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Is it worth getting a Legendary Weapon?

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Define "worth".


* if you like the skin: definitely

* if you enjoy the journey (for the ones that have story collections): definitely

* if you prefer to switch stats/sigils on the fly rather than having different ascended weapons for different occasions: most likely

* if all you care about is stats: absolutely not, as they have the exact same stats as their ascended counterparts

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Legendaries are kitten dope yo. The Dreamer or Bust. Not even being sarcastic.


But seriously legendaries are good if u swap stats all the time to try different builds, not to mention the skins are awesome. I'd Recommend if u go for one to go for the one you'll use most often.

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* Based on your phrasing, no, I don't recommend you invest 3k on a legendary.

* Alternatives for spending 3000 gold:

* MountFit (Humming Bird is super fun, as are some of the select licenses available)

* Infinite-use contract (the infinite bank access is a game changer in convenience)

* Infusion(s), for the bling. 3k is enough for a lot of ghostlies or polylumi undulate or polysat reverb on each weapon (for a cool 'on swap' effect)




> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> Is it worth getting a Legendary Weapon?

> If I am sitting on 3K gold, should I spend it on a Legendary Weapon?


Phrased in that way, no, legendary weapons are not financially worth 3000 gold, not even close. Stat swapping for a single piece of gear is nice, just not 3k nice.


However, if people only purchased things for financial value, they'd never own a Jaguar or a diamond ring, or a Castle in the South of France. One buys such things to show off or because one can. Legendary weapons can be a lot of fun.


> And which weapon would be the best choice?


For a direct purchase of a Gen 1 legendary (and notice: only the first of @"Rasimir.6239"'s questions applies), there are three main considerations:

* How often do you use the weapon? (Alternatively: are you willing to build around the weapon?)

* How much do you like the skin yourself?

* How noticeable is the skin to the rest of the world? (the 'bling' factor.)


And here's my thoughts on those:

* Let's start with the last, since it's easy these days: Gen 1 legendaries are old and seen often. Their bling value is so diminished I'd say: nope, not worth 3k.

* The second one is personal. Maybe you can say which skins you have that you love and we can recommend the legendaries that (we guess would) fit your aesthetic.

* The first depends on what you play. I like the on-swap effect of Bolt (sword) and Twilight (GS) is fun to watch. All the same, no matter the legend (or how much I dislike it), I've seen someone wax poetic about it.


I didn't address the Gen 2.5 legendaries, since those cannot be straight up purchased for 3k; they require additional currencies and crafting. From the sound of the question, it doesn't sound as if that's of interest to you.

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Depends on what you mean by "worth." Others have mentioned the stats, which are no better than ascended weapons. Do you want to buy a precursor and craft the rest of the Legendary, or do you want to buy the whole thing? As to which one, I'd look at a bunch of videos and see which one looks the best to you (also check sounds, because some like those and some find them annoying), and also think which you'd use the most or which one your main character would use.


Personally, I'm in the middle of crafting my first Legendary, and it will be my last. I'm not enjoying the grind for materials and feel I could spend the gold on other stuff I'd enjoy more. That's just me. What do you love most in the game -- weapon skins, minis, having every dye, armor, mounts? Consider all that, and good luck.


Edited much later to add that I didn't enjoy making my first Legendary but realized I needed an attitude adjustment and am now working on two more. Found that I really like the journeys/goals of making the precursors, even though buying them is cheaper.

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If you are interested in a Gen1 legendary, then remember you can buy the precursor and craft the legendary fairly easily -- depending on your account. I recently finished another world exploration, and already had the Pre for Quip, so made it. I'm trying to decide which to do next. For my account (with my hoarding...), I could do Meteorlogicus for 565 gold.


I already have the Gifts of Exploration and Battle. I have about 10 of those Tyrian Exchange Vouchers for easy access to dungeon currencies. Plus tons of mats in storage. That's why I say "depending on your account." You may need to buy or collect more stuff than I would.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> If I am sitting on 3K gold, should I spend it on a Legendary Weapon?

> And which weapon would be the best choice?


If you have to ask, then my answer would be no. When you really want a legendary weapon, you won't be asking other players if you should get one or not.


As to what would be the best choice, there is no right answer for that. For me personally, while there are several legendaries that look amazing to me, they are weapons I rarely use, or only use on 1 character that doesn't see much play. To me, that doesn't justify the expense of making a legendary vs. weapons I use more often on my "main" or other characters that see regular play.


If the 3K gold is burning a hole in your pocket, there are plenty of things to spend it on, gems being #1 on my list. I've probably dropped about 2-3K gold in buying gems over the past 10 months, getting everything from character slots, bank tabs, shared slots, and mount/glider skins. If nothing on the gem store appeals to you, how BL weapon skins or infusions.



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Legendaries are almost entirely cosmetic. The stats are identical to ascended weapons and the stat swapping is only really useful if you're constantly switching the stats you use. If you update them after major balance patches it would take a very long time to break even on buying/making a legendary vs. using the mystic forge to change stats on an ascended weapon.


Which means they're worth getting if there's one you like enough that it seems worth the cost and time, and the best one to get is the one you like most and will use most.


I got the Dreamer years ago now (2014 if I remember correctly) and I've never regretted having it, I still really enjoy watching the unicorns flying out. I made the Bifrost more recently and I love that one too. For me the main thing was making sure I would use that weapon type enough to justify the cost, on characters which suit the legendary. There's several legendaries I like but will probably never make because either they don't go with any of my characters themes or I rarely use that type of weapon. For example before starting on the Dreamer I waited to make sure I really did want to use a shortbow more than a longbow on my ranger. (Who conveniently wears a lot of purple.)

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I finally crafted my first and only legendary- HOPE. As much as I like some of the other legendary skins, I doubt I’ll ever make another. Many of the Black Lion weapon skins are fantastic alternatives to the bling factor of legendaries, minus the footfalls and extra splash on weapon swap. Legendary skins are very unique but you really have to love the visuals, enjoy the crafting adventure, and/or use the weapon a lot to make it worth it.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> If I am sitting on 3K gold, should I spend it on a Legendary Weapon?

> And which weapon would be the best choice?


I am a fan of stat swapping, so the legendary is convenient for me. GS has many classes that use it, so without more info about you, I would have to suggest you start there.

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yes but look up guides how to make it cheap as possible


also make sure u get the one u like visually


aaaaannnndd maybe think if u want something else more


like a permanent TP or the trader the trader i feel is something really must have

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As what others have said, you'd need to define your definition of "worth" in your own way.


I've personally wanted to get at least a legendary longbow but right now, I wouldn't spend gold on Kudzu because it's not worth it for me for stats alone, I like the effects of Kudzu but the actual bow's skin to me is just downgraded Defiant Glass and I already have Defiant Glass so not gonna pay the extra just for the effects alone, needs to be more than that for me.


I would say in your case, don't buy the legendary unless you are completely made up on what you want. Work towards it instead so that if you change your mind early in the production (basically before you get all the prerequisites of the legendary) you can always change your mind if you think you want something better.

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The one legendary i didn't rergret, is my armor.

You will always have space to put a weapon but you can't carry many armor sets.

I suggest go for the armor.

Other than that, if you do like a weapon, choose the one that your class use most of the time to be able to enjoy it.

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Short answer: yes. I like the effects and they're more of a status symbol. I'd suggest you making one instead of buying, as you would save yourself several hundred gold. I like them so much I'm working on my 21st and last skin. My first was twilight, since most classes use gs anyways. Or at least it did back when I crafted it.


I really wanted to craft legendary armor but I cant get over how ugly it is.

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If you have to ask probably not.


For me it was never about worth. At first it was just making the skins I like then it was making the rest to fill out the rest of the weapon types ... although that will probably never be completed. If only Frenzy wasn't so hideous or maybe ANet will decide to implement some gen2.5 underwater legendary weapons.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:


> Is it worth getting a Legendary Weapon?



It depends on the weapon type TBH, take pistols for example: from a visual point of view most of them are rather small so unlike with a greatsword you usually won't see much from the weapon itself however the projectile animations and sounds are by far the most noticeable "parts" of the weapon. Unfortunately weapon SFX is one of the few areas where A-Nets design team is incredibly lazy, meaning if you want to change projectile animations / sounds legendary weapons are pretty much your only options here as even futuristic looking Black Lion weapons such as the Inquest Mark II Pistol:




are still using basic bullet / gunpowder animations / sounds and while it might not be as noticeable on melee weapons (although in some cases it is) it usually is a big deal for ranged weapons (especially pistols).

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