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why you do not promote PVP at all?

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So, for a few days now, every time I open the client, there is this announcement about Core WvW or whatever, and that got me thinking why I have never seen anything like that for PvP.


Genuine question: why can't you put something like "PvP Monthly is up next saturday! Come see it in Twitch.tv/GW2" and just host Jaw or Jebro or someone else that transmits it every single month? Or just straight up put up their channels in the announcement, if it is too hard for your twitch channel to host them.


Is there a reason for this lack of promotion? I've never seen even a single tweet about monthly or any other PvP related event from you guys. I'm really curious about it.

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keeping the numbers low means very few ppl complaining about pvp balance ans match making. A number ao little that them can actually ignore, like they been doing for like 7 years now. Promoting pvp would actually increase the numbers of unsatisfied ppl to a pnt they cant ignore anymore.



Forcing them to invest time (and money) in a game mode that gives em barely any profit

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To answer the topic, there is few easily explainable reason why they don't:

1) Average fight between two players lasts for 2 sec. PVP is completely messed up dumpster-fire of button mashing as it require nearly no skills to play, so people who are interested in skill-intense games avoid GW2 regarding pvp;

2) You can be 1shot by some classes out of stealth and there are no counter-play against that which makes PVP unfair and unfun;

3) Because Anet focus all new content on PVE, because they failed to enter e-sport scene.

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ANET tried promoting PvP with the Legendary backpack. Unfortunately... the smurfing and win streaking of the first couple of seasons drove away many of the people the legendary attracted. **The "Year of Ascension" was a net loss.**


To successfully promote PvP, you'd need a way to avoid having the new people steam rolled. *This in turn would mean restricting the top tier players, something ANET has stated it's not going to do.*


**ANET's policy of high end players > low end players means that a PvP promotion would likely be another net loss.** The low end players would simply be served up as feeders.


That policy also means that PvP population is likely to naturally fall, because "new blood" isn't being attracted.

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Anet tried hard for few years, teaming up with esl, organizing public events... And support was non existant.

So they stopped caring about promoting because it never got public attention.


In fact it was so low, that gvgs driven by community achieved higher live twitch viewers than official tournaments streams.

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> @"Ansau.7326" said:

> Anet tried hard for few years, teaming up with esl, organizing public events... And support was non existant.

> So they stopped caring about promoting because it never got public attention.


> In fact it was so low, that gvgs driven by community achieved higher live twitch viewers than official tournaments streams.


1000 was the views not not important events (showcasing lesser teams) .

1350 was for gvg

2900, was for speedrunner dungeon compatition (with the team using the Fiery Rush (elementalist) skill and stacking mobs in the corner)

In a period of 2-3 weeks


Why not support PvE then ?:)



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> @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

> To answer the topic, there is few easily explainable reason why they don't:

> 1) Average fight between two players lasts for 2 sec. PVP is completely messed up dumpster-fire of button mashing as it require nearly no skills to play, so people who are interested in skill-intense games avoid GW2 regarding pvp;

> 2) You can be 1shot by some classes out of stealth and there are no counter-play against that which makes PVP unfair and unfun;

> 3) Because Anet focus all new content on PVE, because they failed to enter e-sport scene.


That's weird... I was thinking gw2 PvP has the deepest most skillful combat out of any PvP game, including those outside its genre, like Overwatch and League of Legends.


The problem seems to be that gw2 is too difficult for players like yourself to learn.


Maybe we need an easy-mode for you.

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> @"Ansau.7326" said:

> In fact it was so low, that gvgs driven by community achieved higher live twitch viewers than official tournaments streams.


No they didn't, PvP got much higher views.


Chemsorly at best used to get about 2-3k if the GvG was between the top 2 or 3 guilds (e.g TA vs LAG), then next week when it wasn't those top guilds he'd be back down to 400 viewers, basically the same as Koroshi used to get for roaming in WvW.


The highest a PvP tourney ever got was about 15k, even the player made ones had more viewers than GvG, the Team Paradigm one for example had about 5k.


As flawed as PvP was as a viewing spectacle, GvG just took everything that was bad (overload of visual effects, snowballing, etc) and made it a million times worse.

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I really don't think promoting one of the more toxic areas of the game would gain them any long standing players fast. I got the backpack and my word it not something i would to do again anytime soon.

The place doubled my block list.

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> @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

> ANET tried promoting PvP with the Legendary backpack. Unfortunately... the smurfing and win streaking of the first couple of seasons drove away many of the people the legendary attracted. **The "Year of Ascension" was a net loss.**


> To successfully promote PvP, you'd need a way to avoid having the new people steam rolled. *This in turn would mean restricting the top tier players, something ANET has stated it's not going to do.*


> **ANET's policy of high end players > low end players means that a PvP promotion would likely be another net loss.** The low end players would simply be served up as feeders.


> That policy also means that PvP population is likely to naturally fall, because "new blood" isn't being attracted.



well said

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