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Most annoying monster in GW2

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Awakened canid gets my vote for chasing you over half of the map in case you want to escape. If you choose to fight, then better have some stun break otherwise you don't have a chance since they will knock you down, do dmg during the time you are down and if you somehow manage to get up, they will knock you down again.-then rinse and repeat.

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not a mob but the kid in Free City of Amnoon in Crystal Oasis when trying to get the daily vista on the pipe. They put that kid there throwing water balloons at you so you're in combat and can't get the vista. It was funny on the first day but the kid is still there chucking balloons for one goal: to annoy you.


But mob wise, i say canids with their knockdown and damage after. if i'm on my mesmer, its a guarantee down state.

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I think I agree with most listed here;

Smoke scales & Dust mites

Most PoF enemies, mainly due to the stupidly large aggro range they have so you can't stop to do anything for 2secs without being in combat.

Chill/freeze spam in Bitterfrost, especially in the days before mounts & speedy gathering tools/glyphs

The mordrem thrasher champ that appears on the left side of iron marches, that just always seems to screw me over.

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> @"fill.3106" said:

> not a mob but the kid in Free City of Amnoon in Crystal Oasis when trying to get the daily vista on the pipe. They put that kid there throwing water balloons at you so you're in combat and can't get the vista. It was funny on the first day but the kid is still there chucking balloons for one goal: to annoy you.


> But mob wise, i say canids with their knockdown and damage after. if i'm on my mesmer, its a guarantee down state.


Much easier vista for daily is over by the docks. No water balloons, and if you have the Lily of Elon pass it's a swift skimmer ride to the vista.


Mobs: Harpy Spellbreaker and most any mushroom are the most aggravating to me. The evade-for-days griffins are annoying, too, but only due to how they slow down the fight. Harpies and mushrooms are *murderous*. And the jacarandas, yes, they're not hard to kill but they are nasty ambushers. I wouldn't mind them so much if there wasn't one hovering near the little shrine just north of the Sunspear Refuge wp. That one is just there to troll us ><

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"phs.6089" said:

> > Most annoying? Every single trash in Bitterfrost that chills you for near 100 years, lol.

> > But seriously? White mantle in Doric and Bloodstone Fen

> > There was like a booklet made a while ago, among other statistic information it had mob/player kill/dead ratio.

> > The top onece were Stone Djinns and Skelks. I can't find it regrettably

> >


> https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/celebrating-six-years-of-guild-wars-2/


so buff skelks?

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Most annoying? I could go on about the Canids and the Scarabs... Indeed, those immediately sprang to mind. But I have thought of a mob of foes even more aggravating to fight - to the point where I will just avoid any contact with them at all at this point. I am talking about the Joko Loyalists in Domain of Kourna. Large spawning mob in a cavern system bringing to mind memories of Queensdale bandit cave sounds fun (at least to me). Except these mobs drop no loot (not even the Karmic Retribution), no experience, no bonus for Bloodlust. They are essentially ambient creatures for all intents and purposes, except they can actually put you in combat and waste your time fighting them before you can mount up and leave after collecting the ore/stashes in the cave.

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I play certain maps more than others due to farm and I regularly encounter these annoying ones:


1. smokescale

2. snow griffon or icebrood wolf

3. vet icebrood troll


Why... because they miraculously manage to land a hit and get you in combat while evading... then there's CC that you cannot break out of (vet troll). Idk little things like chill are annoying to me... especially if it's spammable.

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Freaking desert Branded Griffons.


Absolutely no enemy is more annoying than these because of their incessant evade spam.


* Lions? Mites? Scarabs? Just go ranged or spam an AoE or multi-attack skills to eat the blinds.

* Smokescales? It's just jump to the left, they leave the smoke, you kill them.

* Hydras? Just keep flanking them. They won't hit you, they'll go down eventually.

* Djinns? Save CC until they get the breakbar, break bar, burst down, dead.

* Jacarandas? Just push them near a wall and bring a couple of disables, they'll stop moving away and healing.

* Mordrem snipers? Don't stand on the line, get close, one CC, a few hits, dead.

* Awakened canids? Just don't stand still, interrupt after they pop up from the ground, wack-a-mole, dead.

* White Mantle? Just bring large AoEs. Their teamwork goes \*poof* when you hit all of them at the same time.

* Same with pocket raptors. One hard hitting aoe, they dead.

* Harpy Spellbreakers? Just break their defiance bar, their bubble goes away.

* Reef Drakes? Interrupt the tail sweep, move away from breath, you don't get blind or confusion, no more problem.

* Chak swarms? Kill the zappers ASAP, then the bracers with CC to remove invulnerable, bunch them up and walk in circles around them hitting. Keep moving, they never hit you anymore.

* Mushrooms? Keep moving in circles around them, they'll keep charging and jumping against walls instead you. Take the bombers first and they won't outnumber you.

* Bitterfrost corrupted griffons? Just CC, they go down. No more problem.


But freaking desert branded griffons take AGES to kill because of the constant evades, and although they can be interrupted before they take off, there's no proper cues in their animations to see the window to interrupt, they just appear to get the evade randomly, and keep it up for way too long, and do it again when it looks like it ended.


Freaking hydras with their sponge HP bars take less time to kill than desert branded griffons because of all the evades.

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Really annoying? Dustmites and the like, just because they constantly blind you (and some of them also launch you from a distance), making it a pain killing them. May be also rifle soldiers in Crystal Desert, when they shoot at your melee character from afar and from a few different directions at once.


Can't understand why Canids and Harpy Spellbreakers are mentioned, though. They are not annoying, just hard as kitten - and that's good, that game really lacks good challenge like this, should have more interesting, challenging mobs like those.

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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> Freaking desert Branded Griffons.


> Absolutely no enemy is more annoying than these because of their incessant evade spam.


> * Lions? Mites? Scarabs? Just go ranged or spam an AoE or multi-attack skills to eat the blinds.

> * Smokescales? It's just jump to the left, they leave the smoke, you kill them.

> * Hydras? Just keep flanking them. They won't hit you, they'll go down eventually.

> * Djinns? Save CC until they get the breakbar, break bar, burst down, dead.

> * Jacarandas? Just push them near a wall and bring a couple of disables, they'll stop moving away and healing.

> * Mordrem snipers? Don't stand on the line, get close, one CC, a few hits, dead.

> * Awakened canids? Just don't stand still, interrupt after they pop up from the ground, wack-a-mole, dead.

> * White Mantle? Just bring large AoEs. Their teamwork goes \*poof* when you hit all of them at the same time.

> * Same with pocket raptors. One hard hitting aoe, they dead.

> * Harpy Spellbreakers? Just break their defiance bar, their bubble goes away.

> * Reef Drakes? Interrupt the tail sweep, move away from breath, you don't get blind or confusion, no more problem.

> * Chak swarms? Kill the zappers ASAP, then the bracers with CC to remove invulnerable, bunch them up and walk in circles around them hitting. Keep moving, they never hit you anymore.

> * Mushrooms? Keep moving in circles around them, they'll keep charging and jumping against walls instead you. Take the bombers first and they won't outnumber you.

> * Bitterfrost corrupted griffons? Just CC, they go down. No more problem.


> But freaking desert branded griffons take AGES to kill because of the constant evades, and although they can be interrupted before they take off, there's no proper cues in their animations to see the window to interrupt, they just appear to get the evade randomly, and keep it up for way too long, and do it again when it looks like it ended.


> Freaking hydras with their sponge HP bars take less time to kill than desert branded griffons because of all the evades.



You must be a very expert PVP player, but you hardly ever play PVE, I'm affraid. Flanking a PVE mob when you are alone is simply impossible. The mob will be always facing you.

Also, you are mistaking difficult with annoying. That being the case, I will summarize up a way easier solution for all those mobs in your list: play with longbow, bring 10 folks with you, and while they mele the annoying mob, you use your bow to shoot just once from a safe distance. Then keep watching a movie. Oh, and it works also with freaking desert branded griffons. Easyyyyy!!!!

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> @"Pirindolo.9427" said:

> You must be a very expert PVP player, but you hardly ever play PVE, I'm affraid. Flanking a PVE mob when you are alone is simply impossible. The mob will be always facing you.

That's not what he meant. As a self-proclaimed expert hydra fighter, I can confirm that flanking works with them. Not exactly like you imagine it, may be, it's more like constantly be on the move, circling them. Because they have powerful range attack, and powerful dash attack, both launching you and putting you to a lot of damage if it hits. But the gist is that before it throws them, it freezes for a moment, facing a certain direction in which it will then attack. If you constantly circling it, you'll have just enough time to get out of its way most of the time (if you see you won't, then dodge), and often also get a chance to strike at it from its flank while it emits its beam attack, or prepares to dash forward. Then rinse and repeat. A single hydra goes down with almost zero efforts, actually. It becomes harder when there are dustmites or dust lions around, and even harder if there are 1-2 other hydras, because now you can't predict and react to all those attacks from different directions. Still doable, if you are lucky.


Never thought about hydras as "annoying", they are interesting and original foe, but may be a bit too easy for a big monster like this. I would really like to see their severed heads do more meaningful stuff than just flailing and wriggling. Like keep attacking you, or put condis on you if you come too close to it etc.

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