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Shall we introduce Open World PvP to PvE maps?

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I don't want to have to wonder if the player coming up is a ganker who hasn't earned enough kills yet for a skull coming up or someone looking to farm the same node I'm at.


I get anxious enough going into WvW to do the PvE things to get my gift of battle. If that existed in the PvE environments, I would likely stop playing the game and wouldn't play again until I heard that it had been completely and entirely removed. I don't play video games for that level of anxiety.

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For me it would be a reason to uninstall the game. It would be against the principles of the game and the expansions that I bought.

I cannot understand how some people are so eager to ruin the game for other people.

This thread is just trolling because ArenaNet will never be so stupid to implement such nonsense.

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They could create new open world PvE maps that have PvP flagging enabled. I could see them adding Cantha in a later living world or expansion, and then making the slums have OWPvP.


But adding it to current PvE maps? Hell no. The way the meta events work would allow for trolling on a level unseen for ages.


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Personally, I am not big on PvP; if it were implemented in the expansions (Level 80 content) .You would have a lot more salt, much more grief, and the negatives seem to outweigh the positives. Additionally, this game was never aimed at that kind of PvP; it has its versions in WvW and SPVP. I wouldn't uninstall, I'd just stop playing for awhile. I don't feel like dealing with the toxicity that your proposition would garner.

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Open world PVP = a lot of casuals will quit = way less casual player buying gemstore stuff = open world PVPers need to pay more for Anet to make the same amount of money = Anet needs to incentivize these open world PVPers to pay more = P2W gears + P2W buffs + P2W mounts + endless grinding if u don't pay + endless ganking while you grind + it starts to sound familiar...

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OP are you insane?

The moment ANet introduces Open World PvP whole forum will flow in tears of casuals. This game is not adapted to PvP (neither in open world, nor in sPvP or WvW), and nowadays even WoW after X years turned off 90% of World PvP section because normies were Q_Q'ing that they cannot casually kill mobs, chill and do quests.


Personally, Id love to see Open World PvP, if that existed I would even try PvE instead of constant PvP and WvW. But as I said, can only imagine amount of salty whisps like "Moom, he's beating me in video game, please tell him sth", so its never gonna happen.


Beautiful times

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> @"Cardolan.9123" said:

> Open world PVP = a lot of casuals will quit = way less casual player buying gemstore stuff = open world PVPers need to pay more for Anet to make the same amount of money = Anet needs to incentivize these open world PVPers to pay more = P2W gears + P2W buffs + P2W mounts + endless grinding if u don't pay + endless ganking while you grind + it starts to sound familiar...


Also there's this "implemented properly = having zero impact to casual PVEers", and in this case:

Having zero impact ot casual PVEers = no interference to PVE gameplay + no damage to game economy + no interaction/harrassment to PVEers = literally a new WVW map designed akin to PVE maps would do the trick.

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No! If I was in anyway interested in this there are other games that provide it and from my experience every game that game that does provide this in no way is it improved by its implementation. If I want competitive game play I can and do play in PvP(I have played in every PvP season and before regularly) and WvW(presently running at about rank 637)side of the game so the only reason for this is to try and push players who have no interest in it and those successfully alienate section of game's playing population for no other reason except to cater to a VERY small groups ego.

Thanks but NO THANKS!

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Sigh, once again it seems that someone wants to change most of the game to suit only the way they want to play. Kudos to those who pointed out in detail all the reasons why this idea will not work. I'm just going to reiterate what is becoming my standard response when these kinds of posts pop up. Forcing one game mode on everyone will cause those who don't want to play that mode to leave. If most of GW2 became open world pvp I know I'd leave. If I wanted that kind of game I'd be playing something else, like BDO or Fortnite Battle Royale. (I have four grandsons in high school and junior high who love Battle Royale. As their 70 year old grandfather I can't even begin to play on the level they do. Just watching them play wears me out. :) )


One of GW2s core strengths is its diversity, offering a range of game modes and skill levels to attract a wide variety of players. Options are a better long term survival strategy for GW2 than transforming itself into a single mode game. If PvP players are not happy with their current options suggest ways to improve what already exists or offer ideas for new options. Don't try to change the whole game into PvP though. Even if all the technical obstacles could be overcome, too many people would leave, crippling if not killing the game.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> Allow player killing in open world PvE maps.


> **Safe and PvP zones**


> * All Core vanilla maps where new players usually start will be safe zones.

> * All major Cities will be safe zones.

> * HOT and POF maps will allow player killing outside of major Cities.


> **Skull Tiers**

> Players who initiate attacking others will have a skull above their heads.


> * White skull = attacked someone but 0 kills

> * Yellow skull = 1-10 kills

> * Purple skull = 11-50 kills

> * Black skull = 51-100 kills

> * Red skull = 101++ kills


> **Rewards and Penalties**


> * There are no rewards for killing skull-less players.

> * Players can attack skulled foes with no penalties / skulls placed on them.

> * Higher Skull tiers will have harsher penalties upon death.

> * There are better rewards for killing foes with higher Skull tiers.


> **Notes**


> * Skulls reset the moment a skulled player is killed.

> * Skulls reset if the player stops attacking anyone for 24 hours while logged-in.

> * A Skulled player who was killed cannot attack anyone again for the next 24 hours.

> * Player name and location appears on the Bounty boards when they reach Black Skull and above.

> * New achievements both for reaching the different Skull tiers and killing different Skull tiered foes.


Why are you wasting time asking when you full well know it won't happen?


Also, you're not getting duel spots either...


> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> I'm not against 1v1 dueling, with restrictions to areas. But as other's noted, to do this right requires a lot of work. (Specified duel areas, a way to change the skill ruleset used based on an area rather than a whole map, etc.


> We have so many higher priorities that I can't see us ever actually getting to this in the foreseeable future. Especially as we already have the means for players to create their own 1v1's via custom arenas.



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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > No, the core game philosophy is cooperative PvE. Open world PvP would change it to something I did not pay for and do not wish to pay for. In addition, ANet has already weighed in on this topic.

> >

> > >[[Open world PvP]](http://www.mmorpg.com/blogs/TemperHoof/072012/23486_Guild-Wars-2-Redefines-Open-World-PVP)

> > >The overall design for Guild Wars 2 does not support fully open world PvP and it would take a prohibitive amount of work to even make it possible. World versus world is our version of open world PvP, and while it isn’t ‘true’ open world PvP for more PvP purists, it does contain many of the elements that make world PvP so exciting. Hopefully it will mostly satisfy people that want open world PvP. — Mike Ferguson


> When was that comment made though?

> Hopefully things might have changed since then.


We’re going to think about this for a little bit...


The game is mostly funded by pve players who have 0 interest in pvp.


The devs already stated it would require a “prohibitive” amount of work.


If the devs poured time and money (at the cost of a ton of other game updates, and just after 100+ staff were recently laid off) to create force pvp for new xpacs, then most players won’t buy it. GW2 loses money as a result, and Anet closes up shop way sooner than later for mishandling their game...


All a really good and well thought-out idea, right?


...It’s helpful to the community if you put more thought into posts and ideas before you actually post them.

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