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Is It Possible To Complete The Story Without Using A Skyscale?

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> Is It Possible To Complete The Story Without Using A Skyscale?


> Is story completion locked for me?



ANet Consistency? Meet player phrasing consistency. ;)



More specifically, Ashen: you can't even start working on the new mount until you first complete the story.


However, the new legendary trinket collections **cannot** be completed without a skyscale.


_edit: fixed a typo (thanks to @"Donari.5237" for pointing it out)

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The Skyscale can’t be started until completion of episode 6 so you are fine. The game provides free Skyscales across the map to use where required (there’s loads and easy to get to)


You can safely avoid working on the Skyscale and miss out on nothing story related or even map completion. It is purely optional/luxury

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I think that I phrased my question poorly.


I am at the story step of Glory of Dragons, which asks me to earn the trust of Scyscales.


Is there any way to skip this step and continue with the story as story is a primary motivation for me to play RPGs, but I have no interest in the Skyscales, borrowed or otherwise?

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You can borrow it reluctantly, vent your frustrations about its annoying collection on route to the destination, then let it crawl back to its cave, never to be seen again. Don't blame the poor thing too much though, I mean look at its face, it obviously doesn't want to be here either.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> Title question.


> I have no interest in pursuing or using the new mount. Is story completion locked for me?


The mount comes after the story. Though you do get rental skyscales through the story, but you could do the "require skyscale" step with a griffon and gliding easily. The skyscale rental just makes it easier.


The only thing that's locked without the skyscale mount is a few achievements and the Vision legendary trinket.

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In case it's unclear: the story step Glory of Dragons is **not** the skyscale collection.


All you have to do to earn the trust of the skyscale so you can use them within the story (and after that by borrowing one from roosts around the map) is get on one of the ones which will be right next to you after talking to Caithe and then collect some unbound magic while riding it. After that there's only 1 part where you actually need to ride the skyscale, and then you can ignore them if you wish. Or you can use them whenever you're in Dragonfall by finding a skyscale roost and borrowing one.


The collections to permanently unlock the mount on your account start after you've completed the episodes story. After the epilogue you get mail from Gorrik asking you to come and talk to him about the skyscales. If you don't want to unlock the mount all you need to do is ignore that message.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> I think that I phrased my question poorly.


> I am at the story step of Glory of Dragons, which asks me to earn the trust of Scyscales.


> Is there any way to skip this step and continue with the story as story is a primary motivation for me to play RPGs, but I have no interest in the Skyscales, borrowed or otherwise?


nope but i's over quick

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> I think that I phrased my question poorly.


> I am at the story step of Glory of Dragons, which asks me to earn the trust of Scyscales.


> Is there any way to skip this step and continue with the story as story is a primary motivation for me to play RPGs, but I have no interest in the Skyscales, borrowed or otherwise?


That seems a little weird to me, I could see not having any interest in getting the mount. But why such a refusal to even touch the story related ones?

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That story step is basically the equivalent of the springer/skimmer/jackal hearts - you get to try out using the mount so you can see how it works and if you want to unlock it, then once you've completed the whole thing (heart for the originals, story for the skyscale) you get the option to unlock it permanently.

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> @"Mewcifer.5198" said:


> That seems a little weird to me, I could see not having any interest in getting the mount. But why such a refusal to even touch the story related ones?


> @"Ashantara.8731" said:


> No, you cannot skip in order to _not_ use the Skyscale. Why is it bothering you to use a mount?



I suppose I should preface my answer with:


I am glad that mounts exist for those who have desired them in GW2 for so long. I am particularly happy that they seem to be real revenue generators for the game. I can honestly say that I recognize just how well implemented they are compared to what I have seen in most other games. But...


I don't care for them. Never have. Don't like the impact they have had on my game time. But as long as story content is not locked behind their use, and they have no impact on competitive play, I have just shrugged off the minor annoyance they represent.


Oh, well. Thank you to those pointing out that it was a very quick step. I was not, "refusing," to touch the story related one, but would have enjoyed the story if I had been able to skip this step.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:



> > @"Mewcifer.5198" said:


> > That seems a little weird to me, I could see not having any interest in getting the mount. But why such a refusal to even touch the story related ones?


> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:


> > No, you cannot skip in order to _not_ use the Skyscale. Why is it bothering you to use a mount?



> I suppose I should preface my answer with:


> I am glad that mounts exist for those who have desired them in GW2 for so long. I am particularly happy that they seem to be real revenue generators for the game. I can honestly say that I recognize just how well implemented they are compared to what I have seen in most other games. But...


> I don't care for them. Never have. Don't like the impact they have had on my game time. But as long as story content is not locked behind their use, and they have no impact on competitive play, I have just shrugged off the minor annoyance they represent.


> Oh, well. Thank you to those pointing out that it was a very quick step. I was not, "refusing," to touch the story related one, but would have enjoyed the story if I had been able to skip this step.


getting around without mounts must be dreadfully slow and boring then.. since you apparently refuse to use ALL mounts..

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There are two to three steps that absolutely require the skyscale are around that same timeline, the first is that you need to gain the trust of the skyscale by eating 10 volatile magic, which should be pretty painless, you can simply waypoint after that and hop off the skyscale to no issue.


after that, you need to get on top of the wing at the far east side of the map, which should be pretty easy without the skyscale if you have the griffon, it's technically possible to do so with just a springer if i recall correctly but far more difficult, and there's oakheart essences that if you have the season 3 mastery should help as well. no skyscale strictly needed and time would be saved by using a griffon over the skyscale anyway (from the path I took at least)


then there's two parts, one after the other, that require the skyscale after you get on the wing, the first one requires you to aim the skyscale engage at a specific location which may prove a little frustrating, the step right after that asks you to hover in a single place with the skyscale for a few seconds which should be very painless (mount movement 2 is your friend here, makes the skyscale go directly down).


after that, you're done, no more skyscale needed for the rest of the story as far as i remember.

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