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Let's make GW2 more profitable! Are you ready to support new content with $3 monthly fee?

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Hi Folks!


I believe the game will be better and our in-game future will be brighter if developers will be able to invest more time&money into game&content.

Let's consider an easiest way to give them this possibility:

I prefer to pay few $$ monthly but have GW2 expansion sooner, have good features sooner, have more content in total, better music/story, etc.

I really love this game!

And $3 is nothing, like a burger price.

Of course a subscriber who paid these $3 should have some meaningful and visible benefits, like:

special mount, 2 more dailies, and 50% more magic find, or all new mounts 2 months earlier than free-players.

or live story 1 week earlier, etc

or even who paid monthly fee may have X% discount on next addon automatically.

Which benefits and their proper balance - it's a big topic and should be discussed separately.


I believe most of people who love GW2 will be ready to support the game and pay for better/sooner content, but let's poll and see.


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We've been through this with dozens of threads. The appetite for a sub, even optional, appears to be extremely low. Any advantages it might bring would be outweighed by the perception a sub of any kind would put into the playerbase nearly 7 years on. It is simply folly. People who want to financially support Anet do so by buying gems and taking advantage of sales


A sub of any kind would never be any guarantee of better or sustained content

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I would be cool with a system like ESO. An optional sub that gives exp bonuses, crafting bonuses, $15 worth of gems (it's actually $16.50 now), currency bonuses (gold as well as map currency), and a few more things to replace the things ESO has that would be useless here. Maybe something like extra mount speed, or boosts to their abilities (higher/longer jumping, longer teleports, higher flapping, etc), all stat sets available in PvP without purchase. These are just a few ideas, but they are going to have to give quite a bit to start asking for sub money after long.

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I dont really care for ths answer options. I am more than willing to pay for something that I receive but am not fond of the idea of paying as an "investment" hoping that something palatable to me will come of it. I've paid as much as $500 in a single month for things I wanted in game, but paying even $1 for something that is of no interest to me, or is just not to my taste is too much.


BTW, where can you get a decent burger for three bucks these days?

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> We've been through this with dozens of threads. The appetite for a sub, even optional, appears to be extremely low. Any advantages it might bring would be outweighed by the perception a sub of any kind would put into the playerbase nearly 7 years on. It is simply folly. People who want to financially support Anet do so by buying gems and taking advantage of sales


> A sub of any kind would never be any guarantee of better or sustained content


That and the massive list of rewards people always expect in return for their sub. (Which wouldn't end when the system was put in place, the Elder Scrolls Online forums are always full of complaints about how the subscription doesn't give enough benefits and subscribers 'need' or deserve more and how every little QoL change should have been exclusive to subscribers.)


If any studio actually tried to listen to these people they could easily end up in a vicious circle where most of the development time goes into trying to produce more and more benefits for a fraction of players and less time and focus can go into the actual game.

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Bought the deluxe box, bought the expansions, spent quite a bit on the gem store. A lot of people have. They haven't balanced WvW or SPvP. They Took their bloody time delivering the promised legendaries from HoT and are still doing it, they never delivered on the personal story-based quest side of that equation. They've been slow with raiding even though a lot of developer time and money went to it. They continue to make fractals which suck, and they dropped making dungeons altogether because- and get this- 'They're more difficult to do than fractals.' Oh, and when they did have a surplus of money and manpower, instead of rectifying these outstanding problems they funneled it off into side projects we'll never know about because they were cancelled.


For all the things I absolutely love about guild wars two -the original though seemingly now abandoned philosophy of, 'play your way,' the goofiness of the Asura, the joy of discovery and that feeling of adventure when first exploring those original game maps, of late ANet doesn't deliver.


So tell me. Why, when they've botched things up so terribly that they've not only thrown away a lot of talented people- many of whom made beloved content we'll never see followed up on(dungeons, SAB etc.) but misused a ton of the money we've all spent on GW2 under the current system- why in hell would I want to pay them a recurring fee for more of the same?


So now, on a more personal level, in addition to the fleecing I've taken just for the dubious ability to, 'play my way' I get the privilege of paying to still have my Engineer's core performance left at rubbish tier -first gutted before and after HoT then ignored for the last five plus years. In addition to having my favourite game modes, dungeons and WvW, abandoned, ignored, and made a mockery(thanks for that desert borderlands) for just about as long- I get to pay even more money for even more slipshod content that probably isn't up my street, but which I'll have to purchase regardless because it's probably going to put me at some sort of disadvantage if I don't- because yes, that's how these things go -HoT/PoF?


Not just no, but hell no. What the hell is this now- one of Steam's early access games?



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Now now be kind. I am *weary* of these kind of posts because there seems to be some kind of magic on this forum. Some times posts happen for stuff and within days it happens : Take ranger pets, someone posted them to be nerfed and the actual day after they were and Istan, well that took a while but they did do it. So I wondering if *they* are testing the water to see how we would react to a *small* charge.

So at this point in time I'd be careful what you wish for.

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Paying for single episodes might be ok (if not much), but adding a subscription... I don't play FFXIV (or similar MMOs with a monthly fee) because I don't like the idea that "I paid, so I must play as much as I can". GW2 is different from other MMOs because it has quality content and doesn't force you to pay continuously to enjoy it. You can go on vacation and come back after 3 weeks, even months. It's not a problem.

I'm fine with the current pace. I won't pay more to have more content/fast releases.

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Eh. I do this as it is where I spend atleast $15 a month like I did with wow.


When I played wow (13 years) content droughts were awful but we're made worse by the fact that we were paying for just access to the game. When we did get updates it made alot of people feel ENTITLED and upset that their game mode/spec/faction didn't get what they wanted which lead to alot of infighting on forums and such.


It's prolly best just to leave it alone and encourage players to support the game by buying what they DO want.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > We've been through this with dozens of threads. The appetite for a sub, even optional, appears to be extremely low. Any advantages it might bring would be outweighed by the perception a sub of any kind would put into the playerbase nearly 7 years on. It is simply folly. People who want to financially support Anet do so by buying gems and taking advantage of sales

> >

> > A sub of any kind would never be any guarantee of better or sustained content


> That and the massive list of rewards people always expect in return for their sub. (Which wouldn't end when the system was put in place, the Elder Scrolls Online forums are always full of complaints about how the subscription doesn't give enough benefits and subscribers 'need' or deserve more and how every little QoL change should have been exclusive to subscribers.)


> If any studio actually tried to listen to these people they could easily end up in a vicious circle where most of the development time goes into trying to produce more and more benefits for a fraction of players and less time and focus can go into the actual game.


You nailed the true reason behind all this and it's not a misguided attempt to "support" games. It's just that some people want to feel "unique snowflakes" and when a game's model doesn't evoke that feeling enough for them, they want to change it to pander to them fully.

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For kitten sake. GW2 is built on a F2P model. If someone likes the ESO style of subscription, then go play ESO. Please stop trying to make GW2 like other MMOs.


And please, stop creating multiple threads on the concept that ANet/GW2 is dying due to lack of profits or begging for content with a sub or optional sub model. Read the previous ones because these points have already been discussed.

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