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Vision of Equipment: Astral Weapons

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> @"Tanner Blackfeather.6509" said:

> > @"LiangC.6793" said:

> > I crafted 2 astral weapons and salvaged them, this also have to be count ??


> Not there myself, but I'm pretty sure it's counting unlocked skins.


This is correct. Inconsistently, these collections didn't have sub collections to show progress. When you craft your 6th Astral or Dragonblood weapon, this will pop.

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> @"anonymous.7812" said:

> Stellar > Astral, why would I want the uglier skins?


Pretend that you are just buying something from a vendor for 50 kralk ingots + stuff. The ugly skins are just a ...let's say a fringe detriment that you can ignore.


> I'm not even attempting Vision unless it's changed.

It's your choice to cut off your [Astral](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Astral_weapons) to [spite](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Spite) your [Vision](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Vision). I think you might prefer to weight the benefits of having the skin/utility of the trinket compared to the overall cost, rather than worry about this small piece.


Full disclosure: I hate the astral weapon set. I closed my eyes, picked the 5 skins that I hated the least to finish the requirement, and thought of England.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"anonymous.7812" said:

> > Stellar > Astral, why would I want the uglier skins?


> Pretend that you are just buying something from a vendor for 50 kralk ingots + stuff. The ugly skins are just a ...let's say a fringe detriment that you can ignore.


> > I'm not even attempting Vision unless it's changed.

> It's your choice to cut off your [Astral](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Astral_weapons) to [spite](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Spite) your [Vision](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Vision). I think you might prefer to weight the benefits of having the skin/utility of the trinket compared to the overall cost, rather than worry about this small piece.


> Full disclosure: I hate the astral weapon set. I closed my eyes, picked the 5 skins that I hated the least to finish the requirement, and thought of England.


witch was the 1 skin you liked tho?

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> witch was the 1 skin you liked tho?

Oh, the shield is not horrid for me.

I chose that only to complete the achievements waaaaaaaaaaay back when Istan was out, because making a single Astral is required to even consider the possibility of making a Stellar.

I've been on a (very slow) project to make the full set of Stellar weapons (although I end up not using them, because ANet's released skins I like more since then). At the current rate of crafting, I figure I'll end up finishing in 2028, maybe 2026 if I rush it.


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It is extremely disappointing that stellar weapons don't count. I've sunk most of my kralk ore into 3 stellar weapons (over the course of many months); I had enough left over to make a couple astrals, but certainly not 5 more. Given that they use the same ingots, it sure would be nice if they counted (so it doesn't take me another year to finish vision...)

It does seem weird though, because you can't really make this mistake for the other zone items (Dragonfall: you can't make the 2nd tier mist armor without having the first; Thunderhead: can't make heroic without first making the regular dragonsblood; jahai: can't get requiem armor without first getting elegy; both kourna and sandswept items are the final item in a chain). I, like Hesacon, feel punished for making the "wrong" choice for the achievement (making the more difficult set of weapons).

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> @"Istar.4513" said:

> It is extremely disappointing that stellar weapons don't count. I've sunk most of my kralk ore into 3 stellar weapons (over the course of many months); I had enough left over to make a couple astrals, but certainly not 5 more. Given that they use the same ingots, it sure would be nice if they counted (so it doesn't take me another year to finish vision...)

> It does seem weird though, because you can't really make this mistake for the other zone items (Dragonfall: you can't make the 2nd tier mist armor without having the first; Thunderhead: can't make heroic without first making the regular dragonsblood; jahai: can't get requiem armor without first getting elegy; both kourna and sandswept items are the final item in a chain). I, like Hesacon, feel punished for making the "wrong" choice for the achievement (making the more difficult set of weapons).


Yea but unlike those you dont have to do all of the astrals to be able to do stellar so thats why most likely you have to do the astral ones over the stellar.

Imagen that it could have been make all astral then craft 6 stellar for the collection.

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After you craft 6 of the weapons you have to go to the npc who sold you the recipes. Purchase the item at the top(circle with the X).


Also, any past ones you've made count. I had made the long bow when they first became available and it counted.

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It wouldn't be the first time they changed requirements to benefit people who waited either. I spent months of WvW reward tracks for the Stellars. I wished they had just required Astrals for Stellars, and just reduced the cost by half on each when they created these weapons.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> Yea but unlike those you dont have to do all of the astrals to be able to do stellar so thats why most likely you have to do the astral ones over the stellar.

> Imagen that it could have been make all astral then craft 6 stellar for the collection.


The Astral weapon could be an ingredient to craft the stellar versions while keeping the total price of a stellar weapon the same. Anet does this with other stuff already, Banner of the Commander for example, and when crafting legendary items.


> @"Metasynaptic.1093" said:

> Given a bunch of people have already sunk mats into astral weapons since vision dropped, I'd be disappointed if they did change it so stellar weapons counted.


I don't see how this change would take anything away from you, can you explain?

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> @"Kira Wei.2361" said:

> So, for the collection, you have to physically craft all 6 weapons while the Collection is active? I created 2 before this collection was introduced and I got two Astral weapons skins unlocked by using a Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlock.


No you just need to have 6 skins unlocked. I also had 2 unlocked before the collection came out and I only needed to craft 4 more. You have to go back to the NPC that sells the recipe sheets to buy the collection item(which can be salvaged for a bit of Volatile Magic).

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:



> No you just need to have 6 skins unlocked. I also had 2 unlocked before the collection came out and I only needed to craft 4 more. You have to go back to the NPC that sells the recipe sheets to buy the collection item(which can be salvaged for a bit of Volatile Magic).


I am just really dumb/tired when posting my comment. I went back to the NPC and got the achievement. Thanks.

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> @"Faaris.8013" said:

> > @"Metasynaptic.1093" said:

> > Given a bunch of people have already sunk mats into astral weapons since vision dropped, I'd be disappointed if they did change it so stellar weapons counted.


> I don't see how this change would take anything away from you, can you explain?


I crafted 5 more Astrals only for this achievement. Otherwise, the same mats would have gone into Stellars, for which I'd been progressing (slowly) to completion.

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