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Upcoming Warclaw bug fixes/changes

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Personally can't say I like the proposed changes, besides the bug fix of course.


The little hop on the mount was a fun little mechanic to use for shortcuts past open world terrain in the various maps and to give you that tiny little extra lift before you started gliding in areas you control. While not particularly difficult, it made for a new layer of skilled play you could learn to use within the mode and get better at. I do not like that people have been abusing it as an exploit to bypass walls, but I find it a bit sad that it is going to go away entirely. I also believe the Armistice Bastion jumping puzzle _requires_ it certain places? Maybe I just found a different way of doing it with the mount hop though. Are you allowing it in the Bastion at least? In PvE for those that wants to bring it there? Not a fan of the removal over fixing the few places where it can be exploited. It's not that many that I can think of and I've only found and reported a single one (that I never shared or took advantage of I might add). I believe the same exploits are doable by, e.g., Engineers using their utility skills anyways, so fixing them is still of interest, right?


Dismount _trap_ I am somewhat okay with. A bit annoying perhaps to be randomly dismounted in the middle of nowhere because people have littered the ground with dismount traps everywhere even though they're not there themselves. And I am sure people will do that out of spite to discourage mount usage too. Not really a fan of the idea considering the latter. Definitely not a fan of the idea that you can use a mount skill to dismount other players, especially at range. As others have mentioned, without an ICD to mounting back up again, certain classes will have a super easy time and advantage by being able to Blink, Shadowstep, Stealth or otherwise travel large distances in a seconds time to mount back up again — compared to the rest who doesn't have this luxury. To be completely honest, these classes will have a large advantage regardless, if you were to add an easy-to-dismount feature, which is why I dislike the idea even more.


The mounts has made the mode more "fair" when it comes to the ability to run back to your group, choosing your fights etc. — before, certain classes had a far easier time doing so than others, and with the mount, everyone now has an even playing field when it comes to things like that. It has made movement speed far less important outside of combat too, which is a good thing as not every build and class has equal opportunities to produce it. I have also only perhaps experienced three or four times, that our group were unable to dismount a player on a mount if we really wanted to dismount them, 10k HP is not that much to dish out and condition damage ticks on the mount HP as well. I am perhaps a bit biased on the latter as I am a Renegade-Revenant who can burst out large Torment numbers in a very short time, but perhaps incorporate one into your roaming group if you want to have an easier time dismounting enemies? Anyways, if they got away.. so what? They didn't want to fight, it was one target, their experience in the mode were better for it, while I can find someone else to fight. I am perfectly fine with that if it means the mode retains more and more players. All I've seen are smaller scale roamers complaining that they can't prey on players that don't want to fight them, or are actually unfit to fight them because they run a team-oriented build and not a build suited for dueling. What's the fun in fighting people who can't put up a fight?


Why are you considering this dismounting business again? To appease the roamers who wants to have easy kills and doesn't want to adapt? They can build siege at strategic points to get people off mounts fast if they want, a ballista or two (if not solo) really does wonders. Maybe those so against the mount should try it sometime. You can also set up Ranger/Guardian traps in the same area to get someone off their mount. Mix in a Torment bomb in your roaming group. Adapt?


A break-bar sounds fine, though I don't see the purpose when the roughly 10k HP is basically doing the same thing, but with damage over needing to dish out CC to break the bar, which is again advantageous to certain builds/classes. I prefer the HP "break-bar" over that.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"Cronos.6532" said:

> > Could you also add a net throw Trick (AoE targetted throw like Target Painter) that prevents a large number of players from mounting up without putting them in combat?


> Yes, this is something we've thought about. The main thing I don't like about it is the user experience of trying to use inventory items. Especially during conflict.

Well, have you ever tried to find a trap in your inventory, toss it and then built it for supplies in the middle of combat?


That's why a dismount trap is pointless :p


When you have a need to dismount people, it's already too late to use a trap. Having it on a skill is really all we need.


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> @"yorick.1305" said:

> > @"Chaba.5410" said:

> > > @"Joey.2769" said:

> > > Remove stealth on mounts and fix server lag caused by mounts. Please make that priority 1.

> >

> > Seconding this. Remove the stealth.


> Mount has stealth? If that's from other classes, nerf THEM, not the mount.


Yes, mount can be stealthed. Make it like gliding where stealth is removed when activating the glider.

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The aforementioned "1 guy ran past" also isn't going to be taking any camps or dolyaks while on their mount. And if the "roamer/defender" was that worried about defending camps or dolyaks, they wouldn't be spawn camping.


There is one occasion when spawn camping is legitimately useful: trying to cut off reinforcements while your zerg rushes a keep or tower near a spawn or waypoint. Otherwise, it was all players looking for easy kills, in which case they now have to find a way to burst down 12k hp first. If they can't do that, they won't make very good spawn campers anyway.

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Doubtful this will be read by a dev but I don't think there should be a way to dismount other players outside of damage (as it is now). Right now the mount gives slow classes like necromancers, guardians etc. the ability to pick their fights, and once they dismount and engage they will still be trapped in combat. This is a good balance of advantage for mobile classes who can completely disengage, while not damning slower ones to have to take every single fight that comes to them. I feel this has evened the playing field for players to choose which fights they want, and avoid the ones they don't want. It's not like being able to choose your fights is new- it has always been available to thieves, mesmers, rangers etc. But for roaming on a slower class it is a much better experience without completely demolishing the advantage mobile classes have.

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> @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > > @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> > > No need for a forced dismount esp a ranged one. If it's 1200 and not like 300/600 then it will be way too much of an advantage for range. Breakbar won't work as if they can't do enough damage because of the evades how they going to land enough cc. Don't add a forced in combat or cd on remount. All these things do is cater to the same 3 classes basically that were in here upset about the mount. Thief/Mez/ranger. They want to pull players off their mounts while at the same time not really worried about getting dismounted themselves because they can run away if they chose or are losing like we've watched 1000 times for all these years.

> > >

> > >** I don't get why you need to kill/chase down every single player** and get upset so much if someone gets away. I pull players off the mount all the time. Fix the issues that the mount causes by fixing the map like make the capture circles smaller at camps to prevent that troll on mount contesting I see melee players complaining about. Removing the jump on dismount as you say is good as of course players abused to bypass walls/gates. Focus on that not listening to the smallest amount of your players base the gankers that think wvw is meant to completely ignore all objectives and was meant for 1 vs 1 s only while of course they play the classes that have access to stealth.

> >

> > Because if an enemy roamer/defender let's that 1 guy run past, he could be flipping an upgraded camp or tag a keep to stall waypoint or kill dollys. Problem with your zergling people is that you only do 1 thing and that's... zerg. Believe it or not it's roamers and defenders that will break or make upgraded keeps because we both fight and defended the camps and or do the same to dollys. Its very easy for you to say that all we do is gank but if that means making your zerg smaller so ours can win then so be it.

> >

> > And no, I am pretty sure people are more afraid of stuff like holos/revs/warriors than thievs, even deadeye isn't all that great but only vs nom experienced people.


> Didn't say afraid. Most these classes that want to force the engagement are the ones I listed plus others who either win or lose reset lose reset lose run and are completely pointless for me to engage. Camps rarely get t'd up cept maybe nc or during none peak hours so no that's not the reason and maybe instead of 5 of you havok the few returning to their zerg if your zerg is losing or the many returning if your zerg is winning maybe if you 5 were with your zerg your zerg would've already won. I do the exact same things as a player who swaps between zerg and roaming and haven't experienced any of these difficulty's w these mounts or the dozens of cry threads prior about marked. Can get places faster and avoid the gankers who contribute very little. Iv'e been stealth jumped 100 times or stealth finished bypassing downed skills completely never once asked for stealth to be removed like all these threads bout marked and mounts. Stop trying to make it like the gankers are the victims cause their k/d went from 20/1 to 10/1 or they get chased down sometimes. Fix the actual issues w the mount not add a dismount to appease imo the minority.


gankers can still do it though, i am more "upset" that i have to try burn everything as a melee thief/warrior/ele when an enemy comes to try and take "My" camps but instea the just whoosh of away with out even attempting to fight, very brave though to attacked defenceless npc's though

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:


> * Working on a new mounted skill to dismount other mounted players. This may also dismount yourself. We're still debating that. Feedback welcome.




For dismounting players I was thinking about it while on my Warclaw and wanted to use Chain Pull on players. This is a great way to one pull people off warclaw (and you can make the user come off as well if that is highly favored). Make it require a good chunk of supply (10?) so it isnt abused./overused. This also makes it more tactical instead of some sort of anti mount.. as the trap itself is great . (Name the trap caltrops! ) Even another effect to chain pull is grabbing on to other players who arent mounted for several seconds and have them ride behind your warclaw (lol but that is probably not going to happen xD).


Skill 1: I think this skill shouldnt even defeat players. We need to stop adding these features in the game. The dmg and bleed is enough to do the job. the Superior version can just do something else.


Also another suggestion to Mounts in WvW. Make a cooldown on going back on your mount 10 seconds ( 15 seconds) or so instead of it instantly after out of combat. This would solve most of the issues people have.


Health on Warclaw: I think its fine as it is.. counter to others above me but thats ok. If people really have an issue with the health make it not regenerate at all while riding this way it doesnt just regenerate 3 seconds later. Of course, I think the cooldown on dismounting (not just forcefully) will do the trick which is why i suggest really no change is needed here.



Otherwise, Warclaw is fine. Break Bar would def be interesting and seems decent enough. I been using warclaw and i really think it adds to WvW more then people let on saying its "bad". The only people who qq over warclaw are the people who liked bullying others while they simply try to navigate. Of course my opinion but put it out there. Also like I previously said. the cooldown on warclaw dismounting over auto recovered out of combat would add the counterplay people want.


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> @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > > @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> > > > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > > > > @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> > > > > No need for a forced dismount esp a ranged one. If it's 1200 and not like 300/600 then it will be way too much of an advantage for range. Breakbar won't work as if they can't do enough damage because of the evades how they going to land enough cc. Don't add a forced in combat or cd on remount. All these things do is cater to the same 3 classes basically that were in here upset about the mount. Thief/Mez/ranger. They want to pull players off their mounts while at the same time not really worried about getting dismounted themselves because they can run away if they chose or are losing like we've watched 1000 times for all these years.

> > > > >

> > > > >** I don't get why you need to kill/chase down every single player** and get upset so much if someone gets away. I pull players off the mount all the time. Fix the issues that the mount causes by fixing the map like make the capture circles smaller at camps to prevent that troll on mount contesting I see melee players complaining about. Removing the jump on dismount as you say is good as of course players abused to bypass walls/gates. Focus on that not listening to the smallest amount of your players base the gankers that think wvw is meant to completely ignore all objectives and was meant for 1 vs 1 s only while of course they play the classes that have access to stealth.

> > > >

> > > > Because if an enemy roamer/defender let's that 1 guy run past, he could be flipping an upgraded camp or tag a keep to stall waypoint or kill dollys. Problem with your zergling people is that you only do 1 thing and that's... zerg. Believe it or not it's roamers and defenders that will break or make upgraded keeps because we both fight and defended the camps and or do the same to dollys. Its very easy for you to say that all we do is gank but if that means making your zerg smaller so ours can win then so be it.

> > > >

> > > > And no, I am pretty sure people are more afraid of stuff like holos/revs/warriors than thievs, even deadeye isn't all that great but only vs nom experienced people.

> > >

> > > Didn't say afraid. Most these classes that want to force the engagement are the ones I listed plus others who either win or lose reset lose reset lose run and are completely pointless for me to engage. Camps rarely get t'd up cept maybe nc or during none peak hours so no that's not the reason and maybe instead of 5 of you havok the few returning to their zerg if your zerg is losing or the many returning if your zerg is winning maybe if you 5 were with your zerg your zerg would've already won. I do the exact same things as a player who swaps between zerg and roaming and haven't experienced any of these difficulty's w these mounts or the dozens of cry threads prior about marked. Can get places faster and avoid the gankers who contribute very little. Iv'e been stealth jumped 100 times or stealth finished bypassing downed skills completely never once asked for stealth to be removed like all these threads bout marked and mounts. Stop trying to make it like the gankers are the victims cause their k/d went from 20/1 to 10/1 or they get chased down sometimes. Fix the actual issues w the mount not add a dismount to appease imo the minority.

> >

> > gankers can still do it though, i am more "upset" that i have to try burn everything as a melee thief/warrior/ele when an enemy comes to try and take "My" camps but instea the just whoosh of away with out even attempting to fight, very brave though to attacked defenceless npc's though


> Yeah hide then and wait till they engage the npc's then they can't mount. I'm like 270/500 def camp achieve so ya I want them to fight but I'd rather someone flat out run then engage and lose then run. Another easy way to dismount people is drop a banner in a camp or w/e. Melee does get screwed esp at the huge circle camps so they should fix that as well and make those smaller.


i know what i else i can do, but I shouldnt need to do that though, thats the thing. now people can freely run around and pretend to roam and run the moment a 1v1 comes along.

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> @"eyestrain.3056" said:

> Doubtful this will be read by a dev but I don't think there should be a way to dismount other players outside of damage (as it is now).

If this was to be the case then the mount hp should be completely gutted. Like ~2000hp maybe. Because 11000hp remaining under a no-dismount scenario is just way too much. I think a majority can at least agree on that.


That said, I also think that a skill to dismount would ultimately be far more fun than making it so ranged dps can sneeze on mounts to dismount them. Mounts **should** engage mounts, not stupidly just run and bounce around next to each other because both know they cant engage.

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> "i am a pver, pamper me! "

> What kind of mentality is that?


"I'm a player that only likes the 10 competitive PvP % of the game in which 90% of the budget goes into cooperative PvE and in which 90% of the profits come from cooperative PvE, so keep pampering *me* instead of those filthy PvE casuals!"


Dunno, what kind of mentality is *that*? I understand that you were happy playing *your* type of competitive PvP for years in GW2 instead of any other PvP-tailored games, even though that game mode poorly aligned with the rest of this game, but *the developers* made a decision that finally caters to some PvEers who weren't previously enticed by the game mode; so I, as one of those (previously silent and distanced from the discussion) players, have all rights to voice my opinion on upcoming changes to devs who now intend to backpedal from their initial decision due to objections from a subset of veteran players.

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> @"Absconditus.6804" said:


> The mounts has made the mode more "fair" when it comes to the ability to run back to your group, etc. — before, certain classes had a far easier time doing so than others, and with the mount, everyone now has an even playing field when it comes to things like that. It has made movement speed far less important outside of combat too, which is a good thing as not every build and class has equal opportunities to produce it. I have also only perhaps experienced three or four times, that our group were unable to dismount a player on a mount if we really wanted to dismount them, 10k HP is not that much to dish out and condition damage ticks on the mount HP as well. If they got away.. so what? They didn't want to fight, it was one target, their experience in the mode were better for it, while I can find someone else to fight. I am perfectly fine with that if it means the mode retains more and more players. All I've seen are smaller scale roamers complaining that they can't prey on players that don't want to fight them, or are actually unfit to fight them because they run a team-oriented build and not a build suited for dueling. What's the fun in fighting people who can't put up a fight? Why are you considering this dismounting business again? To appease the roamers who wants to have easy kills?


This idea that zerg builds should have safe passage back to their zergs after dying is unhealthy for the mode. First, that you died but your zerg didn't indicates a mistake made in the largescale your build is designed for. You should have to know how to survive with the tag versus being able to come back endlessly with your fast, triple evading mount. Second, the ability to intercept respawners limits the size and supply of the attacking zerg and gives smallscale roamers a role when said zerg is attacking an objective. It has nothing to do with whether or not a kill is 'easy' and everything to do with keeping enemies out of defended objectives. The more enemies kept out, the smaller the enemy zerg becomes and the less supply it has to continue the assault.





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> Nooooooo. If you're playing a build that isn't made for roaming and are out of position due to mistakes you have made you should be punished for those mistakes. Just like I should be punished as a roamer for wandering too close to groups. In short the vibe I get is you came back because now there is no conflict now and its just zerging from tower to tower in PvE land. However you did at least explain your reasoning which I appreciate. Unlike some of the posts that look like 'Plz no dismount skill is bad idea.'


> Edit: Also nice to hear its a long term plan to make the game mode not terrible. /s


Well I mean if I'm running to my zerg because I was late, the only mistake there was that I was late. I also never "left" WvW before mounts came out, I am a roamer first and a zerg player second. I have fun taking camps, trying to solo towers (and being a nuisance in general), and player who defends home bl to the best of my abilities. I also like fights as well. My point was that mounts made it easier for me to catch up with my zerg, but if we didn't have them I wouldn't have been upset by it, just like I wasn't upset by the addition of gliding which was another change that basically the Hardcore WvW players were also against. Or hell, the DBL's, which I admit were AWFUL at the beginning (hell, I was against them just because I kept getting lost), but now it's my favorite BL (Alpines are fine, I just find them a bit too small for my liking.)


My major gripe really isn't with the mounts themselves, just the complaint that it's ruining WvW overall (It's not). I also agree it should dismount both players and I suspect put both players into combat. I just have more of an issue with the range of the proposed skill, as 1200 if fairly large. However we still don't know if it's a 1200 range radius, or do you have to be targeting, and facing the person you are trying to dismount. Also, is it single target or does it dismount everyone in that 1200 range, or limited to one person per dismount? Unless I missed this info, then sorry for my questions :P

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"Cronos.6532" said:

> > Could you also add a net throw Trick (AoE targetted throw like Target Painter) that prevents a large number of players from mounting up without putting them in combat?


> Yes, this is something we've thought about. The main thing I don't like about it is the user experience of trying to use inventory items. Especially during conflict.


Integrate anti-mount measures in some siege weapon instead.


You could go further, and move all tricks into a siege weapon (existing or new).


> @"Hadi.6025" said:

> > @"Lonami.2987" said:

> > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > Hey all, just wanted to put out a quick note about some upcoming Warclaw changes.

> > >

> > > Short-term

> > > * We're working on a fix for the issue where people can get stuck on their mount, and still have their 3 evades and such. There may be more than one bug that causes this, but we think we're getting the most egregious one.

> > > * We're going to remove the jump on dismount. It's one of the biggest things used to bypass walls/gates and it was faster to remove the jump rather than try to fix each of those individually.

> > > * Fix to the sitting in box achievement areas so you can mount up in them.

> > >

> > > Medium to Long-term

> > > * Working on a dismount trap

> > > * Working on a new mounted skill to dismount other mounted players. This may also dismount yourself. We're still debating that. Feedback welcome.

> > >

> > > Even Longer term

> > > * We're considering adding break-bars to the WvW Mount. It's still a big if, as this will also require UI considerations.

> > >

> > > Edit: Added cat box achievement fix.

> >

> > Nerfing mount movement is a short-term solution, but you will have to handle those terrain problems sooner or later, since multiple professions have been able to abuse them across the years (and some still do).

> >

> > And yeah, that "dismount skill" should be some sort of grappling hook, where you pull enemies while launching yourself.

> >

> > Anyway, I posted this at reddit a few days ago. It's a warclaw redesign (now called panther) plus two additional mount ideas. Might serve as an inspiration for where to go next:

> >

> > ---

> >

> > **Panther**

> >

> > * Medium speed, medium health.

> > * Skill 1: Leap at enemies. Finishes downed enemies. Dismounts the player.

> > * Skill 2: Grappling Hook, pulls enemies on foot. Can be used to dismount enemy players, but you get dismounted as well. Telegraphed, and can be dodged. Consumes supply with every use.

> > * Skill 3: Turn Disabling Hook on/off. Disables siege weapons, but locks you to them, forcing you to stick nearby. Dismounting or moving too far disables the hook. Consumes supply while it's active.

> > * Dodge: Leap forward. Three endurance bars.

> > * Special: Your mount can swim.

> >

> > ---

> >

> > **Dolyak**

> >

> > * Slow speed, high health.

> > * Skill 1: Charge forward moving the horns, launching enemies in your path. Finishes downed enemies. Dismounts the player.

> > * Skill 2: Headbutt a nearby gate. Consumes supply with every use.

> > * Skill 3: Turn Shield Bubble on/off. Can be used while moving. Consumes supply while it's active.

> > * Dodge: Gain stability, and become invulnerable to dismounts. Two endurance bars.

> > * Special: You can load supply pack into your dolyak, letting you deliver it wherever you want, just as a supply dolyak. The supply pack will be lost if you dismount.

> >

> > ---

> >

> > **Moa**

> >

> > * Fast speed, low health.

> > * Skill 1: Slash at a single target repeatedly. Finishes downed enemies. Dismounts the player.

> > * Skill 2: Applies reveal and marks nearby enemies on the world map. Consumes supply with every use.

> > * Skill 3: Turn stealth on/off. Consumes supply while it's active.

> > * Dodge: Greatly increases your movement speed, roller beetle levels. One endurance bar.

> > * Special: Your mount detects WvW traps.

> >

> > ---

> >

> > **Additional notes:**

> >

> > * You can only equip one mount at once. To swap mounts, you need to go back to the respawn.

> > * Dismounts in combat put the mount on cooldown for 30 seconds.

> > * Trap redesign, now they have 20 charges each, consuming 1 every time an enemy steps inside. New trap, dismounts enemy players. Siege Disablers affect traps now. New trick lets you destroy traps.

> >

> > ---

> >

> > I think mounts have a lot of potential for WvW, but they must become a significant part of combat, or they will never become a real part of WvW.


> I like your idea for mount diversity but think they're too op for WvW. Mounts are just speed boost not an actual aspect to the experience. Kinda like gliding.. Its there but not needed. Plus you need POF expansion for mounts and Gw2 never really been a P2W kind of game. If anything they should allow you to trait mounts instead of having complete mastery. Like allowing your mount to run faster in ENEMY territory but at a sacrifice of health. Allowing different mount builds would be cool. So one mount is fast but only 2 dodges. Another has 3 dodges but is slow with low health and the last one more beefy with health but 1 dodge and medium speed.


That's my point, mounts should be more than just movement. I'd rather have them be something closer to siege golems than to PvE mounts.


As for the Path of Fire requirement, I would remove it altogether. WvW mounts would be useless in PvE anyway.


> @"DaFishBob.6518" said:

> > @"liurencija.2684" said:

> > Making mounts cc'able would honestly be a very welcomed change in wvw, considering how currently it's possible to dodge all the initial spike from enemy groups without any tactical efforts and just one push them with full cd's.

> > Also, could you change the leap on spacebar to a separate (dodge key) keybind instead? Some people would like to have a possibility to jump around while running mounted.


> There's already an option to do just that, disable conditional mount movement I think it's called in the option menu. Let's you jump when you hit jump instead of either jumping or mount dodging depending on movement.

> > @"Lonami.2987" said:

> > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > Hey all, just wanted to put out a quick note about some upcoming Warclaw changes.

> > >

> > > Short-term

> > > * We're working on a fix for the issue where people can get stuck on their mount, and still have their 3 evades and such. There may be more than one bug that causes this, but we think we're getting the most egregious one.

> > > * We're going to remove the jump on dismount. It's one of the biggest things used to bypass walls/gates and it was faster to remove the jump rather than try to fix each of those individually.

> > > * Fix to the sitting in box achievement areas so you can mount up in them.

> > >

> > > Medium to Long-term

> > > * Working on a dismount trap

> > > * Working on a new mounted skill to dismount other mounted players. This may also dismount yourself. We're still debating that. Feedback welcome.

> > >

> > > Even Longer term

> > > * We're considering adding break-bars to the WvW Mount. It's still a big if, as this will also require UI considerations.

> > >

> > > Edit: Added cat box achievement fix.


> > And yeah, that "dismount skill" should be some sort of grappling hook, where you pull enemies while launching yourself.

> I just had an image of two players being pulled off their mounts and colliding into each other, causing them both to be knocked down. Perfect.


It's good because you can't pull someone else into your zerg, both players get pulled towards each other right into a dueling position.


> @"hugo.4705" said:

> @"Lonami.2987" posted a cool, idea, +1, i'm all for a mount that can swim. Dolyak sound very helpful, but I think too much mounts isn't healthy for WvW. You can try to change my mind. The only pro of warclaw is currently that you can now move around without being killed at the spawn by stealthy thief or mesmer.

> (Btw fixing that invincibility/ infinite stealth would have been a better solution, can't understand we still have scourge blobs, seriously, nerf red aoe of death)

> I definitely think that, more stronger racial siege weapons are a better solution than adding more mounts. It kinda destroy the soul of WvW... But more importantly, we need more maps!!! With all the current events, we could have a map melting with some fractals... very confusing with several environments like the chaos fractal.


I think mounts should move into siege weapon territory.

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> @"hellsqueen.3045" said:

> > @"Hadi.6025" said:

> > Hey please dont infracture my post... But why wasn't this thought of before the release of Warclaw mounts? No one in the studio thought " how will other players engage each other in smaller groups? " if everyone is on mounts it's just cat and mouse and no one can dismount unless they want to engage. This ruins the WvW experience for both sides because.. 1. Theres no risk you can just Run from people you dont want to fight, theres no challenge in it. 2. Mount has too much health so even if i use maul to engage , i cant deal enough damage to get the other player off mount as im trying to catch up to them. Players always going to complain about getting ganked thats a natural occurrence in WvW . That's like saying oh man im getting outnumbered constantly. That's just the part of WvW , sometimes you will get outnumbered. Don't make it easier for that small group of players who never want to play and just Karma train for dailies and log out.

> >


> > Reduce the mount health from 10k to 5000-4000 and make BOTH players dismount when using engage target. That's how you balance war claw.

> >

> > Thought's on defiance bar?

> > If it's anything like the War banner tactivators, i'm going to have to say no to that idea. Give them skills that can make them immune to CC but still give counter play like a skill that gives mount stability, instead of the current 100% immunity to all CC's. That is just ridiculous.


> As if people weren't already running from combat before the Warclaw? People were and there wasn't a risk of running away then either. Look at the thief and mesmer, they literally have builds for running.

> Just because it's harder to bully someone who wants to avoid combat, people are complaining.

> I think it's better that people who would have run away anyway get to run, it's not fun being pummeled by an encounter you were already trying to run from.


> At the end of the day, there was always people running away from combat and we shouldn't act like the Warclaw changed that, it hasn't. It just means people who have no mercy for someone who had no intention of fighting in the first place, don't always get their kill. Good.


> I run with a small group of players and we still run from encounters that we know better than to take on. Running isn't new, don't act like Anet has royally messed up by not thinking of adding this stuff sooner.


Its not bullying to attack another player character in a pvp oriented game mode. It diminishes the experiences of those suffering real serious bullying to make that comparison.



Ben, thank you for the heads up.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"hellsqueen.3045" said:

> > > @"Hadi.6025" said:

> > > Hey please dont infracture my post... But why wasn't this thought of before the release of Warclaw mounts? No one in the studio thought " how will other players engage each other in smaller groups? " if everyone is on mounts it's just cat and mouse and no one can dismount unless they want to engage. This ruins the WvW experience for both sides because.. 1. Theres no risk you can just Run from people you dont want to fight, theres no challenge in it. 2. Mount has too much health so even if i use maul to engage , i cant deal enough damage to get the other player off mount as im trying to catch up to them. Players always going to complain about getting ganked thats a natural occurrence in WvW . That's like saying oh man im getting outnumbered constantly. That's just the part of WvW , sometimes you will get outnumbered. Don't make it easier for that small group of players who never want to play and just Karma train for dailies and log out.

> > >


> > > Reduce the mount health from 10k to 5000-4000 and make BOTH players dismount when using engage target. That's how you balance war claw.

> > >

> > > Thought's on defiance bar?

> > > If it's anything like the War banner tactivators, i'm going to have to say no to that idea. Give them skills that can make them immune to CC but still give counter play like a skill that gives mount stability, instead of the current 100% immunity to all CC's. That is just ridiculous.

> >

> > As if people weren't already running from combat before the Warclaw? People were and there wasn't a risk of running away then either. Look at the thief and mesmer, they literally have builds for running.

> > Just because it's harder to bully someone who wants to avoid combat, people are complaining.

> > I think it's better that people who would have run away anyway get to run, it's not fun being pummeled by an encounter you were already trying to run from.

> >

> > At the end of the day, there was always people running away from combat and we shouldn't act like the Warclaw changed that, it hasn't. It just means people who have no mercy for someone who had no intention of fighting in the first place, don't always get their kill. Good.

> >

> > I run with a small group of players and we still run from encounters that we know better than to take on. Running isn't new, don't act like Anet has royally messed up by not thinking of adding this stuff sooner.


> Its not bullying to attack another player character in a pvp oriented game mode. It diminishes the experiences of those suffering real serious bullying to make that comparison.



> Ben, thank you for the heads up.


Bro please say this again.. We live in this era where everything is considered offensive or bullying.. You're literally in a game mode where players are SUPPOSED to fight each other... this aint a social event. Want to socialize go to PvE in divinity's reach.. Not "WORLD VS WORLD" OPEN WORLD PVP MODE..


Any way.. Also Can mounts "prevent capture-point contribution" too ? This would stop players from sitting on a 10k health mount while capturing a camp or something like a KEEP. Please consider this and read every detailed comment on this post.

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imo best way to handle dismount is make battlemaul dismount enemy mounted players, idea behind this is you can "juke" dodges by dodging yourself rather than using battlemaul. It also makes ganking little bit easier but not too much as players have 3dodges and move slower in enemy territory.

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Not sure if this was mentioned by anyone. How about fixing the EXPLOIT I've seen players(especially Scrappers) use wit the mount. They are able to use utility skills while mounted. And even though they know it's an exploit they keep using it. We've had on Scrapper from a certain guild using this exploit and others(like jumping into Quiten Lake in EBG). These should be priority fixes.

Possible Fixes if player uses Utility Skills while mounted:

1. Should write into the code that if a player uses a utility skill while mounted they are sent back to Lion's Arch.

2. Sent back to Spawn point and dismounted.

3. Mount skill becomes unusable for 10 minutes.

4. Sends message to ANeT every time a Utility Skill is used. If used more than X number of times a 1 week ban is issued.


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