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Hey all players, when you see Revenant's Tablet, please grab orbs


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> @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

> > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > Is the vigor really worth it? Don't you loose a 20% outgoing healing modifier by taking that trait over another one?


> For how much does a Orb heal currently?


> Anything under 2k is not worth talking about.


The orbs heal for about 600-800, but the real problem is their range of 120 which as far as I know is the lowest range of any skill in the game (basic melee range is 130) and the fact that they spawn at least 200-300 range away from you and only last like 3 seconds meaning someone has to stop what they're doing and run over to the orbs specifically to activate them ...this literally never happens.


I tried monitoring Vigor uptime in fractals just to see how often it was going off and it was less than 40% on most party members and this was with me going out of my way and TRYING to step on the orbs and trigger it, without that it was probably closer to 20% on an all-melee party.


IMO the orbs aren't even worth using or worrying about in their current state and certainly not worth giving up ~50% healing for (20% from adept and up to 30% from GM).


Sad that this came at the cost of one of our only sources of Regen, a boon that was actually useful and healed multiple people in a controlled area for 700-1100 per SECOND.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ventari could be a nice thing if people tried a little. Yes you lose 20% outgoing healing but that bonus is if your Ventari healer is about 75% health which means if he wants to keep himself and you healed you have to work with him anyway.


So really the orbs are technically giving the allies more freedom compared having to follow the tablet.


If Revenants were allowed to tether the tablets to themselves it would do them a HUGE favor. I'm sure Anet can make it work, they just need to care for it.


Make it so when the tablet is first summoned to be tethered and once the healing skill is used, free roaming of it is engaged. Seems like a fair trade off when a lot of bonuses can come from moving the tablet manually. Keeping it stuck on the player would mean that they have to choose in between the bonuses situationally.


> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> Ventari is not a thing

> Stahp


It is sort of a thing, not because it's healing output or stats are bad, the skill involved and cooperation is the factor of success within the build.

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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> Ventari is not a thing



It actually can be a thing, but the healing radios need to be slightly increased, and/or players need to stay near the tablet, not run far from it when they are dying.....


It’s a l2p issue for most players.

Edit: another help would be to have the centaur animation we get on legend swap above the tablet so allies can notice tablet better.

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