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Hammer Rework


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As others have mentioned, it is a fantastic WvW weapon and very well-designed for such. Personally I find the weapon to be great as-is and in need of no tweaks. However, if I had my way, I think it would be cool to have the dark field on Hammer 4 changed to an ice field so that it could have some minor synergy with Abyssal Chill.

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Hammer itself is a great weapon. Problem is that it's nowhere near Jalis. Just like Staff and Ventari, Hammer and Jalis have no connection, and this makes me sad, because I'd love to use Jalis with Hammer, not Swords to be useful outside of WvW.


I love its design, but I'd go for a toggle or rework some skills:


**Field of the Mists**:

- Toggle for Melee range changing Auto-attack and Coalescence of Ruin


**Hammer Bolt** _(Melee)_:

- 1. Swipe your Hammer and attack your foes

- 2. Strike your foes second time preparing for final blow

- 3. Hit your targets with Mist-charged hammer weakening or crippling them for a very short duration



**Drop the Hammer**:

- The hammer hits on your position

- Creates 3-step echo effect

- 1-300 range - targets are knocked down

- 300-600 range - targets are dazed

- 600-900 range - targets are crippled

- all od the above with clean easy to see nice effects

But I really like how this skill works atm.


**Coalescence od Ruin** _(Melee)_:

- again, AoE, 3-step echo effect

- 1-400 - huge damage

- 400-800 - medium damage

- 800-1200 small damage

This would make a lot more sense with Jalis


Additional trait for Jalis :

- **Forced Engagement** - Link yourself and your target with chain, 900/1200 range; 4 seconds

- initially Cripple your target

- After 2 seconds Daze your target

- After 4 seconds Stun them


Just aome theoretical fun stuff, I like Taunt and I'd want it to stay but I just like to think of different options.



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> @"idolin.2831" said:

> Why does it need to be reworked? It's a great weapon in WvW large scale, if not even a bit OP tbh.


yeah, most of the time the effect of the hammer smashes are negated by the amount of barriers, blocks, stabilities around in zerg fights


the cast time is also pretty slow compare to other hammers on other classes


also, latency plays a huge part too, those in NA probably would have no issue

OCE in big zerg fights, you are pretty much praying it will land a hit on someone with the crazy lag to tag some WXP


if you cant see a giant hammer appearing above your head and dodge the slam down a sec later, you need to go back to beginner zone and redo the dodge circle training

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> Not sure why people keep suggesting the removal of the projectile denial field from hammer.


beats me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


other classes like guardian got plenty of skills to block any type of attacks, scraper skill 2 reflects it back to the attack, druid skill 5 block and heal, rev skill 4 only block projectiles, it is nowhere as powerful as other skills

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> if you cant see a giant hammer appearing above your head and dodge the slam down a sec later, you need to go back to beginner zone and redo the dodge circle training


To be fair, most WvW zerger's can not.


But agree with the general theme of these comments... It's silly that people think hammer should be nerfed since "it can hit 5 targets" in a world where one half the zerg is spamming aegis until they turn blue in the face and the other half is puking sand shades over every inch of the screen. :bleep_bloop:

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> @"DonArkanio.6419" said:

> Hammer itself is a great weapon. Problem is that it's nowhere near Jalis. Just like Staff and Ventari, Hammer and Jalis have no connection, and this makes me sad, because I'd love to use Jalis with Hammer, not Swords to be useful outside of WvW.


Just Drop The Hammer. Really needs that rework you mentionned in a perhaps smaller AoE but generally have it more useful than it currently is, there is honestly barely any use for the skill other than cleave on downs since it's so telegraphed. (In an epic manner to be fair.)


Although it's funny to have people chase you down in PvP and they careless get knocked while you're still running forward.


If they could maybe rework CoR to be more useful in dynamic maps that'd be great!

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Personally I would like to see a small damage decrease together with a slight decrease in casttimes. Would slightly reduce the zerg damage which some people pointed out is top tier to such an extent that other ranged classes are pushed out. The decreased casttimes would make hammer feel less clunky in smaller fights where I've always felt hammer lacking.


No need to overhaul the current skills, just small tweaks.

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> @"LaGranse.8652" said:

> Personally I would like to see a small damage decrease together with a slight decrease in casttimes. Would slightly reduce the zerg damage which some people pointed out is top tier to such an extent that other ranged classes are pushed out. The decreased casttimes would make hammer feel less clunky in smaller fights where I've always felt hammer lacking.


> No need to overhaul the current skills, just small tweaks.


You don't get why hammer is dominant if you think number tweaks for it will suddenly make the other classes more mainstream. Lavafont, nothing else needs to be said really.

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> @"Scoobaniec.9561" said:

> Hammer is dominant cuz you can deflect/reflect CoR. If they changed it to projectile nobody would bother with hammer rev anymore bc its weak weapon apart from that. Notice how nobody uses hammer in spvp. I wonder why?


Revenant needs work and that's for sure. After PoF launched people (myself included) couldn't really complain about Rev that much because it was new and exciting. Since PoF we start to see Revenant having holes in design because it was hasted.


Issues with Rev:

- complete lack of Core mechanic, it was designed with Glint, as you said

- Energy system: beside +20 and swiftness on swap there's literally nothing about energy

- Shiro, even though I love the concept and Loreal of character, I hate the legend because it takes every spot in Competitive

- Great concepts, poor execution

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> @"DonArkanio.6419" said:

> > @"Scoobaniec.9561" said:

> > Hammer is dominant cuz you can deflect/reflect CoR. If they changed it to projectile nobody would bother with hammer rev anymore bc its weak weapon apart from that. Notice how nobody uses hammer in spvp. I wonder why?


> Revenant needs work and that's for sure. After PoF launched people (myself included) couldn't really complain about Rev that much because it was new and exciting. Since PoF we start to see Revenant having holes in design because it was hasted.


> Issues with Rev:

> - complete lack of Core mechanic, it was designed with Glint, as you said

> - Energy system: beside +20 and swiftness on swap there's literally nothing about energy

> - Shiro, even though I love the concept and Loreal of character, I hate the legend because it takes every spot in Competitive

> - Great concepts, poor execution


After pof launch rev was in much better condition bc it wasnt nerfed into oblivion and forgotten. Like shield that used to heal up for over 4k and the price for that was root. They nerfed it hard, but kept root and turned shield into trash. #4 was always useless. We had simple concept in general. Power build was strong vs other power builds and freekill to condi builds. Obviously they made us much weaker to other power builds but naturally forgot to buff us vs condi as recompensation


Shiro PT - 20 energy cost, no cd. We could keep up with thief mobility. How we dare be able to catch one tho right? So nerf hammer bc thief should be allowed to escape at will. How you dare to actually be capable of chasing one?


Reason why Shiro is used so much is simple as well. Decent stunbreak that rev actually lack in general and mobility. No other legend offers any real mobility or other tools letting us stick to target (like long range chill spam, immo, pulls).


In the end nothing matters. As long core rev wont get fixed, any future elite spec will suffer from lack of Glint. She offers everything that base rev lacks. We have Shiro with no self sustain bc lol at this pathetic slot 6 called heal skill.

We have a dwarf that would like to tank but is squishy af and melts uder any pressure in pvp even in 1v1. Rite buff is barely stronger than protection debuff and cost hefty amount with insane casttime. Lets also not forget the high cd's. Lol at this 15cd taunt that can be missed on any mobile target or reflected.

We have a demon that wanted to feast on condi, yet condi easily kill him cuz he cant remove them non apply any reliable resistance to survive.

We also have a centaur that is clunky af, and to make it harder even moving his tablet has cd in a mobile game (cage at that) and completely useless traitline with him that cannot be used at all if you are not going for healer build cuz muh diversity


So going on from here how tf anything is supposed to b viable in the future? The olny option is to create a insane overpowered spec that would put Glint to shame and will get nerfed into oblivion after anyway.

Core has to be reworked, starting from more base weapons, more utilities in legends and tweaking current ones (most can be in good spot with number/extra effect changes) and most imprtant 0 cds in them - we have energy system for a reason. Take a closer look into healing skills bc 2 heals put us at disadvantage somehow, weapon skills (make sword single target already and bring back the block) and traits. Most of them are outdated and not usable in any game mode.


Hammer itself doesnt warrant a rework. All it needs is escape and lower cast times.

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