.7015" said:

> > Please speak for yourself and not for the whole community.


> It's obvious satire, no one wants another battle royal


Debatable considering the success of Apex Legends.


On the other hand last thing ANet needs is yet another distracting side project.

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > > @"yoni.7015" said:

> > > Please speak for yourself and not for the whole community.

> >

> > It's obvious satire, no one wants another battle royal


> Debatable considering the success of Apex Legends.


> On the other hand last thing ANet needs is yet another distracting side project.


I’d rather have the courtyrard back, getting a little tired of all the ‘king of the *three* hills’ maps

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > @"Aodlop.1907" said:

> > You guys underestimate the potential of such a feature. It could really be a lot of fun and bring in lots of people. Besides, jumping on the BR hate wagon without thinking is an immature way to look at things.

> >

> >


> If it’s so much fun then why isn’t Southsun Survival packed with players?


Well for one thing Southsun Survival needs the shrinking boundary thing. Necessary because as people are eliminated density drops which lowers encounter rate and that can cause things to drag out. However that will also need a more well thought out map layout to support it.


Not saying I would play it regardless but these are the superficial issues that pop up from the few interactions with it. There are probably more problems with it if I actually played it more but that would require playing it more ...

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When all this "battle royale" started with PUBG years ago i thought "hey wait a minute, GW2 already did this with southsun survival hmmm...."


Improving southsun survival mechanics is enough for the gw2 community to experience this "royale" thing, no need to add a new game mode made from scratch, just port southsun survival to other 2-3 maps different maps (including the southsun map ofc) turn it into a permanent easily available game mode at some NPC or option like the pvp/wvw modes with nice unique rewards and do some tweaks to resemble pubg-fortnite playstyle and that's it, profit GW2 you can now give battle royale to your player base without spending too much resources and time, think about it.


i'd really like to see southsun survival getting some love, imo GW2 is wasting the "activities" potential behind this npc at lion's arch, the only reason for players to play those minigames are 1- dailies, and 2- achievements...

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> @"Dami.5046" said:

> I'm wondering if any of these comments and threads are really been read now, but I could do with some cheering up if at possible.

> cheers.


I can assure you I justread your comment. But you’re probably refering to anet.

No, since they fired Gaile Gray the the forums may as well be shut down as no one else of anet visited the forums.

Sorry for the sad news.

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> @"Aodlop.1907" said:

> You guys underestimate the potential of such a feature. It could really be a lot of fun and bring in lots of people. Besides, jumping on the BR hate wagon without thinking is an immature way to look at things.




also blindly wanting to put the hot new trend into everything is also (if not more) foolish.

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