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Add Scaling To All Instances

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Hello! Please vote on whether you think that all instance content; dungeons, fractals, etc should be scaled to support solo players. This would be something similar to how story mode is, where solo player content is supported. Since dungeons are a thing of the past, and fractals aren’t meant to be tough end game content, then I see no reason why there isn’t solo player scaling for it. Well give your thoughts and opinions below.


NOTE: This does NOT include raids. Raids are intended for the sole purpose of small group content for hardcore gamers.

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More than 90% of the game is designed for solo play. SOme of the remaining 10%, not specifically designed for solo play, can still be soloed by those willing to put in the effort. I do not think that the remaining less than 10% needs to be reworked to be soloed. If having more than 90% of the game's content oriented specifically for your preferred play style is insufficient for you...I don't know what to tell you.

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Fractals and explorable dungeons absolutely not!


Dungeon Story modes however should absolutely scale for a solo player due to their relevance and connection to the personal story.

I've been a long time supporter of this for nearly the entire game's lifespan.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> Fractals and explorable dungeons absolutely not!


> Dungeon Story modes however should absolutely scale for a solo player due to their relevance and connection to the personal story.

> I've been a long time supporter of this for nearly the entire game's lifespan.


I'd rather see story mode for dungeons integrated into the personal story itself, with a small overhaul to make the PS replayable.


Though thanks to power creep and the incredibly ease of core content, dungeon story modes are pretty much soloable as is, so long as you have a half-competent build.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > Fractals and explorable dungeons absolutely not!

> >

> > Dungeon Story modes however should absolutely scale for a solo player due to their relevance and connection to the personal story.

> > I've been a long time supporter of this for nearly the entire game's lifespan.


> I'd rather see story mode for dungeons integrated into the personal story itself, with a small overhaul to make the PS replayable.


> Though thanks to power creep and the incredibly ease of core content, dungeon story modes are pretty much soloable as is, so long as you have a half-competent build.


From what i read about Arah Dungeon, it's story got removed and is now personal story instance so why can't Anet do the same for the rest? I hate having to watch youtube video or read wiki.

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> @"Ultramex.1506" said:

> > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > Fractals and explorable dungeons absolutely not!

> > >

> > > Dungeon Story modes however should absolutely scale for a solo player due to their relevance and connection to the personal story.

> > > I've been a long time supporter of this for nearly the entire game's lifespan.

> >

> > I'd rather see story mode for dungeons integrated into the personal story itself, with a small overhaul to make the PS replayable.

> >

> > Though thanks to power creep and the incredibly ease of core content, dungeon story modes are pretty much soloable as is, so long as you have a half-competent build.


> From what i read about Arah Dungeon, it's story got removed and is now personal story instance so why can't Anet do the same for the rest? I hate having to watch youtube video or read wiki.


To play the devil's advocate against my want, with Arah it would no doubt have been easier in comparison because it was already part of the personal story - the personal story required players to do the dungeon - IIRC, the waypoints and whatnot are still there, so I think all they did was downscale the instance a bit by turning elite mobs into regular mobs, and removed the one spot where multiple players were needed. If so, then it's still technically a dungeon.


With the other seven, however, on top of rescaling, they'd have to create a new story step for each story dungeon. There's also the flow; every chapter from level 40 onward leads directly into the next; it already creates a slight discrepancy if you're doing the PS as you level, but they'd have to rework a couple story instances, depending on where the dungeons get placed.


It wouldn't be a _lot_ of work, but doing so for even just one dungeon story mode would be more work than Arah.


That said, IMO, they really, really should do it.

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My opinion is that they story instances should be conceptually merged with classic dungeons to create a new story system that combines classic dungeons with LW story instances. They can then make some of the story instances proper dungeons to build off of that system.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > Fractals and explorable dungeons absolutely not!

> >

> > Dungeon Story modes however should absolutely scale for a solo player due to their relevance and connection to the personal story.

> > I've been a long time supporter of this for nearly the entire game's lifespan.


> I'd rather see story mode for dungeons integrated into the personal story itself, with a small overhaul to make the PS replayable.


> Though thanks to power creep and the incredibly ease of core content, dungeon story modes are pretty much soloable as is, so long as you have a half-competent build.


I'd be fine with that, dungeon story modes are really messed up at the moment.

AC at 30, CM at 40.. both of which take place after a level 40 personal story instance in LA yet you're invited to both dungeons via mail before this story instance when you hit the level requirement.

This should be changed so that AC mail is recieved after the level 40 personal story instance and each dungeon mail requires both a level cap and completion of the previous dungeon story mode before triggering.

That small change would be a huge improvement for story continuity.


As for the powercreep thing, yes it's possible to solo dungeons but it's not particularly easy..

I did a solo story run faily recently (a few months back) and Honor of the Waves was the only story instance I couldn't solo.

That dungeon has a serious difficuly spike compared to the others, I struggled through most of the boss encounters but was able to get to the final boss but he straight up obliterated me every time.

I'd need a far more specialized build to take him down solo.

While it was fairly easy to run most of them solo I would not dare to speculate that this would be repeatable on every class with various builds.. and that's where the problem is.

While it's possible to solo them it's extremely build restrictive due to it's 5 man scaling.. and I wouldn't dare to attempt it without a fully geared out level 80 character likely running an elite spec.. so if you're playing the game normally, leveling up through the story and wanting to do solo dungeon stories at the appropriate time it's extremely unlikely that's possible.. and if you decide to take people along instead then you run the risk of being kicked for wanting to watch the cutscenes and take in all the lore becuase you're "slowing everyone else down"

If Arah Story was worth the time to rescale for solo players then I see no reason why the other story modes shouldn't deserve the same.

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fractals are absolutely intended to be tough end game content; that some of the high skill players can solo some t1 fractal encounters (and a few of the highest skill even at higher teirs) with extremely specific builds, something that the sheer majority of players will not be able to do (especially at t4) simply indicates that anet wants most people to be able to play that content; the best players will always find ways to get through encounters that dont have hard set group mechanics (fyi a good quarter or more of fractals have hard group requirements, eg swampland, and their mechanics would need to be completely altered to allow solo play), even some raid encounters could be/maybe still are solo-able by the absolute highest skill people with specific builds.


maybe one should look for single player games if they do not intend to group up in an mmo?

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> More than 90% of the game is designed for solo play. SOme of the remaining 10%, not specifically designed for solo play, can still be soloed by those willing to put in the effort. I do not think that the remaining less than 10% needs to be reworked to be soloed. If having more than 90% of the game's content oriented specifically for your preferred play style is insufficient for you...I don't know what to tell you.


How so? I would state the opposite and I’ve played for a long time.

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> @"Adry.7512" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > More than 90% of the game is designed for solo play. SOme of the remaining 10%, not specifically designed for solo play, can still be soloed by those willing to put in the effort. I do not think that the remaining less than 10% needs to be reworked to be soloed. If having more than 90% of the game's content oriented specifically for your preferred play style is insufficient for you...I don't know what to tell you.


> How so? I would state the opposite and I’ve played for a long time.


You would state the opposite of my point that nearly all of the game can be soloed?


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