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Why is this game so grindy and time-gated?

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> @"Cuks.8241" said:

> Ok. Let's assume you do the research and you know what to do. This is totally not recommended for new players and for me also not fun but lets just look at it for fun of it.


> You buy the game and you get 2 character lvl 80 boosts. You do the tutorial mission, boost your character to 80. I don't know how much exotic pieces go for these days but I will say you can get a full set of berserk with all the sigils and runes for about 40g. This amount of gold you can actually get in 1 day of farming but since this is a new account with nothing revealed let's say you need like 3 days, a few hours of play time each day. You can just farm low lvl mats like iron ore or go for farming maps like SW.

> So in 3 days you can have full exotic set with good stats for many builds. With this you can tackle 95 % of end game PVE and WvW shouldn't be an issue because skill factor heavily outweighs the difference between exotic and ascended.

> Now I never calculated how much time and gold investment ascended gear is but it is very reasonable and you can craft it without stepping into any harder content. This is best gear you can get and will last you forever. It is also account bound.


> If this is grindy I don't know what other mmos are.


> Legendaries are purely cosmetics. Yes you can say they improve quality of life because of stat changing. But in the end commitment is so high you can hardly call the end result improvement of QOL. This is just something for people that play for years to strive to.


Lol. I didn't even know 40g in 3 days was possible. I do appreciate though that for the most part you're trying to be helpful instead of troll someone who's clueless. If you can tell me how to get that much gold in a day that would be very helpful

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Don't know what else you could have expected ... you're working towards THE best armor and gear in the game ... be thankful you don't NEED this armor for anything and you can shoot lower for Ascended gear if you want the same performance.


It sounds to me like if you want to target a higher level of gear intended for a higher level of play to obtain and use ... you need to up your game from a casual on and off relationship with it. I don't want to discourage you but it sounds from your playing profile that even obtaining full Ascended gear is going to push your limits ... unless you got deep pockets.


I guess the bottom line is that better or worse, the game is designed smartly so the requirements to obtain the different tiers of gear match the playstyle profiles of the people that benefit from them. In otherwords, if you play on and off casually ... you should probably target getting a Ascended weapon (because it does have a significant DPS increase over exotic), maybe a few Ascended trinkets if you have LS3 with exotic armor.


To be completely fair here ... the game feels time gated and grindy because it sounds like you don't play it very much.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> Don't know what else you could have expected ... you're working towards THE best armor and gear in the game ... be thankful you don't NEED this armor for anything and you can shoot lower for Ascended gear if you want the same performance.


> It sounds to me like if you want to target a higher level of gear intended for a higher level of play to obtain and use ... you need to up your game from a casual on and off relationship with it. I don't want to discourage you but it sounds from your playing profile that even obtaining full Ascended gear is going to push your limits ... unless you got deep pockets.


> I guess the bottom line is that better or worse, the game is designed smartly so the requirements to obtain the different tiers of gear match the playstyle profiles of the people that benefit from them. In otherwords, if you play on and off casually ... you should probably target getting a Ascended weapon (because it does have a significant DPS increase over exotic), maybe a few Ascended trinkets if you have LS3 with exotic armor.


> To be completely fair here ... the game feels time gated and grindy because it sounds like you don't play it very much.


Getting a legendary without spending money isn't hard. It's just longer.


I'm very casual in that I'll play only open world PvE for the most part and I don't care to memorize the meta's rotation or find the most efficient way to get gold. I just play how I want to play that day.


I've had the game since launch. I got my precursor for my only legendary currently after the crafting method was added and I've started working on my second. It's slow going because being social enough for dungeons and fractals is hard and while I managed to luck out and bypass needing play WvW for my first legendary, I've got to at least go into WvW to play even if only very very lightly (and I have no problems with this!). But it's my very long term goal. I know I won't have it and the end of the day, or even at the end of this month. It will probably be end of this year or the next year or two before I get it. Depends on how often I play and how long it takes me to deal with the social and WvW aspects. Then I'll probably start working on the next one.


However, given the money and/or time sink involved, I wouldn't make a legendary to try out builds.

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The answer is simple.


* Legendary gear is the apex of progression in GW2

* It isn't meant to be gotten whenever you want to get it just because you can. It is meant to serve as a prestige for anyone who is able to make them, you are never required to have them for any content.

* Exotic gear is 5% less effective than Ascended and Legendary sets, (which have the same stats.) Exotics are so much more affordable.

* Ascended sets, whereas much more expensive than Exotics, you may change their stats for a small fee of Soul Shards and an Exotic insignia of the Stat you wish to change to.


TLDR; there is nothing saying you have to dive in and make these as fast as possible. That is the best way to burn out. You should simply work on them a little at a time while you do other content so it isn't such a chore.

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> @"Firebeard.1746" said:



> Alas, no. In addition to having to maintain a participation level 3, which can be a struggle if groups aren't forming and you die too much, you have to play at leadt 30 hours a week to get all of your tickets! At least if you're 2nd in the match and not outnumbered:

> **1450 pips * 5 minutes/4 pips * 1 hour/60 minutes = 30.2 hours**.


> And it takes 21 weeks to get the armor set, then you need another 6000 tickets wich is like another 18 weeks or so. So it takes playing this game like a job to for almost a year to get the armor set, not even weapons.


> This isn't including trying to unlock the mounts (warclaw, skyscale) or just trying to complete all the living world seasons i missed so i understand the game better. Or even unlocking the other mounts.


> So i'm feeling really discouraged. What's the point of having a game with so much potential build diversity when the only way to truly explore it is gated behind so much content that is both time gated and ridiculously grindy? This game is enjoyable but end game progression quickly becomes a chore if you want to delve into it.


The legendary gear, despite all the statements claiming the contrary is not only a cosmetic. It represents a major advantage for the owner over someone who has no legendary. Advantage in terms of convenience, QoL and gold. Yes, gold. In the long run, even if the price of a legendary item is greater than the price of an ascendant one, you will save money by using the legendary.


That a legendary is OP (over powered) is admitted even by ANet by the method of acquisition. Long, expensive, grindy. And now, with the introduction of legendary armor, this method is time gated too.


The time gating is one of the cheapest and less imaginative methods to make achieving something more difficult. Or to take longer. This is something a developer formed in the environment of grindy games has in his blood. Something he/she considers as normal as breathing. Well, in GW2 this was not normal. Even now it is not considered normal. This is why I suggested many times that after recruiting a developer for its team, ANet to teach that new developer the values of this game. The Manifesto - it was not officially discarded, so everyone reading it may think it is still applied in this game.


That the time-gate (in WvW at least) is meaningless, bringing nothing good for players and also damaging the willingness to play GW2, is proven by the following logic:


Let's suppose the skirmish ticket track will become repeatable. This is bad is in the devs opinion. But in reality is not that bad.


1. A low rank player will need as per the OP statement **1450 pips * 5 minutes/4 pips * 1 hour/60 minutes = 30.2 hours**. At 6 days of play in WvW that means 5 hours per day in WvW alone. If you want do do other activities too, this time become even longer. How many extra skirmish tickets do you think a low rank WvW player can obtain? If he wants to **double** the tickets he will have to play 10 hours/day. Quite hard and not many players can do this. So, even if the track become repeatable a low rank player will not have a much shorter time ahead to make his legendary. But he will have no frustration generated by an arbitrary barrier.

2. **"BUT, but, but ... a high rank player will complete the reward track in 2 days from reset!"** And so what? **"He will make the legendary and we will lose him!"**. FALSE. It already has a high rank. He already played the WvW from the times the legendary armor was not in game. Even if he completes the legendary very fast, even for many characters, he will not leave the WvW. He already proved he likes this mode. With or without legendary he will play.


So, OP, I understand you. The time gate is nothing good for this game. It exists only because it existed in other games and more and more developers from ANet started to forget what the founders of ANet and the initial developers team wanted for this game.


Or, we can think at another explanation: The definition of "grind" inplies doing the same thing over and over and over and then again, hoping to pass over a non friendly RNG system, or to gather TONS of a certain material OR by slicing the activity into small pieces each doable at certain intervals (days/weeks etc).


By grinding something you are tempted to forget the other content of the game. So, the grind can be used succesfully to cover the lack of content. Or by overhelming the players with low quality content to make them to have no time to ask for a high quality content.

Look at the LS4 - a lot of questions: Why we need so much Kralkatite for a weapon collection? Why we need so much map currency for ... X or Y collection? The answers (on the Forum) was almost always: Because Anet wants you to play the content of that map. **Realy**? I played the content of that map in one day. This is not playing, it is **replaying**. And replaying. And replaying. The same events, doing the same activity. Doing the same hearts (sometimes with several characters). This is not playing, this is grinding.


So, as a conclusion - it seems that the grind (and the gates) are in this game because some developers have no confidence in the quality of this game. Or, some of them, cannot break the ties (mental ties) they had with other games.

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> @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

> So, as a conclusion - it seems that the grind (and the gates) are in this game because some developers have no confidence in the quality of this game. Or, some of them, cannot break the ties (mental ties) they had with other games.

That's not a question of confidence, it's a question of simple math. There's just no way any game developer on earth could create enough content to give people with even a moderate amount of gametime something new to play continuously.


Choose the content you play by what you enjoy, and tailor your playtime to your preferences. There's nothing "quality of life" in wasting hours upon hours grinding content you don't enjoy just to get a set of equipment that might save you a couple of seconds switching equipment (or not even that, I know enough people with access to legendary equipment that still prefer to use ascended as they don't have to stat-change and rune/sigil-change each time they want to use a different set) in the far future. Spending a fraction of that time getting slightly less effective equipment to use when playing content you actually enjoy actually looks like a much better use of gaming time to me.


OP, if you do want equipment to experiment with and figure out builds, as others have said exotics or even just rares can be had at negligible cost (compared to legendaries) and will serve you well enough to figure out builds. To get a baseline idea of what works and what doesn't, you can also go to the pvp lobby where you can tailor your (pvp) build without using any equipment at all (as the pvp build in this game works on the premise of every character has instant access to all stats available to the account).

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> > @"Firebeard.1746" said:

> The legendary gear, despite all the statements claiming the contrary is not only a cosmetic. It represents a major advantage for the owner over someone who has no legendary. Advantage in terms of convenience, QoL and gold. Yes, gold. In the long run, even if the price of a legendary item is greater than the price of an ascendant one, you will save money by using the legendary.


It doesn't really offer an advantage. Take it from those of us who have been playing since the start of the game.

You wont switch your build that often. (because there's no build templates... there's also no need.)

Most people have different characters for different roles.



They'll have their soulbeast in power gear and another character as a druid in healer gear so they can just switch character instead of worrying about builds.


Its so much more expensive that you would have to craft quite alot of ascended armor to make it worth it. You arent going to need this much armor.


People go for ledgie because its shiny. and as a long term goal.



> That a legendary is OP (over powered) is admitted even by ANet by the method of acquisition. Long, expensive, grindy. And now, with the introduction of legendary armor, this method is time gated too.


Its not overpowered. Its grindy to give people something to do.


> The time gating is one of the cheapest and less imaginative methods to make achieving something more difficult. Or to take longer. This is something a developer formed in the environment of grindy games has in his blood. Something he/she considers as normal as breathing. Well, in GW2 this was not normal. Even now it is not considered normal. This is why I suggested many times that after recruiting a developer for its team, ANet to teach that new developer the values of this game. The Manifesto - it was not officially discarded, so everyone reading it may think it is still applied in this game.


Its a long term goal.



> That the time-gate (in WvW at least) is meaningless, bringing nothing good for players and also damaging the willingness to play GW2, is proven by the following logic:


This is designed for people who will play WvW anyway. so the time gate means nothing.


> 1. A low rank player will need as per the OP statement **1450 pips * 5 minutes/4 pips * 1 hour/60 minutes = 30.2 hours**. At 6 days of play in WvW that means 5 hours per day in WvW alone. If you want do do other activities too, this time become even longer. How many extra skirmish tickets do you think a low rank WvW player can obtain? If he wants to **double** the tickets he will have to play 10 hours/day. Quite hard and not many players can do this. So, even if the track become repeatable a low rank player will not have a much shorter time ahead to make his legendary. But he will have no frustration generated by an arbitrary barrier.


again it's designed for people who will and have been playing wvw for awhile.

There's is so much to do in the game before one works on ledgie armor. I repeat you don't need it. and you will likely be so disappointed and burnt out if that is all you focus on.



> So, OP, I understand you. The time gate is nothing good for this game. It exists only because it existed in other games and more and more developers from ANet started to forget what the founders of ANet and the initial developers team wanted for this game.


Time gating is fine, and is there to ensure these things stay long term goals. To keep players logging in.


> Or, we can think at another explanation: The definition of "grind" inplies doing the same thing over and over and over and then again, hoping to pass over a non friendly RNG system, or to gather TONS of a certain material OR by slicing the activity into small pieces each doable at certain intervals (days/weeks etc).


> By grinding something you are tempted to forget the other content of the game. So, the grind can be used succesfully to cover the lack of content. Or by overhelming the players with low quality content to make them to have no time to ask for a high quality content.


ledgie is meant to be a grind.. I'm not sure what you're getting at here?


> Look at the LS4 - a lot of questions: Why we need so much Kralkatite for a weapon collection? Why we need so much map currency for ... X or Y collection? The answers (on the Forum) was almost always: Because Anet wants you to play the content of that map. **Realy**? I played the content of that map in one day. This is not playing, it is **replaying**. And replaying. And replaying. The same events, doing the same activity. Doing the same hearts (sometimes with several characters). This is not playing, this is grinding.


I know, this can be annoying but only if you dont enjoy the comtent. EVERY mmo id about repeating content. You're looking for a solo player game if you want to avoid this.


> So, as a conclusion - it seems that the grind (and the gates) are in this game because some developers have no confidence in the quality of this game. Or, some of them, cannot break the ties (mental ties) they had with other games.


They're in the game so people keep logging in because otherwise they would finish fast and complain they have nothing to do.


as to earning gold. Open world metas (Silverwastes is a core map meta most people got to tonearn gold. HoT metas also) is a good place to start. And world bosses.

These are on timers that are on the wiki, (and other sites and even phone apps).

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> @"GDchiaScrub.3241" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > It's less of a time gate but more of a long term progression goal. Participation in WvW is so braindead you could spend all 30 of those hours running between shrines or Veterans and kill them, then afk until they or another one respawn. You don't need big groups for anything. If you're alone it's all about camp capturing.

> >

> > Basically you went head first to the worst possible way of acquiring legendary gear.


> This. Gear acquisition in WvW is terribly hilarious.


> D:


Terribly hilarious or hilariously terrible? ;)

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> @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

> > @"Firebeard.1746" said:

> ....................................

> >

> > Alas, no. In addition to having to maintain a participation level 3, which can be a struggle if groups aren't forming and you die too much, you have to play at leadt 30 hours a week to get all of your tickets! At least if you're 2nd in the match and not outnumbered:

> > **1450 pips * 5 minutes/4 pips * 1 hour/60 minutes = 30.2 hours**.

> >

> > And it takes 21 weeks to get the armor set, then you need another 6000 tickets wich is like another 18 weeks or so. So it takes playing this game like a job to for almost a year to get the armor set, not even weapons.

> >

> > This isn't including trying to unlock the mounts (warclaw, skyscale) or just trying to complete all the living world seasons i missed so i understand the game better. Or even unlocking the other mounts.

> >

> > So i'm feeling really discouraged. What's the point of having a game with so much potential build diversity when the only way to truly explore it is gated behind so much content that is both time gated and ridiculously grindy? This game is enjoyable but end game progression quickly becomes a chore if you want to delve into it.


> The legendary gear, despite all the statements claiming the contrary is not only a cosmetic. It represents a major advantage for the owner over someone who has no legendary. Advantage in terms of convenience, QoL and gold. Yes, gold. In the long run, even if the price of a legendary item is greater than the price of an ascendant one, you will save money by using the legendary.


Nope, it WOULD be an advantage if it offered higher stats. Which it doesnt. You wont save ANY gold in the long run, unless you change builds 3-5 times a day. Not counting the amount of time it actually took you to get leggy armor, instead of 2-3 sets of ascended armors.


> That a legendary is OP (over powered) is admitted even by ANet by the method of acquisition. Long, expensive, grindy. And now, with the introduction of legendary armor, this method is time gated too.


It is an endgame goal. A very costly, time-consuming, timegated endgame goal.


> The time gating is one of the cheapest and less imaginative methods to make achieving something more difficult. Or to take longer. This is something a developer formed in the environment of grindy games has in his blood. Something he/she considers as normal as breathing. Well, in GW2 this was not normal. Even now it is not considered normal. This is why I suggested many times that after recruiting a developer for its team, ANet to teach that new developer the values of this game. The Manifesto - it was not officially discarded, so everyone reading it may think it is still applied in this game.


Why not just hand things out to people simply by logging in?


> That the time-gate (in WvW at least) is meaningless, bringing nothing good for players and also damaging the willingness to play GW2, is proven by the following logic:


> Let's suppose the skirmish ticket track will become repeatable. This is bad is in the devs opinion. But in reality is not that bad.


> 1. A low rank player will need as per the OP statement **1450 pips * 5 minutes/4 pips * 1 hour/60 minutes = 30.2 hours**. At 6 days of play in WvW that means 5 hours per day in WvW alone. If you want do do other activities too, this time become even longer. How many extra skirmish tickets do you think a low rank WvW player can obtain? If he wants to **double** the tickets he will have to play 10 hours/day. Quite hard and not many players can do this. So, even if the track become repeatable a low rank player will not have a much shorter time ahead to make his legendary. But he will have no frustration generated by an arbitrary barrier.

> 2. **"BUT, but, but ... a high rank player will complete the reward track in 2 days from reset!"** And so what? **"He will make the legendary and we will lose him!"**. FALSE. It already has a high rank. He already played the WvW from the times the legendary armor was not in game. Even if he completes the legendary very fast, even for many characters, he will not leave the WvW. He already proved he likes this mode. With or without legendary he will play.


A low rank player needs leggy armor. Hmmmm. He can get exotic armors for free with full selectable stats, he can get living world currencies with reward tracks for ascended trinkets... He can also get leggy armor at a slower pace. Which is FAIR. I started pve raiding yesterday, give me 200 LI per week, cause others who had been grinding raids week after week already HAD the LI required for leggy armor. I dont, why should i grind, i am a new player, gimme stuff

> So, OP, I understand you. The time gate is nothing good for this game. It exists only because it existed in other games and more and more developers from ANet started to forget what the founders of ANet and the initial developers team wanted for this game.


I can understand that OP saw legendary armor is out and they want to get it asap. WHich is understandable. The aquisition ways are also understandable.


> Or, we can think at another explanation: The definition of "grind" inplies doing the same thing over and over and over and then again, hoping to pass over a non friendly RNG system, or to gather TONS of a certain material OR by slicing the activity into small pieces each doable at certain intervals (days/weeks etc).


You can choose - you SHOULD choose- to play whatever content YOU like. It is a game. Not a job. I enjoy wvw, cant stand pve raids. Do i lose exclusive skins? I do. Do i care? No, there IS a way to acquire it, i just dont bother. Plus, ascended virtually drop in this game everywhere, hell you can even simply get grandmaster at a craft of your choosing and buy all mats to make an ascended armor (if exotics from tp arent your thing). Same stats.


> By grinding something you are tempted to forget the other content of the game. So, the grind can be used succesfully to cover the lack of content. Or by overhelming the players with low quality content to make them to have no time to ask for a high quality content.

> Look at the LS4 - a lot of questions: Why we need so much Kralkatite for a weapon collection? Why we need so much map currency for ... X or Y collection? The answers (on the Forum) was almost always: Because Anet wants you to play the content of that map. **Realy**? I played the content of that map in one day. This is not playing, it is **replaying**. And replaying. And replaying. The same events, doing the same activity. Doing the same hearts (sometimes with several characters). This is not playing, this is grinding.


Those weapons ALWAYS were like this. Some had them, some didnt. There are plenty of ways to get the currency, it is simply a (thankfully) vocal minority that wants the collection HERE and NOW. They are also tied to a LEGENDARY trinket, something so completely optional, something so ridiculously overpriced you can literally buy 10 different ascended trinkets with various stats for 1/100th of the cost. I remember the ember bay jp (good luck for the majority to do it without mesmers porting them) for aurora, good luck grinding achievements to get what you need. Or... You know, enjoy the game, do stuff at your own pace, play what you like.


> So, as a conclusion - it seems that the grind (and the gates) are in this game because some developers have no confidence in the quality of this game. Or, some of them, cannot break the ties (mental ties) they had with other games.

In conclusion, it is perfectly understandable for older players who have had thousands of hours in various gamemodes to get stuff faster than others who JUST came to those modes. And this has nothing to do with devs. People choose what they want to play.



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> @"Rasimir.6239" said: .......

> @"Taygus.4571" said: .........

> @"Voltekka.2375" said: ....


I analyzed my playstile and based on that I posted my opinion supporting the OP point of view against the time gates. For me a game without time gates can give me the feeling of freedom of action. I can play for a goal as long as I want. More time in one day. Less time (or even zero time) for the same goal in other day. But in that way I consider you can fell that you decide when to do something and how much time you spend for that something. The gates prevent this.


You disagreed but, even by reading carefully your posts I wasn't able to see arguments other than: "Gates are good" / the gates are ingame, so keep them because are good / you cannot handle something for free (this is hilarious - the time needed for 7880 tickets is nothing?) etc.


To make sure I understand your point of view (and keeping the debate in the legendary WvW armor realm) , please, tell us in what way canceling the time gates will negatively affect **your personal** playstile and the enjoyment of playing GW2.


Please don't post how you think that this can affect ANet income/playerbase/etc. Also, please don't post how you think this may affect **other players experience**. Please tell us how this can affect **your personal** experience.


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Well, you said you left BFA for something "better..." this game is better. If everything was easy to get and/or basically handed to you, just for being max level, then this game would BE BFA......so which is it you want? Do you, or don't you, want the better game game?


edit: also, I would like to point out to the people figuring out time for tickets in WvW every week - grind all you want, but keep in mind, regardless if you're rank 5 or 5000, you can only acquire 350 (?) tickets per week. You may need more pip ticks at lower ranks to get those tickets, but you still can't get any more than that.

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> @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

> > @"Rasimir.6239" said: .......

> > @"Taygus.4571" said: .........

> > @"Voltekka.2375" said: ....


> I analyzed my playstile and based on that I posted my opinion supporting the OP point of view against the time gates. For me a game without time gates can give me the feeling of freedom of action. I can play for a goal as long as I want. More time in one day. Less time (or even zero time) for the same goal in other day. But in that way I consider you can fell that you decide when to do something and how much time you spend for that something. The gates prevent this.


> You disagreed but, even by reading carefully your posts I wasn't able to see arguments other than: "Gates are good" / the gates are ingame, so keep them because are good / you cannot handle something for free (this is hilarious - the time needed for 7880 tickets is nothing?) etc.


> To make sure I understand your point of view (and keeping the debate in the legendary WvW armor realm) , please, tell us in what way canceling the time gates will negatively affect **your personal** playstile and the enjoyment of playing GW2.


> Please don't post how you think that this can affect ANet income/playerbase/etc. Also, please don't post how you think this may affect **other players experience**. Please tell us how this can affect **your personal** experience.



I get it. Its like the "i want easy raids" argument. Its you who has to convince the devs or other players why timegate is a bad thing, not I, and offer something better in return. As for "how does it affect your personal experience", in the wvw realm, lemme tell you this: wvw is a dying mode, with fewer players each week. I play daily, have been for the last 2-3 years, I know all of my server's regulars, and boy have they been dwindling. Without max tickets per week, people would burn themselves out within the first week, get leggy armor, never set foot again in wvw. Numbers die. My favorite mode gets removed. Leggy armor - ANY armor--is a long term project. Gw2 has no subscription, no gear treadmill, which means you honestly dont need legendaries, certainly not if playing casually. And, believe me, hardcores would burn through content in 10 days, get bored, leave for other games.

Just watch the QQ in pve forums about the Skyscale, where people want everything HERE and NOW. When they ARE given content, they finish it in 2 days, get bored, play other games.

I am pretty confident Anet has the metrics as to why timegating favors the game, how many hours people play daily, how many leave etc.

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**Why is this game so grindy and time-gated?**

Once upon a time there was a game called Guild Wars 2. The best armour was unlockable within few hours of casual gameplay. When the average player achieved this goal he felt unsatisfied. A huge(or at least very loud) part of the community demanded "real" endgame-content. So Anet introduced ascended armour, made legendaries superior by statchanging and added a collection system.

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Legendary stat swapping is only really useful if you frequently change spec. and I think mainly jewelry and armor have the most benefit from it. Weapons? Not so much, as different specs mostly use different weapons. But its not like its difficult getting extra jewelry and with a little effort you can craft another armor set. So no, legendaries is mainly only a cosmetic pursuit for Fashion Wars.

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> @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

> > @"Rasimir.6239" said: .......

> > @"Taygus.4571" said: .........

> > @"Voltekka.2375" said: ....


> I analyzed my playstile and based on that I posted my opinion supporting the OP point of view against the time gates. For me a game without time gates can give me the feeling of freedom of action. I can play for a goal as long as I want. More time in one day. Less time (or even zero time) for the same goal in other day. But in that way I consider you can fell that you decide when to do something and how much time you spend for that something. The gates prevent this.


> You disagreed but, even by reading carefully your posts I wasn't able to see arguments other than: "Gates are good" / the gates are ingame, so keep them because are good / you cannot handle something for free (this is hilarious - the time needed for 7880 tickets is nothing?) etc.


> To make sure I understand your point of view (and keeping the debate in the legendary WvW armor realm) , please, tell us in what way canceling the time gates will negatively affect **your personal** playstile and the enjoyment of playing GW2.


> Please don't post how you think that this can affect ANet income/playerbase/etc. Also, please don't post how you think this may affect **other players experience**. Please tell us how this can affect **your personal** experience.



That's the thing. ANet will only change it if they feel it will change their income/playerbase/etc. So talking about a single player's experience when there are THOUSANDS of players isn't going to change their minds.


The game started off with just exotic armor being the highest tier. Players very very quickly achieved that and then found they had nothing to progress to. Without that carrot, many players left the game or posted that they were displeased with the lack of things to work toward. This was even true for weapons as there was no more intermediary step between easy to obtain exotic and the grind that is the legendary.


So ANet added Ascended tier gear in order to bridge that gap.


Without the time gates, too many players would finish "everything" they want to do in a short period of time and then move on to other games. And only a small portion of those players will likely ever return the game. The time it would take for them to patch the game wouldn't be worth the time it would take them to achieve new things unless they waited like a year or two.


Most players are not like you. They need in game given long term goals to work towards. For some players that's topping the PvP leader boards. For some that's getting to top level in WvW. For others that legendary gear. Some people work toward multiple long term goals. Removing time gates on the legendary gear removes a long term goal for players who do not wish to PvP or WvW or raid.


The convenience of changing stats on it without paying for it each time is purchased with the time spent on the time gates.


It should be noted that I'm doing the WvW portion of the legendary weapons' gift of battle, the slow way. WvW daily reward potions for when it's "Big Spender" "Kill a sentry (forget the name XD)". So we're talking months for me. And that's just to get 1 gift of battle. I don't know if legendary armor is doable by that method, however.


I have not been inconvenienced at all by any of the time gates in game. It's very clear if you look at how to get things what exactly it will entail. And what it entails should tell players that it's not something that you're supposed to quickly get a lot of.

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I'm a bit confused here.


Why exactly do you want legendary armor? To experiment with build diversity for what game mode?

You've never played wvw or raids before and have no experience, hence no knowledge to successfully experiment with anything there, you find it a struggle to maintain participation above level 3 (it's not a stuggle, it's extremely easy).

The way you talk about ranked pvp, raids, and wvw, it doesn't sound like you want to play those modes anyway.

So where will you explore this build diversity?

PvE open world certainly doesn't need any experimenting with stats. It's more about the skills, abilities and runes.

I don't see what part of the game is left. Is this for unranked pvp?


I think you're looking for legendary armor to be the answer for something you're having difficulty with, but it's not actually the answer.

If you can share with us what the real problem is, why you think leg armor is the solution, we can definitely help here to point you in the right direction. The reasons that you want legendary armor, is not really the intended design of it, and there are other things that meet that need cheaper, faster and easier.


You don't have warclaw or skyscale yet, you haven't done the story yet. So you probably haven't maxed all your masteries for tyria, hot and pof either. How much AP do you have? How many mastery points?

You talk about endgame being a chore.. but you're not up to the end game yet.

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You know what? This game isn't grindy. Go play something like AION that you had to get millions and million of XP to get five levels. That to get nice jewelry you had to a daily everyday for 3 tokens and you needed maybe 150 if not more for one bit. An Arena that was time gated via tickets and it could take you weeks to get a weapon?

Although I normally just craft ascended armour ( also a grind for many) I am now dipping my toe in getting my legendary weapons/trinkets. I just don't understand why people moan about doing some work for the best stuff? why? I didn't need to do aurora or pharus or the ascension but i did as something to do, just as I am in the middle of vision.

You don't need to do this. So please stop trying to get things changed for people who like a goal..

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Considering that exotic gear sells on trade market for dirt cheap. Ascended trinkets are easily obtainable from maps. Exotics is more than enough raids and fractals. SPvP has zero gear grind. It is not an exaggeration to say that GW2 is one of the least (it is probably the least) Grindy MMOs.


I do have issues with some of the more recent grinds, particularly collections. Also, crafting is too convoluted and grindy.


But, again, to emphasize, you can buy gear that gets you though the most of the game challenging combat for close to nothing from the trading network.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> Legendary stat swapping is only really useful if you frequently change spec. and I think mainly jewelry and armor have the most benefit from it. Weapons? Not so much, as different specs mostly use different weapons. But its not like its difficult getting extra jewelry and with a little effort you can craft another armor set. So no, legendaries is mainly only a cosmetic pursuit for Fashion Wars.


The statswapping effect is only really useful for trinkets. Exotic weapons and armor are extremely cheap and perfectly acceptable for testing different state combinations. Ascended weapons and armor are also cheaper to statswap.


Note: This is in comparison to the fold and effort required to make a full set of legendary gear.

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Don't know if anyone stated this. But OP's problem is that he comes head first into gw2, with the mindset of a wow player.


That's really it.


You can easily do all content with exotic gear.

Ascended is rather easy to get as well.


Ofc legendary needs to be hard to get or it would be boring. The excitement of making a weapon etc. Is all worth the time spend.


You basically asking why the game have content. And why you don't get the best in slot gear instantly, to do this content.

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