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Which mount is the best and how would you rank them all?

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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> > @"Cerioth.7062" said:

> > What I find really interesting here is how there seems to be a trend of people favoring either raptor or jackal a lot, and not being so keen of the other option. I thought jackal was faster on basically everything except very even terrains?


> I don't know whether that's true. It may be. But there's more to liking a mount than how fast it is.


> I love the idle animations for the Raptor. I find the Jackal's animations mostly dull. The howl is about all there is.

> I like the way the Raptor looks around while it's running, as if it's interested in the surroundings. The jackal just runs.

> When you turn the raptor, it leans like a motorcycle and curves like a snake, and it skids to a stop. The jackal just changes direction and just stops. (Okay, the skid can be slightly annoying if you've only just moved an inch.)

> The raptor seems alive and alert, and your character interacts with it and communicates with it during idle animations.

> The jackal is a kind of creepy construct made of magic, and your character mostly just sits on it.


> Whether it is faster or not, a friendly firefly-eating predatory dinosaur is just way more to my personal taste than a lump of Abaddon's leftover magic....especially since I was not a GW1 player, so the background lore means nothing to me. There are some nice skins for the jackal, but even the beautiful shrine fox skin does not make up for what feels to me like an absence of personality.




Well, looking through the thread, most people who rate raptor high and give it a reason say they rate it high because it's fast, even though jackal beats it in speed in varous terrains.

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> @"Cerioth.7062" said:

> > @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> > > @"Cerioth.7062" said:

> > > What I find really interesting here is how there seems to be a trend of people favoring either raptor or jackal a lot, and not being so keen of the other option. I thought jackal was faster on basically everything except very even terrains?

> >

> > I don't know whether that's true. It may be. But there's more to liking a mount than how fast it is.

> >

> > I love the idle animations for the Raptor. I find the Jackal's animations mostly dull. The howl is about all there is.

> > I like the way the Raptor looks around while it's running, as if it's interested in the surroundings. The jackal just runs.

> > When you turn the raptor, it leans like a motorcycle and curves like a snake, and it skids to a stop. The jackal just changes direction and just stops. (Okay, the skid can be slightly annoying if you've only just moved an inch.)

> > The raptor seems alive and alert, and your character interacts with it and communicates with it during idle animations.

> > The jackal is a kind of creepy construct made of magic, and your character mostly just sits on it.

> >

> > Whether it is faster or not, a friendly firefly-eating predatory dinosaur is just way more to my personal taste than a lump of Abaddon's leftover magic....especially since I was not a GW1 player, so the background lore means nothing to me. There are some nice skins for the jackal, but even the beautiful shrine fox skin does not make up for what feels to me like an absence of personality.

> >

> >


> Well, looking through the thread, most people who rate raptor high and give it a reason say they rate it high because it's fast, even though jackal beats it in speed in varous terrains.


Fast, not 'fastest.' If 'fastest' was what mattered, the roller beetle would be #1. If the jackal is faster, that doesn't mean that the raptor isn't still a well-balanced option for fast travel.

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In a past thread similar to this my list was a bit different than what it is now. With the new Skyscale my viewpoint has changed a little and what order I see them in. Currently this is how I view my mount list:


**Griffon:** Great at traveling at fast speeds with little to micro manage stamina wise. Easy to glide over certain dangerous areas without a problem. Plus those Griffon races are a blast to do! And I'm a big sucker for birds for some biased reasons.


**Skyscale:** Although not fast as the Griffon, it is great at going at a casual pace. It also makes it a lot easier to regain my barrings while hovering. And I gotta admit the wall cling is amazingly useful when I just need to chill somewhere for a quick AFK moment.


**Raptor:**Still my go-to mount when I need to travel on land and fast. Easy to bypass most threats once it has all masteries. And those derpy puppy-like animations just make the mount's personality stick out from the rest.


**Springer:**With its latest improvement to powering up faster its made this mount a lot more useful. Being able to hop ledges much faster than a Skyscale could hover upwards makes it still a very much loved mount. Also that bar break it can do with its ability makes greatly viable.


**Skimmer:** I still love this mount. Although I rarely ever use its engage ability its still very much useful when traveling vast amount of water. I'm always finding myself pulling it out when I need it.


**Jackal:** I don't find myself pulling this one out as often as the others. Doesn't mean it hasn't been helpful when needed. Of course portals are great when one needs to go from one area to another in a split second. But I also tend to use it when I find running up hills or having to maneuver tight places is difficult for the Raptor. Admittedly jumping from high places only to use the blink at the last second to avoid fall damage is pretty satisfying.


**Roller Beetle:** I rarely ever pull this one out unless absolutely needed. Its movement is stiff and hard to control. However, as of recently I found using it in core Tyria maps has been amazingly helpful. Having started a new character just a few nights ago I'm already roaming core maps to unfog them and nab Waypoints. The beetle has been absolutely wonderful with traveling these maps. I could do it with Griffon but then I'd miss a lot of the Waypoints I'd need later.


**Warclaw:** Not much to say about it. I use it for WvW when roaming but outside WvW it is absolutely useless. More or less just another mount to show off. If they added that third stamina bar from WvW it might have a place. I sometimes use it when traveling with friends who don't have a mount yet because it moves so slow.

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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> > @"Cerioth.7062" said:

> > Well, looking through the thread, most people who rate raptor high and give it a reason say they rate it high because it's fast, even though jackal beats it in speed in varous terrains.


> Fast, not 'fastest.' If 'fastest' was what mattered, the roller beetle would be #1. If the jackal is faster, that doesn't mean that the raptor isn't still a well-balanced option for fast travel.


Here's some actual data on mount speeds:

* https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/4326/running-faster-than-a-centaur-repost-of-mount-speed-data-from-reddit

* https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/70622/warclaw-speeds-in-wvw-reddit-data-from-thebandicoot

* from u/NyquistVelocity: https://redd.it/aq0n1c

* from u/TheBandicoot: https://redd.it/7381g5, https://redd.it/brbrlw



* Without using special ability, all mounts are within 10% of the same speed and land (except Skyscale: 20% slower than Jackal). Jackal is barely faster than raptor.

* Skimmer is at least 50% faster over water.

* Using special abilities, then it drastically depends on the environment. There's no universal statement we can make about which is faster all the time, because the special ability's recharge depends on where you travel.

* If all things were equal (which they aren't), then Beetle is well over twice as quick as raptor|jackal, and even Griffon (dive & climb) is 50% faster. Raptor is less than 10% faster than Jackal (if all things were equal, which, again, they aren't).

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Griffon / The absolute best for getting places, can flap hop up small areas, speed across maps if you have a high place to dive from.

Springer / Endeering mount that is good at getting up quickly

Raptor & Jackal are about equal in that they are good at transversing long distances across random terrain at a decent clip.













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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> Springer -> Skyscale -> Raptor -> Jackal -> Griffon , ranked on the basis of making me least motion sick while using. Roller beetle and skimmer aren't on the list since I get sick pretty much the moment I mount them.


Try getting a wide panel monitor. I normally game on a wide panel monitor and just got a gaming laptop. I'm generally not prone to motion sickness but I do get headaches from some visuals especially when the frame rate dips to low. I find that gaming on the more narrow laptop screen is not as enjoyable an experience especially on mounts or in more visually cluttered areas. I mainly got the laptop in case I need to go somewhere and still want to game.

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My Vote's on Raptor because it's the primary means of getting around.


1. Raptor, default mode of transporation.

Getting around quickly, dashing between objects for a heart or leaping over gaps the Raptor is always the go to when you want to save as much time as possible, therefore it's the best mount imo.



2. Skyscale, Jack of all trades mount.

It can more or less do everything the other mounts can.. it just does it slower.

Skyscale is a useful mount but for the most part it's a novelty, who doesn't want to fly around on a Dragon?



3. Griffon, High speed ground cover.

When you want to get from A to B there's little that can get you there quicker than a Griffon.



4. Skimmer, Oceanic travel.

Most of us long time players know the pain of slowly traversing the waters of Tyria.

The Skimmer doesn't fix this problem as it's not usable underwater.. but it does help cover those vast bodies of water which would usually take a while to swim accross.



5. Springer, BOING!! Cliff climber.

While the Skyscale can get you anywhere the Springer can the Springer will always get you there faster.

Plus the ability to launch yourself shooting through the air like a rocket with Bond of Faith is very entertaining :D



6. Roller Beetle, Gotta Go Fast!!

Another novelty mount more than anything but nobody can deny it's a lot of fun bombing it around maps like a lunatic.

It can get you from A to B very quickly in most cases but it's far more difficult to use than the other mounts and requires a fair bit of practice.



7. Warclaw, WvW Mount

Pretty much a nerfed down Raptor in PvE but a game changer in WvW.

I'm firmly in the camp that the Warclaw made WvW a far more enjoyable place to be.



8. Jackel, Portal hopper.

Aside from it's unique ability to use sand portals the Jackel really isn't anything special.

The Skyscale, Griffon and Springer can be used to more or less get to the majority of the Sand Portal locations and going forward in the living world the Sand Portals will likely cease to be a regular thing so ultimately this is the most useless mount in the game imo.

It's still fun to ride around on though and has many cool skins.


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> @"Tekoneiric.6817" said:

> > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > Springer -> Skyscale -> Raptor -> Jackal -> Griffon , ranked on the basis of making me least motion sick while using. Roller beetle and skimmer aren't on the list since I get sick pretty much the moment I mount them.


> Try getting a wide panel monitor. I normally game on a wide panel monitor and just got a gaming laptop. I'm generally not prone to motion sickness but I do get headaches from some visuals especially when the frame rate dips to low. I find that gaming on the more narrow laptop screen is not as enjoyable an experience especially on mounts or in more visually cluttered areas. I mainly got the laptop in case I need to go somewhere and still want to game.

Thanks, but actually the smaller the screen, the lesser issues I have. My brain seems to work well figuring out it's just an animation as long as it's got enough visual anchors around that are immovable. It goes to extremes like me only being able to play minecraft in windowed mode, since fullscreen on my (decently large) monitor makes me sick within minutes. Somehow their movement doesn't mesh with the way my brain connects visuals to tactical input/controls used.


In GW2 it really comes down to how directly or indirectly the mount responds to controls for me. Springer and warclaw are my go-to mounts as they tend to move pretty much directly the way I try to steer them (except when trying to get the springer somewhere where it bounces off edges all the time ... that's where Skyscale shines for me ;) ). Skimmer is pretty much a no-go, I even got sick once just trying to cross the Cursed Shore on water. Everything else is in-between.

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Griffon - Most versatile general use mount. The one I'd keep if I could only keep one.

Raptor - First mount and I love it. Without the gryphon, this would be my most used mount. Best general traveling mount.

Springer - Second most used and adds to the griffon's capabilities. Probably broke more gave content than any other (skyscale may beat it on that one)

Skimmer - For moving over the water, this is pretty much required. The water version of the raptor.

Jackal - Can get you past big groups of mobs. Best for long falls if you don't have a glider. There is content you can't do (including getting the skyscale) if you don't have one.

Skyscale - This may move up once I have more time with one, but it's a pretty special use mount as near as I can tell. Still more useful than the last two

Roller Beetle - Silly mount. Fun to use occasionally. Not very practical most of the time.

Warcat - Only for WvW. In open world it's pretty useless.

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I really don't have a favorite since I just came back after 5 years of being MIA, which I know I wont be able to get two of the mounts unless I pay for them.


I honestly think the mount's in GW2 have a incredible insight of what mounts should be applied in other MMORPG games. They finally gave the mount more propose then just being another speed item to get place's. This makes having mounts more exciting then just a flashy item you get to ride on.


Thank you Anet for creating a new perspective of a mount!

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i start saying i love the bunny hes number one


the rest go skimmer warclaw griffon sky scale jackal beetle and last raptor once past skimmer i ranked on how i use them with raptor never getting used beetle jackal just for what they are intended. skyscale might move ahead pf griffon once i get used to using it. i use bunny 50 percent of the time and skimmer when i get near water a lot

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![](https://i.imgur.com/TpojPl6.png?2 "")


1. Skyscale is an excelled all-rounder. She gets you quickly to that spot you are just seeing right now in front of you. And it's a dragon.

2. Griffon is fast an fun, but you have to get high enough first.

3. Rollerbeetle is also fast and fun, but he has a slow start.

4. Raptor is the most used mount for a very good reason. It may be slower than jackal, but it gets you faster to places with the extra speed from jumps.

5. Jackal is nice and fast, but its portal power has very limited uses.

6. Skimmer is excellent on water, but there's not that many reasons to go on water.

7. Springer breaks CC bars now. Oh, yeah. It can still jump. Faster than skyscale. But if you want to reach a spot that sin't right at the top of a series of long jumps, skyscale is still better as she'll go diagonally stright to the spot.

8. Warclaw is just for WvW. It does it job, but it's useless compared to other mounts anywhere else.

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Griffon for sheer versatility and speed.


For my mat gathering runs it's jackal due to evade frames, otherwise raptor for the dash and pull

Skimmer also for evades as well as being able to traverse quicksand and survive in brandstorms

Beetle for map running and fun

Skyscale for hard-to-reach places (it needs about 25% more speed overall and better evades imo)

Second-to-last is bunny; it's useful in only heavily-vertical maps but i'm finding that skyscale is replacing it.

Warclaw is last, useless in pve and i haven't mastered it yet in wvw (it moves slower than quickness buff)

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I didn't vote, because I can't really pick. Different mounts are better in different situations. There are certain mounts or skins I have that are better for different characters as well. Some of my characters are perfectly suited to the hummingbird skimmer. It may not be the best mount...but it's the mount that most fits that character. If I'm running along a long flat plan, the roller beetle is my favorite mount. If I'm needing jackal portals, the jackal is my favorite. If I need to jump gaps, the raptor is my favorite.


I really love the puzzle solving aspect of the skyscale and it's currently the one I use the most during world completion, but if I wanted to cross a zone or get somewhere fast (without waypointing), I'd go with a griffon. However, to get high enough to use the griffon I might use the skyscale. So yeah, can't really answer the question.

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I think ArenaNet did a fairly good job of giving them all their unique uses, so it doesn't make much sense to rate them. Apples to oranges to pears to bananas, you know.


One exception: the Raptor and Jackal barely have a difference, not counting the sand portals. I almost only ever use Raptor for quick travel on land because it allows me to jump over substantial gaps with ease and is usually a bit faster than the Jackal.


I don't use the Beetle much either because having to build up stamina is dumb and I can't control it well so I can barely make use of its high speed. If I got the hang of drifting it would probably be useful on some maps though.


I could rate them according to how frequently I use them though, which would be roughly:

- Gryffon: quickest general map travel

- Raptor: quickest land travel

- Springer: climb steep hills

- Skimmer: travel over water and sometimes terrain with small gaps / many enemies

- Jackal: sand portals

- Roller Beetle: when I think "there seems to be a direct land connection to my destination so maybe I can go there with super high speed" but give up 10 seconds later 90% of the time

- Warclaw: WvW

- Skyscale: haven't unlocked yet but will probably just replace Springer in some situations

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Griffon - general use in fast travel with the proper altitude.

Beetle - general use in fast travel without proper altitude.

Skyscale - best height climber of steep cliffs. Trivializes map completion. Provides a fire field.

Raptor - general use in normal travel. Best all around cc (AOE pull).

Springer - faster cliff climbing if there are places to land. Good against breakbars.

Skimmer - water niche, if you can't Griffon over it. Evades a lot.

Warclaw - good for bypassing otherwise thirsty roamers.

Jackal - used for... that bacon HP in Auric Basin. And Fashion Wars.

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**1. Griffon:** the most versatile, and under some circunstances the fastest one. Rewards being skilled at its use without being overly punishing. Flying feels great, with very smooth controls.

**2. Jackal:** my favourite land mount, it's fast, has great and precise mobility, can quickly avoid enemies, and looks great too. Navigating through sand gates is a nice plus.

**3. Raptor:** not as precise as the Jackal, but it has killer animations. Arguably the mount with the most personality.

**4. Skyscale:** flying it doesn't feel as smooth as the griffon; the constant wall grabbing and the weird controls for moving down don't do it any favors. It's still one of the most useful mounts, basically making the Springer nearly irrelevant.

**5. Springer:** almost completely replaced by the Skyscale. It was a niche mount with a very specific skill set; still used very once in a while against break bars. Its sounds are somewhat annoying and it's slow, but it's an ok mount.

**6. Beetle:** takes too long to charge its endurance bar, I have never figured out how to properly control it, and the saddle is really ugly, IMO.

**7. Skimmer:** is useful in most maps, but the transition from water speed to ground speed is too jarring. Gives me a bit of motion sickness.

**8. Warclaw:** completely useless in PvE, looks a bit ugly too IMO. A waste of a feline mount.

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