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I have never been so disgusted in the GW2 community before!

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > @"tom.4051" said:

> > PvE players have been pandered to since day 1.

> > WvW players have been ignored and neglected since day 1.

> > So what do you expect to happen when entitled PvE players are preventing WvW players from playing the only game mode they play in this game!


> PvE is the only reason this game is still alive and making money.

> WvW players get ignored because their favorite game mode is by all reasoning.. a failure, a waste of Anets time and resources to support because only a minority actually play it regularly.

> You want WvW to get more attention from Anet then you need WvW to get more popular.. and that's never going to happen unless the majority PvE playerbase start playing WvW.

> That's the sad reality of WvW.. either the game mode remains underpopulated and a waste of Anet's time to support.. or it becomes populated and you have to deal with queues.


Perhaps it's a failure and underpopulated because it was abandoned for like 3 years by anet? pretty much up until HoT there was no new content, HoT we got a pve map in desert bl in which people still dont like playing on, that's almost 4 years of no content from anet. would you still be playing if anet failed to provide content for 4 years for your gamemode? It's a failure as a result from Anet's lack of support for this gamemode. WvW and GW2's combat system is why many of us still play this game, there's still nothing else like it.

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I have found largely the toxicity is limited to small select bunch with most servers having at least 1-2 purely atrocious trolls. Just ignore them and ask your questions. Most WvW vets are willing to answer them, as most realize one simple fact. A player educated in WvW will bring much more to the table than dead weight. The only dumb question is the one you don't ask.

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> @"MadBomber.3719" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > @"tom.4051" said:

> > > PvE players have been pandered to since day 1.

> > > WvW players have been ignored and neglected since day 1.

> > > So what do you expect to happen when entitled PvE players are preventing WvW players from playing the only game mode they play in this game!

> >

> > PvE is the only reason this game is still alive and making money.

> > WvW players get ignored because their favorite game mode is by all reasoning.. a failure, a waste of Anets time and resources to support because only a minority actually play it regularly.

> > You want WvW to get more attention from Anet then you need WvW to get more popular.. and that's never going to happen unless the majority PvE playerbase start playing WvW.

> > That's the sad reality of WvW.. either the game mode remains underpopulated and a waste of Anet's time to support.. or it becomes populated and you have to deal with queues.


> Perhaps it's a failure and underpopulated because it was abandoned for like 3 years by anet? pretty much up until HoT there was no new content, HoT we got a pve map in desert bl in which people still dont like playing on, that's almost 4 years of no content from anet. would you still be playing if anet failed to provide content for 4 years for your gamemode? It's a failure as a result from Anet's lack of support for this gamemode. WvW and GW2's combat system is why many of us still play this game, there's still nothing else like it.


Yea LOL. I wonder how much PvE this guy would've played in the past 3 years if there had been no HoT or PoF or Living Story.

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> @"CedarDog.9723" said:

> > @"Celsith.2753" said:

> > I'm seeing people demand that, 'If you already have the mount you should leave wvw and let other people have their turn'

> > And then people wonder why the toxicity.....

> >

> Not that I have anything against the PvE crowd, since I am kind of split equally between PvE and WvW...but I saw a good number of self-proclaimed PvE-ers sitting at the borderlands spawn point just prancing around gloating to other people that they have their mounts. When they weren't doing that, they were idling there either AFK or twiddling their thumbs. Those are slots that other PvE-ers or WvW-ers could be using to get their own mounts... So yeah.



It was pvers on maps that were getting farmed that were complaining ppl should stop being selfish and leave the game mode they enjoy so they could switch map and get their mount. Not sure if it sounded like I was saying wvwrs were demanding it.

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> @"Celsith.2753" said:

> > @"CedarDog.9723" said:

> > > @"Celsith.2753" said:

> > > I'm seeing people demand that, 'If you already have the mount you should leave wvw and let other people have their turn'

> > > And then people wonder why the toxicity.....

> > >

> > Not that I have anything against the PvE crowd, since I am kind of split equally between PvE and WvW...but I saw a good number of self-proclaimed PvE-ers sitting at the borderlands spawn point just prancing around gloating to other people that they have their mounts. When they weren't doing that, they were idling there either AFK or twiddling their thumbs. Those are slots that other PvE-ers or WvW-ers could be using to get their own mounts... So yeah.

> >


> It was pvers on maps that were getting farmed that were complaining ppl should stop being selfish and leave the game mode they enjoy so they could switch map and get their mount. Not sure if it sounded like I was saying wvwrs were demanding it.


Ah, yeah. All I can say is that the easy bags were kinda nice. We were kind of minding our own business when we were quickly swarmed by a massive zerg of obvious newbies/PvE-ers. Put us in "farm the PvE-ers" mode and we did so a ton, especially hunting down that initial group. Lots and lots of bags and easy fights. ;)

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> @"CosmicKittenTora.6015" said:

> I decide to go into WvW to try and get the newest mount for myself, and I am having a surprisingly good time. However, the WvW community is extremely toxic, there are so many new players either actually trying out WvW or having PvE players come in for the mount, and when they ask for help, the WvW community is so rude towards them and it's disgusting.


> To me, Anet introduced the mount so that people would have a reason to try out WvW, and that is what I am doing, I am actually going to be in WvW more often.

> These WvW players are chasing potential new players to either hate WvW or hate the entire game.


> I am always afraid to ask for help in any mode now because I am afraid of getting attacked for not knowing something, these people don't realize that they also at one point knew nothing about these things, and now verbally attacking new players and calling them idiots.


> I know there is no way to change these things about the people, I just wanted to express my major concern about one of the games biggest communities.


> WvW is really fun and I do not want people to get chased away, I am going to be doing WvW more often but going to just avoid talking to the people in there.


me and the WvW became pretty jaded after constant neglect from the anet staff, because they've rarely act in the interests of the wvw community.

even with this new mount, is not catering to wvw community. but to other games modes outside of wvw. which you think in theory would be good. but the game mode is insanely flawed/broken/quality of the lowest degree. trashiest game mode in GW2. which is why people stop playing WvW


new features might put people into a game mode. but a good quality game mode keeps them there, which is what the core wvw community has been asking for years. and time and time again, constant band aids that only add more issues to the game mode means people only option to be toxic to voice concerns. because being sensible with criticism never got anywhere on these forums or wvw


they added gliding, they had to use a drastic amount of resources to balance it to the point where they changes terrain and towers. They added dragon hunters. ended up abusing their leap skill to jump into keeps. they added cannons siege which no one asked for and was quickly removed for its abusive mechanics in fights. if the core wvw experience sucks balls, adding features to a broken system only added to a negative experience. features that no one asked that reduced the quality of wvw, where the burden of a significantly worse game mode is put on the players, new and old.


when you have a game mode that caters to everyone, no one is happy. also the turkeys a little dry

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As a wvw veteran in 5 years ive seen alot of commanders not even 'accepting' people in squad that been experienced commanders or such...


Ive been on servers with a fullglass dragonhunter balls deep next to tag avoiding aoe's, decent dps(after a minute youll always drop in dps, but dh is build to disrupt the enemy lines' not to pressure as Weavers or revs) surviving and still get the label 'useless' and to be fair i get IT.


I do also command in silverwastes, at least i used to. On these maps i represented a sw guild that wasnt liked by players for whatever reasons and the map got trolled. I always had to take mid path on VW and ask people from South to go north because everyone wanted to tag South and afk.


I also commanded ab, ive seen it fail a(reset) couple of times because people kept on dpsing the vw when IT was called out by the commander not.to


The toxicity is the same in alle 3, i think for instance that the sw chats were far to sexual and i see alot of elitism even in those pve area's.


The fact is that in this game:

Some play casual and for themselves alot

Some play a little serious and want to Discovery

Some play Just for the rewsrds (shinies of ego's)

Some play for Social aspects


Myself? I play for point 2 and 4...sometimes for 3. Anyways we mixed up' sometimes

Lets not make a too large drama


PS for the pve people: Being Alone and getting chased by 20 people isnt fun (ive seen in on multiple occasions). Please keep in mind you wouldnt like IT so it's the same the other way around


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> they added gliding, they had to use a drastic amount of resources to balance it to the point where they changes terrain and towers. They added dragon hunters. ended up abusing their leap skill to jump into keeps. they added cannons siege which no one asked for and was quickly removed for its abusive mechanics in fights. if the core wvw experience sucks balls, adding features to a broken system only added to a negative experience. features that no one asked that reduced the quality of wvw, where the burden of a significantly worse game mode is put on the players, new and old.


No clue why design keeps falling over fails in map design, easy standards as 'max 600leap, (looking at engineering rocket boots, Wings of resolve, warclaw etc.) And no upward movement in these maps


Would have made balance much easier

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You should do some work before joining WvW. This is similar to pve raid. PvE players complain that WvW is a toxic environment. That's because you guys are trolling. Because of your uselessness, we are likely to lost every fight on this map. If you meet someone who are willing to teach you, you are lucky., however we don't have any responsibility to teach you. You are deserved to be blamed because you are trolling.

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> @"MadBomber.3719" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > @"tom.4051" said:

> > > PvE players have been pandered to since day 1.

> > > WvW players have been ignored and neglected since day 1.

> > > So what do you expect to happen when entitled PvE players are preventing WvW players from playing the only game mode they play in this game!

> >

> > PvE is the only reason this game is still alive and making money.

> > WvW players get ignored because their favorite game mode is by all reasoning.. a failure, a waste of Anets time and resources to support because only a minority actually play it regularly.

> > You want WvW to get more attention from Anet then you need WvW to get more popular.. and that's never going to happen unless the majority PvE playerbase start playing WvW.

> > That's the sad reality of WvW.. either the game mode remains underpopulated and a waste of Anet's time to support.. or it becomes populated and you have to deal with queues.


> Perhaps it's a failure and underpopulated because it was abandoned for like 3 years by anet? pretty much up until HoT there was no new content, HoT we got a pve map in desert bl in which people still dont like playing on, that's almost 4 years of no content from anet. would you still be playing if anet failed to provide content for 4 years for your gamemode? It's a failure as a result from Anet's lack of support for this gamemode. WvW and GW2's combat system is why many of us still play this game, there's still nothing else like it.


Well I still play games that no longer get support from their developers so short answer on that is yes I would still be playing Gw2.

New content is great and all but I play because it's fun more than anything.

With the Warclaw update even WvW has been fun lately so chances are i'm going to stick around there for a while and possibly play regularly when the revamp comes in and I can play with my friends (which being unable to do is currently the most annoying aspect of WvW)

There's not really much you can do for new content in WvW.. and every time Anet has tried the WvW community usually complain and tell them to take those changes away... as we've seen with both the Warclaw and the Desert Borderlands map.. which is a map I actually like.

We've still 2 identical maps in WvW so i'm hoping one of them will get replaced eventually with another new map and WvW will finally have 4 different maps to break the monotony that keeps so many of us from regularly playing.

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> @"CosmicKittenTora.6015" said:

> I decide to go into WvW to try and get the newest mount for myself, and I am having a surprisingly good time. However, the WvW community is extremely toxic, there are so many new players either actually trying out WvW or having PvE players come in for the mount, and when they ask for help, the WvW community is so rude towards them and it's disgusting.


> To me, Anet introduced the mount so that people would have a reason to try out WvW, and that is what I am doing, I am actually going to be in WvW more often.

> These WvW players are chasing potential new players to either hate WvW or hate the entire game.


> I am always afraid to ask for help in any mode now because I am afraid of getting attacked for not knowing something, these people don't realize that they also at one point knew nothing about these things, and now verbally attacking new players and calling them idiots.


> I know there is no way to change these things about the people, I just wanted to express my major concern about one of the games biggest communities.


> WvW is really fun and I do not want people to get chased away, I am going to be doing WvW more often but going to just avoid talking to the people in there.


OP, depending on your server you might get mixed results. Don't be afraid to ask people for help. There will be WvW guilds out there as well that will take on new players and help people out. You might also inquiry in any of your existing guilds if they have any WvW groups that run. Just like any game mode there will be trolls out there, ignore them and block early often if you must but key is have fun. WvW can be quite so as you get more into it. Good hunting!

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I kept quiet while I was out an about in the holy realm of WvW. I did notice a bunch of elitism going on from the way commanders would not let you join unless you were in the Voice channel. To people getting outright ragged on if they laid down some siege that the commander didn't approve. Questions asked in chat were most always looked down on and people would give some horrible answer to be little the person.


I was Anet I would have been monitoring those chat channels all day long jailing those accounts for 24 hours so they could think about trying that again when they come back, if they come back. You don't want to let that kind of player ruin it for all the others. I don't care how long a person has played the game or how frequent. Sure not everything would warrant being jailed but some of the verbal assaults I witnessed could cause a person to leave the game for ever. What person do want to be rid of the toxic or non toxic?


This is just what I have witness recently while trying out WvW and yes it is in other places of the game and I think in all areas the chat should be watched over because there is no place in any online community for cyber bulling. I applaud those who did help us WvW newbies out. Thanks for your time.

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> @"Excursion.9752" said:

> I kept quiet while I was out an about in the holy realm of WvW. I did notice a bunch of elitism going on from the way commanders would not let you join unless you were in the Voice channel.


That isn’t elitism. It’s WvW. You don’t have to join a squad. You can join a squad that a commander had by joining voice and listening. It’s **standard fare** for WvW.


> To people getting outright ragged on if they laid down some siege that the commander didn't approve. Questions asked in chat were most always looked down on and people would give some horrible answer to be little the person.



Normal process for the commander to lay siege. Supply is limited, and wasteful use is pointless. Sure, people should give better answers. They are human though and it’s a standard in WvW.


> I was Anet I would have been monitoring those chat channels all day long jailing those accounts for 24 hours so they could think about trying that again when they come back, if they come back. You don't want to let that kind of player ruin it for all the others. I don't care how long a person has played the game or how frequent. Sure not everything would warrant being jailed but some of the verbal assaults I witnessed could cause a person to leave the game for ever. What person do want to be rid of the toxic or non toxic?



Wow.. so they should be banned for not allowing you into THEIR squad? Really?


Buy a tag and pop it. Good luck to you.


If it was truly harassment, did you report it?



> This is just what I have witness recently while trying out WvW and yes it is in other places of the game and I think in all areas the chat should be watched over because there is no place in any online community for cyber bulling. I applaud those who did help us WvW newbies out. Thanks for your time.


I am glad there were helpful people. That is what we want. But, as you noted, EVERY part of this game has their trolls. Like you would be told there, report them and block. It’s actually quite simple.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Excursion.9752" said:

> > I kept quiet while I was out an about in the holy realm of WvW. I did notice a bunch of elitism going on from the way commanders would not let you join unless you were in the Voice channel.


> That isn’t elitism. It’s WvW. You don’t have to join a squad. You can join a squad that a commander had by joining voice and listening. It’s **standard fare** for WvW.


> > To people getting outright ragged on if they laid down some siege that the commander didn't approve. Questions asked in chat were most always looked down on and people would give some horrible answer to be little the person.

> >


> Normal process for the commander to lay siege. Supply is limited, and wasteful use is pointless. Sure, people should give better answers. They are human though and it’s a standard in WvW.


> > I was Anet I would have been monitoring those chat channels all day long jailing those accounts for 24 hours so they could think about trying that again when they come back, if they come back. You don't want to let that kind of player ruin it for all the others. I don't care how long a person has played the game or how frequent. Sure not everything would warrant being jailed but some of the verbal assaults I witnessed could cause a person to leave the game for ever. What person do want to be rid of the toxic or non toxic?

> >


> Wow.. so they should be banned for not allowing you into THEIR squad? Really?


> Buy a tag and pop it. Good luck to you.


> If it was truly harassment, did you report it?



> > This is just what I have witness recently while trying out WvW and yes it is in other places of the game and I think in all areas the chat should be watched over because there is no place in any online community for cyber bulling. I applaud those who did help us WvW newbies out. Thanks for your time.


> I am glad there were helpful people. That is what we want. But, as you noted, EVERY part of this game has their trolls. Like you would be told there, report them and block. It’s actually quite simple.

When I joined wvw that day I read no place of such rules that I needed Teamspeak or Discord to join a commander. Nor since I was new, knew any of the rules in place about siege. So for all the PvE players getting their first taste of WvW did not know all of these "standards". I was not implying that a commander should be banned because they would not let me in their squad. It was more of the ranting and raving that people would not join their voice channel and was heavily offensive and demeaning. I have a tag and I am not going to use it for a game mode I know literally nothing about. I reported most of what I saw but as you all know the system for reporting needs to be worked on.

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> @"Excursion.9752" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @"Excursion.9752" said:

> > > I kept quiet while I was out an about in the holy realm of WvW. I did notice a bunch of elitism going on from the way commanders would not let you join unless you were in the Voice channel.

> >

> > That isn’t elitism. It’s WvW. You don’t have to join a squad. You can join a squad that a commander had by joining voice and listening. It’s **standard fare** for WvW.

> >

> > > To people getting outright ragged on if they laid down some siege that the commander didn't approve. Questions asked in chat were most always looked down on and people would give some horrible answer to be little the person.

> > >

> >

> > Normal process for the commander to lay siege. Supply is limited, and wasteful use is pointless. Sure, people should give better answers. They are human though and it’s a standard in WvW.

> >

> > > I was Anet I would have been monitoring those chat channels all day long jailing those accounts for 24 hours so they could think about trying that again when they come back, if they come back. You don't want to let that kind of player ruin it for all the others. I don't care how long a person has played the game or how frequent. Sure not everything would warrant being jailed but some of the verbal assaults I witnessed could cause a person to leave the game for ever. What person do want to be rid of the toxic or non toxic?

> > >

> >

> > Wow.. so they should be banned for not allowing you into THEIR squad? Really?

> >

> > Buy a tag and pop it. Good luck to you.

> >

> > If it was truly harassment, did you report it?

> >

> >

> > > This is just what I have witness recently while trying out WvW and yes it is in other places of the game and I think in all areas the chat should be watched over because there is no place in any online community for cyber bulling. I applaud those who did help us WvW newbies out. Thanks for your time.

> >

> > I am glad there were helpful people. That is what we want. But, as you noted, EVERY part of this game has their trolls. Like you would be told there, report them and block. It’s actually quite simple.

> When I joined wvw that day I read no place of such rules that I needed Teamspeak or Discord to join a commander. Nor since I was new, knew any of the rules in place about siege. So for all the PvE players getting their first taste of WvW did not know all of these "standards". I was not implying that a commander should be banned because they would not let me in their squad. It was more of the ranting and raving that people would not join their voice channel and was heavily offensive and demeaning. I have a tag and I am not going to use it for a game mode I know literally nothing about. I reported most of what I saw but as you all know the system for reporting needs to be worked on.


You didn’t read it because Anet won’t (and shouldn’t) enforce it. The commander told people. That’s enough. It becomes your choice to do that or not, much like it’s his choice to let you in or not.


If you visit the WvW forum it was apparent that Voice chat was a normal for many squads.


If I wanted to join a raiding training group, I would need to kinda look at it or join a ‘training discord’ to follow that process.


People knew this mount was being released into WvW for two weeks. There was plenty of times to post: what would be helpful to me to know to come into WvW?


Or at least read the squad posts about ‘don’t bring a ranger or thief’ or ‘what class should I play’ that literally dominate pages of this section.


As far as the abusive trolls that we all ignore, block and report. Just like people are told in PvE,

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> @"Whiteout.1975" said:

> Honestly, more people just need to learn to develop some **Grit**. If People can't handle how other people _may_ act on a **video game**, anywhere... Good Luck with real life <3

I can agree to that to a point. But the catch is most of these people would not have the courage to say these things to a persons face in real life. They only do so because they are protected by the anonymity of their account name and computer screen. Just because people should have thick skin does not make what they are doing ok or give them a pass. Anet does not tolerate such behavior in the forums why do they allow it in their game.

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> @"Excursion.9752" said:


> > @"Whiteout.1975" said:

> > Honestly, more people just need to learn to develop some **Grit**. If People can't handle how other people _may_ act on a **video game**, anywhere... Good Luck with real life <3

> I can agree to that to a point. But the catch is most of these people would not have the courage to say these things to a persons face in real life. They only do so because they are protected by the anonymity of their account name and computer screen. Just because people should have thick skin does not make what they are doing ok or give them a pass. Anet does not tolerate such behavior in the forums why do they allow it in their game.


I think most people on any server would agree with you but even people who mostly ignore Team chat aren't trying to change it because every day it's the same people trying to rile everyone up and they're mostly ignored or at least not given pages worth of discussion, that's pretty much what they're going for.

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> @"Excursion.9752" said:


> > @"Whiteout.1975" said:

> > Honestly, more people just need to learn to develop some **Grit**. If People can't handle how other people _may_ act on a **video game**, anywhere... Good Luck with real life <3

> I can agree to that to a point. But the catch is most of these people would not have the courage to say these things to a persons face in real life. They only do so because they are protected by the anonymity of their account name and computer screen. Just because people should have thick skin does not make what they are doing ok or give them a pass. Anet does not tolerate such behavior in the forums why do they allow it in their game.


ANet doesn't tolerate the behavior on their forums because they can kick people off of here and not lose money since it doesn't affect a player's ability to access Guild Wars/Guild Wars 2 which does make them money.

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So why are they bring rude exactly? I mean are the players asking questions that would take moments to google and get an answer?

If you join a pve raid, people expect you to know the basics and be properly geared. Wvw players expect the same - ie. have some general basic knowledge before you hop on in.


We all know what metabattle is by now and there is twitch to watch people stream wvw game play (+ tons of youtube videos). That should give you a basic idea of what to expect.


If you're just there for the mount, great! Get your mount etc etc. If you want to stick around a little longer and really try wvw, I would suggest joining a guild. Wvw is much more fun when you're playing with a consistent group of people and they'll be more willing to help you out than general map/team chat which will probably enjoy trolling you for fun.

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what a bunch of poop


maybe try to see us through our-wvw glasses


yesterday there were 27 people afk (farming reward track) at desolation spawn. in a map with a capacity of 70, 27 "useless" players is a lot

this isn't pve, where u can just sit idle 24/7.


but offcourse that is irrelevant, because to hell with wvw, right?

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