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Gw2 F2p trailer

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> @"castlemanic.3198" said:

> > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > oh... we have to have the part 'getting owned by a bunny' somewhere in the trailer :lol:


> Get the champion jackalope from jahai bluffs to make an appearance because dear god the huge shift from the curious bunny chase to getting my butt handed to me when it suddenly turned into a champion and literally kicked me off of the cliff. So we DO have the bunny of death actually in game.


Er...we have for a while now: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Champion_Rabbit


This guy can literally one-shot you. That ANET sends us to fight this boss without so much as a holy hand grenade is unconscionable.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> Er...we have for a while now: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Champion_Rabbit


> This guy can literally one-shot you. That ANET sends us to fight this boss without so much as a holy hand grenade is unconscionable.


I don't play fractals so i never knew about this, but that is absolutely glorious to hear about

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> @"castlemanic.3198" said:

> > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > oh... we have to have the part 'getting owned by a bunny' somewhere in the trailer :lol:


> Get the champion jackalope from jahai bluffs to make an appearance because dear god the huge shift from the curious bunny chase to getting my butt handed to me when it suddenly turned into a champion and literally kicked me off of the cliff. So we DO have the bunny of death actually in game.


oh shit, totally forgot about that bunny...


massive zerg fighting a single bunny and get owned hard, we have to have it in the trailer :lol:

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Here adding my brick to the wall.

Feedback about the ones I watched:


-The Original Post, general trailer:

Feels very weird, but in same time sum up very well the annoying thing we do since the beginning: hunt dragons, kill dragons, a story of dragons staring dragons. Dragons wars 2. What is sad is, zero hints about PvP/WvW, showing here only cooperation.

Nothing about exploration, lore and stunning environments. (Key points of gw2 for me, no I haven't played gw1)


-The tourism ones:

At the contrary, found them great showing the map but not too much giving the envy to explore.


-All have been summoned ones:

My brain crashed.

It also told me stop the graphics!

Melting RL with In game isn't a good idea.


Overall Impression:

Too short for me, at least maybe around 25-30 secs, not enough time to show the things that matter, if I used to see that main trailer, I would have not joined Gw2.

I joined it because my big brother told how great the game was, the main evil organizations, story, the environments fauna and flora. That's why now, I still love Inquest, due to their labs and lore not because they are studying dragons!

Why playing asuras? They are cute and have an important past!


If I have to say what I love in gw2, nothing have the word dragon. Why? Everywhere, classic, boring, cliché!

The op trailer just feel like a generic mobile game, not an awesome pc game (a thing that gw2 is!). It's a useless trailer for me, would do more of them in the tourism style but in core tyria maps.


Constructive feedback. I love gw2, but those trailers don't reflect what this game is.

It gave me shivers in a bad way o_o, I don't recognize the characters, how they are rendered even the weapons I just feel like it's not the same game!

Name when looking at the trailer: Dragon Fighters Ultimate on mobile



How I would do for general trailers:

Like the one from A bug in the system:

1~Travelling within peaceful maps

(E.g metrica province or caledon)


2~Something goes wrong

(E.g showing risens in Gorr's lab/ corrupted maps like orr)


3~A glorious end?

(E.g showing the cannon from pact mothership shooting at zhaitan)


4~whut? Surprise!

(E.g showing zhaitan destroying that cannon)


5- The end. Can be adapted for any race, any dragon.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> I like that 11 Million Strong tagline. I dunno how many people actively play each month, 100k or 400k or actually 11 million. But Bragging about numbers, about how many people have accounts feels like a smart plan.


Its kind of a weird subject, if someone makes some research on it they may not feel incluned to enagge with the game based on the 11mil claim.

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Honestly, I didn't like the tourism ad with the Citadel. As a gamer, I'd just be at best momentarily, dismissively perplexed. It lacks context and engagement. Even as a GW2 player, I found it underwhelming. To make something like that work, I wonder if you'd need sharper humour and more player-type characters involved in the scene, emoting and chatting?


One thing I never see in ads for GW2 is the gameplay. I know, gameplay can be a bad thing to try to sell a systems heavy game on, because unlike something such as a shooter, it's not immediately obvious to those unfamiliar with the game what is even happening. However putting that to one side for a moment, this game has excellent gameplay that helps it to stand out. With a bit of care this can be conveyed to anyone. Reminiscent of the old videos made before release to showcase some flavour skills for announced Professions, but reworked to suit a (shorter) ad for the game.




* Monster winds up a deadly attack? Elementalist uses Burning Speed to move out of harms' way and causes damage. It's flashy, shows something that can be understood (a movement skill) and with a bit of editing can be simple to grasp.

* Another player is hurt, cut to them crying out in pain as some monsters gain the upper hand, cut to their friend, playing a Guardian Dragonhunter, spotting them in trouble. Splice in some shots of them seeing the monsters, the friend, their friends HP bar shrinking, the Guardian soars through the air to land by their side on majestic wings, zoom in on the flashy glow of the landing, splice in a shot of that increasing their friends health by this action, then show the two proceed to kick the monsters butts.


These are moment to moment things that happen in GW2 all of the time, and in my opinion are part of what makes GW2 the best at what it does. I know plenty of people I've talked to had no idea the game was so dynamic. Show them.




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> @"Mike Silbowitz.1827" said:

> Ok. Lets' play it safe first. I'm showing you a tourism ad.


> [https://youtube.com/watch?v=1YC0-ZGcLTg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YC0-ZGcLTg "https://youtube.com/watch?v=1YC0-ZGcLTg")


> What do you think?


Not bad... but can you do the City of Arah? I'll be impressed if you guys can pull that off.

That said, one of the eternal battle in the Mists (PvP and WvW) would probably attract some new blood as well.

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> @"dace.8019" said:

> One thing I never see in ads for GW2 is the gameplay. (snip)


I know what you mean. I still love the class intro videos they did before original launch. Even though those were like the Rytlock Revenant bit in that they showed characters absolutely annihilating mobs with spells that in the game don't do one shots. Here is the fan video that used the official ANet releases, editing and setting them perfectly to TSFH's Protectors of the Earth. (This is the original version -- the creator did another one after the Mesmer video was released but that killed the perfect pacing to the music imo).


I watched that video over and over again. I buttonholed people at parties to show it to them. I shoved it in my family's faces, hoping one of them might finally want to try an MMO. Something like that is what ANet should be striving for now. Please, more of these showcase videos that show off the game animation and action!


Edit: Ok, here is the version with the mesmer, since it's a better resolution than the copy above (I promise, the original was plenty sharp when I was watching it in 2012):

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> @"Mike Silbowitz.1827" said:

> I love the standard you hold us to. We will release a plethora of assets to engage many different audiences. CG won't work on you and I am glad you are already a strong part of our community. Hopefully we engage some new players into our community.


In order to engage a PvP audience, you could use actual in game footage, and in that regard we are sitting on a gold mine, like this :




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> @"Mike Silbowitz.1827" said:

> > @"Erasculio.2914" said:

> > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > On Reddit, there's a theory that this was actually meant for one of the other projects ArenaNet had been working on and, since those projects were cancelled, the videos have been repurposed. The first video does feel like an add for a mobile game, doesn't it?


> 100 percent not accurate. All these videos were made specifically for GW2 with the specific intention of bringing new players into our vibrant community.


I am still yet to understand what's going on ._.

How does this videos can bring players to the game?


I kinda liked the 1st video.



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