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GW2's odd version of flying . . . Why can't your mount, like Just. Fly.??

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> @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > > @"Kabuki Theatre.9752" said:

> > > And how Exactly

> > > would it "ruin the game."?

> > > Seems to me other MMOs have not been

> > > "ruined"

> > > by having flying mounts that act just like real birds.

> > >

> >

> > People will skip content

> > It will invalidate the challenge of exploration

> > Getting anywhere would be a joke

> >

> > You played WoW, you should know flying killed that game


> Except that flying has been introduced during BC and BC til Lich King was the most successful time for WoW. From like 7 mio to 12 mio active accounts. There were fewer during Vanilla (no flying) and fewer during times where you couldn't fly anymore (Draenor or what that was called). Your arguing is, again like from most people here, biased.


The lich king made the game great.

Everyone played up to that point because of the lich king, and just kind of sticked around afterwards.

Very few people argue that flying didn't kill wow.

Biased, maybe, but it's a popular opinion, even among wow players

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Well from someone who bought GW2 when it first came out, but then didn't play it until a couple of months back, and was a mount collector in WoW, which I played for 10 years I would like to see the flying changed in GW.


I like the idea of not being able to zoom across the maps without controls, but I think the present processes for the flying mounts could be simpler. I saw one comment here that suggested a stamina bar that allowed you to fly at the same altitude but would require some way of resting to replenish the lost stamina, but if you overplay your time and run out of stamina, mount disappears and you need to glide to safety to remount. That way you could fly up to where you wished, to the glass ceiling, and didn't have to keep losing altitude without using the present convoluted dives and awkward switching, to gain a little altitude, at the same time requiring the player to find roosting places to rest.


I had mounts from the very beginning in WoW as soon as I qualified and only left in the summer of last year as the content became more and more cinematic watching, and less playing my characters. I experienced many times over, the story lines of both factions, as I had a large number of characters with different skills. I never felt leaving WoW had anything to do with allowing flying and in fact had over 250 mounts in my collection as well as continually replaying the story lines.


Yes you can skip content but you only really do that with your high level characters who have completed it, while your younger inexperienced characters tended to fly to quest lines and npcs quest givers, missing out the continual fighting, interfering with your ability to carry on the stories as you build your character, thus avoiding the repetitive killing required by not being able to fly.


So to wind up here I would like to see doing away with the rather, in my humble opinion, convoluted and unnecessary design of the present flying mechanics, and introducing a stamina based system which would require resting at chosen spots while your stamina replenished before continuing, running out of stamina could vanish your mount and you would need to enter the glide mode to go somewhere safe if possible. Failing that a slower loss of height as you fly with the Griffon mount as it exists. I cannot speak for the Skyscale as I have as yet to start on that what seems a longer and more tortuous path to master than the Griffon.

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> @"femina.2509" said:

> Well from someone who bought GW2 when it first came out, but then didn't play it until a couple of months back, and was a mount collector in WoW, which I played for 10 years I would like to see the flying changed in GW.


> I like the idea of not being able to zoom across the maps without controls, but I think the present processes for the flying mounts could be simpler. I saw one comment here that suggested a stamina bar that allowed you to fly at the same altitude but would require some way of resting to replenish the lost stamina, but if you overplay your time and run out of stamina, mount disappears and you need to glide to safety to remount. That way you could fly up to where you wished, to the glass ceiling, and didn't have to keep losing altitude without using the present convoluted dives and awkward switching, to gain a little altitude, at the same time requiring the player to find roosting places to rest.


> I had mounts from the very beginning in WoW as soon as I qualified and only left in the summer of last year as the content became more and more cinematic watching, and less playing my characters. I experienced many times over, the story lines of both factions, as I had a large number of characters with different skills. I never felt leaving WoW had anything to do with allowing flying and in fact had over 250 mounts in my collection as well as continually replaying the story lines.


> Yes you can skip content but you only really do that with your high level characters who have completed it, while your younger inexperienced characters tended to fly to quest lines and npcs quest givers, missing out the continual fighting, interfering with your ability to carry on the stories as you build your character, thus avoiding the repetitive killing required by not being able to fly.


> So to wind up here I would like to see doing away with the rather, in my humble opinion, convoluted and unnecessary design of the present flying mechanics, and introducing a stamina based system which would require resting at chosen spots while your stamina replenished before continuing, running out of stamina could vanish your mount and you would need to enter the glide mode to go somewhere safe if possible. Failing that a slower loss of height as you fly with the Griffon mount as it exists. I cannot speak for the Skyscale as I have as yet to start on that what seems a longer and more tortuous path to master than the Griffon.


We already have that skill 7 boost stamina and flight juice for skyscale.

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1. Unlimited flight would take more than just a mount rework, it would also take a rework of all the maps out of bounds invis walls.

2. Instanced zones don't work as well with infinite flight as they do with one big map like WoW.

3. Unlimited flight takes away your interaction with the world making travel trivial. Part of the fun of mounts is their various interactions with terrain, even the flying ones.

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> > > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > > > @"Kabuki Theatre.9752" said:

> > > > And how Exactly

> > > > would it "ruin the game."?

> > > > Seems to me other MMOs have not been

> > > > "ruined"

> > > > by having flying mounts that act just like real birds.

> > > >

> > >

> > > People will skip content

> > > It will invalidate the challenge of exploration

> > > Getting anywhere would be a joke

> > >

> > > You played WoW, you should know flying killed that game

> >

> > Except that flying has been introduced during BC and BC til Lich King was the most successful time for WoW. From like 7 mio to 12 mio active accounts. There were fewer during Vanilla (no flying) and fewer during times where you couldn't fly anymore (Draenor or what that was called). Your arguing is, again like from most people here, biased.


> The lich king made the game great.

> Everyone played up to that point because of the lich king, and just kind of sticked around afterwards.

> Very few people argue that flying didn't kill wow.

> Biased, maybe, but it's a popular opinion, even among wow players


yep, because flying over something is just so awful, right?

it wasnt the removal of talent trees, the gutting of classes, or the CRAPPY CONTENT.

hint: if players try to skip content, then the content isnt that great .

or, maybe they have just seen it before

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> @"Kabuki Theatre.9752" said:

> > @"Sila.6748" said:

> > > @"Kabuki Theatre.9752" said:

> > > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > > > @"Kabuki Theatre.9752" said:

> > > > > And how Exactly

> > > > > would it "ruin the game."?

> > > >

> > > > Before mounts were introduced, the game had a set traveling mechanic: waypoints, plus by foot. If you could fly over everything just like that, not only would old means of traveling become obsolete, new maps would also no longer pose a challenge at all when it comes to map completion (as verticality would no longer matter). The point of map completion is to thoroughly explore a new map.

> > >

> > > I would like to ask you one simple question ---

> > > How is it that so many other MMOs

> > > have implemented flying creatures into their games,

> > > without completely destroying their creations?

> > >

> > > Is this not possible within the GW2 environment?

> > > OR

> > >

> > > is GW2 the great exception to the rule?

> > >

> > >

> >

> > > Propose a flying mount in Guild Wars 2, and there’s an obvious challenge in that its content to date has been designed with players’ feet firmly on the ground.

> >

> > “We knew we had to be careful with how we went about tackling ‘flying’ in the game,” says Cronacher. “If we did free flight it would break a lot of content and invalidate the other mounts, which we didn’t want to do. We had to find a balance of feeling like the flight was natural and fun, but focused on player skill and manipulation, rather than free omnidirectional flight.”

> >

> > They dont *WANT* omnidirectional free flight. This is what they have chosen for their game. If you don't like it, this game is not for you.


> Again, yet another response of --


> If you don't like that game,

> pick your bat, ball, and gloves,

> and go somewhere else.


> Brilliant.

> Just Brilliant.




Then why not respond to everything else in the post instead of just the last line? Nothing to say to any of that, hmm? Brilliant indeed.


It's like that, though. They made these awesome mounts that feel cool and fun to play with, and they ideally want them all to feel useful both because they went through the trouble to make each mount feel the way they do (as opposed to cosmetic movement speed boosts like WoW mounts) and because selling skins is a big source of income for the game. If you make a mount that can fly like a WoW mount, there's no longer any point to most of the other mounts and no point to buying skins for them either.


Clearly, you feel that the way these mounts work is just annoying and would rather have WoW mounts. I'm not going to tell you to go back to WoW, but I will tell you that I disagree. I have played both games and I much prefer GW2 mounts.

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To be honest I wish we never did get flying mounts myself. It already trivializes lots of content. But I think this half way solution is better than a full fledged flying mount with no restrictions. And I'm glad they didn't go the cheap wow route.

I wish they did go the ffxiv route though where you can only fly in a map after you've completed it. But that's just me maybe.

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> @"coso.9173" said:

> To be honest I wish we never did get flying mounts myself. It already trivializes lots of content. But I think this half way solution is better than a full fledged flying mount with no restrictions. And I'm glad they didn't go the cheap wow route.

> I wish they did go the ffxiv route though where you can only fly in a map after you've completed it. But that's just me maybe.


How does it trivialize content for you? Don't use 'em.

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