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Please stop the update of Guild Wars 2 and develop Guild Wars 3

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Combine Guild Wars 1 Guild Wars 2 into Guild Wars 3, use time travel to reset the historical scene, let it support dx12, I have some friends who are still playing Guild Wars 1, never playing Guild Wars 2, if there is Guild Wars 3 It is sure to attract more players and introduce these players into Guild Wars 2 for special skins.

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It's really expensive & risky to start a new game, even a sequel of a franchise. It's much more cost effective to keep evolving an existing game for as long as the market will handle it... and so far, the market is fine with GW2.


It's easy to say "yay GW3;" it's quite another thing to put together the financing and pricing to make it profitable, never mind whether the fans actually like it.

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> @"huluobo.7036" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > If GW2 didn’t attract those who still play GW1 then GW3 likely wouldn’t.

> >

> > I vote no for GW3.


> That's because Guild Wars 1 can't jump, no wvw, no mounts


I don't get what you mean. Do you mean that we shouldn't be able to jump in Guild Wars 2? Oh, and we didn't have mounts when GW2 was released, they were added approximately 1,5 years ago.

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Expense be damned; we're consumers, not investers. Let us dream, naysayers. B)


Still, I've played gw1 for a bit recently - I'm fairly sure the reason why the current Gw1 players stick around is mainly because the playerbase is contrary and can't deal with change (though, ironically, I do think Gw1 is an improved version of the current Runescape EOC system - so in comparison to other games, it has aged fairly well compared to other games on the market). Nothing short of bringing back a remastered pre-searing would bring them to the present.

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First question is why?

Second question: unlike GW1 Gw2 had many microtransactions and players that spent money in gem store for them. How do you think they will react?


By the way DX12 isn't the answer, Vulkan is able to support more drawcalls (at least on Nvidia) and is crossplatform.

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Sometime 1 + 2 = 3 is not the right Solution.


Gw1 players want the special skins, JUMP, MOUNTs and WvW from Gw2, but what do Gw2 players want from Gw1? What does GW1 offer to Gw2 players exactly? The idea is only benefit for Gw1 players who are insisting get into Gw2 and double standard is implied here. More importantly, how many Gw1 players out there who are not having Gw2 account?


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> @"VanWilder.6923" said:

> Sometime 1 + 2 = 3 is not the right Solution.


> Gw1 players want the special skins, JUMP, MOUNTs and WvW from Gw2, but what do Gw2 players want from Gw1? What does GW1 offer to Gw2 players exactly? The idea is only benefit for Gw1 players who are insisting get into Gw2 and double standard is implied here. More importantly, how many Gw1 players out there who are not having Gw2 account?



Combine GW1 and GW2 will be GW12

Will be something that way way, not even close to gw1 or gw2

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No thank you.


What would be amazing is to renew the engine or at least use the DX12 implementation from that dev from reddit to improve the game experience.


Let's call it GW 2.5 where you don't lose all your characters and investement adn keep playing with the tales we love.

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> @"huluobo.7036" said:

> Combine Guild Wars 1 Guild Wars 2 into Guild Wars 3, use time travel to reset the historical scene, let it support dx12, I have some friends who are still playing Guild Wars 1, never playing Guild Wars 2, if there is Guild Wars 3 It is sure to attract more players and introduce these players into Guild Wars 2 for special skins.

Consider, that developing that game would take 6-8 years. Consider, that in the meantime gw2 would have to be put into automation mode (Anet doesn't have resources for two games at the moment). Consider, that if that were to happen, most of gw2 players would be gone withing 2 years at most, and any income from this game would drop to miniscule levels...


How exactly do you think this would turn out? Because i can tell you it wouldn't be anywhere as glorious as you hope. It would be miracle if they weren't closed before they even finished that game.


Yes, i know that it is easy to think up grand plans at home, if you are not the one having to carry them out, and that thinking about specifics of "???" before "Profit!" is too annoying and complicated, but in reality plans do not materialize at the snap of the finger just because you like them. You _do_ have to consider the ugly, business side as well. And in this case, it doesn't look good.


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This stuff is just cluttering up the forums and represses the important things. And opening another 5 threads asking for GW3 will not make it happen. If you do not want to play GW2 anymore, no one is forcing you to. The rest of us will try to sort things out. The remaining staff needs our help and assistance to get everything back to normal. Spreading chaos is counterproductive.


GW2 is still a good game, we have an active community and it generates enough money to keep the company alive. Getting rid of that money source now, when they lost that many employees, would be definitely not a smart decision.

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> @"huluobo.7036" said:

> Combine Guild Wars 1 Guild Wars 2 into Guild Wars 3, use time travel to reset the historical scene, let it support dx12, I have some friends who are still playing Guild Wars 1, never playing Guild Wars 2, if there is Guild Wars 3 It is sure to attract more players and introduce these players into Guild Wars 2 for special skins.


So let me get this right, you want the developers to:

- abandon the game which currently is sole responsible for their revenue and income

- start work on a new MMO which would take at the very least 3-5 years to develop

- abandon all lore related to the last 7 years (by the time the next episodes arrive GW2 will be hitting its 7 year milestone)


In order to attract a vastly smaller player base from their original title and potentially new player in a stagnant MMO market?


All while they just laid off 1/3 of their studio due to not focusing on making revenue from their 1 money generating IP.



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> @"huluobo.7036" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > If GW2 didn’t attract those who still play GW1 then GW3 likely wouldn’t.

> >

> > I vote no for GW3.


> That's because Guild Wars 1 can't jump, no wvw, no mounts


No. The players that chose to remain in GW1 did so for reasons other than that. The logic in your OP is flawed and contradictory as I had pointed out.

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"Dear ArenaNet:


I want a new toy to play with. Please restructure your entire company and sink millions of dollars into building that for me. Oh, and tell all those people who like playing with the last toy you made they can't play with it anymore because I said so. Kthxbai"

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As much as I love GW over GW2 and in spite of how ignorant I am regarding the current whereabouts of ANET and its franchise, I believe that it's not the time to undertake such project (and I doubt it will ever be).


I won't dare to analyse core aspects of GW2 because of such lack of knowledge, but someone mentioned something about the game's graphics engine and, in that regard, I believe that it's perfectly fine and aging very well. I consider this to be of interest because even though it may as well be the least important element of an MMO, it's certainly the most visible part of it. Such a thing causes an impression on newcomers and veterans alike, more often than not defining the appeal of the product.


Hence, I believe that the current game may be an excellent base of operations for future GW-related innovative ideas, not requiring a third installment.

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Guild wars 1 and 2 are extremely different and have differences that make them kind of incompatible games. Also DX12 isnt super important for an mmo. If they did GW3 odds are it would be both different from1 and 2 and not really a combination. Even then MMOs cost lots of money to make and take years to build. If they started today it would not be ready for quite some time and by then DX12 will be DX9 by the futures standards.

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