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Mystic coins price is out of control

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Hmmm. Lets see.

20 MC/month from logging in.

1 MC/day from leyline anomaly event, makes us another 30 MC/month.

6 MC/week from completing diamond WvW chest, are another 24 MC/month.

Daily mystic forger, dunno how often this rotates, its another 3 MC/month (a wild guess, really).

Daily T4 plus CM also have a chance of yielding MC, I used to get about 15-30/month on average. (personal info, I know)


This is about...

74 MC/month AT LEAST, with the chance of getting up to 100? (wild guess, based on personal drops)


Dunno but it seems pretty logical, to me. Theyre used for heavy goldsinks, mostly, like Legendaries. We all know theyre waaaaaaaaaaaay overpriced skins. In that regard, they may as well cost a LOT.

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> @"Sir Alymer.3406" said:

> > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> >

> > > @"Hashberry.4510" said:

> > > Need some items that will not rapidly deflate. You may know you can at least get one per day from the ley line anomaly. Good luck.

> >

> > Only 500 days for a single gen2 or gen 2.5.


> lol, no. If you're logging in every day to do that daily, you're getting your login rewards. Every 28 days you get 20 mystic coins _just_ from that. Add on one a day from the ley-line anomaly and you have 48 coins over the course of one 28 day period. You need about 483 mystic coins starting at zero clovers to make a gen 2 legendary. That comes out to 283 days if you hit all the dailies. This does not account for the Mystic Forger daily task that can appear from time to time and award an extra coin or the random drops from Fractal CMs and dailies.


*On top of that* if you're going for legendaries, there is little or no reason to choose something other than the Chest of Legendary Materials from your Chest of Loyalty. Getting 7 Clovers every 28 days is functionally the same as getting ~20 extra Mystic Coins as long as you're below 77 clovers and want the coins for a legendary.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > This complaint doesn't make sense ... MC prices are **controlled** by market demand and supply. If you think they are too expensive because you want to buy them, there are people that think they are too cheap because they want to sell them. The price on the market is a balance between those ... it couldn't be any MORE under control than it already is.

> >

> > Only that anet introduced a much higher demand with HoT due to legendary 2.0 needing an additional 250 coins and also for stuff in the guild hall. It was made scarce. They used to be dirt cheap (too cheap maybe). That said, instead of this the T6 mats were much much in higher demand back then.


> But that's my point ... Anet can't introduce more sources to control the price ... because it means they literally can't add more MC's to other recipes or ensure the demand players have for them is constant ... the idea that more sources controls the TP price is ... ignorant.


Of course they can! They already have ... the amount of coins a single account can get per month as nearly doubled(40 versus 74) or more than doubled if you add in the RNG based sources, dailies and PvP tournaments. The additional sources for clovers can also be a source for coins although not entirely since coins are also used in other recipes.


Why people haven't gone for them is a completely different discussion though.


However this is not meant to be a counter point. It is just that we already have proof that sources can be added without having much impact. It all depends on where it gets added.


I guess my point is that other sources exist, if people think prices are too high then they should go get it themselves from the other source.(insert stuff about opportunity cost that I am too lazy to write :p)

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> Hmmm. Lets see.

> 20 MC/month from logging in.

> 1 MC/day from leyline anomaly event, makes us another 30 MC/month.

> 6 MC/week from completing diamond WvW chest, are another 24 MC/month.

> Daily mystic forger, dunno how often this rotates, its another 3 MC/month (a wild guess, really).

> Daily T4 plus CM also have a chance of yielding MC, I used to get about 15-30/month on average. (personal info, I know)


> This is about...

> 74 MC/month AT LEAST, with the chance of getting up to 100? (wild guess, based on personal drops)


> Dunno but it seems pretty logical, to me. Theyre used for heavy goldsinks, mostly, like Legendaries. We all know theyre waaaaaaaaaaaay overpriced skins. In that regard, they may as well cost a LOT.


There are also the PvP tournaments.


If the coins are being used for clovers you can count the fractal vendor as an additional 4 coins per day so that is 120 ... or 194 coins a month.



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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > @"phs.6089" said:

> > What happened to farm gold, buy mystic coins?


> If everyone does that, the supply outstrips the demand even further than it already has until they're 5g each....


> Economy 101


Then the correct value of those coins would then be 5g. Economy 101.


The world where MC cost whatever you want them to doesn't exist.


I for one am done here. Enjoy sitting at your computer being outraged over the cost of digital items in a fictional world that exists only on a data server. I'll be spending my time actually having fun in the game.

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > @"phs.6089" said:

> > What happened to farm gold, buy mystic coins?


> If everyone does that, the supply outstrips the demand even further than it already has until they're 5g each....


> Economy 101


The same could be said about any farm. If everyone did the farm then nobody would make any money.


Telling people they can buy coins isn’t going to make coin prices skyrocket just as telling someone to do a particular farm isn’t going to make those profits decrease. You’re using an extreme case which realistically will never happen.

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> > What happened to farm gold, buy mystic coins?


> If everyone does that, the supply outstrips the demand even further than it already has until they're 5g each....


> Economy 101


That misses half the equation: the entire reason there's no need for new sources is that the market supplies more than enough m-coins to supply the demand. That's because _everyone_ doesn't use them; only some people do. The rest sell. Some people hold on "just in case" and will sell if the price goes up enough. So despite the massive spike in purchasing, the overall trend has not changed.


Economy 101 requires looking at supply and demand, not just one or the other. And it requires looking at historical trends.


> Then the correct value of those coins would then be 5g. Economy 101.

Yes, if people are willing to pay 5g, then the coins are worth that much. There's no intrinsic value to the coins other than what we, as players, decide.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > > @"phs.6089" said:

> > > What happened to farm gold, buy mystic coins?

> >

> > If everyone does that, the supply outstrips the demand even further than it already has until they're 5g each....

> >

> > Economy 101


> Then the correct value of those coins would then be 5g. Economy 101.

Economy 101: "economy" and "correct" have nothing to do with each other. Economy doesn't concern itself with "correctness".


That's one of the causes behind this thread (and all other similar ones), by the way.

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > This complaint doesn't make sense ... MC prices are **controlled** by market demand and supply. If you think they are too expensive because you want to buy them, there are people that think they are too cheap because they want to sell them. The price on the market is a balance between those ... it couldn't be any MORE under control than it already is.

> > >

> > > Only that anet introduced a much higher demand with HoT due to legendary 2.0 needing an additional 250 coins and also for stuff in the guild hall. It was made scarce. They used to be dirt cheap (too cheap maybe). That said, instead of this the T6 mats were much much in higher demand back then.

> >

> > But that's my point ... Anet can't introduce more sources to control the price ... because it means they literally can't add more MC's to other recipes or ensure the demand players have for them is constant ... the idea that more sources controls the TP price is ... ignorant.


> Of course they can! They already have ... the amount of coins a single account can get per month as nearly doubled(40 versus 74) or more than doubled if you add in the RNG based sources, dailies and PvP tournaments. The additional sources for clovers can also be a source for coins although not entirely since coins are also used in other recipes.


> Why people haven't gone for them is a completely different discussion though.


> However this is not meant to be a counter point. It is just that we already have proof that sources can be added without having much impact. It all depends on where it gets added.


> I guess my point is that other sources exist, if people think prices are too high then they should go get it themselves from the other source.(insert stuff about opportunity cost that I am too lazy to write :p)


You guys don't get it ... just introducing more sources of MC's doesn't control the price on the TP. I'm not saying they can't introduce more sources ... of course they can. I'm saying that they can't introduce more sources to control TP prices because it doesn't work that way.

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > @"phs.6089" said:

> > What happened to farm gold, buy mystic coins?


> If everyone does that, the supply outstrips the demand even further than it already has until they're 5g each....


> Economy 101


That's not a problem ... that's when people think "oh i should stop hoarding these MC's".


I glad you took Economics 101 because then you know why the TP works as it should and why it's nonsense to talk about 'expensive' mats on the TP.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > > > @"phs.6089" said:

> > > > What happened to farm gold, buy mystic coins?

> > >

> > > If everyone does that, the supply outstrips the demand even further than it already has until they're 5g each....

> > >

> > > Economy 101

> >

> > Then the correct value of those coins would then be 5g. Economy 101.

> Economy 101: "economy" and "correct" have nothing to do with each other. Economy doesn't concern itself with "correctness".


> That's one of the causes behind this thread (and all other similar ones), by the way.


True, not going to argue with that.


So if the economy is working and functional, but a player feels that something in that economy is not valued according to what he wants it to be, that person would have to bring forth good arguments as to why there should be interruptions to said economy and balance.


Because I want something to be cheaper is an argument, but not a very good one in this case.


EDIT: I am now up to 47 Mystic Coins and 2 Mystic Clovers since the last time I wrote in this thread, and 150-200 gold richer. The Mystic Coins (and lack of Mystic Clovers) are the main gate I have to crafting Coalescence (I have all the collections done). Yet I still would not favor interrupting the economy. It's not always about what one wants and what one might benefit the most in a specific moment. At least not when considering balance or the well being of the game.

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> 1.42s buy order 1.55s insta buy now.


> Can something be done about this already?




> By the way


Still don't see the problem. If people are willing to pay those prices, then that's the price they will get posted on. If anything, the fact that the buy/sell price is so close should be a REALLY good hint for anyone with a little sense of the direction the price of these MC's are heading ...

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> 1.42s buy order 1.55s insta buy now.


> Can something be done about this already?


Just what are you hoping will be done about it? You want it to rain mystic coins in Lion’s Arch? Or maybe Anet should send you a gift because you’re so poor as to “only” have made a few legendaries?


People have already pointed out many strategies to get more mystic coins directly or earn more gold to buy them. Beyond that, you can wait until the demand diminishes after those who want the newest legendaries stat have gotten them. The new stable point might be higher than before, but it is likely to go down in a few months — by which time you’ll probably most of what you need unless you do naught but sit here and complain. :unamused:


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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> 1.42s buy order 1.55s insta buy now.


> Can something be done about this already?

Done about what? The market is responding to a temporary increase in demand, which means people who don't want to wait are willing pay more. If you do not want to pay more, then wait.




> By the way

You don't seem to understand that this means the opposite of there being a problem: the grey market traders want the most stable item to use as an alternative currency, not one with constant fluctuations, not one that has a tendency to rise sharply over time (or fall sharply). MCs are a great choice because they are worth around a gold, allowing people to trade up to 1500 gold in a single email without worrying about the currency limits in the game. They are also in great enough supply that any one wanting to trade can get them from the TP at any time they want. And at the same time, there's a limited supply, so that people can't generate them too frequently.


Amalgamated Gemstones are a competitive choice, with less stability. Worse, people can make AmGems whenever they want.


FYI the specific policy referenced in the post is that people using the [GW2 Exchange](https://www.reddit.com/r/GW2Exchange) on Reddit are required to post a price in MC for items valued at more than 500 gold. People can still sell for gold if they prefer. Or any other alternative (people have traded all sorts of things). The policy also pegs the price at the highest _buy_ offer.



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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> 1.42s buy order 1.55s insta buy now.


> Can something be done about this already?




> By the way


Nothing is something in this instance. Therefore, ANet does something about it every time they add or remove something from the game. They've decided that the price of coins on the trading post is not out line with what they think is acceptable given what they are used for.

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