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EOTM needs love

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I recently came back to the game after a long absence. Tonight every WvW map had a queue of ~20 so I decided to check out EOTM.

And it was dead. I mean totally, completely, not a single active friendly player on the map dead.

What is the purpose of having EOTM available if it never gets used, even during peak times when there is a 30 minute queue for the other WvW maps?

Devs should improve EOTM rewards so that it's active again like it used to be.

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Eotm's purpose was to have a temporary area to play it if all 4 maps were already full, which happened a lot back in the day when Eotm was first introduced. Unfortunately the population has gone down over the years and the only time you may even need eotm is on reset night, usually queues last maybe 2 hours and then it dies off for the week, but even then people would rather just sit semi afk waiting on their queue.


Also, thought this was kinda funny, at reset, in tier 1.


![](https://i.imgur.com/CWfZtNX.jpg "")


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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> Eotm's purpose was to have a temporary area to play it if all 4 maps were already full, which happened a lot back in the day when Eotm was first introduced. Unfortunately the population has gone down over the years and the only time you may even need eotm is on reset night, usually queues last maybe 2 hours and then it dies off for the week, but even then people would rather just sit semi afk waiting on their queue.


> Also, thought this was kinda funny, at reset, in tier 1.


> ![](https://i.imgur.com/CWfZtNX.jpg "")



No people stopped playing there as exp gain got stopped there, aswell no pip gain there so no rewards> no players.

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Given anet's desire to use existing content for their 'bonus event' initiative I think eotm actually is ripe for an event one of these weeks. But they already did no downstate for wvw so idk how long it would be before they returned to wvw for another weekly event . . .

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rewards would be a simple way to get ppl interested, especially players that don't usually wvw. I think a good improvement would be to have uncontestable waypoints in all keeps and towers. I don't like how long it takes to find fights, especially when the other zerg is trying to avoid you, which is easy in this map. scoring doesn't matter here, the only reason for it to exist is for fights, so anything that promotes that should at least get a tryout. maybe instead of waypoints, jump pads that shoot you really far could get a test. idk something.

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> @"Offair.2563" said:

> No people stopped playing there as exp gain got stopped there, aswell no pip gain there so no rewards> no players.


Heh I know that, I was pointing out what eotm's actual purpose was, not what everyone used it for.



And no it's shouldn't be made into a reward merry go round again.

You want wvw rewards, earn it in actual wvw maps.

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Either it's just a bug, or they sneaked some updates in we don't know about, but you gain Pips in EOTM.

Last week i was bored and decided to take a break from being blobbed 24/7 so i went a bit roaming there and noticed:

1. you gain pips

2. if you flip a Flag your Participation increases.

3. you can gain Outnumbered Pips.


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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Nvidius.3512" said:

> > @"phreeak.1023" said:

> > how to revive EOTM? make it the 4th WvW map. Like EBG .... problem solved. saidly Anet wont do nothing about EoTM


> I agree. Perhaps replacing one of the alpine borderlands with EOTM would make things interesting.


Map would need alot of balance changes before that could happen. Currently some sides are extremly more powerful the the others.

- Red has scorps, wurm tunnels/portals and turrets (OP side)

- Green has cannon(kind of useless), some detection turrets (useful) and... invul sparks ??

- Blue has damage reduction buff, slower enemies in keep and.... more guards ??.


All of these must first be removed, so all sides are the same. Guards should all be turned to just default ones, no grawl/kodan/ogres.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A solution could be to make a map currency unique to EotM similar to living world currencies that get rewarded in an EotM only reward track and enable full pips. This map currency can then be used to purchase skins and items specific to EotM from a special vendor from EotM. This will encourage players to play in EotM but not take away from wvw.

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> @"RedShark.9548" said:

> It takes away wvw player that play wvw, but dont need those rewards anymore


That logic doesn't follow. If a wvw player don't need the rewards anymore and plays only for the sake of playing wvw then they would have no reason to play EOTM because EOTM is very different from wvw. And if that player plays EOTM for the new rewards then it stands to reason the same player would play any other new content that comes out for the new rewards and be away from wvw because of it. Either way my idea wouldn't change the way this player in your example behaves.


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> @"DeathPanel.8362" said:

> > @"RedShark.9548" said:

> > It takes away wvw player that play wvw, but dont need those rewards anymore


> That logic doesn't follow. If a wvw player don't need the rewards anymore and plays only for the sake of playing wvw then they would have no reason to play EOTM because EOTM is very different from wvw. And if that player plays EOTM for the new rewards then it stands to reason the same player would play any other new content that comes out for the new rewards and be away from wvw because of it. Either way my idea wouldn't change the way this player in your example behaves.



Honestly, its not THAT different if you dont follow everybody elses karmatrain, or just look for fights etc. There are enough similarities to draw wvw player to that for the rewards.

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