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Warclaw Praise Thread - Yes, It Is Healthy For WvW

Trevor Boyer.6524

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> @"wasss.1208" said:

> I'm a casual player, I rarely write, but I follow the WvW forum, since the Warclaw got released. And since the mount gets a lot of hatred, I feel like I should give a feedback, oppinion on it (from a casual perspective, you know, the 95% of the playerbase). I barely touched WvW so far, and only to get stuff that is tied to it (Gift of Battle, discount on cultural armors).


> Pre Warclaw era, I only entered to get the loot, then get out, because:

> If I tried to go for easy objectives: ruins, shrines, camp, or even veterans, I just got ganked. You can call it roaming, but one fighting someone, who is unwilling, and just tries to escape the fight for 5 minutes (thanks to tanky build), is far from PvP, or roaming. It is hitting a training golem for five minutes. Congratulations. So I had hard time on completing the dailies.

> If I wanted to play in a zerg, I had to wait until the commander ports back, losing my participation in the meantime, then join them, to die in a fight, and either wait again, or do a long run, where I could get ganged again. That is no fun either. Not even talking about that because of that, I couldn't play any glassy builds, only tanks, so I can avoid that run as much as possible.

> Thanks to those, I avoided the gamemode. Which in my oppinion should be a gamemode about armies clashing together, sieging and defending castles, was just a "walk out of the gate, see a thief/mesmer/ranger, die, repeat".


> After the Warclaws introduction, I got exatly what I wanted in the gamemode: I can arrive in the fights quick, I can participate in the sieges with my glasscannon build. And if I die, I can quickly get back, without dying multiple times on the way. Thanks to the introduction of the mount I finally enjoy the gamemode, and often feel like I want to log in only to play it.


First off: I am truly glad you have begun to play the mode for more than just the GoB. It is a mode many of us love despite its frustratingly annoying problems.


Second: one of the benefits of the Warclaw HAS been its ability to get people back into the fight.


Lastly: you would be what most commanders would call endearingly a ‘rallybot’ because of your glass cannon build. That is unless you play a rev (with a couple of likely exceptions)


I would suggest now that you are more involved in the mode, that you actually get more involved. Find out your servers preference for builds and classes and find one that is close to your play style, learn correct positioning for that class/build, find a consistent WvW guild to run with and learn from, and you will likely find that (once you find a guild that suits you) you enjoy the mode even more.


But again, I am glad you have started to enjoy the mode more.


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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> Lastly: you would be what most commanders would call endearingly a ‘rallybot’ because of your glass cannon build. That is unless you play a rev (with a couple of likely exceptions)



Somewhere out there is a Weaver main, angrily shaking their fist at you :)


I should also point out that a typical Hammer Rev, running 3 Mara trinkets, hits about 20K health and is a heavy armor user, so not quite as glass cannon as say Thief, Ranger or Ele.


I also don't know if I really agree with your definition of 'rallybot', as I don't think 'squishiness' is the issue, but instead describes a player who is out of position, meaning they are either standing in the bomb, or are out of range of heals, stab and aegis, and that is what causes them to go down and rally the enemy team. Rallybot is often tossed out towards the 'green players', as in, those who are not a part of the squad but are tagging along, for exactly that reason: they are likely out of position as they also are unlikely to be on comms and able to follow the driver, and since they aren't part of the squad, aren't prioritized for heals/boons by the game.


@"wasss.1208" - welcome to the fight.

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It is amazing how many warclaws you see considering everyone hating them. In fact my second account is a bit late to the party as i still need to complete the track to get it and feel quite 'underdressed' running along on my tootsome when an army of mount run past.

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People always struggle with coping with change, and it was always a delusion to think mounts wouldnt come to WvW once gliders made their entrance. Its all about enticing people to buy the expacks to stay competitive, a simple financial reason. Learn to adapt, theres no other way, and anet have already reacted to feedback. The warclaw have been significantly downsized since the starting incarnation. Take a deep breath, it will be adjusted.

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> @"noot.8641" said:

> The warclaw is the worst thing ever brought into wvw, it totally destroyed the purpose of roamer classes. I’m sure you “blobbers” like it because you get to your zerg faster when u rallybot all the time, but if you are a roamer it sucks when u can’t pick the fights u want. It’s fun getting chased by 10 people, 1 keeping you in combat while the rest mounts up and kitten you up. They need to nerf the warclaw, so it just is a transportation tool with low hp pool, and not going faster than the 33% swiftness speed.


................ this

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> @"reddie.5861" said:

> > @"noot.8641" said:

> > The warclaw is the worst thing ever brought into wvw, it totally destroyed the purpose of roamer classes. I’m sure you “blobbers” like it because you get to your zerg faster when u rallybot all the time, but if you are a roamer it sucks when u can’t pick the fights u want. It’s fun getting chased by 10 people, 1 keeping you in combat while the rest mounts up and kitten you up. They need to nerf the warclaw, so it just is a transportation tool with low hp pool, and not going faster than the 33% swiftness speed.


> ................ this


I missed that quote, but it's a perfect example of what I'm talking about. This player is literally saying that for a roamer, "it sucks u can't pick the fights u want", while at the same time insulting other players for using the Warclaw to do exactly the same thing. The sheer lack of self-awareness on display is staggering.


Roamers being able to pick the fights they want = good

Every other player being able to pick the fights they want = bad


For reals...


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> @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> It's not taking PvP away from WvW, it's giving those players who do not wish to PvP 1v1 the option to not PvP 1v1. You seem to think that it is taking away PvP when it simply isn't. If people WANT to 1v1 PvP, they will do so. There are dueling grounds in WvW that many people go to in order to 1v1 each other.


dueling is boring that what u got sPvP for.

i wanna irritate people WvW is open world no1 cares what u choose to do.


mounts ruined this,

A) u can choose to run by

B) u can choose to permanently circle the player till ur zerg buddies arrive

C) u can choose to constantly prevent some1 from capping a camp.

D) it has 3 dodges +10k extra HP + cc immunity


probably much more stuff it just sucks to have this in WvW.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"alain.1659" said:

> >

> > Now if I want to roam, I cannot do it with my favourite builds and professions, as 1 person on warclaw can contest a camp for minutes if I cannot bring him down without spending all my offense and defense. So what am I forced to do? To play a build/profession that can burst someone down. Yey.


> I don't normally get triggered by anything in forums, even while being attacked directly. But with all due respect, I'm really getting tired of seeing statements like this because they are either greatly embellished or the players posting them are so inept that it's questionable if they understand enough about the game to even be discussing competitive balance. I am seriously not trying to be insulting here, but to even respond to such a claim, there is no other way to state the kinds of responses you are about to read. Each and every time I hear this "Warclaws can contest nodes forever and I can't dismount it" claim, here is what I think:


> 1. What is wrong with either the build you're running or your play, that you cannot down a 10k health target that has no protection, no cleanse, no healing, only 3 evades with no other defensive skills, that is attempting to ride circles around you at mid range? Or why could you not at least make it run away from you, from the cap you are holding or trying to take?

> 2. Every single class/build in Guild Wars 2 has mid ranged attacked that will at least deal around 1k damage on strikes worst case scenario while something like Minstrel. In the rare event that a build is almost full melee like a Spellbreaker or Herald, the designers have presented these builds with an enormous amount of long distance gap closers & instant strike teleportations.

> 3. Worst possible cast scenario: Someone is running a mace/mace Core Warrior that is only level 20 who is wearing blue quality gear bought from Queensdale with atrociously poor single stats, he doesn't have any gap closer skills and no swiftness, and he wasn't even smart enough to equip a 2nd weapon on the swap. He encounters an ultimate invulnerable godlike Warclaw rider who is able to run around him in circles and never be dismounted. Well, until the lv.20 Warrior kid figures out to put a rifle on his weapon swap. After equipping literally anything with any stat that has any ranged attack at all, despite his terrible poor low level setup, he will be able to dismount a Warclaw rider in probably about 6 to 7 strikes, and the Warclaw won't be able to run and hide from a ranged 1 spam for very long. My question to those claiming "Warclaw can contest a node under me forever and I cannot down it" is this: If a rando lv 20 with blue gear can equip a rifle and down a Warclaw in 6-7 strikes with literally any ranged weapon, why can't you? Let's go through a list here: Spellbreaker, try throwing your GS 4 and using your unholy amount of gap closers "that all deal damage mind you", including rampage - Herald, try TELEPORTING AT IT - Guardians and Dragonhunters, TRY TELEPORTING AT IT or using scepter/longbow- Firebrands, you have plenty of random condi spam and other random ranged attacks between scepter and staff, use them - All Engis, every other thing you do is ranged, use it - All Rangers, be a Ranger, and range it - All Thieves, kitten alright listen, even your shortbow 5 mobility is actually an attack, chase the Warclaw with it, try stealing at it with Mug, try all of your other various teleport attacks, select DE use a rifle - All Necros, wow can you seriously not hit a Warclaw that is riding around you in circles with the god awful amount of random mid ranged AoE, axe 1 & 2 spams, scepter spams, staff AoEs? Get real guys, come on man, get real. - All Mesmers, everything a Mesmer does is ranged, try using it - All Eles, worst case scenario you're running minstrel but you are able to stack yourself to 25 might, you deal both power and condi damage, with almost every single attack that you have, and almost every single attack that you have is mid ranged. Try attacking the Warclaw.

> 4. Furthermore, I just want to point out that when you roam and try to take supply camps, you don't run god awful slow support zerg builds with no damage or mobility or disengage or chase potential. Worst case scenario, you're trying to chase around a Warclaw with a Support Firebrand or Support Tempest ect ect, what are you doing and why are you doing that? Did you expect to catch anything or anyone, regardless of if it was on a Warclaw or not, and did you seriously expect to be able to beat that person in a 1v1, regardless of if it is on a Warclaw or not, with no damage output and no mobility and no chase potential? Come on guys, get real. Let's look at this debacle in a sensical way, please. When you roam, you use: FAST Warriors, Thieves, Rangers, Sometimes Engis with Rocket Boots who have rifles, Mesmers, Eles with high ranged DPS.


> I don't see what the problem is here. If anyone wants to respond with actual explanation behind this claim, I'd love to hear.



Friend, you need to experience the thing to understand it. Sorry but all you are assuming that someone is circling around you with a warclaw, and this continues forever until you kill that person. What happens in reality? In real thing someone (I just did that myself) circles around you, using line of sight and well timed dodges against a non burst opponent. And again, all you need to do is contest the point long enough to have support from other players (again just did it myself).


What is wrong with your assumption is that you are thinking only in 1v1 scenerio where you just need to dismount your opponent. No. What you need is to take the camp before reinforcements arrive. And if your server has low numbers (I assume that your server has no issue on numbers) and your enemy has higher, reinforcements will come. Oh, you can burst down your target if you push with many builds true, but most of them will lose valuable offense and utility skills to do that. The issue is not the 1v1 part but the roaming and the camp part. Before this, I was ok with playing bruiser builds. Now I have to play bursty builds to clear the camp fast enough, or at least burst down the person on mount and kill him before reinforcements arrive.


I hope this makes sense. If not, please try to do this with your mount. Use line of sight and ask for reinforcements. You will see how easy it will be to guard your camps. We started to do this everyday. It works really well.

Solution? Prevent contesting points on warclaw.

Another solution? Make warclaw cc'able.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"reddie.5861" said:

> > > @"noot.8641" said:

> > > The warclaw is the worst thing ever brought into wvw, it totally destroyed the purpose of roamer classes. I’m sure you “blobbers” like it because you get to your zerg faster when u rallybot all the time, but if you are a roamer it sucks when u can’t pick the fights u want. It’s fun getting chased by 10 people, 1 keeping you in combat while the rest mounts up and kitten you up. They need to nerf the warclaw, so it just is a transportation tool with low hp pool, and not going faster than the 33% swiftness speed.

> >

> > ................ this


> I missed that quote, but it's a perfect example of what I'm talking about. This player is literally saying that for a roamer, "it sucks u can't pick the fights u want", while at the same time insulting other players for using the Warclaw to do exactly the same thing. The sheer lack of self-awareness on display is staggering.


> Roamers being able to pick the fights they want = good

> Every other player being able to pick the fights they want = bad


> For reals...



ur not suppose to get back to your blob without going tru people blocking ur way unless they let u or u killed em or u manage to slip past.

with warclaw u can even run 10 circles and still run by, no1 really cares what some1 wants to do its FFA PvP gametype blobbers kill me also when i get caught by a blob when im solo do i (we roamers) complain? no we respawn we move on and get over it.


why should every1 have 5 dodges 10k more HP + cc immunity ?


why cant every1 have 1k extra HP 1 dodge and no cc immunity? this makes ur mount even more dangerous then normal running when roamers will strike :)

u get knocked off u need a breakstun u lose 1 skill u wont get away from roamers on blobbing build next moment ur CC'd again ur dead.

that sounds great got my job back my commander cant kill the enemy blob but he can slowly pick em off 1 by 1 but at his rate they regroup equally fast but then here we are the forgotten scums of wvw the roamers who stop these people from coming back so easy / so fast. we made it easier for our commander to slowly start winning the fight.


but nope the warclaw the god of WvW decide it had to be different regrouping should be faster.

roamers shouldnt interupt peoplefrom running back

CC shouldnt stop u from getting back etc blabaala


might aswell start to allow teleport friend in WvW so u can insta port on commander probably easier and safer.

+ it gives $ to Anet cus people will run out of teleport friends rather quick so they will turn to gem store.


o boy im such a rocket scientist



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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"reddie.5861" said:

> > > @"noot.8641" said:

> > > The warclaw is the worst thing ever brought into wvw, it totally destroyed the purpose of roamer classes. I’m sure you “blobbers” like it because you get to your zerg faster when u rallybot all the time, but if you are a roamer it sucks when u can’t pick the fights u want. It’s fun getting chased by 10 people, 1 keeping you in combat while the rest mounts up and kitten you up. They need to nerf the warclaw, so it just is a transportation tool with low hp pool, and not going faster than the 33% swiftness speed.

> >

> > ................ this


> I missed that quote, but it's a perfect example of what I'm talking about. This player is literally saying that for a roamer, "it sucks u can't pick the fights u want", while at the same time insulting other players for using the Warclaw to do exactly the same thing. The sheer lack of self-awareness on display is staggering.


> Roamers being able to pick the fights they want = good

> Every other player being able to pick the fights they want = bad


> For reals...



Being able to pick fights was the only advantage of roamers and neccessary to handle outnumbered situations. Grp/zergs had the advantage of numbers and organisation, resulting in more "fighting power". The mount takes away from the roamers without compensation and gives to the zerglings without any trade-off. It shifts the balance towards the latter and favours numbers and stacking. Which indirectly worsens issues even many zerglings are complaining about, such as lag, PvD, "empty" maps, server stacking and population imbalance.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"alain.1659" said:

> > If you are in an OPEN WORLD BATTLEFIELD you cannot say " but I don't want to fight".


> Why not? You can't say "OPEN WORLD BATTLEFIELD" to imply there are no rules, and then use the words "you cannot". Make up your mind. Or did you mean to say that only roamers/gankers get to decide what the rules are? Nah, you couldn't have meant that, that would be hypocritical.


No I am not being hypocritical. Maybe not understood well though. What I implied was to show the redundancy to demant something in an OPEN WORLD BATTLEFIELD which would limit its OPEN WORLDNESS. If you are entering WvW, knowing the rules, that is it. That means you are accepting those rules.

But it is in your every right to use the words, in a literal sense. My sentence was more of a metaphorical one that was lost, it seems. Sorry about that, It is my third language and I am not really eloquent.


> > @"alain.1659" said:

> > What they added with Warclaw is just a "protection blanket" for those who feel bad when they are defeated and just wanna go with the zerg.


> Yet you want to conveniently ignore all the positive feedback given on the Warclaw, by both roamers and zergers alike, little of which described a "protection blanket" of any kind.

I did not ignore the positive feedback for Warclaw. I just commented on the negative aspects where I experienced personally in my server. It is a protection blanket for zergers and it is widely known. Does it work? Yes, when I am zerging it works for me. Yet it is what it is.


> > @"alain.1659" said:

> > Zerging should not be easy like this. Positioning, not dying, following the tag are all important aspects. Warclaw makes these redundant as it gives you speed and

> > protection.


> So staying alive and on tag has become "redundant" now with the Warclaw? News to me. Pretty sure most quality WvW players would agree that it is better to stay alive and in the fight than to have to return to tag from garrison.


> Perhaps you meant to say that negative impact of dying has been partially mitigated by the introduction of the Warclaw? Very possibly. But again you want to conveniently ignore the feedback many players have given regarding how spending so much time running was a negative experience for them, and that being able to move about faster means they are enjoying the game mode more. Does that make them better players? Of course not, they still need to learn to stay on tag and survive, but that's hard to learn when you aren't even playing the game mode.


Thank you. At least a positive-ish reply. I do not know if you have many pug zergs in your server but in my server we have many. And believe me when you see people rushing into the red circles one after another, and having the confidence to come back easily, you start to question the negative aspects. Yet I was furious about these problems as I had just experienced it, and got another comm tag off, so I am aware that I was focused on the negative ones. Sorry for that. But that does not make them less true.


> > @"alain.1659" said:

> > It does not only hurt roaming but also the quality of zerging too. Now people rush, die, mount up, rush back. And some fights really don't end. Numbers are the only

> > determinants in this new warclaw meta. We have already seen it in our server.


> The only time I've seen what you described was with pugs absent any running tag, running from spawn to contest garri when the enemy zerg was already on inner. In a squad following tag I've never seen what you described once, not one single time. Maybe you need to transfer to a better server.


That my friend seems to be true.


> > @"alain.1659" said:

> > Gankers, roamers and zergers are all part of the wvw. It is an open battlefield where every tactic is viable, unlike spvp.


> And like I said above, one of those tactics can be choosing the fights you want, just like roamers and gankers have always been able to do, only now, every player gets that privilege.


> If Player A sees Player B (and maybe C, D, Z) up ahead and knows they have no chance, they can use the mount to (attempt) to escape. The letters I used can be replaced with "Zergling", "Roamer", "Ganker", or even "Bot". It all applies equally.


> Before the warclaw, roamers were able to decide whether to fight or not, but now all of a sudden when all players have that option, that concept magically becomes "bad".


Before the warclaw we grouped in wp and rushed back together. There were several tactics that prevented gankers to gank us. It really was not that hard. I had a spare set and a quick utility change to fight with them.


> > @"alain.1659" said:

> >The freedom and ability to devise your own tactics, no matter how sh.tty they are, is the source of an open battlefield.


> Which, again, includes the tactic of choosing to avoid a fight, especially one you suspect you have no chance of winning.


> Pre-Warclaw, if a roamer saw a fight they didn't like, they could use their mobility to attempt to escape a no win situation. Roamers at the time were ok with it. Now everyone has that ability, and roamers aren't suddenly not ok with it.


> Funny enough, roamers like to pull out their victimhood card whenever a group of 6+ people (that they call a blob or zerg) stomps them, because they had no chance in that fight, yet now with the warclaw, roamers can avoid that stompage as well.


Call me old fashioned but I believe the roamers should be stomped if they cannot escape the zerg at all. Roaming is about playing it smart(please do not mix it with gankers. I do that sometimes and it is not right) so If you are in front of a zerg, you should be stomped.


Let me answer these in a combined way to save both of our time. Some professions are designed to be a roamer, and they have no solid place in a zerg. With introducing Warclaw, the ground is not evened. It is tilted towards those professions that have a valid zerg build and low mobility roaming build. I am happy that I can roam with my slow builds that was impossible to roam before. But that does not make it even.


> > @"alain.1659" said:

> > So if you enter that field, you have no right to force others to change their ways.


> I agree. Pre-warclaw, while I never celebrated gankers for what they did, I never presumed to tell them what they could or couldn't do. Now that the warclaw is here, they feel they can tell other players that it's not ok to run from a fight. So really, your words of advice should be directed at the roamers, since they are the ones trying to be dictatorial.


Friend, I want to remind you that what Anet introduced to this game is not balanced. Just like condi mirage, traper thief or one shot ele. So were they part of the game that needed to be adjusted? No. Did they stay for a long time? Yes. Was it wrong? Yes again. It is just the same thing. When all these happened, I was in this forums writing against those, as I thought they were wrong. Now I am doing the same thing. But maybe because of my frustration and anger, I am focused on the negative aspects more.


> > @"alain.1659" said:

> > Do i like gankers? No.


> Oh fun, let's do some more,

> Do you like cancer? No.

> Do you like taxes? No.

> Do you like natural disasters? No

Oh really kind. As I was not kind too, I will not comment on these.


> Nobody likes gankers, or more accurately, nobody likes to be the ganked, but obviously many will defend their right to being the ganker until their dying breath.


> What I find hilarious about all this of course, is that the real issue here is new players (newbs) or players running builds/gear designed for zerging, aka people at a marked disadvantage for 1v1, are the ones the roamers complain about - the ones running from them. The enemy roamers, players who are looking for 1v1 fights, are not (I imagine) running away on a mount, but are eager to get into the scrap.


> So really what roamers and gankers are crying over, is that now the only players who will 1v1 them are other players who are built for 1v1, meaning they are on equal footing, and they no longer have easy prey to target, players who out of necessity are running builds/gear that put them at a mathematical disadvantage for 1v1.


Roamers and gankers are two really seperate groups. Please learn what roamers really do.


I wrote the problems on this in a previous post, as an answer, please refer to that.


> I would never call these types of roamers bad players; their own outcries have done that. I don't even have to call them hypocrites, because again, their own arguments have pronounced this.


> If those types of players quit the game because of the mount, because they don't like what it does on an "OPEN BATTLEFIELD" where players have the "freedom and ability do divise your own tactics", and where "every tactic is viable", than I'm sorry they feel that way, and they either have to learn to adapt, or just quit playing the game mode - y'know, exactly what every other player who was getting ganked prior to the Warclaw had to do. Funny that, eh?


Again they adapted. And that made life more difficult. But I guess you do not experience such things in your server am I right? I mean, you cannot miss a gank squad on warclaw, rushing to any camp with swords on it, killing people before capturing it. Man, I am starting to think that I really have a sh.tty server.


> As I've said many times before: balanced.

Not really. But it can be. It was not balanced in the beginning, and it was nerfed quite hard. It is Anet's style and you all experienced it in several skills, builds, professions etc. It will be nerfed or at least will be countered in some ways. The devs are working on a dismount trap for this very reason.


> I also must apologize, as I've purposefully avoided getting into these conversations lately, as ignorance is pretty difficult to overcome with a forum post, but @"alain.1659" 's post just caught me on a bad morning lol.


I feel really special thanks :) But again you missed all the part where the problems about warclaw being not only about ganking or fighting. But this discussion is made billion times and it is my mistake to write about it again.






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> @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > > @"noot.8641" said:

> > > > @"Aridon.8362" said:

> > > > > @"noot.8641" said:

> > > > > The warclaw is the worst thing ever brought into wvw, it totally destroyed the purpose of roamer classes. I’m sure you “blobbers” like it because you get to your zerg faster when u rallybot all the time, but if you are a roamer it sucks when u can’t pick the fights u want. It’s fun getting chased by 10 people, 1 keeping you in combat while the rest mounts up and kitten you up. They need to nerf the warclaw, so it just is a transportation tool with low hp pool, and not going faster than the 33% swiftness speed.

> > > >

> > > > Your reasoning is flawed, as a zerger I hated running around the map for minutes on end looking for fights, if you leave I'm okay with it, I never really thought roamers were useful when I played anyway, even when they cried and cried about how "useful" they were. We have SPvP if you have to 1v1 so badly you can do so with players over there. Honestly I would prefer it if all roamers left because they think they're so good because they can 1 shot a guy or poke and prod slowpokes, you're like the equivalent of that guy in wow who doesn't clean their room and all he does is camp low levels for fun because he knows he sucks when it comes to actually working with other people in an mmo.

> > >

> > > Lol, ofcourse a blobber will say this.. You will protect the mount because you are one of those ppls always getting ganked in the backline because u can’t stay on the tag. So yeah, the mount for “noobs” like you is a gift of god, because you feel like we can’t touch you anymore.

> > > You have to understand that not everyone in wvw is a blobber like you, wvw isn’t only made for blobbers btw. It’s obvious you don’t play wvw much since u say roamers add nothing to wvw, who will flip the camps, who will soften blobs by taking out the backlines, who will kill the reinforcements trying to get back to the blob?

> > > Your reasoning is actually flawed man, stop protecting the mount because you get ganked all the time without it. It’s matter of getting good.

> > > If the mounts stay “OP” like they are now, WvW will slowly die. You can already see it.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> > LOL, of course a ganker will say this. You hate the mount because you can't gank people not set up for 1v1 because you can't sPvP. So yeah, the mount for "gankers" like you is a bane, because you feel like you can't gank noobs anymore.

> >

> > You have to understand that not everyone in WvW is a ganker like you, WvW isn't only made for gankers btw. It's obvious you don't play WvW much since you seem to think that ganking helps your server win matches, who will take the keeps, who will take the towers, who will destroy other blobs?

> >

> > Your reasoning is actually flawed and selfish man, stop hating the mount because you can't gank all the time with it. It's a matter of getting good. If the mounts keep getting "Nerfed" like they are now, WvW will become stale and stagnant. You can already see it.


> What a very salty reply lol.


> @Aridon.8362


> Roamers are more important than you know. You sure as well won't bother to flip an enemy upgraded camp by your self, nor will you defend 1 by your self. If it wasn't for roamers/defenders then nothing will get upgraded because a zero of 40 people or so wont protect camps (unless other blob is there)




If I cared about PvE I would go to PvE land and PvE, if I wanted to play tower defense I would play They Are Billions, if I wanted to pvp I would SPvP. Also I've on several really competitive WvW guilds, the last one I was in made it to 2nd place in S1 gvg tournament, and to even get in you have to win duels and go through a trial period.


For the most part roamers are good for one thing, picking off slower people, 1 shotting people and calling themselves pros, and pveing in WvW, and calling out zergs for commanders who can't look at maps. If anything all you do is take up space in WvW, if you would leave you wouldn't impact WvW that much at all, you'd actually be doing me a service by leaving if you hate the Warclaw that much.


I remember the one thing I hated while being in WvW is the amount of time it took to look for a fight or receive one. The warclaw is extremely healthy for WvW, and even though I don't play this game that much anymore, I can tell you after my 5 years of playing this, this has solved the number one problem with RBL.

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Most players on warclaw will immediately use triple leap(dodge) the moment they're being attacked. Yes, they have a high chance of escaping after that, but imagine **a player burning all their dodges** at the first sign of an attack :sweat_smile:.


Using the terrain, imagine Alpine's SW camp. There's a wall and your opponent is on the opposite side. He/she needs to circle clockwise/anti-clockwise but you can **move accordingly to keep the opponent from reaching you while contesting.**


**CC immunity & movement speed is essential for combat. Keep in mind being in combat doesn't effect mount speed**, they will out run you the moment if not already in combat(eg. By attacking it).


I have casual friends in game that doesn't have PoF. Give it a try playing without Warclaw (even being kept in combat unable to mount gets left behind, miss or late for the action). There's a clear advantage being on mount than on ground(be it being kept in combat etc while the opponent is mounted), worse for players that can't have one. I don't think its healthy introducing an advantage for a competative game mode and locking it behind a wall for players(new or old, mastery for an expansion).

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> @"Aridon.8362" said:

> > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > > @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> > > > @"noot.8641" said:

> > > > > @"Aridon.8362" said:

> > > > > > @"noot.8641" said:

> > > > > > The warclaw is the worst thing ever brought into wvw, it totally destroyed the purpose of roamer classes. I’m sure you “blobbers” like it because you get to your zerg faster when u rallybot all the time, but if you are a roamer it sucks when u can’t pick the fights u want. It’s fun getting chased by 10 people, 1 keeping you in combat while the rest mounts up and kitten you up. They need to nerf the warclaw, so it just is a transportation tool with low hp pool, and not going faster than the 33% swiftness speed.

> > > > >

> > > > > Your reasoning is flawed, as a zerger I hated running around the map for minutes on end looking for fights, if you leave I'm okay with it, I never really thought roamers were useful when I played anyway, even when they cried and cried about how "useful" they were. We have SPvP if you have to 1v1 so badly you can do so with players over there. Honestly I would prefer it if all roamers left because they think they're so good because they can 1 shot a guy or poke and prod slowpokes, you're like the equivalent of that guy in wow who doesn't clean their room and all he does is camp low levels for fun because he knows he sucks when it comes to actually working with other people in an mmo.

> > > >

> > > > Lol, ofcourse a blobber will say this.. You will protect the mount because you are one of those ppls always getting ganked in the backline because u can’t stay on the tag. So yeah, the mount for “noobs” like you is a gift of god, because you feel like we can’t touch you anymore.

> > > > You have to understand that not everyone in wvw is a blobber like you, wvw isn’t only made for blobbers btw. It’s obvious you don’t play wvw much since u say roamers add nothing to wvw, who will flip the camps, who will soften blobs by taking out the backlines, who will kill the reinforcements trying to get back to the blob?

> > > > Your reasoning is actually flawed man, stop protecting the mount because you get ganked all the time without it. It’s matter of getting good.

> > > > If the mounts stay “OP” like they are now, WvW will slowly die. You can already see it.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > LOL, of course a ganker will say this. You hate the mount because you can't gank people not set up for 1v1 because you can't sPvP. So yeah, the mount for "gankers" like you is a bane, because you feel like you can't gank noobs anymore.

> > >

> > > You have to understand that not everyone in WvW is a ganker like you, WvW isn't only made for gankers btw. It's obvious you don't play WvW much since you seem to think that ganking helps your server win matches, who will take the keeps, who will take the towers, who will destroy other blobs?

> > >

> > > Your reasoning is actually flawed and selfish man, stop hating the mount because you can't gank all the time with it. It's a matter of getting good. If the mounts keep getting "Nerfed" like they are now, WvW will become stale and stagnant. You can already see it.

> >

> > What a very salty reply lol.

> >

> > @Aridon.8362

> >

> > Roamers are more important than you know. You sure as well won't bother to flip an enemy upgraded camp by your self, nor will you defend 1 by your self. If it wasn't for roamers/defenders then nothing will get upgraded because a zero of 40 people or so wont protect camps (unless other blob is there)

> >

> >


> If I cared about PvE I would go to PvE land and PvE, if I wanted to play tower defense I would play They Are Billions, if I wanted to pvp I would SPvP. Also I've on several really competitive WvW guilds, the last one I was in made it to 2nd place in S1 gvg tournament, and to even get in you have to win duels and go through a trial period.


> For the most part roamers are good for one thing, picking off slower people, 1 shotting people and calling themselves pros, and pveing in WvW, and calling out zergs for commanders who can't look at maps. If anything all you do is take up space in WvW, if you would leave you wouldn't impact WvW that much at all, you'd actually be doing me a service by leaving if you hate the Warclaw that much.


> I remember the one thing I hated while being in WvW is the amount of time it took to look for a fight or receive one. The warclaw is extremely healthy for WvW, and even though I don't play this game that much anymore, I can tell you after my 5 years of playing this, this has solved the number one problem with RBL.


You are clearly confused with the difference between a roamer and a ganker if you only think they "they think they are pro" for 1 shotting



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> @"alain.1659" said:

> > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > @"alain.1659" said:

> > >

> > > Now if I want to roam, I cannot do it with my favourite builds and professions, as 1 person on warclaw can contest a camp for minutes if I cannot bring him down without spending all my offense and defense. So what am I forced to do? To play a build/profession that can burst someone down. Yey.

> >

> > I don't normally get triggered by anything in forums, even while being attacked directly. But with all due respect, I'm really getting tired of seeing statements like this because they are either greatly embellished or the players posting them are so inept that it's questionable if they understand enough about the game to even be discussing competitive balance. I am seriously not trying to be insulting here, but to even respond to such a claim, there is no other way to state the kinds of responses you are about to read. Each and every time I hear this "Warclaws can contest nodes forever and I can't dismount it" claim, here is what I think:

> >

> > 1. What is wrong with either the build you're running or your play, that you cannot down a 10k health target that has no protection, no cleanse, no healing, only 3 evades with no other defensive skills, that is attempting to ride circles around you at mid range? Or why could you not at least make it run away from you, from the cap you are holding or trying to take?

> > 2. Every single class/build in Guild Wars 2 has mid ranged attacked that will at least deal around 1k damage on strikes worst case scenario while something like Minstrel. In the rare event that a build is almost full melee like a Spellbreaker or Herald, the designers have presented these builds with an enormous amount of long distance gap closers & instant strike teleportations.

> > 3. Worst possible cast scenario: Someone is running a mace/mace Core Warrior that is only level 20 who is wearing blue quality gear bought from Queensdale with atrociously poor single stats, he doesn't have any gap closer skills and no swiftness, and he wasn't even smart enough to equip a 2nd weapon on the swap. He encounters an ultimate invulnerable godlike Warclaw rider who is able to run around him in circles and never be dismounted. Well, until the lv.20 Warrior kid figures out to put a rifle on his weapon swap. After equipping literally anything with any stat that has any ranged attack at all, despite his terrible poor low level setup, he will be able to dismount a Warclaw rider in probably about 6 to 7 strikes, and the Warclaw won't be able to run and hide from a ranged 1 spam for very long. My question to those claiming "Warclaw can contest a node under me forever and I cannot down it" is this: If a rando lv 20 with blue gear can equip a rifle and down a Warclaw in 6-7 strikes with literally any ranged weapon, why can't you? Let's go through a list here: Spellbreaker, try throwing your GS 4 and using your unholy amount of gap closers "that all deal damage mind you", including rampage - Herald, try TELEPORTING AT IT - Guardians and Dragonhunters, TRY TELEPORTING AT IT or using scepter/longbow- Firebrands, you have plenty of random condi spam and other random ranged attacks between scepter and staff, use them - All Engis, every other thing you do is ranged, use it - All Rangers, be a Ranger, and range it - All Thieves, kitten alright listen, even your shortbow 5 mobility is actually an attack, chase the Warclaw with it, try stealing at it with Mug, try all of your other various teleport attacks, select DE use a rifle - All Necros, wow can you seriously not hit a Warclaw that is riding around you in circles with the god awful amount of random mid ranged AoE, axe 1 & 2 spams, scepter spams, staff AoEs? Get real guys, come on man, get real. - All Mesmers, everything a Mesmer does is ranged, try using it - All Eles, worst case scenario you're running minstrel but you are able to stack yourself to 25 might, you deal both power and condi damage, with almost every single attack that you have, and almost every single attack that you have is mid ranged. Try attacking the Warclaw.

> > 4. Furthermore, I just want to point out that when you roam and try to take supply camps, you don't run god awful slow support zerg builds with no damage or mobility or disengage or chase potential. Worst case scenario, you're trying to chase around a Warclaw with a Support Firebrand or Support Tempest ect ect, what are you doing and why are you doing that? Did you expect to catch anything or anyone, regardless of if it was on a Warclaw or not, and did you seriously expect to be able to beat that person in a 1v1, regardless of if it is on a Warclaw or not, with no damage output and no mobility and no chase potential? Come on guys, get real. Let's look at this debacle in a sensical way, please. When you roam, you use: FAST Warriors, Thieves, Rangers, Sometimes Engis with Rocket Boots who have rifles, Mesmers, Eles with high ranged DPS.

> >

> > I don't see what the problem is here. If anyone wants to respond with actual explanation behind this claim, I'd love to hear.

> >


> Friend, you need to experience the thing to understand it. Sorry but all you are assuming that someone is circling around you with a warclaw, and this continues forever until you kill that person. What happens in reality? In real thing someone (I just did that myself) circles around you, using line of sight and well timed dodges against a non burst opponent. And again, all you need to do is contest the point long enough to have support from other players (again just did it myself).


> What is wrong with your assumption is that you are thinking only in 1v1 scenerio where you just need to dismount your opponent. No. What you need is to take the camp before reinforcements arrive. And if your server has low numbers (I assume that your server has no issue on numbers) and your enemy has higher, reinforcements will come. Oh, you can burst down your target if you push with many builds true, but most of them will lose valuable offense and utility skills to do that. The issue is not the 1v1 part but the roaming and the camp part. Before this, I was ok with playing bruiser builds. Now I have to play bursty builds to clear the camp fast enough, or at least burst down the person on mount and kill him before reinforcements arrive.


> I hope this makes sense. If not, please try to do this with your mount. Use line of sight and ask for reinforcements. You will see how easy it will be to guard your camps. We started to do this everyday. It works really well.

> Solution? Prevent contesting points on warclaw.

> Another solution? Make warclaw cc'able.


Thank you for at least trying to explain, but from my perspective "someone who knows the combat system in Guild Wars 2 very well from the perspective of all classes" this still doesn't make any sense to me, and here are the reasons why:


1. You said this: "you are assuming that someone is circling around you with a warclaw, and this continues forever until you kill that person." and then immediately after telling me that I am assuming this, you said this: What happens in reality? In real thing someone (I just did that myself) **circles around you**, using line of sight and well timed dodges against a non burst opponent. So as you can see, I am not assuming anything. People are literally stating this over and over.

2. You said this: "all you need to do is contest the point long enough to have support from other players (again just did it myself)" As if this wasn't happening before Warclaws? As if it were a new idea in GW2 to contest a node while waiting for team mates to show up. Dude this has going on for 7 years and absolutely nothing has changed. In spvp it's called a "Bunker".

3. You said this: "What is wrong with your assumption is that you are thinking only in 1v1 scenerio where you just need to dismount your opponent. No. What you need is to take the camp before reinforcements arrive. And if your server has low numbers (I assume that your server has no issue on numbers) and your enemy has higher, reinforcements will come. Oh, you can burst down your target if you push with many builds true, but most of them will lose valuable offense and utility skills to do that. The issue is not the 1v1 part but the roaming and the camp part. Before this, I was ok with playing bruiser builds. Now I have to play bursty builds to clear the camp fast enough, or at least burst down the person on mount and kill him before reinforcements arrive. " Nothing here makes any sense. First of all again, of course you need to take the camp before reinforcements arrive. **This is nothing new and the game has always worked this way.** In fact, this was harder to do when DPS was lower, years and years ago. The DPS is so high now that the Warclaw added in is sort of balancing factor in my opinion, which arguably makes it easier to kill players actually. The Warclaw has a very nasty 2s unbreakable CC when dismounted. For players running actual roamer builds, this makes it easier to kill Riders than it does to kill players who engage on foot. An unbreakable 2s CC is a serious drawback for pushing in mounted against a real roamer. Second of all, I have always played in T1 servers since day one. Third of all, it does not take multiple roamers to burst down 1 Warclaw in time to take a camp before reinforcements arrive. That is again, a greatly embellished statement. Fourthly, you say that you can no longer run Bruiser builds because now you have to play Burst builds to be able to clear a camp quickly enough. As if your Bruiser build was somehow out-mobilizing and catching Deadeyes & Soulbeasts over supply camps before Warclaw. Nothing has changed man. The dynamic is almost the exact same thing. The only real difference here is that people are indeed getting around the maps FASTER than they were before, which is probably what you are feeling. But the important thing to note is that it isn't that Invulnerable Warclaw GODS are contesting nodes for so long, it's that people are arriving places more quickly. <- Really think about that one.

4. You said: "please try to do this with your mount. Use line of sight and ask for reinforcements." Against what, 1 person? If there were even 2 half competent players present that you were trying to kite, you wouldn't be on your Warclaw for very long. See my explanation in my first post to you, about the kid with the lv 20 Core Warrior who equips a blue rifle. If there were two lv 20 Core Warriors with bad gear and bad builds wearing bad rifles, they'd dismount you in about 30s tops with #1 spam. And even if you were somehow a master at LOSing ranged, they'd eventually get smart and start smacking you through objects with melee. Once again, these claims of Warclaws contesting camps for so long just seem ridiculous. I have not once seen this happen since Warclaw release. And I'm not speaking from "My 1v1 experiences" No, I mean I have never shown up to a node and seen some guy struggling his ass off to down a Warclaw before I got there. It's just never happened man.


I believe people are unreasonably and illogically complaining about Warclaw because it's new and it's there, without actually stopping to think about if anything has really changed at all. Again again, the only thing that has really changed, is that people are now moving around the map faster.


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> @"UmbraNoctis.1907" said:

> Being able to pick fights was the only advantage of roamers and neccessary to handle outnumbered situations.


Partially disagree. Your scenario only currently applies while the roamer is in enemy territory. In friendly territory, your warclaw runs faster than that of your opponent, so again, you can get away in an outnumbered situation.


In enemy territory? Yeah, you're going to be at a disadvantage in the scenario described above, but then, I've also witnessed several times, enemy players (Mesmers/Thieves/Engineers/Eles/Rangers) fleeing an outnumbered fight and escape/evading, either through mobility skills, stealth skills, or a combination of the two.


The roamer aslo remains at an advantage when you are trying to chase down an enemy player In your territory, provided of course they can dismount them.


> @"UmbraNoctis.1907" said:

> The mount takes away from the roamers without compensation and gives to the zerglings without any trade-off.


I agree, but what is so frustrating is that, in my opinion, roamers don't seem to understand/acknowledge that pre-warclaw, the game was NOT on an even footing.

It isn't as if pre-warclaw it was Roamers - 100% / Everyone else - 100%, and now with the warclaw it's Roamers - 80% / Everyone else - 120%.


Those who played the high mobility roaming builds had an advantage over every other build out there. In essence pre-warclaw it was Roamers - 120% / Everyone else - 80%


So I completely agree that the warclaw took from roamers and gave to everyone else, only now, both are at 100%


In other words: balanced.


I'd also like to add that it's well and cute that roamers want to make this all a "roamers" vs "zergling" issue, always of course denigrating the "zergling", but hey, at least nobody has accused all people who zerg of being alt-right Trump supporters, so we haven't circled the drain completely yet. But nobody seems to want to acknowledge that there are roamers who like the Warclaw. There are roamers who now can run different builds, different runes, or different professions now with the warclaw, and that has been a positive change for them.


> @"UmbraNoctis.1907" said:

>Which indirectly worsens issues even many zerglings are complaining about, such as lag, PvD, "empty" maps, server stacking and population imbalance.


The lag is certainly an issue, but given how the mount won't be going anywhere ever, I see no point in bringing it up; rather it is now up to ANET to find a technical solution, as will it is worse now with the warclaw, skill lag has always been present, and should have been addressed a long time ago.


As for PvD, empty maps, server stacking and population imbalance....are we going to start saying now that the warclaw is responsible for climate change and for Hilary Clinton losing the 2016 election as well? Sorry, unless you can provide more detail on how you can attribute the warclaw to any of those issues, you're just reaching.


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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"UmbraNoctis.1907" said:

> > Being able to pick fights was the only advantage of roamers and neccessary to handle outnumbered situations.


> Partially disagree. Your scenario only currently applies while the roamer is in enemy territory. In friendly territory, your warclaw runs faster than that of your opponent, so again, you can get away in an outnumbered situation.


> In enemy territory? Yeah, you're going to be at a disadvantage in the scenario described above, but then, I've also witnessed several times, enemy players (Mesmers/Thieves/Engineers/Eles/Rangers) fleeing an outnumbered fight and escape/evading, either through mobility skills, stealth skills, or a combination of the two.


> The roamer aslo remains at an advantage when you are trying to chase down an enemy player In your territory, provided of course they can dismount them.


> > @"UmbraNoctis.1907" said:

> > The mount takes away from the roamers without compensation and gives to the zerglings without any trade-off.


> I agree, but what is so frustrating is that, in my opinion, roamers don't seem to understand/acknowledge that pre-warclaw, the game was NOT on an even footing.

> It isn't as if pre-warclaw it was Roamers - 100% / Everyone else - 100%, and now with the warclaw it's Roamers - 80% / Everyone else - 120%.


> Those who played the high mobility roaming builds had an advantage over every other build out there. In essence pre-warclaw it was Roamers - 120% / Everyone else - 80%


> So I completely agree that the warclaw took from roamers and gave to everyone else, only now, both are at 100%


> In other words: balanced.


> I'd also like to add that it's well and cute that roamers want to make this all a "roamers" vs "zergling" issue, always of course denigrating the "zergling", but hey, at least nobody has accused all people who zerg of being alt-right Trump supporters, so we haven't circled the drain completely yet. But nobody seems to want to acknowledge that there are roamers who like the Warclaw. There are roamers who now can run different builds, different runes, or different professions now with the warclaw, and that has been a positive change for them.


> > @"UmbraNoctis.1907" said:

> >Which indirectly worsens issues even many zerglings are complaining about, such as lag, PvD, "empty" maps, server stacking and population imbalance.


> The lag is certainly an issue, but given how the mount won't be going anywhere ever, I see no point in bringing it up; rather it is now up to ANET to find a technical solution, as will it is worse now with the warclaw, skill lag has always been present, and should have been addressed a long time ago.


> As for PvD, empty maps, server stacking and population imbalance....are we going to start saying now that the warclaw is responsible for climate change and for Hilary Clinton losing the 2016 election as well? Sorry, unless you can provide more detail on how you can attribute the warclaw to any of those issues, you're just reaching.

Arent classes that were generally used for roaming balanced around having higher mobility than other classes? Did other classes lose somthing for gained mobility or did high mobility classes gain somthing? Missed it if they did I gues.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> Arent classes that were generally used for roaming balanced around having higher mobility than other classes? Did other classes lose somthing for gained mobility or did >high mobility classes gain somthing? Missed it if they did I gues.


Ok, then tell me this: what were high mobility roaming builds sacrificing, exactly, for all that mobility? Damage? Defenses?


Let's have a look shall we:




Deadeye / Core Thief


High burst, High Active Defenses, High mobility for attack / High mobility for escape


Compared to:

Core Guard

Shiro Revenant

Core/Reaper Necro

Spellbreaker (though I think they have sick mobility, didn't feel right putting them up top. On the fence here)


High burst, Medium Active Defenses, Med/Poor mobility for attack / Poor mobility for escape


While the second group does have higher health pools, they can still be burst into downed state within seconds, just like the first group.


So really, what are the high mobility builds sacrificing?


Of course, if someone wants to argue that Boonbeast/Mirage/Holosmith/Deadeye has inferior burst and inferior defenses, that would make my argument false, and I am all ears. By all means link me to that discussion.


So no, I disagree with you. The 4 classes I listed above were preferred by some players because they had high-mobility on top of their burst and defenses. And is it any wonder that if you ran into a roamer (pre-warclaw), it was almost always one of the 4 in the top list?


With the Warclaw, the lower mobility roamers are now on par with the high ones as far as movement / attacking, while escaping a fight probably still sucks for all but SB.


So to answer your question, no, nothing was given to the high mobility builds since they already had the advantage over the low mobility ones. The Warclaw helps to even things out between them, though I think many would agree the high mobility builds still have an advantage because once they engage, they can still escape if things go poorly.


* apologies to all who play Elementalist, as that's the one class I've never played so don't know enough to discuss strengths/weaknesses




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Thief has lowest hp,one ok block if slated in the utility alot.its has evades and ports to counter balance its lack of hp,blocks and invulnerability skills it doesnt have. sword,dagger(except MBS) and pistol all do garbage dps and the burst is lower than other classes with way more sustain ie holo,soulbeast,warrior,rev and guard lmoa. Thief does decent damage through few cheese one trick burst and that's it, it has so many downsides these days to powercreep. Only weapon that does decent dps is staff through vault spam(real fun) and rifle(not great any more really) thief cant really lose its mobility advantage to war claw especially since it's been losing ground in mobility as it is with classes getting mobility buffs over the last couple years.GO try facing any other with dd,s/d or p/d without using cheap invisibility backstab methods and see how trading blows goes for u.ull not only see why thief players resort to cheap methods but also why they need evade and ports to run away lol

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I appreciated your responses, but I'm afraid if we keep quoting/pasting, the server might explode.


Let me state a few things that might address some of discussion points we have going back/forth.


1. While the Warclaw does give a boost to poor and inexperienced players, both existed before the Warclaw, and it isn't logical to conclude that by introducing the mount, we will now see an increase in poor players (inexperienced? let's hope we see more of those, because that means new players entering the game mode). In any case, what difference does it make if poor players die outside of their garri, outside of ruins, or near the tag they didn't follow? They will continue to die and be ineffective, no matter how fast they can travel on a mount.


2. Players have reported they like WvW more now with the mount, roamers, zerglings, PvEers, and everyone in between. The vocal posters tend to be the negative ones, so the majority of posts we see on these forums are from people saying this killed the game for them. That doesn't mean the Warclaw is 'bad', since we aren't hearing from all the players the mount has brought / returned to the game mode. In any case, the mount is here, it won't be going anywhere. The discussion should be about how to balance the mount, not whether it should be here or not. Those stuck in that groove should just either quit the game, or start making posts about "GW2 Vanilla servers"


3. I fully understand the difference between roamers and gankers, but funny enough, many gankers seem to mistakenly think they are roamers. The core complaint I see over and over again is that the players ill equipped to 1v1 a roamer are now able to avoid an unfavorable fight. With the warclaw, roamers looking to 1v1 each other can find each other much faster now because of mobility and sniff. So this suggests to me that the complaints are coming from players who enjoy easily defeating non-roamers; or maybe even that they are not skilled enough to successfully fight other roamers 1v1. My heart bleeds for their loss.


4. I've never had any issue with being ambushed while I was traveling from A to B (which is my personal definition of being ganked). Someone attacking me while I'm trying to flip a camp or sentry isn't ganking, they are defending or stealing the objective. I also don't really have an issue with the tactic of ambushing players on the way from A to B, as I've said before, it's a logical tactic. BUT, where I have a problem is when I'm told I shouldn't be allowed to avoid being ambushed by using the Warclaw; that I should just bend over and take it because PvP, all the while those comments are coming from players who choose high mobility classes which enable them to avoid fights they didn't want. Pure hypocrisy. If WvW was balanced in such a way that we didn't have to make such drastic gear/build choices between roaming and zerging, I'd have no problem with fighting anywhere. But the fact is, the people complaining are championing g a double standard, and are angry now that they don't get to enjoy 1-sided fights anymore. Contemptible.


5. I actually don't like the warclaw. That might surprise some, maybe, but I actually preferred WvW the way it was before they introduced it. I'm also on record as saying I didn't want them to introduce mounts. But the fact is we have mounts, and everyone, roamers, zerg player and everyone in between, just needs to adapt to the new WvW which includes a mount. Is the warclaw a positive addition to the game? I think overwhelmingly it is. Still doesn't change that I preferred WvW the way it was before.


In any case, like every other MMO ever, the developer makes a change, and players scream. Some will quit, others will return or join for the first time. The world will continue to turn. And Fox networks will still deserve to burn in hell for cancelling Firefly. /shrug




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Ok, so it seems one of the main, if not only argument zergers have is to throw out the word "ganker", as if its something dirty and as if attacking the person that way invalidates their argument, mostly because they don't have one. Address the post, not the poster.


However, I would like to express a few things about ganking. Most ganking groups will be able to kill a single person on a mount assuming the ganking group has ANY skill as ganking is defined as highly out numbering someone for a kill, in most cases however gankers are of LOWER skill, and need the numbers to win. What this hurts are actual roamers, who are solo or duo and can't do much vs someone who knows how to use a mount. Roamers are also just as much at risk, if not more of being ganked than zergers. As roamers are alone 90% of the time, but zergers are only alone after defeat running back to the protection of their zerg. Being a roamer does not give you some magical pass on getting ganked as those throwing out the term seem to think. If anything roamers are ganked ALL the time, mostly by zergers who will run 20+ deep after one person, this is VERY common. It is also the only way most of those in that group would ever kill that roamer because of the difference in skill levels, which is what actually defines "ganking".


Another excuse is that you can kill the mount. Outside of glass rangers, this is not easy if at all possible if the mounted person actually wants to get away and has any kind of dodging skill. Because I see them and they see me, they are already mounted, and getting on my mount would do nothing, as we would remain the same distance until they get to their group and they then try and gank me. So what I have to do if I want ANY kind of fight out of it, is hope I am close enough and blow ALL of my gap closers and then blow all of my DPS CDs to kill the mount and HOPE they don't use any of the 3 dodges they have. And even if I do kill the mount, I still have to kill the player who has fresh HP and no active CDs, while I am full CD.


Most of my fights as a roamer are also out numbered, it is very rare to have a 1vs1 fight unless it's vs another roamer, however I do not complain about it or ask for something to be added that allows me to skip any fight I don't think I can win. What I do is fight the best I can and use it as a lesson to get better. Very few do this, and it's mostly other roamers who will, I will often kill another roamer and I will get PM's from time to time but not that often, and when I do, it's almost always positive, or a request to fight again 1vs1. Almost all of the negative or salty PM's come from zergers who were trying to gank and ended up getting killed anyway, rather than admit they got beat even when they out numbered someone, they default to cheating/hacking claims. This is by no means new, however the mount reinforces this and hands these people a blanket of protection from any aspects they don't like.

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