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Which is most difficult monster/boss in GW2 for you?

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Too many to count XD. I'm terrible at action-based games. Even fail-safe proofed builds stand no chance against my bad skills, but since I started again a couple of days ago and have to re-learn the combat, I had more success with Barrier Scrapper and Power Renegade so far. Still trying comfortable combinations for power SB (as I'm fond of my fem sylvari).

For example, I irredeemably suck at Heart and Mind (forgot which part) with Elementalist back when I had played GW2 a bit more regularly.

I fared terribly against Balthazar at the end of main-PoF on Guardian but did a "bit" better on Ranger/SB. I died also against Caudecus, but it didn't feel that bad in comparison from what I vaguely remember. I generally don't enjoy the visual clutter too much. I don't remember most bosses and my death counts to them anymore, though.

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I think Anet released a stats of the strongest and weakest mobs (last year?). Earth Djin was the mob with the highest win ratio against players.


Bosses? Hard to tell. Specifically to OW, most of them are steam roll if you have numbers. Some can be challenging (Or fun!) with lower player numbers. Solo, not sure. Many cannot be soloed.

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Legendary bandit executioner. First time I fought it I didn't expect it to be anywhere near as tough as it is for an open world boss haha. Feels so good when you finally kill it. =)


Most of the story bosses I find very easy to kill once you work out their mechanic. Finding out how they work is the annoying part for me as sometimes it isn't clear.

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Hmm pretty interesting question and interesting answers so far. With Dragon Bash almost here and Festival of The Four Winds as well later I wonder why nobody mentioned the final turnament boss in the Queen's Gauntles since I heard a lot of people complain about him being too hard.

No Problem for me though as I've got it done when the boss was first introduced. :P

I can't really say something here because if you'd have asked that several years ago I could have an answer but not now. Nothing is too hard in this game actually.

Yes, even raid CMs aren't hard. In fact everything's too easy in this game and people just need to git gud or try to form an effective viable meta composition for raids, fractals etc instead of rushing into content as a bearbow ranger and then wonder why people immediatly kick you or call you out. ^^

I have to admit when the game has just been out I had my fair share of troubles but I learned from mistakes (guess it's because of Dark Souls and the MH series) and actually improved.

Yes, some bosses/enemies can be difficult or even a bit unfair but there's always a way around.


In the end I'm wishing you all good luck with your troubles.

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> @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

> I dunno about hardest but the white mantle mesmers in season 3 haven't been topped yet for me in annoying to fight.


White Mantle are some of the worst offenders for me when it comes to aggro. Ooh, I'll take on this guy right here with the nearest enemy being some distance away! Wait, where the hell did these 3 other WM come from????


For me the worst enemy in the game is probably Bristleback, for real I wish I had a skill that tracked and did constant damage. Even reflects skills don't seem to last as long as that abominable attack.

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Well I don't do raids so im gonna have to go with Boneskinner since that thing is stupidly OP and mechanically broken.


Tbh there's not much in the PvE game i'd define as difficult.. but annoying definitely.

Anything with excessive amounts of CC or conditions like Slow.. or enemies with stupidly large aggro range.. those get on my nerves lol

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> @"Cerioth.7062" said:

> Which monster or boss do you find the most difficult to beat for you? What kills you most often? This can also include dungeon/fractal/raid encounters.


> Figured I'd ask this, since we've heard about the most annoying ones - now it's time for the toughest ones!



Solo: Mushroom Queen challenge in TangledDepths, That one roaming rock golem champion in dragon fall which explodes every 10 seconds, kills all players and heals himself for roughly 10% per explosion, the final boss of lake doric leather farm, it is recommended for at least 10 players to do it, but if u do it alone it is extremely hard, Solo Lupicus can be also extremely hard if ur lacking the critical information.

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> @"WolfOwl.3968" said:

> > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

> > I dunno about hardest but the white mantle mesmers in season 3 haven't been topped yet for me in annoying to fight.


> White Mantle are some of the worst offenders for me when it comes to aggro. Ooh, I'll take on this guy right here with the nearest enemy being some distance away! Wait, where the hell did these 3 other WM come from????

Add to this: ok, fine I'll fight them too -- oh, wait now they're invulnerable because they're at the edge of their tether. (sigh)


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Vinetooth Prime in Auric Basin.

I never had the right character/build to solo like some people have been able to do. I was lucky to be strolling along when I saw a group had his health bar at about 75% and made a bee-line to help and get credit.


On a more generic note, any boss that continually wipes a team for any reason is hard/annoying.

I've been in groups that couldn't CC at the right time, sat in red impact zones and took massive damage or conditions, or there just weren't enough people to show up to take care of the minions as well as the boss within the time limit.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> Add to this: ok, fine I'll fight them too -- oh, wait now they're invulnerable because they're at the edge of their tether. (sigh)



Addendum: Oh I've been downed I'll just rally off this almost dead....wtf invulnerable, gaining health back, and LEAVING???


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> @"Cynder.2509" said:

> Hmm pretty interesting question and interesting answers so far. With Dragon Bash almost here and Festival of The Four Winds as well later I wonder why nobody mentioned the final turnament boss in the Queen's Gauntles since I heard a lot of people complain about him being too hard.

> No Problem for me though as I've got it done when the boss was first introduced. :P

> I can't really say something here because if you'd have asked that several years ago I could have an answer but not now. Nothing is too hard in this game actually.

> Yes, even raid CMs aren't hard. In fact everything's too easy in this game and people just need to git gud or try to form an effective viable meta composition for raids, fractals etc instead of rushing into content as a bearbow ranger and then wonder why people immediatly kick you or call you out. ^^

> I have to admit when the game has just been out I had my fair share of troubles but I learned from mistakes (guess it's because of Dark Souls and the MH series) and actually improved.

> Yes, some bosses/enemies can be difficult or even a bit unfair but there's always a way around.


> In the end I'm wishing you all good luck with your troubles.


Cool flex bro.

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There are no hard bosses. But there are shitloads of annoying fights. Why? the shere fact that ANET relies solely on some bonkers mechanic or insane amount of chain cc to make fights difficult, It is what i hate the most about this game. Every freakin critter and its mother has knockdown/knockback and seemingly on a much lower cooldown than our avoidance abilities. It is the most lazy design i've seen in any premium mmo. I enjoy hard fights that awards proper timing, but in gw2 it's dodge/dodge/random avoidance ability, maybee another dodge to avoid 4 quick cc empowered abilities. For the next 10 seconds you turn into a sack of potatoes getting knocked around, bouncing of the ground until cooldowns are ready again (if you arent dead by the time). And then there is the icing on the cake. Lag for days in a game that often requires super quick reactions.

So in conclusion, hardest boss in GW2 is Anet's shitty game servers, ridiculous cc abuse and trash boss mechanics.

There you have it, thx for asking. enjoy :D

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For me, a very casual player, there are certainly some bosses that are much harder for me than others. Having said that, what @"Ruff.3027" points out is pretty much my own experience as well. It frustrates me, not only because I know that I'm not that super of a player, but also because it doesn't help me to improve. So, I typically try a boss once and then not really go back to it. For me, it is not so much fun.

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Risen Dominators (an enemy found only in the arah dungeon) - dominators seem to be sadly a casualty of early game design, where lots of "trash" enemies weren't really given much indication for their attacks, dominators are IMO the most dangerous enemies in all of arah (even more annoying than alphard) since they can basically OHKO you with literally no indication before it happens, so you can just die outta nowhere and sometimes you can die before that stage to their ring, though the ring is just an inconvenience compared to that counter. Though i suppose cheap isn't really hard?


As for hardest thing which was designed after they realised trash mobs need visual indicators too, hard to say. Probably tanking on soulless horror (tanking specifically), positioning wise SH isn't difficult, but avoiding dying to her attacks while tanking /is/.

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> @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> Legendary bandit executioner. It's just constant "drop dead" simulator for me. And that kitten spear which interrupts you and throws you back - oh god I hate this freaking thing.


Have to agree with this, as it's basically a random spawn after defeating an open world champion. Much more of a challenge than one would expect to run into while levelling.

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