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What are the odds we are getting a guild hall in Tengu lands?

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I would like to see those map areas open up. It's increasingly strange to have such nearby areas unavailable to us. I'd love to see them populated in an upcoming expansion, and a guild hall location could be part of that. But yeah - not likely to happen.

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> @"DeanBB.4268" said:

> What exactly do "tengu lands" look like? Could be straw huts with dirt floors for all we know.


I think people are hoping for a lot of the same wall architecture surrounding the domain of winds. I.e. Ancient... Indian? Style architecture. It would be pretty cool.



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We could get one eventually, but it's unlikely to be any time soon.


So far guild halls have all been in places we've visited during the story (which fits with the capture mechanic for the hall). The tengu lands (Dominion of the Winds) are closed off because they don't like or trust outsiders and built a giant wall around their lands which they won't let anyone through. So for us to go there we'd have to have a preceding storyline about how and why they decide to let outsides in.


That's possible of course, it's "just" a matter of Anet choosing to write it and there's reasons they could do that. For example there's destroyers breaking through the ground just beside the wall in Kessex Hills and if I remember correctly Primordius passed under there when he was chasing after Mordremoth's magic, and we were chasing him during one of the current events. So it's entirely possible destroyers are inside the Domain of the Winds and not unreasonable that the few tengu who chose to work with the Pact could persuade the people in change that the people/organisation which took down 2, (maybe 3) dragons could help them, and then we get let in. But all that would need to happen first, so we'd need about 1/2 a Living Story season at least to build up to it, maybe more before we could reasonably take over a guild hall.


I suppose they could simply release a stand-alone guild hall which isn't related to the story, but then it seems unlikely it would be in a totally new location with (probably) unique architecture because they'd have to build all that just for 1 map instead of being able to re-use and adapt things they're making anyway.

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  • 4 weeks later...

> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> You’re not getting a Tengu Guild Hall. You’ll get a tiny, cramped hovel up in a tree that you’ll need a Springer to reach and no room to place any items.


Hah jokes on you, we will get Air waves that stay in the air and can only used by the Griffon mount to reach any important places in the GH

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Right now, none as there’s no indicator of that happening. Most likely tengu lands are not being used in case they want to make them a race and need leveling maps for them. Since that’s unlikely, it’ll be many years before we see that area, but I hope we do someday.

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> You want to go to some place, murder the natives, steal their land and build some sort of monument to this act?


Dont have to murder the natives if a dragon is already murdering them

We just have help them from the dragon attack and support them with resources

While the only thing we ask for is a small plot of land to have our guild halls on

Also dragons love places with a high amount of magic, claiming such place from a dragon would be a win win

_(The dragon would have murdered/converted any living thing on that plot of land anyway)_


Sometimes having a evil dragon terrorizing the world can be a evil and useful thing for us hehehehehe

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> @"Rico.6873" said:

> > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > You want to go to some place, murder the natives, steal their land and build some sort of monument to this act?


> Dont have to murder the natives if a dragon is already murdering them

> We just have help them from the dragon attack and support them with resources

> While the only thing we ask for is a small plot of land to have our guild halls on

> Also dragons love places with a high amount of magic, claiming such place from a dragon would be a win win

> _(The dragon would have murdered/converted any living thing on that plot of land anyway)_


> Sometimes having a evil dragon terrorizing the world can be a evil and useful thing for us hehehehehe


If you don't mind cleaning up the mess they leave behind

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> @"Rico.6873" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > You’re not getting a Tengu Guild Hall. You’ll get a tiny, cramped hovel up in a tree that you’ll need a Springer to reach and no room to place any items.


> Hah jokes on you, we will get Air waves that stay in the air and can only used by the Griffon mount to reach any important places in the GH

And will get disabled as soon as you'll capture the GH.


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