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[merged] About the Skyscale Timegate...

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> @"Klowdy.3126" said:

> > @"MrRuin.9740" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > Then the design of the map is successful ... because Anet want people to do some, come back, etc ... that's why time gating exists. And that's not unreasonable ... because it's not designed so that you get everything done in one day then wonder why we don't have new content more often. It's all related and it's how any MMO works ... somehow you pay. And that somehow is what keeps you coming back and playing.

> > The design is terrible. When you have to lock content behind a time gate to get them to come back, you're doing something wrong.

> > People should be coming back to the map because it has fun, rewarding content. HoT is years old, yet years later and people still go back to those maps. I can do those metas far easier and frequently than the abandoned PoF ones.

> > There's so many other ways they could have done this to extend the time it took to get or level the Skyscale and they chose the laziest one by just sticking a time gate on it rather than fun content. That's all time gating is - a lazy way to get people to do content rather than making it enjoyable enough they do it anyway of their own volition.

> >

> >

> >


> Experiences may vary, but when I do the HoT metas, there is a group (small or large) on the map talking about how they are tired of said map, or the meta we are working on about 70% of the time. People do HoT stuff because its rewarding, even if they hate it. I would call that bad design, as well.


How is it bad design if something someone is tired of doing/playing is rewarding?

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> hundreds of gold? Not really. Luckilly I sat on 30 charged quartz I had made a while ago. But Ive heard you also need a grow lamp which is 24g on tp if you arent able to or willing to make it yourself.


I read this on Reddit, granted it's not the gold that's the main issue but the charged quartz, I am really salty now because of it.

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Charged Quartz ==> non-issue. I've been accumulating it for no apparent reason for a while now. It is good to finally have something to do with it.


EDIT: (There's an operating rule / guideline hiding in there - if there's a timegated thing that you have no apparent immediate need for, make it anyway so you'll be ready when there is an apparent need for it. For that reason, my second account visits my main account's home instance every day to mine Mistonium and now the mote things, to be ready for when I take it on the relevant LW content.)

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It's easy to explain, they made an update with lackluster content and little replay value that wouldn't retain players so they fixed player retention by adding a timegate within a timegate to force players into logging in daily if they want to unlock the mount. Instead of creating content that was engaging they banked on daily timegate busy work for player retention.

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> @"Deihnyx.6318" said:

> Another thread is now complaining about the collections itself.


> See why some people are only seeing the need for instant gratification in all these complains? This mentality completely ruined so many games, and it's never enough.

> I miss GW1.


I dislike collections. Not because I feel that getting rewards should require no effort, but because arbitrary chores are not why I play action/adventure or roleplaying games such as GW2. An adventure or challenge that must be overcome is one thing, press F under the following inane circumstances, x number of times, but only at a certain cadence, is something else IMO.

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Well, we've had years to acquire Charged Quartz. And, all kinds of other materials. Always a good tip to think ahead. It costs nothing to store these items in Material Storage.

I think I might even have a Grow Lamp tucked away somewhere. Granted, most probably don't; but, time-gates for different items are concurrent, so, it's not like you have to wait a separate day for each one.

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> i think it should be improved but not removed


I’m not disagreeing with you because I do feel like if the timegate made actual sense I wouldn’t be in the forums and it wouldn’t be an issue to the playerbase(can’t say some or many cause I don’t know, looks like a lot though), I do want to ask and this is not to be argumentative but what are your ideas on improvements to timegating.


I saw some good suggestions, personally I feel like an improvement, would for one switch the foods the skyscales consume on the 3rd day to something that doesn’t require a timegate in itself.


Can still add a little gold sink or work but not another timegate.


However with that already being done, maybe decrease the amount needed or something.


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The issue wasn't just in the skyscale collection. It was also in the map. The design was weak. It's basically a rehashed VB meta with a Dragonstrand type boss fight on the end that resets the timer. Mobs are underpowered and pose no real challenge, even the event champs are soloable. The events are just recycled bring me this item from 10 feet away (bridges), escort this supply dude, escort this guy to capture points. There was nothing new or challenging to this map. Also, even the story gameplay was lackluster, mostly being on rails. So they tail ended it with timegated busy work to retain players.

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> @"RizelStar.3724" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > i think it should be improved but not removed


> I’m not disagreeing with you because I do feel like if the timegate made actual sense I wouldn’t be in the forums and it wouldn’t be an issue to the playerbase(can’t say some or many cause I don’t know, looks like a lot though), I do want to ask and this is not to be argumentative but what are your ideas on improvements to timegating.


> I saw some good suggestions, personally I feel like an improvement, would for one switch the foods the skyscales consume on the 3rd day to something that doesn’t require a timegate in itself.


> Can still add a little gold sink or work but not another timegate.


> However with that already being done, maybe decrease the amount needed or something.



start the timegate's countdown at the beginning of the previous collection (or even during) rather then when you finish it.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Well, we've had years to acquire Charged Quartz. And, all kinds of other materials. Always a good tip to think ahead. It costs nothing to store these items in Material Storage.

> I think I might even have a Grow Lamp tucked away somewhere. Granted, most probably don't; but, time-gates for different items are concurrent, so, it's not like you have to wait a separate day for each one.


What about those people who rejoined during the recent ls4 push? They wont have had years. Im not wholly against timegating and im not going to let current popular opinion on these boards sway what i think about the method of obtaining, but I dont think we can say we have years to hoard stuff in prep for this either.

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>The more I read about the Skyscale, the more I'm starting to think I'm no longer the target audience for Guild Wars 2. Sad really as I've been a Guild Wars fan since 2004.


This feeling starts to grow in me too.... I even don't want the skyscale but the Mastery blocks the XP bar for shards. So i feel i need to do it. If this would not be the case i would just ignore it (Like i do to the warclaw) like other thinks i do not want to do because they are no fun to me. But ''wasting'' all the xp on the pof maps feels also pretty bad and not satisfying too. I feel more and more forced to do stuff i don't want to do....

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> > @"RizelStar.3724" said:

> > > @"derd.6413" said:

> > > i think it should be improved but not removed

> >

> > I’m not disagreeing with you because I do feel like if the timegate made actual sense I wouldn’t be in the forums and it wouldn’t be an issue to the playerbase(can’t say some or many cause I don’t know, looks like a lot though), I do want to ask and this is not to be argumentative but what are your ideas on improvements to timegating.

> >

> > I saw some good suggestions, personally I feel like an improvement, would for one switch the foods the skyscales consume on the 3rd day to something that doesn’t require a timegate in itself.

> >

> > Can still add a little gold sink or work but not another timegate.

> >

> > However with that already being done, maybe decrease the amount needed or something.

> >


> start the timegate's countdown at the beginning of the previous collection (or even during) rather then when you finish it.


Yes that would be a good improvement right there. Possibly, maybe if it still shouldn’t be there(we talking about daily resets), yet still better than what it currently is, and makes more sense.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> hundreds of gold? Not really. Luckilly I sat on 30 charged quartz I had made a while ago. But Ive heard you also need a grow lamp which is 24g on tp if you arent able to or willing to make it yourself.


The lamp price is already 2,5 times more expensive than what you said.

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> @"Nayaru.4716" said:

>I love everything about this episode! Everything! And I'm excited to get Skyscale, eventually, in a few hundred years. I honestly didn't mind the timegate, but now there's a timegate within the time gate and who knows how many more timegates are within the timegate and if those timegates have timegates. I fear for a timegated, timegated, timegate. And really I was all in favour of it until I found out about the new timegate in the timegate. This is I guess only personal to me because I'm flying away for work in a week or two, don't know when I'll be able to play gw2 and would have loved to have played with the skyscale before I go. This does mean I've got something to work on whenever it is I next get to play again - and this is the only game I play, I'm pretty much devoted to guild wars! I get that people who play a lot complain about not having much to do but this really hurts players who can't play a lot. Timegated timegate for a highly desired feature is harsh. Give us a few difficult instances or something, or reasons to spend time re-completing older maps, it's nice to be revisiting older maps but it doesn't seem to affect the maps so far except for us passing through them! But maybe there's some of these things to come in the rest of the collection - we won't know for days. Anyway I hate complaining and I love this game and I love everything else but damn this is rough!


>So I just needed to get this rant out and then I'll go back to doing the collection and probably won't complain again except to relate with people in game who are frustrated in this way. thanks for all the work that was put into this too - even if I don't entirely agree with the means to the ends.~~


Edit: I changed my mind. Ok so I still think it's harsh on people who can't play that much because it is a seriously time consuming collection/timegate buuuuuuuut it's a very cool feature that's not actually required for anything and in theory should never be a requirement for more than achievement points. But it gives hardcore players something to work on, it gets people logging in and aiding on the login/profit/etc side of things. My annoyance was largely completely personal because I WANT IT NOW WAH WAH WAH! So actually I take it back for the most part except for the bit about players who can't play that much. Thank you Anet. <3

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> > @"tekhiun.8653" said:

> > > @"Trise.2865" said:

> > > How many times do we have to tell people not to blast through content in 10 minutes? to take their time and enjoy it? They never learn...

> >

> > I would be enjoying the content if I had the mount that I was told was going to be out today. Some people have more fun doing things at their own pace instead of having to deal with a gimmick to actually takes away the enjoyment of the map, i.e. going around pressing F and even going to the same place several times.


> The collection it self is fine, the tike gate is questionable but if they remove the timegate i hope they keep the collection intact.


It would be really to actually use the skysgated in this collection, there is even a point in the second collection up high. Anyway, who cares now. I doub't Anet is even going to address this before the 24th , they will probably just pretend i's not even happening and wait for the outrage to fadeway. Profits above all.

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Well, I'd guess those just joining this week will have to endure the time-gates; though, it's not like they would know any different.

Otherwise, players who have been here for all of Season 4 have had at least a year.

I mean, really; a player has been around awhile and has had time to acquire mats, or they are new and don't have expectations of acquiring the more exclusive items without time-gates. Can't really have it both ways.

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> @"Ototo.3214" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:


> > Why does that matter? A mount that is time gated is no different than any other time gated content. Other time gated items also have specific functions too. These attempts to differentiate mounts as 'special' do not change the fact that time gated things are not new to GW2.


> Except it is different. Most other things that are time gated in this game are what? Weapons? Trinkets? Most of which are just for a skin? Or something that you can technically also obtain another way? That's extremely different from a mount with unique movement abilities that would greatly assist in navigating the new map. And no, the borrowed Skyscales don't fix this.


Yes it does actually because their availability prevents time gating from being a barrier to using one.

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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> > @"Susy.7529" said:

> > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > It's like they want us to play the game or something . . .

> >

> > Wrong, they are doing the exact opposite to that.

> > I'm not playing in the current map until I get Skyscale not to waste experience...


> Your complaint is not about the timegate. It's about the fact that you don't get shards when your masteries aren't complete. That has been an issue since the mastery system was introduced and there will be many players affected by it long after everyone has the new mount . . .


It's a bit different, I couldn't care less about spirit shards, I have a ton of them, it's just that completing events, killing mobs, etc, without gaining experience toward Skyscale's masteries upsets me and I perceive it as a waste.

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> @"tekhiun.8653" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > > @"tekhiun.8653" said:

> > > > @"Trise.2865" said:

> > > > How many times do we have to tell people not to blast through content in 10 minutes? to take their time and enjoy it? They never learn...

> > >

> > > I would be enjoying the content if I had the mount that I was told was going to be out today. Some people have more fun doing things at their own pace instead of having to deal with a gimmick to actually takes away the enjoyment of the map, i.e. going around pressing F and even going to the same place several times.

> >

> > The collection it self is fine, the tike gate is questionable but if they remove the timegate i hope they keep the collection intact.


> It would be really to actually use the skysgated in this collection, there is even a point in the second collection up high. Anyway, who cares now. I doub't Anet is even going to address this before the 24th , they will probably just pretend i's not even happening and wait for the outrage to fadeway. Profits above all.


They can try but it’ll most likely be a Anthem stream if they try to pretend. People not going to let that slide. 5 days I was about to concede to but they should’ve figured out a way to have kept Day 3 collection from showing up till after the stream.

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This keeps getting regurgitated; those with a distaste towards the timegating wants instant gratification. They want the mount in a single click. They are lazy.


To all of you that falls under the umbrella of making these things up, and you are, in what way is the timegating increasing the effort it would take to obtain the mount. Without the timegating, wouldn't it be just the same effort as it is now, but those with more time could push harder to finish it in a few days, and those with less time would finish it at their own pace instead of feeling forced to complete a stage before the daily reset? Maybe you see the latter as increased effort, but I can correlate that to frustration for those with less time than myself. The base effort, collecting the collectibles, is the same. The timegating only serves to wall you off from putting in said effort for x amount of time. There's nothing skillfull about the timegates. If there are, then by all means, enlighten me, because I don't see it.


There are perhaps a few that find the collections to be overwhelming and too large. But the majority of the complaints here are the timegating. That is the subject of this topic. How, does timegating equal skill or effort. How does the removal of said timegates reduce the effort required? If you can't come up with a good reason for the timegates and a solid argument for how they increase the effort required to be put in to get the mount, then can you please stop making things up and saying people who dislike the timegates are lazy and just want instant gratification? Because I don't see how you can get instant gratification with the size of these collections. "Day 3" has [timegates inside the timegate](

"Skyscale even more timegated? [Reddit]") for that collection btw. and is arguably a Gold sink. Just have a look at how the Grow Lamp has [exploded in price](https://www.gw2tp.com/item/66993-grow-lamp "Grow Lamp [GW2TP]") (thought you can craft it cheaper of course, for now at least).
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Considering all the work you have to put into it, the time gate is redundant. It only hurts players who want to continue with the collection when they reached a certain part and only started working on it. Its not possible to do it in a single sitting anyways, unless you don't plan on sleeping.


I personally prefer lengthy game play when I get to choose when to stop playing.

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I see the purpose behind timegates, but I don't think it's worth the side effects.

If you are just one little thing away from completing one day's worth of collecting - say, because _that_ event in Vabbi simply does not happen in time - and then the daily reset comes, you are going to be quite a bit miffed that you now have one full day of basically picking your nose, although you would _really, really_ like to do something for this little flying bugger on your day off.

The next thing would be eliminating collection parts that mainly consist of waiting for a certain short event to happen since that is basically the same mistake on a smaller scale.

"Waiting" and "playing a game" are not nor should they be the same thing.

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