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What's your favorite story mission?

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If you _had_ to pick just **one** mission, which one would it be and why?


* Mine is **Be My Guest** (LWS4, Ep. 3), the final Kourna mission.

* Why? The cutscenes were excellent and got under my skin (scarab plague pun intended), I'm a sucker for dungeons and trap puzzles, for magical rings and illusions, plus it has Joko in it, the coolest villain of all time. And then there's the humor and irony of Joko's end, which had me in stitches.

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The final instance of Draconis Mons. Descending the volcano, and seeing Primordus frozen in mid surface as an iconic once-God drains his power and then fighting his hounds. The mechanics are messy but the scene is just 10/10 for wow.


I’m going to honorary give the final PoF instance the same reason. The lead in battles were cool, but halfway in looking up and seeing Kralkatorrik first the first time then later gave him hovering just behind you is another scene which is just awe inspiring. Nothing they did with Kralk in s4 came close to that in the instances. They captured the raw, eldritch feel of Kralk in PoF much like they did with Primordus in ls3


That was the last time I felt the Dragons were as they should be as by the end of episode 6 of Season 4, Kralkatorriks aura was in tatters by some truly questionable direction.


Ok I know you wanted one, but I’m also throwing in the Battle for Lions Arch. Part one was stunningly good, part two a bit poor except the group Scarlet fight and ending which was top notch. Ls1 was rubbish mostly but that end double eposide is unrivalled in terms of scope. Being there for that and seeing Anet innovate in the way they did was something special even if I was against temporary content for the entirety of S1

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Be my guest was great, but there are defineately strong contenders. Down the hatch, The Source of Orr, Confessors end, heart of the volcano, the way forward/the departing, to kill a god, the hero of istan, the charge, storm tracking, the crystal dragon...


I have a lot of favourites, often because of the humour or the mood was set just right.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> Ok I know you wanted one, [...]


Yes, otherwise, I could've listed my top ten with the final LWS4 mission being #2 for its final, breathtakingly beautiful cutscene that made me cry. ;)


> @"Westenev.5289" said:

> Be my guest was great, but there are defineately strong contenders. Down the hatch, The Source of Orr, Confessors end, heart of the volcano, the way forward/the departing, to kill a god, the hero of istan, the charge, storm tracking, the crystal dragon...


Choose **one**, please. (LOL) :D

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Personnal story, fight against zhaitan. Seriously was top notch, firstly the journey with the small airship to kill giants to finally end on the PACT MOTHERSHIP was georgeous with the mega pew pew shooting at his wings to finish it with lesser cannons.... was the best dragon fight, better than others.

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It's a tough decision between Head of the Snake - Confessor's End or Victory or Death - Air Drop but I'll go with Air Drop. First time playing, it was pretty mind-blowing how the prototype glolem could decimate hoards of risen which still to this day makes me wonder why such a golem was never reused, updated or even mentioned throughout the later stories.

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> @"DeanBB.4268" said:

> Considering I play it every week, it must be Defending Shaemor! :open_mouth:


> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> The one where Trahearne is stupid enough to get trapped in a cave when facing an unusually clever enemy that turns out to be Risen Tybalt, after he was corrupted at Claw Island.


> That is my story and I'm sticking to it.


LOL at both of those.

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I cannot remember the names. Main story, level 70 story. Where you and a Norn lady spy on the Kryte tying to find an orb. If I remember correctly, the orb that protected the Kryte from the risen. We get separated on the mission. I take the orb back then start looking for the Norn lady. We finally find out she was captured and in the Kryte main base. We go there, and all the Kryte are now risen, without the protection of the ord. We climb all the way to the top of the Kryte tower to save the lady, then find out she was already turned to risen and we have to put her down :s


Most of the stuff with Tiblet was cool as well.

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[Enemy of My Enemy](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Enemy_of_My_Enemy "Enemy of My Enemy")


It's actually a lot of different tasks and instances, all lots of fun:


1. You get to raise Sunspear flags and change the world. And the changes you make to the world stay!

2. You get to kill Archon Iberu for the very first time. The first time is always special.

3. You get to experience the most beautiful use of the Special Action key, controlling awakened to fight.

4. You get to use a mount as a key element in a mission. And you can show off to boot.



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ls3 ep4 final instance is high up on my list due to the uhh, emotional moments, along with it's fantastic dialogue and a boss fight ill remember for definitely more than one reason. cried a lot when i first did it, first for demmi, second for the all soldiers ele i was so bad at playing it took me an hour to get the final boss LOL. good times tho! and the armor you get for completing the story is just icing on the delcious multilayered cake that is this story. xD take a mask home as a token of memories of caudecus' strange face statue basement and logan lust!

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> I can't remember its name, but it is the Order of Whispers mission where Tybalt transforms into a woman as a diversion. It is really funny.


It's "Thrown Off Guard" and it's brilliant, I love the Order of Whispers arc.


Lightbringer Tybalt Leftpaw: Burn me, I'm a human girl! Whoa, I've got two hands and some lovely...apples.

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